Unparalleled in the world

Volume 2: Entering Witchcraft with Martial Arts Chapter 964: Eternal Motion (Supports Genuine Versio

Chapter 964: Eternal Motion (support genuine version~)

"Emperor Emperor Hui?"

The Great Sun Emperor's hair was disheveled and his face was covered in blood. His bun was shattered by a blow from Emperor Hui's sacrifice of the Heavenly Merit Ruler. He was also punched on the face by God King Tanzu, which collapsed the bridge of his nose. He was in such a miserable state that he could no longer do anything. With a calm look on his face, he said in a cold voice: "You can actually become an emperor, but it took me longer to become an emperor than you. If I hadn't been worried about being feared by the Heavenly Emperor, I would have become an emperor hundreds of years ago!" Di Hui, your strength is not as good as mine. If you take action against me, you are seeking your own death!"

"Emperor of the Sun, you are just a corpse. You don't even dare to become an emperor. You have to wait for hundreds of years. But I am the one who comes from behind. Who is superior and inferior can be seen clearly at a glance!"

Emperor Hui smiled. The Heavenly Merit Measurement Ruler was like a flat heavenly pillar, standing slantingly among the eighteen merit golden wheels. The golden wheels rotated to warm this imperial weapon.

New emperors often do not have the imperial weapons at their disposal due to lack of qualifications. For example, the Taixu God King, although powerful, has just become an emperor and has not had time to refine his own imperial weapons.

But Di Hui is different. He inherited the treasure trove of his father, Di Ku, and this ruler of merit and virtue is the imperial weapon trained by Di Ku!

Emperor Ku Neng competed with Cang Tian for the position of Emperor of Heaven. Although he was defeated in the end, his strength was extraordinary. The power of the Heaven Measuring Merit Ruler was extremely powerful, almost as good as the Blue Emperor's Landscape Map!

This heaven-measuring merit ruler is a rare treasure that he forged with immeasurable merit. With this treasure in hand, the merits will be added to the body, and it will be invulnerable to all methods!

Although the Emperor of the Great Sun has refined the Great Sun Pure Yang Palace into imperial weapons, in terms of quality, the Great Sun Pure Yang Palace is an imitation of the real Pure Yang Palace after all, and is far less powerful than this ruler of measuring merit. Although He became an emperor earlier, but his emperor's wisdom is not weak, and coupled with the ruler of merit and virtue, he can definitely be said to be his strong rival!

Di Hui's figure flashed and suddenly appeared next to the Great Sun Emperor. The merit ruler fell down, and the sky was filled with the sound of Taoist singing. The phantoms of the gods and kings of the heavens and billions of living beings emerged from the merit ruler. With heavy blessings, the power is enough to shake the heavens, and it is even more powerful than the blow just now!

"My ruler for measuring heaven's merits can gather immeasurable merits. Let alone beating you, even if the Emperor of Heaven does not practice morality, he can still whip you!"

At the same time, Tianyaoji activated the Tianji formation to deceive Tianji. Millions of heavenly soldiers and generals surrounded many strong men under the three emperors. The formation unfolded, and the entire Taixu Divine Mansion became dim and unclear, and the direction was unclear. .

This formation itself is extremely powerful. Tianyao Ji once used this formation to almost wipe out all the villains on the wanted list in the world. It was so powerful. If Ye Xu hadn't stepped in, Wusheng Patriarch and others would have been slaughtered by her. , and achieved her prestige!

She assisted Di Hui and almost brought down the entire Central Juntian Divine Realm. She had countless strong men under her command. Even the original Patrol Angel Martial Temple now all surrendered to Di Hui and was under her command.

Di Hui rehearsed the Tianji chess game for her, and the grand formation was activated, cutting many powerful men under the three emperors into pieces, making it difficult to join forces.

Su Qiaoqiao, God King of Creation and others were refreshed, and hurriedly activated the Luotian Divine Mirror with all their strength, working together internally and externally, trying to break through the siege as soon as possible and join the Tianji formation.

Ye Xu strategized and waited for this rare opportunity to overcome the current difficulties with the help of Emperor Hui.

I saw that he was in the formation of the Twelve Divine Evils in Yantian. He was still relaxed, as if he didn't feel any pressure at all. No matter how the formation operated, it could not hurt him at all. Instead, it helped him refine the Tao. Yun is the divine pattern, urging him to break through to the God King!

"In just a few more moments, I can transform all the Tao charms around my body into divine patterns, and through these two ways of proving the Tao with my body and with my soul, I can also rise to the level of a divine king!"

Ye Xu closed his eyes and concentrated, sealed off all his spiritual consciousness, turned a deaf ear to the battle outside, devoted himself wholeheartedly to cultivation, forcing himself to improve as quickly as possible.

In his mind, the understanding of various avenues surged forward like the waves of the Yangtze River. His body and soul were absorbing divine patterns all the time, moving towards a higher level!

"Becoming a God King is now!"

Ye Xu's body trembled, he raised his head suddenly, opened his mouth and inhaled, like a whale swallowing a rainbow, Taoist rhymes came from all over the sky, and they were all sucked into his belly. Suddenly, divine patterns overflowed from his body and floated behind him!

His aura suddenly surged, and even the Twelve Divine Kings of Yantian could not suppress it. There was only a loud bang, and a surging air wave rushed away from the top of the formation of the Twelve Divine Evils of Yantian, and the energy and blood were like Pillar, billions of divine patterns combined with qi and blood turned into a pillar of light, which crashed into the Tianji Formation with a bang, causing the formation to float endlessly and crack a corner!

Wherever the divine pattern air pillar passed, the great array of heavenly secrets melted like snow, and in the clear sky of Yuqing Realm, the air pillar swayed slightly, and suddenly there was only a crisp sound of rushing, and sacred and spectacular heavens appeared one after another. In the Qi Pillar, the Immortal Palace and the Heavenly Palace are clearly visible, and there are hells and underworlds that suppress the endless evil energy.

And between heaven and earth, there is the human world. The three thousand worlds are like three thousand magical instruments, rotating endlessly and with myriad phenomena.


A huge six-path samsara rotates endlessly, and a heavenly canopy rises, covering the heaven and earth, and above the canopy, a sky outside the sky, the Great Luotian, suddenly appears, with obscure avenues flowing in it, making a loud sound!

All kinds of strange phenomena spewed out, so that everyone in the middle of the battle was distracted to check.

"Promoted to God King, there are so many visions, so complicated, the glory of the heavens has been covered by you, you can't be spared!"

The Eternal Emperor's body moved, and he turned away from Emperor Jing. His huge body bent down, his face covering the entire Yuqing Realm Qingwei Tian, ​​covering Taixu Divine Mansion, a vast holy land millions of miles away, and a big hand fiercely struck He took the shot and placed a loud bang on the top of the pillar of air, and said sternly: "Senior Brother Lihen, come and stop Emperor Duanjing, and I'll kill this kid!"

Emperor Duanjing sacrificed the Yantian Divine Furnace, and the Divine Furnace suddenly became extremely huge. When it was pulled down, it actually planned to put the Eternal Emperor's entire body into the furnace and refine it into ashes. But at this moment, the thirty-two heavens of the Lihen Realm suddenly appeared below the Divine Furnace, and a Sumeru sacred mountain slowly rose from the thirty-two heavens of the Lihen Realm, getting bigger and bigger, holding up the Yantian Divine Furnace. , don’t let the divine furnace fall.

Lord Lihen moved his body and forcibly moved the Golden Bridge of God King Taixu. He saw the Golden Bridge crossing the sky. The next moment, it appeared at the feet of Emperor Duanjing. He said with a smile: "Senior Sister Duanjing, Senior Brother Taixu, please be patient. Wait for this battle to end, and you and I will be the masters of the day together!"

The Eternal Emperor pressed down his big hand, and felt that the air column formed by this energy and blood was so tough that it almost made him unable to let go of his big hand. He was shocked again, and all his mana surged out and fell suddenly.


Daluotian was the first to be hit, and many obscure avenues were squeezed and broken. The heaven suddenly collapsed and fell.

Taking advantage of the victory, the Eternal Emperor pursued the victory, smashed the canopy of heaven with his big hand, and the Qingwei Tian of Yuqing Realm suddenly collapsed. Then he crushed the heavens one by one, three thousand worlds collapsed, eighteen levels of hell, and the six reincarnations shattered. !

The power of the Eternal Emperor is so powerful. He can stop Emperor Duanjing without using all his strength, or even raising his imperial soldiers. This time, he went all out and smashed all the billions of divine patterns into pieces, turning them into Hongmeng Purple Qi. , a dense atmosphere!

"Master Yuxu Palace is dead!"

The Eternal Emperor was overjoyed. The divine pattern was shattered, which meant that his cultivation was abolished. Ye Xu had just become a divine king and was hit by him like this. There was absolutely no chance of a comeback!

"Hongmeng! Hongmeng!"

Suddenly there was a loud sound between heaven and earth, and many broken divine patterns disintegrated and turned into Hongmeng purple energy, which suddenly condensed and turned into Hongmeng Avenue, like a small Hongmeng membrane embryo, and like a heart, beating thumpingly.

The Eternal Emperor was shocked. This Hongmeng membrane embryo was exactly the same as the Hongmeng membrane embryo in the Tomb of the Ancestral Gods, but it was countless times smaller. The original countless divine patterns were all turned into Hongmeng Avenue. Ye Xu's cultivation was not affected by him. Crush it with one palm!

"Prove the Tao with your own body? I'll break you to pieces and see how you prove the Tao with your own body!"

He was frightened and angry in his heart, and he pressed down hard with his big hand. He saw this big hand pressing the Hongmeng membrane body and falling, crashing into the formation of the Twelve Divine Evils in Yantian!


The formation of the Twelve Divine Evils in Yantian was torn apart. The twelve god kings vomited blood and fell apart, leaving only Ye Xu in the formation!

I saw Ye Xu standing in the Hongmeng Membrane, holding up the Jade Tower with one hand, and the Eternal Emperor's palm slapped on the Jade Tower. The power of the two exploded, and then all the twelve God Kings of Yantian were knocked away!

The Eternal Emperor snorted coldly, used his big hand to exert force, poured down the power, and pressed down hard. He heard Ye Xu suddenly let out a long laugh, and laughed loudly: "Senior Brother Eternal, thank you very much!"

The Hongmeng membrane embryo shrank rapidly. Ye Xu relied on the power of the Eternal Emperor's palm to press all the countless Hongmeng Hongmeng avenues into his body, closely integrating with his body, and even the avenues gushed into the Purple Mansion between the eyebrows, Absorbed by Yushu Yuanshen, the two methods of enlightenment were promoted simultaneously!

"Lend my power to help you break through and become a god-king?"

The Eternal Emperor's heart was shocked, and he suddenly realized that if it hadn't been for his attack, it would have taken Ye Xu two or three years to practice to become a God King before he could absorb the Hongmeng Membrane Embryo and fully cultivate to realize the Tao with his own body. Now he is going all out One blow was equivalent to giving Ye Xu a helping hand, saving him two or three years of hard work!

"Senior Brother Yongheng, you also receive my blow!"

Ye Xu opened his eyebrows, and the jade tree flew out, blending into the jade tower. He stood up suddenly, held up the jade tower, and all the power of the fifty heavens and earth exploded. He bounced the palm of the eternal emperor away, and only heard the extremely loud and clear sound in the jade tower. The sound rang out, as if the gods, Buddhas, gods and demons all over the sky were singing in unison, praising the greatness of the avenue.

"When I became enlightened..."

This sound hit, and when the Eternal Emperor heard the word "proving the truth", he was confused and his heart was shocked: "Oops, is he going to prove the truth?"

"I lied to you!"

Ye Xu laughed loudly, took one step forward, and appeared next to the Eternal Emperor the next moment. He punched away, shaking the heavens, and his power was unparalleled!

The Eternal Emperor was furious. In the aura behind him, dense crowds of gods and demons appeared. They all shouted loudly: "Don't move! Don't move! Indestructible! Immortal! My body is eternal!"

"Eternal freedom!"

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