Unparalleled in the world

Volume 2: Entering Witchcraft with Martial Arts, Chapter 914: Shattering the Heavenly Palace (Third

There are a total of six of these imperial soldiers. They are all divine objects refined by the many emperors who ruled the Nine Heavens Divine Realm in the past. They are the result of Bi Zui's hard work. These emperors have died long ago and were buried in the battle against that taboo existence. In the fierce battle, I didn't expect that so many imperial soldiers would all fall into the hands of the Queen of Heaven.

"How can we fight like this?" The old God King's mind was pounding, and he murmured: "Master Yuxu, I have suffered a big loss this time." "The Queen of Heaven actually has six imperial soldiers!"

Ye Xu was shocked, and when he looked around, he saw thousands of love threads entwining these imperial soldiers. The love threads penetrated deeply into the imperial soldiers and merged into various charms. The Queen of Heaven actually used her own love threads to blend into the imperial soldiers, covering those emperors. On top of the charm, various different techniques are simulated to forcibly activate the power of these imperial soldiers!

The queen's love threads are all-pervasive, and she uses her love threads to simulate various emperor-level mental techniques and activate the emperor's weapons. Although the power of the emperor's weapons is not fully exerted, it can still exert seven or eight percent of it!

The power of the six imperial soldiers is 70% to 80%. Just one of them is naturally not as powerful as Daquan. But together, the six imperial soldiers are several times more powerful than Daquan. After all, Daquan cannot exert any witchcraft power. You can only rely on weight to defeat ten groups with one force, but these six imperial weapons can explode with infinite power and destroy everything!

Not only that, the Queen of Heaven, a seemingly weak woman, also wielded her immense power and attacked everyone at the same time. Six imperial soldiers flew around her, showing her unparalleled arrogance!


An imperial soldier ran over and blasted the Qingxuan Palace Master's Qingxuan Palace to tatters and almost torn apart on the spot. The Qingxuan Palace Master was so shocked that he vomited blood and flew backwards. It was said to be vulnerable to a single blow!

Luotian Shenzun's three hundred and sixty-five star kings were also bombarded by the imperial soldiers. They shattered with a bang, causing the old god king's skin to explode. His blood boiled and he was almost killed on the spot!

Taixu God King stepped forward, and Taishang Wangqing's mind was unleashed. With one stick, he provoked the bombarding imperial soldiers and saved the master of Qingxuan Palace and Lord Luotian.

The divine patterns flying around his body penetrated into the imperial soldiers, intending to forcefully seize control of the imperial soldiers under the conflict of their minds and skills, and seize these imperial soldiers from the hands of the Queen of Heaven!

"Old guy, you die too!"

The Queen of Heaven sneered, wielded her power and slammed it down hard. Taixu God King quickly swung his stick to block it. The crutch was bent on the spot, and his body was knocked back and he was so shocked that he vomited blood.

The great power continued to press down and rolled over. God King Creation and God King Tanzu hurriedly stepped forward, each urging their magic weapons to compete with the great power. The two of them vomited blood. Their magic weapons just collided with the great power, and then collapsed, almost It was completely destroyed, but the power was slightly blocked, and finally the Taixu God King was saved!

"What emperor? You will die too!"

The Queen of Heaven's eyes flashed as she looked at the emperor, "She completely broke her face and prepared to go on a killing spree to eradicate all the most outstanding emperors of the three Cangtian Emperors. She suddenly sprayed out green energy from her beautiful mouth!

"Heaven and earth fall!"

The Emperor's Lizard shouted fiercely, and with one palm he split the world into darkness, and the void bleeds. A huge evil eye appeared in front of him, like the eye of the sea, swallowing everything and obliterating everything!


The Empress of Heaven blew a breath, and immediately shot it into the demon eye. The next moment, the air flow was like an arrow, piercing the demon eye, sinking into the chest of the emperor's son, and piercing his body!

Di Zilian was stunned, still a little unbelievable. His Doomsday Tribulation Destruction Sutra was cultivated by studying the Great Destruction of Heaven and Earth, but he did not expect to be vulnerable in front of the emperor.

The Heavenly Queen Empress has the cultivation of an emperor. Even if she enters the Eye of the Sea, she can escape unscathed. Although her Doomsday Tribulation Destruction Sutra is powerful, the Eye of the Sea cannot defeat the Heavenly Queen, so naturally neither can he.

At the same time, the Queen of Heaven also killed Di Zili and Di Zi Wei Pain. The two imperial soldiers shook in the air, filled with charm, and swept towards the magic soldiers protecting them, knocking them away, and their bodies exploded. , turned into blood mist, and kept moving. It was obvious that the two emperors had the blood of the Emperor of Heaven, and their vitality was extremely strong. Although they were swept away by the remaining power of the emperor's soldiers, they were still alive and trying to recover their bodies.


The body of the Emperor's Lizard suddenly exploded and turned into a blood mist. He quickly pounced on the blood mist transformed by the two Emperors, Emperor Li, Emperor Ziwei, and shouted: "Two brothers, take all your cultivation and blood." "Give it to me!" The three masses of blood mist were mixed together, and there were endless screams. Huge faces appeared from time to time on the blood mist, but it was Emperor Li and Emperor Ziwei. The face of the Emperor's Lizard was ferocious and twisted, appearing and disappearing.

A moment later, the Emperor Lizard suddenly stepped out of the blood mist. His injuries were completely healed. His cultivation level had reached the level of Wuzu Ray Peak, and he had the strength to compete with the God King!

It turned out that he took this opportunity to finally devour and refine the two brothers, plunder the blood power of the two emperors, improve his own cultivation, and in one fell swoop raised his cultivation strength to a point where he could compete with Ye Xu!

The emperor's son killed two emperors in a row, and his cultivation level increased greatly. He caught a glimpse of the emperor's son and the emperor's son.

Although the magic weapon was broken, its power was still there. He immediately made a big move, and all two magic weapons fell into his hands, and he went to kill the Queen of Heaven.

At this time, the Xuanyuan family had already responded to Tianyao Ji's request, and King Xuanyuan joined in besieging the Queen of Heaven. The family of the Five Emperors could not sit still, and the five god kings came out one after another to besiege the Queen of Heaven.

The followers of the Queen of Heaven and many god-kings also appeared one by one. The two sides fought fiercely, with all kinds of magic weapons and witchcraft coming out, and the scene was earth-shattering.


How could the Jinluan Palace withstand the astonishing bombardment of the emperor's divine weapons and power? The ceiling was suddenly blasted through by a line of imperial soldiers, and unparalleled precious aura, violent aura, evil aura, murderous aura, divine patterns, and charm soared into the sky. It turned into a pillar of air that was dozens of miles thick and crashed into the sky of the Cangtian God Realm. With a loud bang, it penetrated the Cangtian God Realm!

This air column rises from the majestic Cangtian Imperial Palace, pierces through the sky, is hundreds of millions of miles long, and stirs up the stars in the heaven. Wherever the air column goes, stars pop up.

As the battle intensified, the pillar of air gradually tilted, cut through the sky, and slowly fell, hitting the Cangtian Imperial Palace. Countless palaces were cut into pieces, and the main halls were uprooted. They were swept up in this pillar of air and turned into pieces. Turn into flying ashes and be completely annihilated!

The Qi fell wildly, like a compass, drawing a big circle in the Cangtian Divine Realm, almost cutting this huge heaven in half. Fortunately, the heaven is really vast. Although it was drawn a circle of a million miles, it was still a circle. Split in half!

Wherever the air column passed, the sky and the earth were cut apart, leaving a huge space section that was extremely flat. On the periphery of this space section, small space-time planes were constantly being born and destroyed, while in the center of the section, there was no life. There is only the tearing and churning of extremely violent power. This is the result of the battle between many god kings and queens. Any witch ancestor who enters here will be easily crushed to pieces!


The air column passed through in a large circle, and the Cangtian Imperial Palace suddenly made an overwhelming sound, split open, and split into two halves!

Immediately, an extremely thick beam of light shot out from the split Jinluan Palace, making a hissing sound, and penetrated the palaces in the blink of an eye, and countless heavenly palaces collapsed one after another!


Finally, the Golden Palace could no longer contain the aura of the gods and kings of the heavens. It burst open and was completely razed to the ground!

Once the Jinluan Palace was shattered, the grand Cangtian Imperial Palace could no longer support itself. The grand palaces collapsed and fell from the ceiling. The Cangtian God Realm suddenly felt like the sky had collapsed, and only broken palaces were seen falling from the sky. Falling, holding a long fiery snake. These palaces were originally not ordinary objects, but treasures at the level of ancestral weapons and divine weapons. At this moment, the bed collapsed, and when they fell, they became larger and larger, becoming more and more magnificent!

There are even some halls that are themselves made of stars from the heaven. At this moment, they fall and turn into huge planets one by one, rolling endlessly in mid-air. Each one is huge and terrifying, the small one is tens of thousands of miles away, and the large one is millions of miles away. , and some planets are actually stars, setting off endless heat waves. Among the heat waves are the divine patterns of the God King, falling from the sky with infinite power!

boom! boom! boom!

This scene was as majestic and spectacular as the world was being destroyed. Countless ruins fell in an instant, smashing terrifying pits into the Cangtian God Realm. Some even directly opened up the God Realm. Fireballs rolled down with thick smoke. , fell to other heavens, some broke through the barriers of heaven, fell towards the tomb of heaven and the three thousand worlds, and even the Thirty-Three Heavens Ruins of the Buddhist Realm were affected!

No matter what level of treasure it is, it is an extremely rare treasure in the three thousand worlds. The fall of these big stars and ruined palaces immediately blasted through the barriers of each world, bringing with it a breath of destruction!

Fortunately, after these treasures were blocked by the Cangtian God Realm, their falling momentum was no longer as fierce as before. After penetrating the barrier of three thousand worlds, their speed gradually slowed down.

Some ruined palaces fell into the mainland, while others were floating in the universe. The surging divinity and divine power distorted the void into shape. Some stars from the heaven fell into the secular world and turned into extremely huge planets. , the brilliance is so bright that the star power of these worlds suddenly becomes countless times stronger!

At this moment, all the creatures in the three thousand worlds felt that unimaginable changes had taken place in the heavens, and a war that would change the world was underway!

They could even see the war taking place in the Cangtian Divine Realm from the passages opened by the falling treasures. In the Hongwei Heavenly Palace, only a few sails were left floating in the air, and the gods, kings and emperors in the sky were flying ribbons behind them. Various figures rise and fall, and the battle continues!

Among the three thousand worlds, the Wuhuang World is located in the center. After Ye Xu's reinforcement, the Wuhuang World was transformed into a small heaven. This world expanded outward many times, so the treasures that fell into the Wuhuang World were the largest. Wu Huang

The original inhabitants of the world have brought great disasters, but they have also brought tremendous opportunities.

Ye Xu and others destroyed the Cangtian Imperial Palace. The falling Cangtian Palace is a great divine object in the heaven. It fell into the Three Thousand Worlds and is even more of a supreme treasure!

"If I don't kill the Queen now, how long will it take?"

During the bloody battle, Ye Xu held the sacred tree, majestic, shouted violently, and the sound was even transmitted from the blasted passages to the Tian Tomb, the Thirty-Three Heavens Ruins in the Buddhist Realm, and the Three Thousand Worlds, just like the same statue. The ancient god spoke, shocking the world and making all living beings in any world listen in their ears and be enlightened!

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