Unparalleled in the world

Volume 2: Entering Witchcraft with Martial Arts, Chapter 943: The Paintings Left Behind by the Qing

Chapter 943: The Legacy of the Qing Emperor (Second update, begging for monthly votes!)

Anyone who enters the Gate of Enlightenment will be tested by the Gate of Enlightenment. With Ye Xu's precedent, the God Crown Prince and others also cheered up and were cautious, lest they be killed by the sudden appearance of the Ancestral God Avenue incarnation. Capsized.

However, they each have magical powers, especially the Divine Crown Prince, who has the foundation of millions of demon gods from the Divine Dynasty. His strength is so strong that he has an overwhelming advantage even against the real emperor!

However, at this moment, Ye Xu has encountered the second Dao incarnation of the ancestral god. This oldest demon god is obviously the same as Ye Xu. When he escaped from the Taoist gate, he was besieged by an unknown Dao incarnation. Each one was more tyrannical than the other, and the other was more powerful than the other. It's hard to beat one.

For Ye Xu, this is simply a supreme training ground, allowing him to approach the realm of the God King step by step.

If it weren't for the incarnation of the Ancestral God's Dao that does not include the Dao that proves the Tao with one's own body, Ye Xu would not have even the slightest chance of gaining a foothold here, but would be directly beaten to death by the incarnation of the Dao!

Even though he was the incarnation of the Great Dao of Zushen Zaxue, Ye Xu was severely injured when he faced the ninth incarnation of the Great Dao in the ninth level. With his magical power to prove the Tao with his body and gods, he was almost shattered by that incarnation of the Tao. !

"I was almost forced to use my own skills..."

Ye Xu's body was in tatters, his Dao Yun was also in dilapidated condition, and his soul was beaten until the branches and leaves withered, almost killing him. His injuries were extremely serious, and they were clearly caused by the Dao. The Dao of the Ancestral God was in his body and soul. He Daoyun leaves traces that are extremely difficult to erase. If it cannot be removed, it may leave scars for life.

This battle was extremely difficult. Ye Xu used all kinds of methods, even using the Flame God Furnace, using the power of this imperial weapon to compete with the ninth incarnation of the Ancestral God, and even leaving the Goddess Duanjing behind. The magic power in the furnace inspired a blast, which finally destroyed the ninth incarnation of the Ancestral God!

"Yantian Divine Furnace, refining the physical soul!"

Ye Xu took a long breath, sat alone in the Yantian Divine Furnace, and activated the second magic power of Goddess Duanjing. Suddenly the heavenly fire in the Divine Furnace became tens of millions of times stronger, burning his physical body and spirit, and calcining his broken Dao. Yun, the Ancestral God's avenue scars shrank rapidly and were refined by the power of the Flame God Furnace!

Not long after, Ye Xu's physical body seemed to have been tempered and baptized, and everything was extremely radiant. Even the soul jade tree began to glow again, green and full of vitality.

"If there is an incarnation of the Great Ancestral God in front of me, it will definitely be more powerful. Then I will have to use all my strength and reveal all my secrets... huh?"

Ye Xu put away the Yantian Divine Furnace, his body trembled, and suddenly he felt an inexplicable feeling welling up in his heart. The Tao in his body roared, as if the gods and Buddhas in the sky were speaking, deafening and enlightening, making people hear and understand the Tao!

He sat cross-legged, with millions of branches and roots of a jade tree dancing beautifully behind him.

With a guilty conscience and a smile on his face, Ye stretched out his right hand, making a gesture of holding a flower, and saw strands of Taoist rhyme pouring out from his fingertips, becoming more and more dense, gradually building into divine patterns, and turning into a delicate and charming plant. The flower of the world blooms brilliantly, and contains many small Yuan realms and time and space.

He picked up the flower and smiled, and saw the world flower gradually withering, and layers of petals flying around him, extremely gorgeous.


All the petals together with the stems turned into Tao Yun, then penetrated into his body and disappeared.

"I have clearly felt the realm of the God King and am about to enter this realm and become the God King. Why do I suddenly come out of the realm of enlightenment and fail to become the God King?"

Ye Xu frowned slightly. The realization just now brought him so close to the realm of the God King. With just a little push, he could transform all the Taoist charms around his body into divine patterns and become the God King!

But unfortunately, he still fell short.

This is not a lack of cultivation. Ye Xu absorbed all the essence from the fragments of a world tree, and his cultivation accumulation has reached the level of a god king. After a series of fierce battles, he defeated an incarnation of the great ancestor god, and his mood improved. , and also touches the state of mind of the God King. Logically speaking, becoming a God King is a matter of course.

However, he still failed to achieve the status of God King, which shows that the problem is not due to his accumulation.

"Yes, what I practice is to realize the Tao with one's body and to realize the Tao with gods. Although I have accumulated enough through repeated fierce battles, my understanding of realizing the Tao with one's body and gods has not made much progress, so that I am stuck. At the peak level of the witch ancestor."

Ye Xu stood up, and the Yushu Yuanshen behind him suddenly flew up, fell into the center of his eyebrows, and disappeared. He thought to himself: "Only when I truly see the ancestor god and understand how he has demonstrated the Tao with his own body can he understand by analogy and allow me to perfect his body with his own body." Enlightenment of the magical power, understanding and perfecting it with God, and successfully becoming a God King!"

He frowned. On the way to the door of enlightenment, there will definitely be the incarnation of the Ancestral God. He will be more tyrannical than before. It can be said to be more dangerous than bad!

"This is forcing me to use all my strength and strength..." Ye Xu murmured.

Without any hesitation, he strode forward, on high alert to prepare for a possible battle at any time. However, to his surprise, Ye Xu walked thousands of miles forward without encountering an incarnation of the Great Dao.

On the contrary, in the sky above the floating bridge, strange phenomena appeared, which were traces of various avenues, carving out a vast and magnificent pattern on the sky, with green mountains and green water, lifelike, as if someone was holding a huge paintbrush to draw auspicious clouds and clouds. Use ink, thick ink and heavy colors, to paint high in the sky at the gate of enlightenment, draw mountains and rivers, and draw plants and animals, turning into a great river and mountain!

This landscape painting actually suppresses all the great avenues of the ancestor gods in the door to enlightenment, showing the profound cultivation of the avenues, which is definitely higher than the attainments of the ancestor gods who used treasures to achieve the enlightenment!

This picture is like splashing ink. The pen moves freely, and the body is indulgent. It can be said to be majestic. It suppresses the ancestor god, the oldest and most powerful demon emperor. Although he is the master of the ancestor god's miscellaneous studies, he can do this. The lowest level of people is the existence of enlightenment!

Ye Xu's heart was shaken, and he strode forward until he reached the end of the door to enlightenment. He looked up and saw that the vast landscape painting was finished, and the person who painted it left an inscription.

"Qinglian came here to paint a painting to commemorate his predecessors..."

When Ye Xu saw the signature, he couldn't help being completely speechless. He was very familiar with this handwriting. He had seen it once before on the Abbot Fairy Mountain. However, it was the words "Hehe, the new Witch Emperor Qinglian is here for a visit", which was different from the signature in front of him. Definitely made by the same person.

"Qing Emperor has also been here?"

Ye Xu was both angry and amused. It seemed that those ancient beings from the world of witchcraft liked to run around and leave their "visit here" words on various places of interest.

"Qing Emperor still uses his own name. It seems that when he came here, he had not yet proclaimed himself emperor and did not fight against Emperor Haotian. I wonder what his cultivation level was at that time?"

Ye Xu stared up at the sky. After watching for a long time, he saw the Qing Emperor painting, leaving endless vitality in the sky above the door of enlightenment, endless and endless, suppressing all the avenues of the ancestor gods.

This painting was painted with verve. It may have been left here for nearly a million years, but it still has such vast power, which is really admirable and awe-inspiring!

The strong men in the Heaven Realm are so stunningly beautiful that the painting of Qing Emperor left here is enough to make the strong men in the Tian Tomb dare not underestimate the Heaven Realm!

"It seems that Emperor Qing was already at the level of an emperor back then, and was probably close to the edge of enlightenment. I wonder if he reached the core of the Tomb of the Ancestral God and saw the Ancestral God?"

Ye Xu hesitated for a moment and then strode forward. The painting left by the Qing Emperor could definitely be called the strongest imperial weapon he had ever seen in his life. It was the Qing Emperor who saw the ancestral god's magical power of using treasures to prove the Tao. I had some enlightenment and started painting on a whim.

If this painting can be separated from the sky, it will definitely be an amazing rare treasure. Only the power of the Emperor of Heaven, a witch treasure between the treasure of enlightenment and the imperial weapon, can firmly suppress this painting.

But it is a pity that the Qing Emperor's painting is in the process of suppressing the door of enlightenment and is in recovery all the time. If you want to collect this painting, you must have the strength and cultivation of an emperor or even a peak emperor, and you must also cultivate the Qing Emperor's heart. Law.

After collecting this painting, he will be attacked by countless incarnations of the Ancestral God Dao in the Gate of Enlightenment. With Ye Xu's strength, he cannot resist it yet, so he can only look forward and sigh.

"This painting is given to God King Tanzu. He must be overjoyed."

Ye Xu smiled and said to himself: "After leaving the tomb of the ancestor gods, I will see if I have enough strength to collect this painting..."

"Huh? This corpse is... King Luo Shen!"

Ye Xu walked out of the door of enlightenment and suddenly saw the tattered body of a god king on the pontoon. The corpse was lying on the spot. He didn't know who killed him. It turned out to be the Luo Shen King among the god kings in the heaven!

Ye Xu was no stranger to this God King. King Luo God had always had a grudge against him and had attacked him at a court meeting. However, seeing the body of this God King still surprised him.

"Although King Luo Shen's cultivation is not weak, he definitely doesn't have the strength to get here. How could his body appear here?"

Ye Xu suddenly heard the sound of fierce fighting, and then heard a loud bang, like the sound of a heartbeat, shaking his blood. This heartbeat actually resonated with his heartbeat, causing his blood to tremble. It grew several times stronger in an instant, and its strength suddenly increased dramatically!

He hurriedly looked forward and saw that the Milky Way came here and suddenly cut off. The river water turned into billions of stars and galaxies, spreading all over the void, infinitely vast!

Galaxies are surging and moving in the void, as if they have strange trajectories, flying towards the depths of the Tomb of the Ancestral Gods!

An extremely vast and vast aura came from the deepest part of the Tomb of the Ancestral God, as if the oldest being was sleeping deep there!


Another heartbeat came from the deepest space and time, making Ye Xu's energy and blood even more vigorous. This was the heartbeat of the ancestral god, and Ye Xu also experienced the Tao with his own body, so the two of them resonated!

This heartbeat shattered countless stars. Ye Xu looked intently and saw that these stars turned into chaotic chaos, with purple energy flowing and surging, turning into a river of chaos in the deepest part of time and space, and rushing away!

"It turns out to be the Eternal Emperor!"

Ye Xu suddenly saw an ancient emperor sitting in the void, with the charm behind him opening up many divine realms. A divine king was sitting in his divine realm, including many of Ye Xu's acquaintances, and together they were stimulating the divine realm space behind the eternal emperor's head. , contending with another ancient demon god, fighting endlessly!

"Why did the Eternal Emperor come to the Tomb of the Ancestral God?" He wondered in his heart.

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