Unparalleled in the world

Volume Two: Using Martial Arts to Become a Witcher Chapter 930: Evil thoughts run rampant

The ancient behemoths at the level of witch ancestors pulled the Tianxiang treasure chariot and parked outside the World Flower. King Li Gong was in an astonishing manner, sitting lazily in the treasure chariot. The eight god kings under his command were extremely arrogant, and three women were holding hands. There are three treasures, a golden bell, a pagoda and a canopy, standing beside the precious chariot.

The divine patterns of the eight divine kings turned into a dragnet, sealing the Death Star in the void to prevent Ye Xu from escaping by controlling the World Flower.

"In the past year, we have never found this person. We thought this person had left Daluotian, so we slacked off. We didn't expect that this person was hiding in the sun. How cunning!" A woman said crisply.

Another woman held the canopy in her hands and said with a smile: "Congratulations, Your Majesty. Congratulations, Your Majesty. This man has finally revealed his figure. I believe he will not be able to escape the hands of our ancestors. This man's treasure will even tempt the Lord Lihen. If the Lord gets his treasure, his strength will definitely improve and his status will also be greatly improved!"

King Li Gong smiled slightly, quite contentedly, and said with a smile: "Don't underestimate him. If this person can be hunted down by Lord Lihen himself, his cultivation strength must not be weak."

"In addition to the three great emperors, there is only one Taixu God King in the heaven. Apart from that, is there anyone else who can compete with the Lord?"

In the end, the woman shook the golden bell in her hand and heard the sound of the bell. The bell was melodious and sweet, and she smiled and said: "Even their Queen of Heaven was killed by themselves. Now that there is no one in the world, His Majesty the God Emperor even plans to Invade the heavens, rule the world created by the Yuanshi Heavenly King, and complete the great cause that even the ancestors and gods have never accomplished! "

The battle of Chaohui shattered the sky and the earth, not only alarming the nine heavens, but also the dark side of the sky tomb, the Buddhist world and the heaven. King Li Gong and others also knew everything about that battle.

"My lord, now that the world is empty and there is no emperor-level figure sitting in charge, why has your majesty not taken action yet?" A demon god who has cultivated to the realm of the god king showed doubts and said in a deep voice.

The other demon gods also showed doubts. The Emperor of Heaven in the Nine Heavens God Realm has passed away. Without the Heavenly Emperor, and after a battle to kill the taboo existence, there are only three or four emperor-level masters left in the Nine Heavens God Realm. And in the Tian Tomb Among them, there are many powerful people, thousands of god kings, and many emperors.

In their hearts, this is the right time to annex Jiutian and dominate the world. However, the Demon Emperor and the Demon God Emperor always stood still, which made them, the God Kings, somewhat complain.

King Li Gong shook his head and said: "The Yuanshi Heavenly King is the great enemy of the Ancestral God. How can the Nine Heavens Divine Realm he created be so simple? There will definitely not be only three emperors left. In addition to the emperors, there are also treasures of enlightenment. , especially the treasure of enlightenment left by the Yuanshi Heavenly King, which protects the Nine Heavens, and is a force that cannot be underestimated. The reason why His Majesty the God Emperor did not take action is not only to worry about the treasure of enlightenment in the heaven, but also to be wary of the Buddha Emperor in the Buddhist world. , and the movements in the dark side of heaven. In addition, he is also worried about us, the Lords of the Eighth Palace."

There was a sarcastic look on his face, and he said lightly: "I am about to become an emperor, so I will naturally be wary of him, and the other Lords of the Seven Palaces are all emperors, so they will naturally be wary of him. There are also other celestial tombs. , there are also many characters that should not be underestimated, such as the King of Samsara and the Peacock God King, who have the qualifications to become emperors and must be guarded against. "

The God King among the other demon gods was silent and did not dare to answer.

The woman holding the golden bell glanced at the Flower of the World and said sharply: "My lord, the man in this big flower has never appeared. I think I am afraid of my lord and do not dare to challenge, so I went to destroy this flower." Use a big flower to force him out, capture him and offer his treasure to the Lord!"

The King Li Gong was noncommittal. The woman chuckled and immediately activated the golden bell. The golden bell grew bigger and bigger, and suddenly moved downwards, covering the extinguished sun and the World Flower inside the bell!

The woman reached out and clapped her hand on the golden bell. There was only a loud bang. Inside the golden bell, the Death Star fell apart and the star core shattered!

The World Flower is still blooming above the broken star core, and the flowers are in full bloom, seemingly unharmed at all.

King Li Gong frowned slightly and said with a smile: "This big flower is actually a good treasure."

The woman also let out a light sigh, and then raised her palm again, and slapped it on the golden bell. The star core of the sun was completely shattered, turning into chaos and nothingness, leaving only a world flower firmly rooted. The void, not even the petals were shattered.

The woman's face was slightly red and she thought: "The Lord's golden bell is a treasure that he personally refined. It grows with the Lord's growth. In the future, when the Lord becomes an emperor, it will definitely become an emperor's weapon. How can it be kept together?" Even a big flower can’t be shattered?”

In the Flower of the World, Ye Xu heard two bells ringing, and his heart moved. King Li Gong was extremely powerful. He could fight against the Lord Lihen, and he was definitely the peak god king.

What's more important is that this person has many strong men under his command. Surrounded by many god kings, even Lihen God dare not take action forcefully.

Goddess Duanjing shouted, and waves of violent and violent energy surged out of her body. It was obvious that her own evil thoughts were competing with her for control of her body. If her evil thoughts took control of her body, she would be the God King Jingming who would destroy everything. , possessing the body and magic power of the goddess Duanjing, destroying everything in sight!

"It is better to let internal worries deal with foreign troubles than to deal with them!"

Ye Xu thought of this and said with a smile: "God King, don't always suppress evil thoughts. It is better to block it than to let it go. It may be more effective to indulge in indulgence. God King takes this power of the Emperor of Heaven and beats and smashes it to one's heart's content. Don't hold back." Bad health."

Goddess Duanjing was doubtful and reached out to grab the power of the Emperor of Heaven. Ye Xu quickly said: "Of course, what I mean is that you can't smash things in my Yuxu Palace. It doesn't matter if you break people. You can't afford to pay for breaking things. If you want to fight, please go outside and fight."

"There is someone outside. If someone is killed..." Goddess Duanjing grabbed the power and said hesitantly.


Ye Xu smiled and said: "That's my friend, he's very powerful. God King, you can beat him as much as you want, he won't die."

He was afraid that the world would not be in chaos, so he said seductively: "If you feel that you are not having enough fun, you might as well bring the Yantian Divine Furnace with you."

Goddess Duanjing took up the power of the Emperor of Heaven, shook her head and rejected Ye Xu's kindness, saying: "Although your friend's aura is powerful, it is much inferior to mine. If I carry the Flame God Furnace, I will really beat him to death." ”

Ye Xu persevered in persuading Goddess Duanjing to bring the Yantian Divine Furnace. This goddess king was kind-hearted, always shaking her head, and walked directly to the mountain gate of Yuxu Palace with the power of the Emperor of Heaven. Ye Xu saw that the aura around her was getting more and more violent, so he had to open the door. The mountain gate of Yuxu Palace.

Outside Yuxu Palace, the woman shook the golden bell twice in a row. Seeing that she could not break the World Flower and could not force Ye Xu out, she felt cruel and said: "If I can't break this big flower for the third time, , I asked the other sisters to join in and raise the canopy pagoda. I don’t believe it can break this broken flower!”

She just raised her hand when she suddenly heard a loud bang. A huge seal appeared on the bell, and then dense cracks appeared next to the seal, covering the body of the clock in an instant!

The woman immediately groaned, her body shook violently, her body shattered with a crash, and was turned into a pulp by the huge force of the shock!

Not only her, but the other two women, the god-king-level demon, the king from the palace, the singing and dancing women in the Tianxiang treasure chariot, including the white crane holding the incense burner, and several ancient behemoths at the witch ancestor level pulling the cart, were all attacked. The impact of the magical sound of this golden bell!

Just hearing a few pops of pops, several ancient giant beasts and two white cranes exploded with a bang. They were shaken into paste by the bells and turned into blood mist!

The demonic sound of the Golden Bell struck, and a god-king-level demon swayed and shouted angrily, sacrificing a piece of magic weapon to resist, while the other two women's expressions changed drastically, and they hurriedly activated the canopy and pagoda. Protecting himself and the chariot, his delicate body was shaken by the sound of the bell, and he vomited blood. Finally, the king of Ligong and the singing and dancing women in the Tianxiang chariot were not hit by the sound of the bell.

Suddenly, there was another loud bang, and a big hole was smashed out of the golden bell. The bell rushed in, destroying everything. This time, the bell attack actually unleashed the power contained in the golden bell. , the sound waves turned into countless divine patterns flying all over the sky!

The face of King Li Gong changed drastically: "Not good!"

His figure suddenly rushed out of the treasure chariot, and his clothes opened with a crash. With a wave of his big sleeves, the clothes expanded rapidly, covering the treasure chariot. The bells and divine patterns struck, slamming into his clothes, but he saw this attack. The clothes rolled up, picking up the divine patterns that filled the sky with the sound of bells, and fell on the King of Li Gong with a crash, and the divine patterns roared into his body!

"What a tyrannical person! He was able to break my divine bell and use my divine pattern in the divine bell to fight back against me. Could it be that the one in this big flower is an emperor?"

The face of King Li Gong was gloomy, and suddenly he felt that the sky had suddenly turned dark. He looked up and saw a goddess king standing tall on the sky suddenly jumped out from the gap of the golden bell, appeared above his head, and swung a strange giant hammer like a mountain, fiercely. Smash it down!


King Li Gong was confused, yelled angrily, and forcibly recalled the pagoda. He saw the pagoda standing above his head, countless haloes pouring out, and loud voices of chanting and praising came, and haloes surged upwards. , welcome the power of the Emperor of Heaven.

"The little one is a master..."

Goddess Duanjing had completely released her evil thoughts at this moment. She saw this goddess king standing tall on the ground, with a ferocious face, and the whole body was filled with endless firepower. She hit it with a hammer and giggled: "People just like to kill masters!"


King Li Gong felt an incomparable force pressing down on him, smashing countless haloes into pieces, smashing them onto the pagoda. This pagoda was refined by him with all his hard work, and at this moment, he sacrificed it with all his strength. He was unable to match this huge force. Although he was not shattered, it still shocked his blood!

Suddenly, there was a whirring sound, and a big hand reached out from the tattered golden bell. He grabbed the golden bell, shook it slightly, shrunk the golden bell into his palm, and retracted it back to the flower of the world. middle.

King Li Gong was so jealous that he was about to forcefully take back his golden bell. He saw the giant female holding her power high and smashing it down hard again. He had to recall the canopy and resist with all his strength.

But at this moment, the World Flower opened, and a sacred furnace with blazing flames flew out from the flower, whizzing towards the female giant. Ye Xu's voice came from the flower, and said with a smile: "God King Jingming, it's better to fight. Have fun, use this imperial weapon first. If it’s not enough, I have other treasures here!”

(To be continued)

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