Unparalleled in the world

Volume 2: Entering Witchcraft with Martial Arts Chapter 900: The Remains of the Jade Tower (Chapter

Chapter 900: The Remains of the Jade Tower (Chapter 4 breaks out, please subscribe for a monthly ticket~)

The old man heard the words, smiled bitterly, shook his head and said: "You two, my true face has been clearly seen by Palace Master Ye. Although I can hide it from the gods and kings in the sky, even the emperor cannot see my true face. But I couldn’t hide it from him.”

The God of Creation and the princess couldn't help but be moved and looked at Ye Xu repeatedly. The God of Creation smiled and said: "Master Ye, I am more and more sure that you are the reincarnation of that person."

The old man's body moved slightly, and there was a crackling sound in his body. The demonic energy around him retracted into his body in the blink of an eye, and he changed his face. He was tall and tall, with a Chinese character face, a deep aura, and a middle-aged man. He was like a young man, but he had a head. The man with silver hair and roots like snow is none other than the God King Tanzu who once had a relationship with Ye Xu!

Now that Ye Xu has become the Lord of Yuxu Palace and Doctor Guangzheng, he is no longer on the wanted list in the world, so naturally he is no longer the number one devil on the list.

After God King Tanzu killed God King Tianji, he became the first person on the list without hesitation. All the gods and kings hated him. Unexpectedly, at this juncture, with all the gods, kings and emperors gathered here, he would dare to go deep. Tiger's den.

Ye Xu already knew the true face of God King Tanzu and was not surprised at all.

The God King of Creation suddenly raised the sacred mountain in his hand, sealed the entire Qingyang Palace to prevent outsiders from prying, and said in a deep voice: "Master Ye, I once heard that in the ancient times, when the ancient immortals and ancient Buddhas were reincarnated, there was a baby in the womb. Even after you are born, you will not remember everything in your previous life. This is probably the situation you are in now. "

"The reincarnation of the divine king, princess, and ancient immortals must go through the six paths of reincarnation. Now that the six paths do not exist, no one can live to the second life. This is a well-known thing, and no one can be an exception."

Ye Xu's face remained unchanged and he smiled and said: "I have also heard of the mystery in the womb. After the ancient immortal is reincarnated, he will indeed not remember the past life, but after cultivating to become an immortal, the mystery in the womb will be solved. Do you think, How am I compared to the ancient immortals?”

God King Tanzu said in a deep voice: "Master Ye's current strength is earth-shattering. Although he is inferior to God-Kings like you and me, his strength surpasses all the witch ancestors. Even if the emperor is resurrected, he will be inferior to him in the same realm."

The God King of Creation looked solemn and said: "I heard that ancient immortals also have many levels. The strength of the immortals is only equivalent to that of the Witch King in the world today. If Palace Master Ye has a strength close to that of the God King, among the ancient immortals, he is equivalent to the Golden Immortal. The peak, close to the realm of the true king."

Ye Xu nodded and smiled: "Now that I am close to the cultivation strength of the Ancient Immortal True Lord, why have I still not solved the mystery of the womb and restored the memory of my previous life? It can be seen that I am who I am, not the reincarnation of someone else."

God King Tanzu and God King of Creation looked at each other and laughed in unison: "We have already speculated on this situation and have our own guesses. I estimate that the six paths of reincarnation are damaged, and many functions are not as good as before, so you cannot restore your former self. memory."

Princess Creation's eyes flickered and she chuckled: "However, we are fully confident that we can restore your memories of your previous life."

"Master Ye probably doesn't know the origin of my wife yet."

The God King of Creation chuckled and said: "You only accepted three disciples in your previous life, and you were both teachers and friends with these three disciples. The youngest disciple is God King Tanzu, and the other two disciples, one is Chunyang The real owner of the palace, Emperor Haori, died in that battle. The other person was Emperor Nanhua, who guarded the World Tree. Everyone thought that Emperor Nanhua was alone, but they didn’t know that Emperor Nanhua had a daughter.”

"When Emperor Nanhua died in battle, his only daughter was not noticed by Emperor Cangtian and Queen Tian. At that time, the emperor's daughter had already married the God King of Creation. I am able to survive until now, thanks to the thoughtfulness of God King and Princess of Creation. "

Tanzu God King said: "Master Ye, only the princess in this world can unravel your life experience. Princess, please!"

Ye Xu couldn't help but feel nervous when he heard the three of them speak so carefully. God King Tanzu, God King of Creation and Princess of Creation are all the god kings in the world today. They have high positions and powerful powers. It can be said that they are only among the emperors. I won't do it without aim, and I won't lie to myself about it.

If their guess is that they are really the reincarnation of that existence?

Suddenly changing from "self" to another person, living in other people's world and memory, becoming a part of another person's memory, Ye Xu was very disgusted with this strange feeling.

"Everyone in the world thinks that my father died in the battle under the World Tree, but they don't know that my father practiced two emperor-level mental methods taught by that being. One is the Natural Dao Sutra created by Emperor Xuanyuan, and the other is Hongmeng. According to the Green Lotus Sutra, the Hongmeng Green Lotus has three flowers on its top. The flowers bloom and come back to life, and they have three lives."

The Princess of Creation rose up slowly, with various postures, and walked towards Ye Xu. The flattery on her face disappeared, and instead there was a kind of holiness: "In that battle, after my father's true body was killed by the Cangtian Emperor, he used the natural way to The scripture was entrusted to a fragment of the World Tree, and was rescued by my wife. My father used the World Tree as his body, activated the Hongmeng Qinglian Sutra to resurrect, built a jade tower to accommodate the World Tree, and used his own longevity to activate the forbidden technique, Search the Sky. The earth gathers the remaining souls of that existence.”

She was talking about a thrilling past event. This past event was full of cruel struggles and had a wide range of implications. It involved almost all the gods and kings and emperors in the world today, including the Queen of Heaven, the late Emperor Cangtian, and another statue. Honor the god-king and emperor who has died in battle.

These incomparable figures each played a disgraceful role in that earth-shattering war.

Although this past event was forcibly erased from the world by the Cangtian Emperor with his magnificent magic power, even the memory of the Witch Ancestor was also erased, making the name of that existence a taboo, and no one could remember his exact name.

But after all, there were still people who escaped the great purge, and the three God-Kings present were the ones who escaped the great purge.

The King of Creation God said solemnly: "Emperor Nanhua used the forbidden technique to burn longevity to collect the remnant soul of that existence. Unfortunately, he was exhausted before he could collect all his remnant souls. He left my creation gate and got up. Nine days away, the place where the First Heavenly King of Miluo Heaven is seated is looking for the fragments of the Six Paths of Reincarnation, intending to activate the fragments of the Six Paths of Reincarnation so that the remnant soul of that existence can be reincarnated, change his fate against the will of heaven, and live to the second life."

Princess Creation sighed and said lonelyly: "He left and never came back. He was probably buried in the place where King Yuanshi was seated, and even his third life was consumed there."

Ye Xu quietly listened to this buried and unknown history. Emperor Nanhua escaped from the murder and came back from the dead. In order to resurrect his mentor, he spent his last two lives. He couldn't help but feel admiration and sympathy in his heart. He shook his head and said: "Emperor Nanhua is indeed a respectable and sung senior, but if you conclude that I am the reincarnation of that existence, you are still being a bit wild, right?"

Tanzu God King said: "Before Senior Brother Nanhua left, he left the fragments of the Master's Treasure of Enlightenment. He once said that if he succeeds and the Master comes back from reincarnation, if he does not remember his past self, he can take the fragments of the Treasure of Enlightenment. Leave it to him and he will naturally remember the past and restore himself under the influence of his breath. "Princess, please bring out that treasure."

Princess Creation took a deep look at Ye Xu, and suddenly gave a clear drink, and saw a dilapidated jade tower rising slowly, appearing in front of Ye Xu.

Although this jade tower has been so dilapidated that only the base and the first floor are left, it can still be seen that it was once a grand scale, and it must be a treasure that encompasses heaven and earth!

Throughout the ages, there have been only a handful of people who have been able to surpass the achievements of emperors and refine the treasure of enlightenment. Even the Emperor of Heaven has only a few people. And that being has already attained enlightenment without becoming the Emperor of Heaven, which shows his astonishing talent.

However, even if the treasure of proof was shattered, the brutality of the battle that year can be seen. In that battle, it was definitely not just the gods, kings and emperors who participated in the battle, and maybe more than one weapon was used. The treasure of enlightenment!

Ye Xu stared blankly at the dilapidated jade tower, and was shocked. This jade tower was so similar to his jade tower. They were exactly the same, as if they were carved from the same mold!

However, this jade tower is the remains of a treasure that proves the way. It does not have the divine patterns of a god king, nor the charm of an emperor. The avenue that covers this jade tower has been refined into an invisible existence, forming a world of its own, compatible with heaven and earth, and invisible. No trace.

Although it was a fragment, the power of this broken jade tower was incredible. It gave Ye Xu the feeling that it was countless times more powerful than the divine weapon. It even surpassed the divine weapon, reached the level of the imperial weapon, and surpassed the power of his jade tower!

"This jade tower is the treasure of enlightenment that my mentor once refined. Relying on this treasure of enlightenment, he realized the heaven and earth, transcended the emperor, and achieved a new realm. Even the emperor of heaven needs to look up to him! Throughout the ages, there have been very few people who have achieved his level of achievement, but they are all emperors of heaven!”

God King Tanzu stared at Ye Xu's face with sharp eyes, refusing to miss any expression, and said in a deep voice: "Master Ye should be familiar with this Jade Tower, right?"

Ye Xu was startled. Although the treasure of enlightenment, the avenue, was invisible and blended into the heaven and earth, he could still feel the familiar avenue of heaven and earth from the remains of the jade tower. This was a thirty-three-day avenue, which was better than the thirty-three days he had understood so far. There are more three-day avenues, they are larger, and they are more complicated, including Hongmeng Avenue, Chunyang Avenue, etc.

All of this is very similar to the mentality taught in his Jade Tower.

"Master Ye, this jade tower was forged by you in your previous life. It contains your hard work and the great path you have understood in this life. In the ruins, there is the aura of your previous life and everything about you."

The God of Creation looked at Ye Xu quietly and said word by word: "There is another layer of space in this jade tower. After you enter, you can understand all the past lives and all the memories will be awakened."

God King Tanzu couldn't help but take a long breath, but he couldn't suppress the excitement in his heart. His eyes were red, and he wanted to laugh but cry: "Master Ye, after you came out of the building, your memory revived, and the disciples called you again At the time of my mentor, the existence that disappeared will surely come to the world again!"

Princess Creation couldn't help but show excitement and murmured: "Dad, have you seen it? This is the myth you created, the myth you created with your own hands..."

"I am who I am, not anyone else."

Ye Xu's face was hesitant, and he suddenly let out a long sigh of relief. He made up his mind and walked towards the space of this jade tower. He said with a smile: "I will completely give up your last hope!"

His figure flashed and disappeared into this dilapidated jade building.

————The four chapters of the outbreak are completed today, and a small chapter will be opened to preview the outbreak in the next few days, so stay tuned~

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