Unparalleled in the world

Volume 2: Using force to enter witchcraft Chapter 931: The whole army is annihilated

"Imperial soldiers!"

King Li Gong's eyes couldn't help but stare. He saw the sacred furnace with raging flames whizzing towards him, and streaks of charm growing out of the furnace. They were traces of avenues composed of pure firepower. The charms were entangled together, like dragons. The whip was grabbed by the goddess king who stood tall and strong, and whipped him hard!

First there was a treasure of unknown level such as the Heavenly Emperor's Power, and then there was an Imperial Soldier. King Li Gong suddenly knew that he might have kicked a hard rock.

"I didn't expect that there would be such a master among this big flower!"

He hurriedly moved the canopy to protect his whole body. He saw the canopy rising into the sky, with beads hanging down one after another. Ding Linglong fell down. Each bead was the size of a fist, exquisite and exquisite, but it was made from stars. The jade beads and necklaces emitted various colors of light, and there were colorful clouds steaming up above the canopy, but they were refined by him from a group of nebulae.

The canopy received the whip of Shen Yun forcefully, and in just a moment, countless necklaces and jade beads were smashed to pieces. The power of Shen Yun refined by the Emperor's Heaven and Earth Dao was unstoppable. The Shen Yun Dragon Whip of King Jingming was the ancestor of the Zhurong family. The charm refined by the Heavenly Emperor is so powerful, a single charm can shatter the stars!

Although the canopy of Li Gongzun Wang was of extremely high quality and could grow into an imperial weapon, it still suffered severe trauma when encountering the dragon whip transformed by Shen Yun.

King Li Gong raised the pagoda with one hand, and the divine patterns all over his body poured into the pagoda. The pagoda soared into the sky, shining with precious light, and crashed down on the goddess king of the Zhu Rong family.


In this pagoda, there is an evil Buddha and an evil god chanting sutras, which seems to save people from doing evil and persuade the world to be duoluo and fall into decay forever. Even the god king cannot help but have inner demons breed after hearing the profound meaning of this sutra, which is the most disturbing. The human will. If there is a slight flaw in his state of mind, the pagoda will suppress it, crush it directly, take away the magical power and soul, and turn it into a tonic for his Evil God Tower!

However, the Goddess Duanjing was controlled by evil thoughts and transformed into the Goddess Duanjing. She was the incarnation of the rotten evil thoughts. She was not moved by the chanting of evil Buddhas and evil gods at all. The Emperor of Heaven wielded his power fiercely and smashed the Evil God Tower with a bang. Fei once again shocked King Li Gong to the point where his blood was boiling!

At the same time, the Yantian Divine Furnace crashed into the sky. King Li Gong did not dare to confront him head-on, so he had to dodge. However, he saw the Divine Furnace crash into the Tianxiang treasure chariot, which was also a divine chariot. The weapons were not of high quality. They were tools used by King Li Gong to travel around. How could they withstand the destruction of God King Jingming, a great master of weapon refining who entered Taoism with weapons?

The Tianxiang treasure chariot immediately fell apart, and even the dozen charming beauties in the treasure chariot were burned into ashes by the divine fire emitted by the Yantian Divine Furnace, and nothing remained!

Although the two concubines of Li Gong Zunwang were strong in cultivation, they had not reached the realm of divine kings after all. They were buried under the power of Yantian Divine Furnace without even making a sound.

King Li Gong roared angrily and said sternly: "Kill my concubine, I will sworn in with you! The Eight Divine Kings, immediately join forces with me to suppress this evil woman!"

The Eight Divine Kings were trying their best to activate their spiritual thoughts and block the time and space here to prevent Ye Xu from urging the World Flower to escape. When they saw that their master was completely suppressed in just one encounter, they couldn't help but be shocked and hurriedly took it back. Divine Marks, sacrificed their respective divine weapons, and all came to kill God King Jingming.

The body of the demon god in the sky tomb is naturally powerful and powerful, so the magic weapons that are often trained are melee witch treasures. They rely on their powerful body to fight the enemy at close quarters!

For a time, all kinds of weapons and divine patterns filled the air, and the divine king's avenue of heaven and earth turned into divine patterns, filling the sky. The void suddenly collapsed into pieces, turning into chaotic nothingness.

King Jingming took back the Yantian Divine Furnace and raised it above his head. Immediately, the divine fire in the furnace fell from the sky and turned into countless evil dragons. They were densely covered all over the body and connected into a series of charming charms, containing the power of the great road. They turned into a fire dragon armor and resisted fiercely. Many divine soldiers bombarded him.

Boom boom boom!

The eight divine weapons all attacked her body, causing the charms to explode, but they did not shake the goddess king at all!

God King Jingming wielded the power of the Emperor of Heaven and struck at a god-king-level demon hammer. He was extremely brave and chuckled: "Little one, I'll kill your woman, and then kill all your subordinates, and then you can have a good time." It’s a good fight with me! It’s delicious to beat you to death!”

King Li Gong and the Eight God Kings worked together to besiege the Goddess King. The more they fought, the more frightened they became. They saw the Goddess King opening and closing, wielding the power of the Emperor of Heaven to attack east and west. He did not pay attention to their attacks and did not care how much they attacked. The magic weapon bombarded.

On the contrary, her attack was extremely sharp, and with one hammer blow, she hit a god king whose body was shaken violently, and his energy and blood surged endlessly, making it almost difficult to support him!

It seemed that she was the demon and they were just human sorcerers with weak bodies.

However, the eight god kings and King Li Gong joined forces to suppress the arrogance of King Jingming. The other god kings could not break through the fire dragon armor of King Jingming, but King Li Gong could.

His cultivation level was originally not much inferior to that of God King Jingming. The state that was knocked down by the palm of Lihen God has long been restored, and his cultivation level is even better than before. If it weren't for the fact that God King Jingming holds the power of the Emperor of Heaven, which is between the imperial weapon and the path of enlightenment. He would have to spend a lot of effort to do anything with the treasure among treasures.

King Li Gong broke through the defense of the fire dragon armor, and the other god kings took advantage of the opportunity to sacrifice their magic weapons and inflicted huge wounds on King Jingming!

"This crazy bitch can't hold on any longer!" A god-king noticed King Jingming's fatigue and laughed.

The God-Kings among the Demon Gods are indeed unparalleled in strength, and their fighting power is still higher than that of ordinary God-Kings. Under siege, they can fight against the Emperor, and even fight to the death, and can defeat 80% of the Emperor's combat power!

Although the evil thoughts of Goddess Duanjing occupy her body, activate her magic power, and hold the two important treasures of the Emperor of Heaven and the Divine Furnace of Flame, she is not an emperor after all, so she is at a disadvantage.

Even at a disadvantage, this goddess king is still extremely brave and decisive in killing.

"Master Ye, would you like to lend a helping hand to the goddess Duanjing?" The World Flower quietly opened. Ye Xu, God King Tanzu and others stood in front of the mountain gate of Yuxu Palace. Princess Good Fortune suggested with a look of reluctance on her face.

Ye Xu shook his head and said: "No need for the moment. We can certainly kill these god kings if we take action, but Goddess Duanjing is controlled by evil thoughts at the moment. She cannot distinguish between ourselves and the enemy, so she will definitely fight us together. Besides, Goddess Duanjing once said, With the Yantian Divine Furnace, she can kill all these people, I guess it’s not a joke.”

Suddenly, a look of fear appeared on the face of a demon god, and he lost his voice: "How could this happen? My magic weapon is going to shatter!"


His magic weapon was full of cracks and finally shattered with a crash!

The same goes for the other divine weapons of the divine kings. They were broken one after another. Only the pagoda and canopy of King Li Gong were not broken, but they were also full of cracks and could not hold up for long!

Ye Xu smiled slightly and whispered: "Goddess Duanjing is good at refining witchcraft treasures and using weapons to enter the Tao. Her evil thoughts, King Jingming, are really good at destroying witchcraft treasures. Even the magic weapons are easily destroyed by her, even if the Queen holds great power. , not as powerful as her..."


God King Jingming wielded his power and struck down with a hammer, hitting the head of a demon god. The demon god roared, its energy and blood rose to the sky, formed a huge snow-white lotus, resisted the power, and jumped up to attack God King Jingming. Go, the power of bare hands is not much inferior to that of holding magic weapons. He laughed loudly and said: "We demon gods are born gods born from the divine veins of divine mines. Our bodies are magic weapons. They are extremely hard and can be torn apart with bare hands." God Splitting King, even without the magic weapon, it would be easy to kill you!"


He tore apart a piece of Divine King Jingming's body with one hand, and reached into the chest of Divine King Jingming with the other hand, intending to pluck out the heart of the Goddess King!

God King Jingming turned a blind eye, and his power fell fiercely. He shattered the white lotus transformed by Qi and blood like a hammer, and landed on the head of the God King with a hammer. He then ignored him and wielded his power to attack another god. The king attacked.

The demon god stood there blankly. His body suddenly exploded and turned into a huge white lotus, floating in the air. The lotus was filled with divine patterns, but they were all broken and split into sections. It turned out to be Jing. The King of Mingshen smashed the divine patterns and consciousness all over his body with a hammer, and killed him on the spot!

Ye Xu looked at the corpse of the demon god with pity, reached out to grab the huge white lotus, shook his head and sighed: "It's pitiful, you demon gods are born in the world, and you are born to be magic weapons. When you encounter someone like King Jingming who is good at destroying The great master of Wu Bao is just unlucky and dies faster.”

He threw the corpse of the demon god to God King Tanzu and said with a smile: "God King, your divine weapon, the Green Lotus Throne, has been broken. It is better to use this demon god's corpse to refine a new divine weapon."

God King Tanzu was overjoyed and was about to speak when she saw God King Jingming going on a killing spree, hammering one by one, killing the five demon gods with one swift stroke. The essence of these demon gods was shattered by her hammer, and their bodies suddenly transformed into their original shapes, with all kinds of strange things, some of which were strange. There are strange trees, some of which are bronze bulls, flying swallows, golden snakes, and golden toads. They are huge in size. They are all powerful creatures born from the divine veins of the divine mine!

The goddess king was responsible for killing and burying the enemy. After killing the opponent, the body was thrown aside, but Ye Xu took advantage of him. He grabbed all the demon corpses with his big hands and retrieved them all. His heart was pounding: "These demon corpses Even more tyrannical than Chitian Demon Ancestor, he was born with the materials for refining divine weapons. They are all treasures from heaven and earth! The King Li Gong is even more amazing. If we can get his body, we will have all the materials for refining imperial weapons. !”

With the rise of Jingming Divine King Killing, all the fire dragon armors transformed from the charm around him suddenly faded away, and they all returned to the Yantian Divine Furnace. This Divine Furnace flipped down and enveloped the world, killing King Li Gong and the remaining two Divine Kings. All covered in the furnace.

A fierce bombardment suddenly came from this sacred furnace, which was extremely loud. It was the goddess king who was killing King Li Gong and others!

After a long time, the bombardment in the divine furnace gradually subsided, and God King Jingming stepped out of the furnace. His eyes were fixed on Ye Xu, God King Tanzu and others in the World Flower, showing ferocity and excitement, as if See new prey.

Ye Xu's scalp was numb and he whispered: "How long did it take for Goddess Duanjing to kill these god kings?"

God King Tanzu and others could not help but feel numb, and muttered: "It seems that it has only been less than four hours..."

"Oops!" the four of them said in unison.

(To be continued)

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