Unparalleled in the world

Volume 2: Using Martial Arts to Enter Witchcraft Chapter 905: Head-on Confrontation

Chapter 905


Ye Xu's soul merged into the Jade Tower and immediately activated the power of the Jade Tree in the building. He had never been able to fully unleash the power of the Jade Tower in the past. Only during the battle of Tianji Camp, with the help of the cultivation of Wusheng Ancestor and others, was he able to Bring out the power of the magic weapon. .

However, Ye Xu has now become the witch ancestor, and his cultivation is comparable to that of the God King. It is many times higher than that at that time. He has fully exerted the power of this jade tower. As he moved, waves of great aura permeated the air, and even the divine patterns that Ye Xu never thought of shaking or comprehending were inspired by him one by one!

Now that he has become a witch ancestor, his vision and knowledge have been greatly improved. The divine patterns are no longer mysterious in his eyes. At a glance, all the truths are self-evident, and he can easily activate the divine patterns on the Yushu!

I saw countless Taoist charms gushing out from the whole body of this jade tower, and even thick divine lines suddenly appeared all over the building. These divine patterns were not only the divine patterns of the thirty-three days, but also the eighteen The avenue of hell combines the sacred and the terrifying, turning it into a strange treasure. Its faint power is more powerful and terrifying than the Ancestral God Realm!

"Magic weapon?"

The Ancestral God King's eyes flashed. He could feel that Ye Xu's Jade Tower had not yet been fully stimulated by Ye Xu and released all its power. There was still an extremely terrifying force in the Jade Tower that had not yet been activated and detonated. He felt in his heart He was startled, and then sneered: "Boy, even if you have a magic weapon, you will not be my opponent!"

Ye Xu's jade tower is extremely strange, and he turned it into an ancestral weapon, but the jade trees in the building contain the divine patterns that only divine weapons can have, and the charm that only imperial weapons can have. His soul and the jade tree are compatible in two, and they activate the jade tree. With the divine patterns, this jade tower can be upgraded to the level of a divine weapon. If the soul is dispersed, it can become an ancestral weapon again.

Even though the gods and kings of the gods are well-informed, they have never seen such strange things.

In mid-air, two divine soldiers encountered each other silently. The world suddenly became dark, and then infinite light burst out. The divine patterns and rhymes in the sky broke, and time and space appeared one after another, and then shattered!

For a long time in the heaven, there has never been a situation where a being as powerful as the God King has fought with all his strength. Even if the God King has fought, it has only been a small fight.


The aftermath of the two people's full blow erupted, and the heavenly world was suddenly torn apart, and a crack in the void appeared that was thousands of miles long. In the crack, various rules of the avenue filled the air, and under the influence of the rules of the avenue, planets Born out of thin air, the stars shone brightly and turned into long galaxies, then were crushed by the terrifying aftermath and turned into nothingness!

This time, Ye Xu and the ancestor god king collided with each other with full force, and people immediately realized the horror of the battle between the god kings, which was almost the same as the wave of annihilation!

Fortunately, the place where they fought was in the Cangtian Imperial Palace. The imperial palace itself was an amazing imperial weapon. Coupled with the blessing of the aura of the gods and kings of the gods, although the destructive power of Ye Xu and the ancestor god king was tyrannical, they were still powerful. It did not cause irreparable damage to the Imperial Palace.

During this blow, those god kings and emperors who had never shown up seemed to see a rising star coming to them in a trance. This new star was so radiant that it could compete with them god kings for glory!

Bang bang bang!

The billions of beings in the Ancestral God's Domain were suddenly unable to withstand the heavy blow from the Jade Tower. I don't know how many people had their bodies and souls shattered during the impact, and their bodies turned into blood mist!

In the starry sky in the God's Domain, the stars shattered. Huge stones fell from the starry sky, holding long fire snakes and smashing into the land and sea. The earth was also shaken open by this impact, and the continental plates were squeezed. The collision raised up extremely large and spectacular mountains, volcanoes erupted, and magma spewed out!

In the sea, angry waves are growing, the waves are splitting into the sky, and the waves are surging, just like the anger of the sky, trying to destroy the world!

With just one blow, countless people died in the Ancestral God's Domain. These creatures were all the descendants of the Ancestral God King. Their bodies were shattered, turned into blood mist, and immediately merged into the void. Instead, they blessed the space of this divine weapon and repaired it. Damage, increasing the power of the divine realm, is very strange!

After absorbing the blood mist, the two demon gods transformed from divine patterns in the sky above the Ancestral God's Domain became even more powerful, with demonic flames surging into the sky!

After all, the Ancestral God King is a god king. His mentality is different and he has entered a strange situation. He established the Ancestral God Realm not just for the sake of dominance, but for other purposes.

His qualifications were not enough for him to become an emperor, but he found another way and spent nearly a hundred thousand years to sow seeds in the world and create a huge race. This race is his bloodline. He cultivates his mental skills and lives. In his divine realm, his strength can be enhanced during battles.

Not only that, he can even sacrifice the blood of this huge race and hundreds of millions of creatures, absorb all the cultivation bloodlines of his descendants, and integrate them into himself. With the help of the energy and blood of billions of creatures, he can make a breakthrough in one fell swoop and become an emperor. !

To exterminate all his descendants so that he can break through and become an emperor, only a being like the Ancestral God King would come up with such a strange and cruel way and do such a strange and cruel thing.

But to him, all the creatures in the Ancestral God Realm are the lives he created with his own hands. If a group dies, he can regenerate another group at any time. Only he is the only existence.

If he could become an emperor, what would it matter if all his descendants died?

Ye Xu snorted and backed away. His Jade Tower was also greatly damaged. With a direct blow from the Ancestral God King, the space in the Jade Tower suddenly suffered a violent impact and continued to shatter and collapse. Even his mind and soul God was also shocked and seriously injured.

In the Jade Tower, pieces of void collapsed, and even the creatures living in the building, such as Xiong Zhu, Gan Chai Jiao and the kingdom in the building, were destroyed at the same time. If this fluctuation is not calmed, these buildings will be destroyed. All living things will inevitably die!

However, Ye Xu was too busy taking care of himself at the moment and had no chance to use his own cultivation to suppress the destruction in the Jade Tower!

"Master Ye, even if you take action, as long as I am here, I can ensure that your Jade Tower is safe and sound."

The voice of God King Tanzu suddenly came to Ye Xu's ears. He swept through his mind and saw that the storm in the Jade Tower suddenly calmed down. The space in the Jade Tower quickly returned to its original state, and the power was even greater than before. Only then did he feel reassured.

God King Tanzu sat cross-legged under the jade tree, looking up at the giant tree in Yuhua Yaochi that supported the thirty-two heavens. His eyes were blank. He didn't know whether he was enlightening under the tree or was thinking about something.

"With God King Tanzu sitting in my Jade Tower, I can take action without restraint!"

A flash of light flashed in Ye Xu's eyes, and he immediately stopped his decline. In the thirty-two heavens of the Jade Tower, Hongmeng purple energy spurted out, turning into magic patterns and divine patterns. It was even more powerful than before, and once again blasted towards the Ancestral God Realm. go!


In his Jade Tower, there were the remains of the treasure of enlightenment left by that being. The fragments of the Jade Tower seemed to sense his breath. The avenue in the wreckage vibrated, and wave after wave of charm that transcended divine patterns gradually emerged from the wreckage. Emit it and blend into the Jade Tower!

This power is far superior to the avenue in Ye Xuyu Tower, giving people the feeling of being the Lord of Heaven and Earth and the Lord of the Avenue. If this power is fully activated, the Ancestral Divine Domain of the Ancestral God King will definitely be destroyed. Unimaginable destruction!

"Don't let this power explode, otherwise it will arouse the Queen's vigilance!"

Under the jade tree, God King Tanzu's eyes suddenly flashed, and a green lotus appeared above his head. It slowly fell down and suppressed the remains of the treasure of enlightenment, constantly competing with the energy gushing from the remains of the jade tower.

The Ancestral God King unleashed his true fire and used all his strength to mobilize the divine soldiers to strike, but it failed to shock Ye Xu to death. It was beyond his expectation. What made him even more unexpected was that Ye Xu stopped his decline so quickly and launched a blow. The counterattack made him lose face in front of the gods, kings and emperors of the heavens.


The Ancestral God's Domain erupted with more surging power than the previous blow, and collided with the Jade Tower again. The power of the two divine weapons exploded. This time the collision was more severe than before, and the destructive power caused was even greater!

I saw that in the Cangtian Imperial Palace, the void collapsed and turned into an undercurrent of chaos, rushing in all directions, as if falling into the unopened grand mist, the unopened world!

Suddenly I heard a few buzzing sounds, and saw huge divine weapons rising above the Cangtian Imperial Palace. Some were green gates, some were brilliant stars, some were magnificent palaces, and some were a celestial palace and a sacred mountain. , Divine Mansion, Scroll, Golden Wheel and other magical weapons flew out, each suppressing one side, forcing away the undercurrent of chaos, and suppressing the void to avoid being hit by the aftermath of the battle between Ye Xu and the ancestor god king!

But above the other palaces, which are not protected by divine soldiers, are the places where the emperor lives.

Suddenly, the door of the palace where the Eternal Emperor lived was opened. A boy was holding an order rune, shaking his head and saying: "Hitting me here and there disturbed my master's peace, and made him write a post himself..." "

The boy pasted the command rune on the palace gate, and the chaotic undercurrents rushing around suddenly subsided, unable to intrude on this grand palace in the slightest.

At the same time, the palaces of other emperors, such as the Great Sun Emperor, Lihen Tianzhu and others, also opened their doors, and men and women walked out. They should be the emperor's disciples. Some took the order runes, and some brought an emperor's The soldiers hung in front of the door, each resisting the aftermath of the battle between Ye Xu and the ancestor god king.

Compared with the cautious attitude of other god kings, the great emperors appear to be calm and understated. They are worthy of being the overlords of heaven and earth that can be subdued by the gods and kings of the heavens!

The imperial palace was in chaos, but the Golden Palace was not affected at all. In the palace, the Queen of Heaven's eyes flickered, she tapped the chessboard lightly, with a playful smile on her face, and said with a half-smile but not a smile: "Master Yuxu Palace, you Is this showing your loyalty to me? You occupy my Yuxu Palace and humiliate Emperor Zi Mu in public. You act like you are loyal and give me a slap in the face, but you did it. skilled……"

————Recommend this game to be a powerful book from another world, with daily updates of more than 10,000 words and monthly updates of 480,000 words. Master of the Craftsman Profession, ISBN 2300701, Unparalleled in the World, there is a direct link on the page!

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