Unparalleled in the world

Volume 2: Using Martial Arts to Enter Witchcraft, Chapter 901: No One Lives Forever (First update, p

Chapter 901: No one lives forever (first update, please subscribe with a monthly ticket!)

God King of Creation, his wife and God King Tanzu watched Ye Xu walk into this incomplete treasure of enlightenment, looked at each other, and breathed a sigh of relief.

God King Tanzu's eyes were complicated, and he whispered: "Brother Nanhua, you exchanged your life for the return of your mentor, and now the result is finally there. Unfortunately, you will never see it again..."

The King of Creation looked silently at the fragment of the treasure of enlightenment in front of him, and said silently in his heart: "When Mansion Master Ye walked out of this jade tower, it was no longer him, but the second life of the existence, returning to his former self. The memory of this life, the memory of this life..."

The pearls in Princess Creation's eyes flashed, and it was obvious that her mood could not be calmed down for a long time.

Her father Nanhua Emperor's lifelong wish is finally about to be fulfilled!

Among the ruins of the Jade Tower, Ye Xu appeared on the vast seaside. There was a floating island in the sea. He landed and sat on the island. He took off his shoes and submerged his feet into the sea. Like a naughty child, he stirred with his feet. The sea water stirred up small waves.

He is very familiar with this sea. This is Yuhua Yaochi, and there is a similar Yuhua Yaochi in his Jade Tower.

The water in the pool is full of spirituality and can make people reborn. Monsters such as Xiong Zhu, Gan Chai Jiao, Jinjiao Yinjiao and so on often bathe in Yuhua Yao Pool.

However, the Yuhua Yaochi in the Jade Tower that exists is countless times better than Ye Xu's Yuhua Yaochi. After all, it is a treasure that proves the Tao. The invisible avenue is integrated into the Yaochi, which can cleanse the body and cultivate the body. He Yuanshen, tempering his magical powers, practicing them, getting twice the result with half the effort.

It's just that the Yuhua Yaochi under his feet has turned into a sea of ​​stagnant water without any waves, and the great avenue contained in it has also become silent.

In Ye Xu's Jade Tower, the Yuhua Yao Pool has become as vast as the sea, with islands in the pool and trees on the islands.

In the jade tower where the taboo exists, there is also an ancient tree on the island, but it has been cut off.

There are also cracks in the sky that are thousands of miles long, which is shocking. Even the billions of stars hanging in the sky are broken, some are torn, some are scorched, and some are falling from the starry sky. It fell and smashed into the earth, causing unimaginable damage to this land, leaving behind shocking huge craters that could bury hundreds of huge planets.

It was as if a world-ending disaster had occurred here, with the sky falling apart and the earth shattering.

Ye Xu even saw an extremely large corpse of a god and demon in the sea and on land. These corpses are not real existences, but gods and demons derived from the great road that exists in itself. Living in this world, like the demon gods in the Taoist rhyme behind Ye Xu's head, is a state of mind for cultivation. display.

However, these gods and demons have all died tragically here, leaving only a dead silence. The avenue in this treasure of enlightenment has become lifeless, without any life.

Ye Xujing sat down and carefully understood the avenue of heaven and earth here. The avenue of heaven and earth in the Jade Tower seemed extremely close to him and resonated with his thoughts. It seemed that he could mobilize the avenue of heaven and earth here at any time.

The avenues in the Jade Tower echoed his own Taoism, and the dead world seemed to be gradually coming back to life. Ye Xu saw that the water under his feet was no longer a sea of ​​stagnant water, with waves growing and rippling.

Even the corpses of gods and demons began to rustle and try to get up from the ground. Their bones began to shine with light, and the Taoist rhyme flowed, giving birth to flesh and blood bodies!


At Ye Xu's feet, the waves of the sea rolled up to a height of tens of thousands of feet, and a huge black turtle emerged from the sea. The old turtle came back to life, roared to the sky, and shook its head and tail at Ye Xu, very kindly.

Behind him, the jade tree with only its stump began to sprout branches and sprouts. There were no Taoist charm patterns on the branches and leaves, and there was no flow of charm, but there was an aura of the Great Dao.

Under the tree sat a white-haired old man, slumped on the ground, closing his eyes and concentrating, as if he was comprehending the great road of heaven and earth.

Ye Xu stood up and walked forward, only to see the old man slowly opening his eyes and smiling as he walked towards him.

"wake up……"

The old man said: "Wake up, Emperor..."

This voice was extremely familiar. Ye Xu had heard it more than once when he opened his own Jade Tower. That ancient vicissitudes of voice kept whispering in his ears when he opened the lower floor of the Jade Tower, calling him to "wake up" and meet the people in front of him. The old man’s voice is exactly the same!

When Ye Xu heard this voice, his mind roared, and he seemed to see another "self" walking towards him in a trance. That "self" was as magnificent as a noble scholar, indifferent to fame and wealth, like a person from ancient times. The immortal who came, left behind in this world.

"Am I really the reincarnation of that person..."

The other "self" walked to Ye Xu's side, and suddenly shattered with a crash, turned into dust in the sky, and disappeared.

Ye Xu was stunned and stood there for a long time without moving.

His mind was in chaos, and there was no situation where the memory of that existence suddenly appeared in his mind. The shadow of that existence just walked towards him and then disappeared. No abnormal situation occurred.

"Sure enough, I am me and he is him. There is no reincarnation or reincarnation in this world. The world has changed. It is no longer the ancient fairyland. In today's world, no one lives forever..."

This was a desperate conclusion, but Ye Xu breathed a sigh of relief. The big stone hanging in his heart could finally fall. Suddenly, a faint sigh came to his ears, just like the melancholy sigh when he opened the Jade Tower.

The figure of the old man under the tree gradually became dim, and finally disappeared without a trace.

Ye Xu frowned slightly. There are still many mysteries in his heart that have not been solved. That is why there was a jade tower in his body when he was born. Why is this jade tower exactly the same as the existing treasure of enlightenment?

Why is there a mental method that that being has practiced in the Jade Tower, and where did that being have so many emperor-level mental methods come from?

Why is it that when he opens the lower level of the Jade Tower, the whispers of Emperor Nanhua always come to his ears, calling him to wake up?

Who is that being? What is the connection with Ye Xu?

These questions still trouble Ye Xu. He can be sure that his appearance is definitely related to Emperor Nanhua and the taboo existence. It even involves ancient emperors such as Haotian, Qing Emperor and Yuanshi Heavenly King!

"If you want to solve these mysteries, you can only go to the place where Yuanshi Heavenly King is seated, find the Miluo Heaven and Earth Tower, the treasure of Yuanshi Heavenly King's enlightenment, and go there to see for yourself. Only then can you know that Emperor Nanhua is in Yuanshi Heavenly King's treasure house. , what exactly did he do, and what kind of arrangements did King Yuanshi leave behind in order to restore the grandeur of the ancient fairy court..."

Ye Xu stood under the tree and saw the dead tree sprouting, ushering in the second spring, as if it symbolized that the owner of this treasure of enlightenment had lived in the second life, thinking: "Only by going there can I know who I am. Who is it, myself, or another person’s second life..."

He did not leave immediately, but stood under the sacred tree, quietly comprehending the great avenue in this space, and using his heart to comprehend the realm beyond the emperor.

This treasure of enlightenment is incomplete, with only the first floor, and the avenue inside has been cracked by another extremely tyrannical force. It is incomplete. The avenue is invisible and cannot be understood.

However, he has a strange connection with the avenue here. From the flow of Feng Shui, the growth of trees, and the resurrection of gods and demons, he can feel the extremely wonderful Tao and principles.

The great ways of the witch ancestors, god kings and emperors can be transformed into the form, into the rhythm, divine patterns and charm of the Tao. They can also be transformed into words and language to be taught to others. However, after transcending the emperor, the realm of enlightenment, the understanding of the Tao and the The principles cannot be explained or taught, they can only be understood with the heart.

What can be spoken and taught is not Tao.

He stood under the tree and captured the traces of the Tao. He did not try to restore the Tao here, but understood the transcendent realm.

Outside this damaged jade tower, God King Tanzu and God King of Creation stared nervously at the jade tower. They saw a kind of transcendental fluctuation faintly emanating from the jade tower, which even shook God King of Creation to offer sacrifices to the God of Creation and set up a There is a tendency for his restrictions to collapse!

God King Tanzu's thoughts moved slightly, and he also sacrificed his divine weapon, and a Hongmeng Qinglian flew out, which suppressed the fluctuation.

The three god kings looked at each other and saw the surprise and joy in each other's eyes.

"This treasure of enlightenment has been dead for hundreds of years. Now it has revived. It seems that Lord Ye is indeed the reincarnation of that person!" God King of Creation said with a smile, surprised and delighted.

God King Tanzu showed excitement: "When he comes out, he will definitely regain the memory of his previous life. He will no longer be Ye Xu and Ye Shaobao, but my mentor!"

"Perhaps people should call him Master." Princess Creation pursed her lips and smiled.

They couldn't calm down. If Ye Xu walked out of the Jade Tower and became that existence, he could break the fate that no one in this world could break. From then on, they had the hope of reincarnation and living in the second life, the hope of immortality. Although it is extremely slim, it is a hope after all!

After a long time, figures in the jade tower moved, and Ye Xu walked out slowly wearing a blue shirt.

"Master..." God King Tanzu said in a trembling voice.

"God King, don't call me so kindly."

Ye Xu smiled: "I am still me, I disappoint you."

God King Tanzu was stunned, and God King Creation lost his voice: "How is it possible? We clearly saw the resurgence of the remains of this treasure of enlightenment, how could you not recover the memory of your previous life... Senior, you must be joking, right? Otherwise , do you enjoy it? If you enjoy it, I will know that you are joking..."

Ye Xu laughed at him, and the God King of Creation was overjoyed. Ye Xu smiled and said: "Don't be too happy too early. I just think it's so funny that the majestic God King actually said such things."

Princess Creation looked at him blankly, her body was shaky, she hurriedly stabilized her mind, and murmured: "Could it be that my father desperately broke into the place where King Yuanshi was seated, even at the expense of his own life, but still got nothing in the end... "

"Are you really not my master?" God King Tanzu came back to his senses and looked at Ye Xu expectantly.

Ye Xu shook his head and said: "I think so. In this case, there will be a God King who is the most wanted on the list as a thug. He can beat whoever he wants and rob whoever he wants. Unfortunately, I am really not the one." "

————The first update, please subscribe with a monthly ticket. There was a small mistake in the first two chapters. The princess called the god king "wife", and pig wrote "wife". It was Pig's mistake and has been corrected. Thanks to the "Eternal Candlestick" book friend for the tip.

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