Unparalleled in the world

Volume 2: Using Martial Arts to Enter Witchcraft Chapter 915: Charming Everyone (The fourth chapter

Chapter 915

Charm all living beings

The Cangtian Imperial Palace and the Golden Palace were all smashed to pieces by numerous god kings. This ancient palace that had stood in the heaven for 200,000 years was completely destroyed and ceased to exist!

Ye Xu stood on the ruins of the ancient Tiangong and roared loudly, which immediately attracted the attention of the Queen of Heaven. He saw the divine power of the imperial army surge like a tide, squeezing out countless time and space, and then countless time and space shattered. The power of the imperial army Press down on Ye Xu with a bang!

The Queen of Heaven hated Ye Xu deeply. If it weren't for this treacherous boy, how could she be in such a mess?

If it weren't for Ye Xu, the court meeting would definitely be a happy one at this moment. Under her instigation, the kings and emperors of the gods would definitely turn their attention to Ye Xu. Then the three emperors would fight, and God King Dihui would confront Ye Xu, and they would all be defeated. She is in control, and no one can escape her plan.

After this court meeting, she can launch her big plan. First, she will find a way to kill Ye Xu, the rebellious boy, and then seize the throne.

However, the wonderful prospects she had planned were all destroyed at this moment, in the hands of Ye Xu, a rebel!

Now, Ye Xu has provoked other hesitating god kings to deal with him. How can the Queen of Heaven not be angry? If all the god kings in the sky take action together, then the Eternal Emperor and others will definitely not be able to bear it and will also take action against him. At that time, the Queen of Heaven will be in real danger!

She came to kill with hatred. God King Taixu, Master Qingxuan, God King Creation and others were all unable to stop her. Gods who blocked her would kill gods, and Buddhas who blocked her would kill Buddha!


Taixu God King received the Queen's blow hard, staggered back and vomited blood from his mouth.

The God King of Creation and the Master of Qingxuan Mansion immediately rushed forward and mobilized the God of Creation Mountain with all their strength. They were immediately swept away by an imperial soldier. The God Mountain was shattered. God King Tanzu shouted sharply. The Green Lotus Throne was filled with heavy purple energy and attacked the Queen of Heaven with all his strength. , but was hit hard by another imperial soldier, and the throne was shattered. Even the incarnation of God King Tanzu, King Tianji, was beaten to pieces. Then another imperial soldier pressed down and hit the head of God King Tanzu, knocking the His Hongmeng Infinite Body was shaken to pieces and disintegrated on the spot!

God King Tanzu regained his physical body again, his silver hair flying, and he rushed towards the Queen of Heaven again with his bare hands.

At the same time, Luo Tianshen respected the flags and drums, and could only hear the aggressive sounds. One after another, the big flags fell, surrounding the Queen of Heaven, and turned into a grand formation of stars in the sky, a grand formation of stars and cosmic light in the sky, and starlight spewed out from the flags, forming divine patterns. The ancient Zhou Tianxingjun walked out of the flag and roared angrily, roaring the time and space in the formation into chaos and nothingness!

The Queen of Heaven turned a blind eye in the large formation, her delicate body shook, and the divine power of the imperial soldiers shook, shattering a statue of Lord Zhou Tianxing into pieces. Broken flags were seen flying in all directions. Lord Luotian vomited blood, and when he looked up, an emperor's soldiers were heading towards him. He suppressed it and hurriedly turned into the light of the galaxy and disappeared among the broken flags.

The Imperial Soldier shattered countless broken flags, but no sign of Lord Luotian was found, so he immediately took them back.

"You can walk fast!"

The Queen of Heaven kills Ye Xu, her momentum unabated, her love threads flying all over the sky, urging the six imperial soldiers to sweep in all directions. A divine king was swept by the divine power of the imperial soldiers. The divine soldiers were full of cracks on the spot, and their power was greatly damaged. Then there was another one. The imperial soldiers pressed forward and smashed the divine weapon into pieces, and then the power fell like a seal, crushing the divine king to pieces!

The Empress of Heaven is as powerful as hell. She can kill a god king with three moves and two moves, defeat the god king Taixu, seriously injure the god king creation and the ancestor god king. Amid the siege of many god kings, she feels like she is in a deserted place.

"Mother, everything is easy to discuss, why bother to be violent?"

Suddenly, a majestic figure suddenly fell down, like an eternal and immovable deity, blocking the place where the Queen of Heaven must pass. He stretched out a palm to overturn the divine power of the emperor's soldiers.

The Eternal Emperor finally couldn't help but take action. He seemed to be an eternal existence. He caught the bombardment of the imperial soldiers with one hand. His body swayed slightly, showing a look of surprise: "Tianguo is really powerful. I have practiced to the point where I can't move forever." The realm can actually be shaken by her. "

The Queen's heart was awe-inspiring: "Even the emperor can't help but take action? If the Eternal Emperor moves, all the god kings in the sky will surely rebel. Only the Emperor of the Sun can stop the Eternal Emperor and allow me to calmly kill these rebellious god kings." Suppress this unrest!"

Her eyes were like lightning, and she looked towards the direction of the Emperor of the Sun. She saw that the Emperor of the Sun was enveloped in golden light, his face was hidden, and the divine patterns behind him were boiling, intertwined with various charms. He stood there, like an ancient god, still standing there. like a statue.

"Even you became a rebel..."

The Queen of Heaven's heart felt cold, and suddenly there was another powerful aura. The worlds behind the Lihen God turned into the Heaven of Lihen, and suddenly pressed down on the Queen of Heaven. She laughed and said: "The Queen of Heaven has gone crazy, and even the likes of us... The loyal ministers will also be killed.”

The two emperors joined the battle, each mobilized their imperial soldiers, suppressed the heavens, and fought with the Queen of Heaven. The heaven and god realm suddenly shook. On the sky, there were extremely thick cracks, spreading hundreds of millions of miles, swallowing up the starry sky!

The two emperors took action, and the other gods and kings who were still hesitating also gave up all doubts at this moment, and took action together to attack the Queen of Heaven. The scene suddenly became several times larger, with divine patterns flying all over the sky, all kinds of strange phenomena, and the world of the gods in the sky. The earth sank, and the mountains, rivers and mountains turned into chaos and nothingness!

This battle can be said to be a catastrophe that has not been encountered in hundreds of thousands of years. The killing was earth-shaking, truly earth-shaking, second only to the battle in which the Cangtian Emperor surrounded and killed that taboo existence!

The Emperor of the Sun looked at all this indifferently, without moving for a long time, and chuckled in a low voice: "Rebellious boy... you must think that I betrayed you, right? Haha, if I continue to help you become the Emperor of Heaven, maybe when Like Ye Shaobao, you will think that there is a defect in the back of my head, and that will be the day of my death... Besides, I also want to sit on the throne of the Emperor of Heaven, but unfortunately that seat can only accommodate one person..."

More than a hundred gods, kings and emperors from the heavens all took action at this moment, besieging the Queen of Heaven and eradicating the wings of the Queen of Heaven. This battle finally broke out as Ye Xu expected and turned into a shocking showdown!

When the God King of Creation and God King Tanzu saw this, they couldn't help but heave a sigh of relief. They had been planning for a long time, but unexpectedly, the hidden strength and power of the Queen of Heaven was beyond their expectations. If it weren't for Ye Xu and God King Taixu, The God-Kings Luo Tianzun and Qingxuan Mansion Master are related. In this battle, they will definitely be blocked by the God-Kings under the Queen of Heaven. They will definitely die at the hands of the Queen of Heaven, while the God-Kings of the Heavens will only sit back and watch the battle. , their heads will also become the queen's capital to scare the monkeys!

The divine patterns are flying with charm, the divine soldiers and emperors are charging, and the void with a radius of tens of thousands of miles has turned into a huge killing field. From time to time, a god king falls from the sky, the divine patterns are broken, the body is corrupted, and falls in the chaos. , the corpse of the God King rises and falls in the chaos and nothingness!

This battle was extremely brutal. Not only the god-kings under the Queen of Heaven were killed, but also many god-kings in the heavens fell!

The Queen of Heaven finally fully displayed her own strength. The six imperial soldiers shook and suppressed, crushing all directions, and she was invincible. Even if the two emperors, the Eternal Emperor and the Lihen God, attacked at the same time, they could not completely stop her offensive.

This woman is indeed the most promising person to aspire to the throne. Her strength is unparalleled. One-on-one, no matter which emperor she is, she will not be her opponent.

But at this moment, two emperors took action, as well as Taixu God King, a powerful man second only to the emperor, and many god kings besieging them. Together with Ye Xu, Di Hui, Di Zishang and other emerging god king level masters, the Queen of Heaven He could only be at a disadvantage, being surrounded and killed by everyone, and gradually showed signs of fatigue.

However, the six emperors' soldiers were really tyrannical, and the power of the Heavenly Emperor was even more fierce. No one could take her down for a moment.

This battle is becoming more and more fierce, and has reached a point where the world cannot bear it. In the past, the duel between the gods and kings was often chosen outside the Nine Heavens, but in this battle, no one mentioned this suggestion.

The Cangtian God Realm was almost beaten to pieces, and the Queen of Heaven's body was also covered with scars. She was no longer the calm and calm person she once was when she had great power and was in control of everything.

Not only was the Queen of Heaven injured, but all the gods and kings present were injured, and their divine blood was flowing all over the sky. Only the two emperors, the Eternal Emperor and the Lihen God, were not injured.

The emperor worked hard and was unstoppable. Even if the queen was just a woman, she still caused many wounds to the gods and kings in the heavens, and countless divine weapons were destroyed!

Taixu God King finally took the chestnut out of the fire and relied on his own cultivation to erase the love in an imperial weapon and forcibly take away the imperial weapon belonging to the Queen of Heaven.

A huge flaw suddenly appeared in the defense of the Queen of Heaven. The Eternal Emperor and the God of Lihen immediately saw the advantage and attacked at the same time. The two emperors attacked with all their strength. The power was so earth-shattering. With one blow, the Queen of Heaven was no longer able to do anything. He was able to control five imperial soldiers, but two emperors captured four of them and suppressed them forcefully!

But at this moment, the Emperor of the Sun, who had not moved for a long time, finally took action, urging the Chunyang Palace of the Sun to crash in, shattering countless love threads, and seizing the Queen's last imperial weapon!

Although he is an emperor, after all, the time for achievement is still short. The Great Sun Chunyang Palace is just an imitation, only possessing the power of a top-level divine weapon. However, relying on the emperor's cultivation, he can actually make it in the blink of an eye. There is a gain!

"You also betrayed me?"

The Empress of Heaven was at the end of her rope, holding the power of the Emperor of Heaven in one hand, and caressing the bloody hair on her forehead with her other jade hand, revealing her unparalleled beauty, and looking sadly at the Emperor of the Sun.

The attacks of the God Kings all stopped at this moment. The God King of Creation looked at her as if he were seeing the youngest and most beautiful Princess Creation. Ye Xu looked at her as if he saw Su Qiaoqiao and Feng Yanrou.

The same is true for other god kings.

The Queen of Heaven stuns the world and enchants all living beings. She seems to have countless faces. When any god king looks at her, what they see is not her real side. What they see in their eyes is the woman they love most, and infinite tenderness rises in their hearts. , no matter how difficult it is to start.

"Queen of Heaven, you in my heart were already dead when you became an emperor and married the Emperor of Heaven..."

The Emperor of the Sun laughed loudly, and his laughter shattered the hearts of all the gods and kings who loved him most. He urged the Chunyang Palace of the Sun to suppress it and attack the Queen of Heaven!

————On the fourth day of this month’s outbreak, please subscribe and vote!

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