Unparalleled in the world

Volume 2: Using Martial Arts to Enter Witchcraft, Chapter 910: At the Court Meeting (Fourth update,

Chapter 910

above the court meeting

Divine King Dihui couldn't help but be moved. With the help of Tianyao Ji, he worshiped Tianyao Ji as his military advisor. He was like a fish in water. He annexed countless worlds along the way and accumulated extremely strong cultivation. However, he still fell short of being able to become a god king.

In those worlds, many powerful people have appeared, all in the heaven, and they are extremely powerful. There are many peak witch ancestors as powerful as Qingsi ancestors. If Tianyaoji hadn't planned well, Di Hui would have wanted to annex these worlds. , I’m afraid it will be extremely difficult.

Tianyao Ji was indispensable. If she hadn't proposed to avoid the world of Wuhuang, Di Hui would have had no choice but to fight head-on with strong men like Ye Xu and Lord Luo Tian in advance.

Tianyao Ji's profound strategy impressed him greatly. This girl actually went to the heaven alone, found the Xuanyuan family, and had a detailed discussion with the contemporary head of the Xuanyuan family, King Xuanyuan. Finally, the god king was tempted and gave his full support. Only then did he cultivate himself to the realm of a god king.

In the heart of God King Dihui, Tianyao Ji's wisdom is unparalleled in the world, but even she is extremely afraid of Tianhou, which shows how terrifying Tianyao is.

"Military advisor, is the Queen really that powerful?" God King Dihui said solemnly.

"Your Majesty, before the Queen of Heaven, I am just a rising star. Even if I am proficient in the calculation of heavenly secrets, I still lack a few points if I want to compete with this senior in a battle of wits and courage."

Tianyao Ji showed admiration and said solemnly: "The Queen of Heaven manipulates all the heroes in the world, and even Cangtian Emperor is a tool she uses. Cangtian Emperor has two great strategists. One is Lihen Tianzhu, who is also the emperor. , one is the Queen of Heaven, but even God Lihen is inferior to her. The appearance of the three emperors fighting for the imperial palace may be the tool used by God Lihen to test the Queen. It can be seen that God Lihen is testing the Queen. This emperor is also extremely afraid of the Queen of Heaven."

Divine King Dihui frowned deeply.

"Back then, the Cangtian Emperor and that forbidden being were the two days of the Nine Heavens God Realm, covering up the glory of anyone. Among them, there were countless nine great emperors and god kings under the Cangtian Emperor, and a certain person was found. The tyrannical Emperor’s treasure of enlightenment can compete with that taboo existence.”

Tianyaoji talked eloquently, all about the past events that God King Dihui didn’t know about. Her father, God King Tianji, was in charge of Tianji and knew many inside stories about those years. She said: "Although Emperor Cangtian is extremely afraid of that taboo existence, he is also Friends, with the two of them here, the Queen of Heaven will never be able to aspire to the throne, so she will provoke the two of them, and the two tigers will fight. In the end, the taboo existence will fall, and among the nine emperors under the command of the Cangtian Emperor, only Lihen God will survive. After I came down, I felt my vitality was severely damaged.

Please remember”

Divine King Dihui was moved. A woman from the Queen of Heaven walked between the two terrifying beings like a fish in water. It was indeed very clever to allow the two terrifying beings to fight each other and reap the benefits.

"Until the Queen of Heaven dies, Your Majesty will never have any hope of becoming emperor."

Tianyao Ji smiled softly and said softly: "But the Queen of Heaven is not having a good time at the moment. No matter how deep her resourcefulness is and her cultivation strength is not invincible in the world, there are still people in this world who can keep up with her in strength, otherwise she would have established herself as the emperor long ago. , instead of making excuses with other gods, kings, and emperors. As long as the Queen of Heaven does not become the Emperor of Heaven, the most important thing at the moment is that the three emperors, including Emperor Zishang, will attend this court meeting. , there will definitely be a conflict with His Majesty."

Divine King Dihui laughed loudly and was quite conceited: "I am the Divine King, but they are not. This is enough! My father, Divine King Dihui, was defeated by Emperor Cangtian, but I will not! Only Ye Xu and Ye Shaobao , is the real opponent in my heart!”

Tianyao Ji's eyes flashed, and she was quite curious. The reason why Di Hui was able to cultivate at such an astonishing speed was because of the strategy set by God King Di Ku, and with the support of herself and the Xuanyuan family, she was able to become a god. The realm of kings.

What she didn't expect was that Ye Xu actually had a cultivation speed that was not inferior to that of Di Hui. Not only had he become a witch ancestor, he could even fight against the God King.

It was beyond her expectation that a person without any background could achieve such an achievement.

"Above the court meeting, the three emperors, Ye Shaobao, Di Zishang, and me, will have a battle between dragons and tigers. Let the gods, kings and emperors in the sky see that the strength of the rising star is not inferior to them!"

Divine King Dihui laughed loudly and said: "However, whether it is the emperor's son or Ye Shaobao, they will all become my stepping stones, and they are destined to end sadly!"

"Are Di Ziwei and Di Zili the two brothers who can keep pace with me? If I swallow you two and become a part of me, how far can my cultivation level grow?"

In the Qingwei Palace, Di Zishang opened his eyes and looked at Ye Xu's Yuxu Mansion. A wave of terrifying power surged around him, which was clearly the power of the Doomsday Tribulation Sutra. Under this power, even if Even the God King didn't want to get close to him easily!

"Ye Shaobao, I want to return all the humiliation you have brought to me at the court meeting! This time, I not only want to defeat you, but also become the orthodoxy and make that bitch of the Queen of Heaven hand over the power in her hands!"

The court meeting is getting closer and closer, and various forces are turbulent, but the Cangtian Imperial Palace has calmed down, without any disturbance, and is waiting for the court meeting to be held.

During these three days, Ye Xu seemed to be cultivating his moral character, without any movement at all. He practiced quietly in Yuxu Mansion. However, he could not practice for long before he was summoned by the Queen of Heaven and talked for a while. They were chatting about family affairs, but they were kicked out by the Queen of Heaven.

Not long after, the Queen of Heaven summoned her again, and again and again, Ye Xu entered the palace five or six times in a row, which spread to the ears of all the gods, kings and emperors. Everyone knew that the new head of Yuxu Palace had won the favor of the Queen of Heaven and was the most important person in front of the Queen of Heaven. There are even rumors that Ye Xu was rewarded by the Queen of Heaven in the Yuxu Palace. During this court meeting, the Queen of Heaven promoted Ye Xu to an official position, raising his status to be equal to that of the gods and kings of the gods. the height of!

It can be seen that Ye Xu is not only a celebrity in front of the queen, he is so red!

Not only were the gods and kings of the gods on guard against Ye Xu, but even the emperor's son Wei, Emperor Zili and several other emperors also received news that a certain pretty boy would be thrown into disgrace at the court meeting and turned into a black man. Face.

The meeting was held as scheduled.

This is the day that Ye Xu has been looking forward to for a long time. Although he has not been able to practice with peace of mind in the past three days, his spirit is restrained and he is not angry and proud. He has a vague bearing of a god king. The Taoist ribbon is fluttering behind him, opening up many worlds. Gods and demons breed and can fight at any time.

He slowly walked into the Golden Palace, looked up, and saw that in this palace, in addition to the throne of the Emperor of Heaven, His Highness was divided into nine major powers, with many thrones, a god king sitting in the air, and some Below is a futon, some of which are lotuses, some of which are magic weapons, and some of which are mounts, like stars. The emperor sits in the center, and under the seat of the God King, there are many witch ancestor palace masters, sitting under the God King, each representing a force in the heaven.

At this moment, many witch ancestors, god kings, and emperors have all taken their seats. There are thousands of witch ancestors, but there are only more than a hundred god kings. As for the emperors, there are only three people.

Among the heavenly forces, in addition to the Eternal Emperor of the Yantian Divine Realm, the Great Sun Emperor of the Haotian Divine Realm, and the Lihen God of the Youtian Divine Realm, there are still six vacant emperors' seats, with no emperor sitting on them.

In addition to the nine major forces, there are other small forces, such as Taixu God King. Because he lives outside Jiutian, he is just alone, sitting alone outside the nine major forces.

There are also aristocratic families such as Zhu Rong, Gonggong, and Xuanyuan. Because they are the families of the Heavenly Emperor, they have a high status and are not ruled by the Heavenly Emperors. They are also isolated from the nine major forces. Even Divine King Dihui is among them.

As soon as Ye Xu walked into the Golden Palace, he felt countless eyes sweeping towards him. Countless sons of gods died in his hands. Most of the gods and kings in the sky had grudges against him, so most of these eyes were on him. With bad intentions.

Ye Xu seemed unconscious and walked directly to the central Juntian God Realm.

The divine thrones in the central Juntian Divine Realm are already filled with god kings, including the God King of Creation and his wife, the Demon God King of Demon God Palace, King Tai Luo of Tai Luo Heavenly Palace, King Dajia God of Dajia God Palace, and more than ten god kings. Under each god king, there are dozens of witch ancestors, filled with Taoist divine patterns, forming various large and small spaces.

These spaces seem very small, but if you look closely, they are infinite, infinite, and vast, which is extremely shocking!

Ye Xu glanced around and found that the seat of the God King was full and there was no place for him to stay. He immediately passed the God Kings and walked directly to Juntian Emperor's seat and sat down cross-legged.

"Hmph! A witch ancestor actually dares to sit on the throne of the God King!"

God King Dajia was furious, stood up and shouted: "Ye Shaobao, who are you? Why don't you get off the emperor's throne?"

The Demon God King also looked a little unhappy. Ye Xu was sitting on the Juntian Emperor's seat. He clearly didn't see their Juntian God King in his eyes. He suppressed them, which was unbearable. He said coldly: "The position of the emperor is the seat of the Lord of Juntian Divine Realm. Even us god-kings must pay tribute to the emperor. Do you occupy this throne because you want to rule the god-king of our Juntian Divine Realm?"

"Ye Shaobao, if you don't want to die, get out of here!" The ancestral god king had a gloomy look on his face, and he couldn't hold himself back and said with murderous intent.

The King of Creation and his wife were also secretly wondering. According to their original plan, Ye Xu, the popular figure in front of the Queen, was to sit near the Queen. Unexpectedly, Ye Xu went straight to the emperor's seat as soon as he came up, which was beyond their expectations.

"Did this kid rebel?"

The God King and his wife looked at each other and said in their hearts: "This rebellious boy!"

"I see there is no room for me among you, but there is an empty seat here, so I sat down to avoid wasting it."

Ye Xu said dryly: "I didn't know this was the emperor's seat. I'm so sorry. It's a sin. It's a sin."

He had no intention of moving his buttocks. He sat on it and stopped moving.

The gods and kings of Juntian God Realm had fire in their eyes, and they were about to pull him down when they suddenly heard a woman's voice: "Master Yuxu, don't be ridiculous. If you don't have a seat, you might as well sit next to me."

Ye Xu's heart skipped a beat, and he followed the sound and saw that the Queen of Heaven had arrived at the court meeting at some unknown time, sitting next to the throne of the Emperor of Heaven, looking at him with a smile.

————Today’s fourth update, please subscribe with a monthly ticket~~

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