Unparalleled in the world

Volume 2: Entering Witchcraft with Martial Arts Chapter 909: The Emperor of Heaven’s Back-up Strateg

Chapter 909

The emperor's backup plan

Ye Xu had just seen off God King Taixu when he suddenly heard a burst of noise. It was so loud that it was almost as loud as when he and the ancestor God King started fighting. He couldn't help but sigh inwardly.

During this court meeting, each of the major god kings had their own ambitions. It was a troubled time, and he wanted to practice peacefully in the last three days, but it might not be possible.

"The five great aristocratic families, Zhu Rong, Gonggong, Jumang, Houtu, and Shaohao, came together. I heard that the Five Emperors' aristocratic family had found an emperor's son named Di Ziwei. He was extremely powerful and even more tyrannical than Emperor Zi Mu. I don’t know how many times, but now I’m in the imperial palace!”

Ye Xu's spiritual thoughts spread out and many palace masters were heard talking about it.

"Also, God Lihen has also found an emperor's son, named Di Zili. He is also an extremely powerful person. He is extremely powerful and his strength is close to that of the God King!"

"I heard that an emperor's son was born, named Di Zishang. He came alone and lived in the Qingwei Palace. He challenged Di Zili and Di Ziwei at the same time!"

Ye Xu frowned slightly. During this court meeting, the emperor's son was like bamboo shoots after a rain. If he takes action in time, this emperor will definitely die in his hands.

"Di Zishang's strength should not be underestimated..."

Ye Xu felt that there was a surging destructive force in the imperial palace, which had a vague restraining effect on his Panwang Kaitian Jing. It should be the aura of Emperor Zishang: "In the past three and a half years, I have encountered extraordinary circumstances. Only by practicing hard in the Eye of the Sea and absorbing the essence from the fragments of the World Tree can I achieve what I am today. I didn’t expect that Di Zishang’s progress would be any slower than mine. How did he practice?”

Ye Xu felt awe-struck in his heart. In addition to Di Zishang, there were also Di Zili and Di Ziwei. Their strength was not weak. Their respective auras were extremely powerful, faintly competing with Di Zishang.

At this moment, the gods, kings and emperors of the heavens each restrained their auras, leaving only the auras of the three emperors blooming, which was extremely eye-catching.

The three emperors competed, and they were all stunningly powerful men. Although they were not as good as the God King, they should not be underestimated.

Compared to Emperor Zi Mu, these three are the real masters, like three bright moons shining in the sky.

However, no matter how powerful and dazzling their three emperors are, they are destined not to be the most dazzling figures in this court meeting. Ye Xu fought against the ancestor god king, and that battle has been deeply imprinted in the hearts of the gods and kings of the gods. The three emperors Zishang are like the bright moon, and Ye Xu is like the scorching sun, reaching the sky!

When the scorching sun appears, no matter how bright the moon is, it will be completely blocked and dim, and can only become a foil for the scorching sun!

"Have you heard? Another new god king has appeared. He is very powerful. The Xuanyuan family personally sent him here!"

"I heard that this divine king came from the lower realm. His name is Dihui. He claims to be the divine king of Dihui, and he also came to the Cangtian Imperial Palace!"

"Di Zi Shang, Di Zi Wei, is extremely tyrannical, but he is not a god king after all. However, this Di Hui has become a god king. Could it be that he is also an emperor's son?"

"If this person is also the emperor's son, it will be very exciting. His talent will be earth-shattering. Otherwise, how can he become a god king..."

Ye Xu couldn't leave, but all kinds of information kept falling into his ears. Every piece of news was extremely shocking, especially the last one, which made him alert.

"Di Hui became a god king? Could it be that he unified the three thousand worlds while I was trapped in the eye of the sea?"

Ye Xu frowned deeply, his mind moved slightly, and he sensed the Wuhuang world, but found that Di Hui's tentacles had not reached the Wuhuang world, but most of the three thousand worlds had been annexed by this person and formed into A country too big to imagine!

"Logically speaking, only by unifying the three thousand worlds can we gather incomparable merit and become a God King. How could Di Hui become a God King in one fell swoop after skipping over the Wizarding World?"

Ye Xu's spiritual thoughts emanated, and he felt awe-inspiring in his heart as he felt the aura of merit emanating from the Divine King Dihui.

Di Hui has just become a God King, and although his cultivation strength is not as good as those who have been famous for a long time, he can almost keep pace with him. He is really an extremely powerful opponent, he can be called respectable and formidable!

"God King Dihui is with the Xuanyuan family?"

Ye Xu suddenly thought of the key point, why Di Hui could become the God King without completely unifying the three thousand worlds, and that was the support of the Xuanyuan Family!

Dihui's father, Diku God King, is the grandson of Emperor Xuanyuan. However, Diku God King established his own business and created a huge foundation on his own. He even became an emperor and competed with Emperor Cangtian for the position of emperor.

In terms of blood, Di Hui, Di Ku and Zhuan Xu are also members of the Xuanyuan family. In the past 200,000 years, although the Xuanyuan family has been suppressed by the Cangtian Emperor, it is still a family of the Heavenly Emperor and still has unimaginable heritage and incomparable He has a huge sphere of influence, so with the support of the Xuanyuan Family, he can indeed bypass the Wuhuang World and become a God King!

If Emperor Hui were allowed to rule a large heaven, he could even become an emperor!

However, this is almost impossible. Not many of the God Kings are willing to give up their sphere of influence and submit to Emperor Hui. Therefore, the cultivation speed of Emperor Hui God King will definitely slow down and he will no longer be as divine as before. Same speed!

"The arrival of the God King Di Hui Xiu, the three emperors such as Di Zishang are vying for supremacy, and the backhand left by the God King Di Ku and the Cangtian Emperor is finally about to collide!"

Ye Xu's heart was filled with excitement. In order to continue his bloodline and continue his glory, the two ancient beings were finally going to have a showdown at the imperial palace meeting!

"God King Dihui is also bold. His father, God King Diku, once competed with Emperor Cangtian for the throne. After the failure, he was bloodbathed by Emperor Cangtian. Now he is still known as a traitor. I didn't expect that he would dare to go deep into the tiger's den. This Such courage is admirable.”

Ye Xu couldn't help but admire God King Dihui: "But in this court meeting, you are all destined to be my supporting roles! No matter how dazzling your light is, it is far less eye-catching than the murderer of the queen!"

He couldn't help but feel a sense of schadenfreude in his heart, and thought to himself: "Di Hui, Di Zishang and others came here probably to announce their existence to the world and build momentum for themselves. Unfortunately, they are destined to gain little."

"This court meeting was really lively and well worth the trip. It is quite strange that the three emperors, including Emperor Zishang, appeared at the same time. There must be someone behind it. I wonder who it is?"

There were many gods, kings and emperors who had this idea. They all calmed down and watched the changes. Even the Queen of Heaven did not act rashly.

On one side is the back-up left by the Cangtian Emperor, the Heavenly Emperor, and on the other side is the back-up left by the Emperor Ku God King who can compete with the Heavenly Emperor for the throne. In a short period of time, even female heroes such as the Queen of Heaven are determined to become the first The overlord of the Female Heavenly Emperor could not see the mystery in this and could only wait and see what would happen.

"Ye Shaobao can put this knife to good use."

In the Golden Palace, the most powerful woman frowned slightly, her voice was pleasant, and she said to herself: "Let him compete with the back-up of Emperor Ku God King and Cang Tian Emperor, and I can also let me fine. Observe carefully and see who among the gods, kings and emperors in the heavens is the mastermind behind the scenes..."

The appearance of the three emperor's sons and the Divine King Dihui at the Imperial Palace meeting at the same time is indeed easy to cause too many associations. After all, the origins of these four people are really amazing.

Whether it is the Cang Tian Emperor or the Emperor Ku God King, they are all scheming figures. As long as there is a back-up, there will definitely be more than one!

Even the heaven-defying treasures such as the Emperor's Armament and the Treasure of Proving the Dao may be left to their heirs as backup by these two terrifying beings!

Cangtian Emperor has not refined the treasure of enlightenment, but several of the most powerful emperors in history have left behind treasures of enlightenment. Cangtian Emperor once found the treasure of enlightenment of a heavenly emperor. The Queen of Heaven was extremely suspicious and did not give it to the Queen of Heaven. There is no trace of this treasure so far, and it is probably in the hands of several emperors.

In addition, there was Emperor Xuanyuan, who had also refined the treasure of enlightenment, but this treasure was not in the Xuanyuan family and disappeared with the death of the Emperor.

The ingenuity of God King Di Ku can be compared with that of Cang Tian Emperor. He may not leave this treasure of enlightenment to his heirs.

Of course, this is just a guess made by the gods and kings of the heavens. The relationship between the treasure of enlightenment is too great. Possessing such a heaven-defying treasure is almost equivalent to being a heavenly emperor. Therefore, even an exquisite figure like the Queen of Heaven must be cautious. , lest the boat capsize in the gutter.

"Ye Shaobao is here too?"

In the imperial palace, in the Xuanyuan Heavenly Mansion of the Xuanyuan Family, behind Emperor Hui's head, the eighteen-fold golden wheel of merit swayed slightly. Gods, Buddhas, and demons continued to chant sutras and praises, blessing his body. His cultivation had exceeded the limits of the witch ancestors. , reaching the realm of the God King, the eighteen golden wheels of merit behind his head have suddenly turned into divine patterns. Billions of gods, Buddhas and evil spirits are all composed of divine patterns, and their cultivation is extremely terrifying!

"Heavenly Military Advisor, how is Ye Shaobao's current strength compared to mine?"

The Divine King of Emperor Hui is quite arrogant. He became the Divine King so quickly that he can be said to be the first person in history. Moreover, the secret of the Golden Wheel of Merit is also an emperor-level mental method, unparalleled in power.

Tianyao Ji stood beside him and said with a smile: "Master Yuxu fought with the ancestor god king for dozens of rounds, and then he showed his defeat and was still your majesty's formidable enemy. In addition, Emperor Zishang It is not to be underestimated. I heard that this man once fought with Lord Yuxu, and although he was defeated, he was not killed. It can be seen that he is also a remarkable person. I saw him once from a distance and saw that his energy and blood were extremely strong. The other two emperor sons must be profound. This person should have found the body of the Cangtian Emperor, refined his father's energy and blood, and improved his own blood, or..."

She thought carefully, showed a vigilant look, and said: "Perhaps this person has refined countless emperors' sons and integrated the blood of other emperors' sons into himself. If this is the case, this person is cruel and ruthless, and I am afraid he is also a powerful enemy of your majesty. However, neither Palace Master Yuxu nor Emperor Zishang is someone your Majesty should be careful about."

Divine King Dihui was thoughtful and said: "Strategic Advisor, what do you mean?"

"Queen of Heaven."

Tian Yaoji's eyes flickered with uncertainty: "Only the Queen of Heaven is the one that Your Majesty really needs to be careful about. This woman's talent, intelligence and even strength are rare in the world, and she is the most dangerous person!"

————Third update, please subscribe with a monthly ticket~~

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