Unparalleled in the world

Volume 2: Using Martial Arts to Become a Witcher Chapter 944: The Lord of Kshatti (Chapter 1, please

Chapter 944: The Lord of Kshatti (Chapter 1, please subscribe for a monthly ticket!)

Ye Xu has not returned to heaven for more than four years. When he saw the Eternal Emperor this time, he felt a bit like meeting a "hometown person". As for whether the Eternal Emperor thinks so, Ye Xu has no idea.

"The Eternal Emperor left the heaven for the Heavenly Tomb and appeared here. Could it be that he got the news that the Demon God Emperor had opened the Tomb of the Ancestral Gods, but was trapped in the tomb, so he also planned to come here to take advantage?"

Ye Xu's heart moved. There were many demon gods in Tianfen who had the same idea. They all wanted to come in to see if the Demon God Emperor was really dead, and also to see if he had a chance to obtain the Ancestral God, who was as good as the Yuanshi Heavenly King. The inheritance of the juxtaposed strong men, cultivate and prove the Tao with one's own body!

What he didn't expect was that the Eternal Emperor, a powerful man from the heaven, would actually come to join in the fun.

Eternity, Great Sun, and Lihen are the three great emperors of the heaven. Together with the Queen of Heaven who faked her death, there are four emperors in total. They are all ancient existences.

In addition, there is Taixu God King and Duanjing Goddess, who are about to become emperors. I don’t know if the two of them have eliminated their evil thoughts at this time.

The strength and foundation of the Heaven Realm are far inferior to those of the Heavenly Tomb. The death of any emperor is a great loss. If the Eternal Emperor enters the Heavenly Tomb and goes deep into the tomb of the ancestral gods, if he falls here, the strength and foundation of the Heaven Realm will be greatly damaged.

Moreover, the Eternal Emperor thought that he did not have enough strength to go deep into the Tomb of the Ancestral Gods, so he brought all the God Kings under his command. Ye Xu estimated that King Luo God had taken refuge in the Eternal Emperor and followed him to the Tomb of the Ancestral Gods.

The Eternal Emperor encountered a sneak attack by a powerful demon god, leading to the fall of King Luo Shen.

"Who is the demon god who is fighting against the Eternal Emperor? Is he one of the Eighth Palace Lords under the Demon God Emperor?"

Ye Xu looked towards the battlefield and saw that the demon god fighting against the Eternal Emperor was extremely powerful. This man had eighteen arms, eight heads, four legs, eight heads like a tower, and four heads on each side of his neck. , there are three heads growing on the top, and a head is growing on the top layer, which is very strange.

This person is sitting in the starry sky of the universe transformed by the Milky Way, and there are also many demon gods standing in the charm behind him, working together to stimulate cultivation and bless this demon god.

This demon god is described as extremely ancient, but his body is extremely strong, his attacks are wide open, and he is extremely domineering. The demon god's body itself is more powerful than other races. If he becomes an emperor, his body will be tempered into a soldier, which is as terrifying as an imperial soldier!

He challenged the ancient existence of the Eternal Emperor with his bare hands, and continued to attack.

The Eternal Emperor was sitting in the void, his body motionless. Many celestial rivers flowed around him and turned into stars. Suddenly they became the size of grains of sand and surrounded him. As he took action, among these stars The avenue roared, and its strength was still higher than that of the demon god!

There is no fireworks in his moves, the wind is light and the clouds are calm, but every palm can shake the world, the avenues contend, and when a palm falls, the starry sky is full of colorful patterns, and there are traces of the avenues everywhere!

The strength of this emperor is comparable to that of God Lihen, and he is worthy of being the oldest existence in the world!

"That's the Lord Kshatti!"

In the world transformed by the Tao Yun behind Ye Xu, the King of Hercules looked at it intently and said in a deep voice: "The Lord of Chashu does not obey the rule of the Emperor of God, so he is not in the Eighth Palace. He is the famous Lord of God in my heavenly tomb. , is extremely powerful, I didn’t expect him to come as well.”

In Tianfen, Shenjun is the title given by the devil to the emperor. Those who can be called Shenjun are all extremely remarkable people.

Ye Xu's heart moved and he said with a smile: "If I can get the physical body of the Kshadi God, I can refine the Heavenly Canopy... Even, maybe even the Eternal Emperor will fall..."

The Kshadi Divine Monarch is not the opponent of the Eternal Emperor, but it is similar, otherwise King Luo Shen would not have died. Ye Xu knows this very well. If both the Eternal Emperor and the Kshadi Divine Monarch are harmed, it will give Ye Xu an opportunity to take advantage of it in one fell swoop. Kill these two emperors!

Each of these two emperors has the blessing of a god king and is extremely powerful. Ye Xu's strength is far inferior to that of Ye Xu. However, if they both lose, Ye Xu is sure to kill them!

King Hercules shuddered and muttered, not knowing what he was talking about.

"The Eternal Emperor is truly worthy of his reputation!"

The Kshatti god suddenly stopped, and the eight heads spoke together, with a booming voice, and he laughed and said: "You and I are equally powerful, Uncle Zhong, why do we need to fight to the death? Why don't you and I just give up and let's explore the tomb of the ancestor gods together? If you and I join forces, we will definitely turn danger into disaster!"

The Eternal Emperor also stopped and said with a chuckle: "Khadi Divine Lord, you kill a god king under my command. If you don't leave an explanation, I'm afraid it will be difficult to justify it."

"It's easy to say, I'll kill one of you and give you one in return!"

The Kshadi Divine Lord laughed loudly, reached out and grabbed a god-king-level demon from the charm behind him, grabbed it in his hand, put his reach-out hand in front of the Eternal Emperor, and said: "Eternal Emperor, what do you think of my sincerity?"

The demon god looked horrified and shouted: "Lord God, I have taken refuge in you, and you actually let others kill me. I don't accept it!"

The Lord Kshatdi snorted coldly, his expression unchanged.

The Eternal Emperor chuckled, turned up his palm, brought it down with one palm, and beat the man's soul to pieces without leaving any bones. He said: "What the Lord Chasti said makes sense. In this case, you and I will work together to explore the tomb of the ancestor gods." !”

The two of them were smiling happily and seemed to have completely forgotten their previous unhappiness. They were like close friends for many years and walked hand in hand to the depths of the tomb of the ancestor gods.

Ye Xu was stunned, and after a long while he breathed out: "These two old foxes..."

Neither the Eternal Emperor nor the Kshatti God-Monarch are easy characters to deal with. It is definitely not a fluke that they have survived wars and carnage until now. Especially the Eternal Emperor, who even experienced a battle to siege the taboo existence, as well as a siege against the Queen of Heaven. You Zi can survive the war, which shows that this ancient emperor is not only amazingly powerful, but also knows the way to be aggressive and self-protective, and will not give anyone an opportunity to take advantage of him.

"My lord, in that battle just now, the Kshadi God Lord did not use all his strength, but hid his strength."

King Hercules said cautiously: "The name of Lord Kshadi in my sky tomb is not very good. He is infamous. He is a well-known expert in digging out household tombs! I heard that he has successively looted the tombs of other deceased gods. If he can harvest the corpses of other gods and transform them into weapons, he will definitely have more than one imperial weapon in hand! If he really tries his best, the Eternal Emperor may not be his opponent."

Ye Xu was startled for a moment, and suddenly realized: "In that battle just now, I'm afraid the Eternal Emperor didn't attack with all his strength! This old fox also didn't use the emperor's weapons, and he has lived for so long, and his background is so deep that even the Emperor Bisha Not inferior!”

King Hercules said that the Eternal Emperor was no match for the Chashu Emperor. Ye Xu didn't believe it at all. Not only did the Eternal Emperor have more than one imperial weapon, but there were also divine objects such as fragments of the World Tree. None of them appeared in this battle!

In addition, this old guy is the master of the Yantian Divine Realm, and all the forces in the Yantian Divine Realm need to pay tribute to him. His background is definitely still above that of the Chashu Emperor!

Ye Xu looked strange and thought: "Besides, as soon as this old fox heard about the tomb of the ancestors, he immediately ran over. It shows that he is also a good digger. The graves dug by him will never be better than There are only a few Kshatti gods, but there will only be more!”

Ye Xu would not be surprised if the Eternal Emperor took out such a valuable treasure as the Power of the Heavenly Emperor.

"The four great emperors of the heaven, Eternal, Lihen, Da Ri, and Queen of Heaven, each of them is not an easy master, and their scheming is extremely deep. This battle for the emperor of heaven will definitely be a battle between dragons and tigers!"

Ye Xu looked solemn and thought: "Although the Queen of Heaven faked her death and escaped, her strength and foundation are better than those of the other three emperors, she is not guaranteed to win!"

The battle for the throne is too deep, and currently Ye Xu can't tell which emperor is sure of ascending to the throne.

"I originally thought I could rival the emperor, but now it seems that I can rival the shirtless emperor..."

Ye Xu felt depressed in his chest and let out a sigh of relief.

He continued to walk forward, and saw the Tianhe River turning into a grand river, rushing towards the core of the Tomb of the Ancestral Gods. Here, Ye Xu even felt that even the avenue of heaven and earth in his body seemed to be greatly suppressed, and then As we go deeper into the Tomb of the Ancestral Gods, this suppressive force becomes stronger. It seems that here, the world has been restored to its original state and turned into chaos.

The demon king Hercules was even more unbearable. The divine patterns behind him had begun to become obscene, and he was suppressed and retracted into his body.

Chaos has not been opened, heaven and earth have not been created, so naturally there is no great way of heaven and earth!

In other words, if everything in the deepest part of the Tomb of the Ancestral God turns into chaos, and if he is suppressed to the point that he cannot even activate the avenue in his body, I am afraid that any witchcraft will be unable to be used, and so will the witch treasure. Lose all power!

This is the majesty of the Ancestral God, the aura of the Ancestral God!

This most ancient existence, even millions of years after his death, still has such an earth-shattering momentum, which is really terrifying!

However, Ye Xu's practice of Pan Wang's Open Heaven Scripture was to create the world from the chaos. The chaotic chaos in the tomb of the ancestor gods also meant a great opportunity for him, which was of great benefit to Pan Wang's Open Heaven Scripture!

Not only that, the heartbeat of the ancestral god resonated with his heartbeat, making his energy and blood strong to the extreme, greatly improving his combat power, giving him a first glimpse of the terrifying power of witnessing the Tao with his own body!

Suddenly, Ye Xu saw a golden avenue appearing in the vast Hongmeng River, like a passage, going straight to the deepest part of the Tomb of the Ancestral God!

This is the passage opened by the strong men who entered the Tomb of the Ancestral Gods with their own physical strength. There are many strong men who have entered the Tomb of the Ancestral Gods, including emperors, even heavenly emperors and devil emperors. They created this passage and let Ye Xu also has the possibility of entering the core of the Tomb of the Ancestral God!

"Finally we can see this legendary existence!"

Ye Xu suppressed his agitated mind and strode towards this golden avenue.

————Chapter 1, please subscribe for a monthly ticket~~

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