Unparalleled in the world

Volume 2: Using Martial Arts to Become a Witcher Chapter 904: Face to face with the God King (Chapte

Chapter 904

Confronting the God King (Chapter 2 breaks out, please subscribe with a monthly ticket!)

Before Ye Xu even moved a finger, Emperor Zimu was already vomiting blood. Although he practiced emperor-level mental skills and his cultivation strength was comparable to that of the peak witch ancestor, he was nothing in front of such a tyrannical existence as Ye Xu!

Before Ye Xu took action, he had already shown him the irreparable gap.


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"Di Zimu, don't you want to judge me?"

Ye Xu stood there steadily with a smile on his face and said softly: "Why don't you judge me yet?"

Di Zimu felt that there were countless worlds pressing on him, so much that he could not straighten his body, so much that he had to bow his head, even crushing his physical body, crushing his confidence, and crushing him to the point of collapse. !

"Ye Shaobao, what kind of status is the emperor's son? How can he personally come to judge you? Let me handle such a trivial matter!"

Suddenly, an extremely powerful and domineering aura suddenly came, cutting into Ye Xu's aura and knocking all the witch ancestors away!

Di Zimu suddenly felt the pressure lighten, straightened up hurriedly, and breathed a sigh of relief.

Ye Xu's eyes flashed, and he followed the sound and saw divine patterns stretching all over the sky. A divine king strode forward with divine patterns floating all over his body, his aura suppressing the heaven and earth!

This man has a majestic appearance, a majestic body, a majestic face, and is not angry. His eyes give people a sense of ancient vicissitudes.

"The Founding God King?"

Ye Xu suddenly felt a familiar avenue, which was very similar to the aura of the Holy Prince of the Divine Realm, but this person's strength was countless times stronger than the Holy Prince of the Divine Realm. Only the Ancestral God King of the Ancestral Divine Realm could have such momentum!

The Ancestral God-King is different from other God-Kings. This man spread his seeds all over the world and took countless wives and concubines. One man created a huge race with countless divine sons, and he single-handedly opened up a kingdom of God!

His descendants and grandsons are countless, and holy places such as the Founder God Realm are extremely prosperous.

He is extremely promiscuous by nature, and there are even rumors about his debauchery of marrying his own daughters and granddaughters from time to time. He has a very bad reputation among the gods and kings of the heavens. However, in the Ancestral God's Domain, he is the ancestor of this domain, and the only god is there. The Emperor of Heaven has been regarded as a symbol of invincibility by mythology, and it is not surprising even if he does any ridiculous things.

"Ye Shaobao, you have insulted the emperor and deserve death, so let me judge you, convict you, and execute you!"

The Ancestral God King strode forward, and the divine patterns swayed all over the sky. A huge divine kingdom and heavenly palace appeared in the divine patterns, stretching for billions of miles, with undulating mountains, rivers, mountains and seas, boundless. It was the legendary Ancestral God's Domain!

Ye Xu's heart was awe-inspiring, and his eyes fell on the divine realm behind the head of the Ancestral God King. In this Ancestral God Realm, there are countless living beings. Almost all creatures have a blood relationship with the Ancestral God King, regardless of human race, demon race, Demons, or other races, are all his descendants!

This god king refined his own territory into a rare treasure and combined it with the divine pattern. His billions of descendants settled in it, multiplied and multiplied in the god's domain, practiced in it, prayed constantly, and blessed this space, which not only improved the status of the ancestor's god's domain. The sturdiness increases the power of this divine weapon, and it also blesses the physical cultivation of the ancestor god king, making him even more powerful!

"Are I qualified to judge you?"

The Divine Marks behind the Ancestor God King shook, turned into a big hand, and grabbed Ye Xu. There was only a soft sound of popping pops, and the time and space around Ye Xu was shattered, and turned into nothingness under his big hand of Divine Marks. !

Emperor Zimu was in front of Ye Xu and couldn't even move out, but the ancestor god king was an extremely powerful god king. Not only could he throw out moves, but he could also severely injure Ye Xu if he was not careful!

At the same time, I don’t know how many spiritual consciousnesses swept from the depths of the Cangtian Imperial Palace. It was obvious that the kings and emperors of the gods were aware of the movements here and paid close attention to what Ye Xu was doing.

"God King...cut!"

Ye Xu stood still, countless Dao Yun flew behind him and turned into big hands. A Wuhuang Seal directly met the divine pattern hand of the ancestor God King. Two extremely powerful forces burst out, the void shook, and countless palaces in the Cangtian Emperor Palace shook endlessly. , cracks with consequences suddenly appeared on the street!

The Cangtian Imperial Palace was empty. Even with the aura blessings of countless god kings and emperors, the power comparable to the two god kings broke out here, and the void was still unable to bear it, and a large piece was shattered with a roar!

Bang bang bang!

How could a witch ancestor under the command of Emperor Zi Mu withstand the aftermath of such tyrannical masters as Ye Xu and the Ancestral God King? Each one was shattered by the aftermath and sound, turned into pieces of blood mist, and died without a place to bury them. !

Even Emperor Zimu was torn to pieces by the aftermath of the two, and he hurriedly recovered his body and dodged away.

Although he is the pinnacle witch ancestor, he is just a little ant-like figure in front of Ye Xu and the two of them. If the ancestor god-king hadn't specially protected him, he would have died in the aftermath!

"How could this happen? How could this happen? I came out on the orders of the Eternal Emperor to announce my arrival to the gods, kings and emperors of the heavens, and to put pressure on the Queen of Heaven. How could I meet this boy?"

Emperor Zi Mu's chest felt extremely heavy. Although Ye Xu failed to kill him in the aftermath of the battle with the Ancestral God King, he was also severely injured. His Daoyun was in tatters and he felt extremely sad in his heart: "I am the Emperor's son, the son of the Emperor of Heaven. , I am blessed by nature and cultivated by the emperor, how can I still be inferior to a rough guy? How can I be inferior to him..."

Ye Xu forcibly received the attack from the ancestor god king, his body swayed slightly, his clothes were flying, and his Taoist charm was flying. He was like a god, still sitting on the back of the god's hunchback, without any damage.

He entered the Tao through witchcraft, became the ancestor of witches, and demonstrated the Tao with his own body and the Tao with gods. He has been absorbing the essence from the fragments of the World Tree these days, and his cultivation level has continued to rise. From the fragments of the treasure, I can understand the way to surpass the emperor. Although I cannot fully understand it, my vision and knowledge have a tendency to surpass the witch ancestor and the god king.

Taking the attack from the Ancestral God King was just a small test for him.

Suddenly, there was an unknown amount of surprised murmurs in the Cangtian Imperial Palace. It was obviously the gods and kings of the gods who were secretly watching the battle. They did not expect Ye Xu to be so tyrannical, and he accepted the offer from the ancestor god king calmly. one strike.

In mid-air, the divine thoughts of the God King collided: "Jumped out of the Eye of the Sea and became the Witch Ancestor. In just a few years, he has achieved such an achievement. Could it be said that he is really the reincarnation of that existence?"

"With the ancestor's cultivation, he can compete with the God King. Even that person can't do it, right? Unless the Yuanshi Heavenly King is resurrected, such an achievement is possible..."

"The Queen raises tigers, and tigers have become a serious problem..." A deep voice came from a magnificent palace, saying to himself.

In another magnificent palace, a green-robed God King flashed his eyes and said calmly: "Although the Ancestral God King did not use all his strength and was just testing, there are not many people who can take his blow. Yuxu Mansion The Lord has grown to a formidable level, and there is about to be a powerful enemy in the battle to seize the emperor!"

The Ancestral God King already knew that his attack would inevitably attract the secret observation of the gods and emperors in the sky, but he did not expect Ye Xu to be able to take his attack. Although he did not use all his strength, after all, Ye Xu was only a wizard. Zu, he couldn't take him down with just one move, and he was already embarrassed in front of the gods and kings of the heavens, and he couldn't help but become angry from shame.

"The Domain of the Ancestral God!"

Thousands of divine patterns flew behind him, and there was only a loud bang. The extremely huge divine realm shook violently, and drove out from the divine patterns behind him, overwhelming the world. Even the Cangtian Imperial Palace could not withstand such a tyrannical attack. The divine weapons pressed heavily, the void continued to vibrate, and large areas collapsed.

He was really angry and decided not to give Ye Xu any chance. He directly used his magic weapon and used all his strength to kill Ye Xu!

The Divine Weapon was originally a precious treasure used by the God King to suppress the heavens. Even the mortal Witch Ancestor would never be able to activate one ten thousandth of the power of the Divine Weapon. Only the Divine King could fully unleash the power of this precious treasure.

Ye Xu had sacrificed magic weapons like Hunyuan Jin Dou in the past, but he had never exerted the power of Jin Dou to block the killing of gods and Buddhas. However, this time the magic weapons of the Ancestral God Realm were created by the Ancestral God King. When the God King is sacrificed, its power expands infinitely. The terrifying aura is enough to kill all the witch ancestors, shatter the sky, and even the Nine Heavens God Realm will be punched with a huge hole, destroying an unknown territory of thousands of miles!

The God King will not take action easily because their destructive power is so huge that they can almost destroy the world when they take action. However, the ancestor God King is so angry at this moment that he can no longer care about much!

As soon as the Ancestral God Realm appeared, it suppressed the heavens, and its power was vast and boundless. In the God Realm, the billions of descendants of the Ancestral God King shouted loudly, devoting their full cultivation and spiritual consciousness, continuously blessing, and joining forces. Activate this magical weapon and its power will continue to increase!


The power of this divine weapon in the Ancestral God Realm completely exploded, and the avenues of heaven and earth spurted out. The extremely thick divine patterns all over the sky were like chains, tangled and tangled. Above this divine weapon, they transformed into two huge gods and demons with human heads and snake bodies, one male and one female. , mating entangled, squirming and rubbing together.

This was the full blow of the God King, which made Ye Xu feel unparalleled pressure and the threat of death!

"I humiliated Emperor Zi Mu just to let the Queen know my usefulness. Why hasn't the Queen spoken out to stop this battle now? Could it be that she wants to see all my strength and let the First God King teach me and beat me? Will this save me?"

Behind Ye Xu, Dao Yun was flying. Before the Ancestral Divine Realm could attack, his Dao Yun had a vague tendency to be unbearable. He immediately retreated. The glow in front of him flashed, and a jade tower emerged. He put the divine camel into the jade tower. middle.

The Ancestral God Realm came crashing down, piling up the void, creating worlds one after another, and then all of these worlds were crushed and exploded!

Ye Xu's eyes flashed, and he heard a clear whistle, and saw that the jade tower in front of him continued to expand, getting taller and taller, and suddenly turned into thirty-two heavens, lying in front of him.


With a flash between his eyebrows, his soul flew out, merged into the Jade Tower, combined with the Yushu, and used all his strength to activate the Jade Tower. He actually planned to fight the God King and the God Soldiers to the end!

————I solemnly recommend a very awesome book, "The Supreme Medical Immortal", ISBN 2344779, which you will regret not reading. It has a direct link on the pages of Unique World.

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