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Volume 2: Entering Witchcraft with Martial Arts, Chapter 866: Reclamation Eyes (First update, please

Chapter 866: Reclamation Eye (first update, please subscribe for monthly tickets~)

Ye Xu thought about it carefully. After he came out of seclusion, he didn't see the ancestor of Paradise. He couldn't help but murmured in his heart: "Could it be that this old whore saw the Queen of Heaven and was so itchy that he planned to feed the Queen of Heaven, but was killed by the Queen of Heaven instead?" ?”

With the character of Patriarch Ji Le, this is indeed possible.

Su Qiaoqiao looked worried and said: "The old gentleman was very happy when he saw the Queen of Heaven's clone coming. He planned to go up and talk to the Queen of Heaven. Unexpectedly, before he could say a word, the clone of the Queen of Heaven pointed him at him. To suppress cultivation, if we had not interceded, Mr. Ji Le would have been crushed to death by the Queen of Heaven. The Queen said that this man had bad conduct and was not worthy of intercession, so she summoned a god and took Mr. Ji Le to fill the sea. , I still don’t know whether to live or die.”

"It's true, the Queen of Heaven, that Mr. Ji Le is well-groomed and has an immortal spirit. He looks like an enlightened elder at a glance."

Feng Yanrou shook her head and sighed, quite dissatisfied with the Queen's actions, and said: "The Queen suppressed the old man without any explanation and used it to fill the sea eye. The old man has old bones and I'm afraid he can't withstand such a torment."

Su Qiaoqiao argued seriously: "Sister, we practitioners of witchcraft can't tell our age from our appearance. Although the Queen looks young, she may actually be older than Mr. Ji Le. Maybe it's the two of them. There is animosity between people, so when the queen saw him, she immediately took action without giving him a chance to speak. "Master, don't you think so?"

Ye Xu nodded repeatedly, spoke vaguely, and said with a smile: "It's good that the ancestor of Ji Le is not dead, not to mention that filling the sea eye is not a big deal. With his ancestor's cultivation, can he still compete? I will do it when I have time. Go and rescue him from the eye of the sea."

Su Qiaoqiao and Feng Yanrou looked at each other, shook their heads and said: "Master, you don't know something. Filling the sea eye is not an ordinary punishment, but a capital punishment. Not to mention that the witch ancestor was beaten into the sea eye, even if he is a god The king cannot escape, and can only persist in the eyes of the sea until he is wiped out and dies.”

Feng Yanrou whispered: "The Queen of Heaven said that the Eye of the Sea is the sea of ​​heaven in the heavens. The aftermath of the great destruction of heaven and earth has not yet subsided. It was filled into the eye of the sea. No one can escape. Trapped in the aftermath and subjected to hundreds of millions of tortures every day, it is the most cruel punishment in the world today. The Cangtian Emperor once suppressed many god kings in it, and none of these god kings can escape!"

"The queen also joked..."

Su Qiaoqiao hesitated for a moment, then forced a smile and said: "If the master is naughty and disobedient, he will take the two of us to fill up the sea, so that we will never be reincarnated... I think she was just joking..."

Ye Xu sneered and thought: "The Queen is trying to beat me, threatening me with my wife to make me loyal to her! But then again, is the Reclamation Eye really so terrifying that not even the God King can escape? If you have time, I want to see it for myself!”

He asked in detail what happened during his period of seclusion, and learned that the Queen of Heaven had repeatedly summoned Qiao Qiao and Feng Yanrou to talk to her. It was she who helped Qiao Qiao and Feng Yanrou improve their cultivation, so that The two girls became Holy Emperors.

This powerful woman seems to be extremely lonely indeed and needs someone to accompany her.

However, when the Queen of Heaven was summoned, she was summoned by a force of magic. It was impossible for Su Qiaoqiao and Feng Yanrou to know where she was hiding. They only knew that the scene in front of them flickered and she appeared in the palace of the Queen of Heaven. It was obvious that the Queen of Heaven was hiding in the palace. Even when she feels lonely, she does everything in a flawless manner, making it impossible for anyone to know where she ends up.

"No wonder there are many people who want to kill the Queen, but no one can succeed. The Queen is so kind to Yan Rou and Qiao Qiao just to relieve her loneliness. If I touch her reverse scale, she will definitely kill Yan Rou and Qiao Qiao without hesitation. If you use them to fill the sea, you will not treat them as companions or friends, but as tools to use!"

Ye Xu's eyes flashed: "Being with the king is like being with a tiger. If the queen is not dead, I will feel uneasy!"

Now he finally understands the thoughts of the Queen of Heaven. In the Queen of Heaven's heart, everyone is just a tool to be used. Even if you are given some treasures and honors, they are just gifts. If you offend her, she can kill you at any time. , change to a new tool.

"I want to go to a place like Haiyan to see if I can rescue the Patriarch of Bliss. But even the God King can be trapped there, so I'd better improve my strength first..."

Ye Xu's eyes flashed, and he calculated: "The most important thing for me now is to cultivate to the peak of the Holy Emperor, open the Taoist door, escape, and become a witch ancestor! There are two ways to become a witch ancestor. One is to practice hard. "

In the past, when Ye Xu had not solved the problem of escaping from the Taoist door, he would only work steadily and strive to be extremely solid every step of the way. However, now that he has realized the magical power of using his own body to prove the Tao and his gods to prove the Tao, even if his cultivation level has advanced by leaps and bounds, he will not reach the next level. Being unstable will only allow him to achieve higher achievements more quickly!

"Most of the fragments of the World Tree are in the hands of today's God Kings and Emperors. With my current strength, it is still difficult to compete with them. However, there are still many fragments scattered outside. Among them, the ancestor of Wu Luo from the Patrol Angel Martial Temple has it in his hands. There was a Jianmu tree that I asked him for on my way to Haiyan!"

The Jianmu tree was originally a branch broken off from the World Tree by the Emperor God King and handed over to Emperor Tang to become Daxia's foundation. However, later the Jianmu tree opened up to the heavens and was taken away by the Wuluo Patriarch.

Although the energy contained in the building wood is not much, it is enough to quickly improve Ye Xu's cultivation, enough for him to completely open a Taoist door!

"I am now a third-rank official, Guangzheng doctor, bright and righteous, which is much higher than the rank of ancestor Wuluo. If ancestor Wuluo dares to disobey me, he is a traitor and treason. He will be punished!"

Ye Xu felt very comfortable and said solemnly: "The Queen is unpredictable. If she teaches you the mental method, it is best not to practice it."

Qiao Qiao and Yan Rou looked at each other, with solemn expressions on their faces, and said, "The Queen of Heaven has indeed taught us a mental method. She said it was a method she created herself, called the Miao Jing of the Red Dust Emotions and Tribulations."

Ye Xu's heart moved and he said, "Tell me this mental method."

Qiao Qiao immediately said it in detail. Ye Xu closed his eyes and understood it carefully, and couldn't help but admire it in his heart. The Empress of Heaven's Mistful Sutra on the Path of Emotion in the Mortal World uses emotion to enter the Tao. Family affection, friendship, love, feelings, moods, the affection of licking calves, the affection of care, the affection of pity, jealousy, disgust, hatred, killing, and madness are all " The word "love".

Emotions arise from the heart. When the mind moves, emotions arise. When emotions move, tribulations arise. Emotions are transformed into Tao lines and traces, also called tribulation threads. Each trace of tribulation builds the Taoist door.

To escape from the Taoist gate is to survive the calamity of love and gain immeasurable magical powers. At the same time, while being in the calamity of love, you are not emotional. Instead, you control other people's feelings. With a thought, the calamity of the other person will grow. As long as you are in the world of mortals, Then she will be restrained by her mind!

Ye Xu carefully calculated the mystery of the Miao Sutra on the Path of Love and Tribulation in the World, and couldn't help but admire him again and again. The mental method created by the Queen of Heaven was unique and ingenious. It was completely different from the mental methods he had seen before, but it was also extremely powerful and could control all living beings!

The Mystical Sutra of the Red Dust Emotions Tribulation is definitely an emperor-level mental method, which is to enter the Tao with emotions and then get rid of all emotions, and the Golden Wheel of Merit and Merit of the Emperor Ku Shenwang. They are both extremely unique methods and are not within the scope of Ye Xu's Panwang Kaitian Sutra. Among them, it makes people’s eyes light up!

"After cultivating this mental method, after breaking away from the Taoist door, although there are all kinds of emotions, if the emotions are not attached to the body, they will turn into a ruthless existence. Because she is ruthless, others are affectionate, so there is no disadvantage in any direction!"

Ye Xu looked solemn and said in a deep voice: "It's better not to practice this kind of mental method, otherwise you will become another queen!"

Qiao Qiao and Yan Rou nodded hurriedly, and Ye Xu said with a smile: "Your mentality is in harmony with mine. Now we, husband and wife, sit down to talk and communicate."

He took out Emperor Xuantian's futon, ordered Xiong Zhen to pick the tea leaves from the Jade Tower, cut off Taiqing's spiritual veins and make tea, and chatted with his wife.

"Senior brother, your insights are more profound than those of the Queen of Heaven!"

Feng Yanrou and Ye Xu talked in detail, and felt that they had gained a lot. She couldn't help but be surprised: "How powerful the Queen is, why is she not as knowledgeable as the senior brother?"

Su Qiaoqiao also nodded repeatedly. When they were chatting with the Queen, the two of them also asked the Queen for advice on the Holy Emperor. The Queen was not stingy, and she was full of witty words. However, compared with Ye Xu, in terms of mysteries, she was not stingy. Much inferior.

Ye Xu smiled slightly. He had been immersed in the journey of Holy Emperor for a long time and realized the great magical power of realizing the Tao with one's own body and God. In terms of mastery of the realm of Holy King, no one in the world can match him. Not even the Queen.

What's more, he taught most of the mental skills of Qiao Qiao and Yan Rou, and he knew them very well. The Queen just improved the two girls' cultivation, but left many shortcomings, but communicating with Ye Xu could help them eliminate the shortcomings. , the cultivation speed is faster and more stable!

Not only that, he practices to prove the Tao with his own body, and completely integrates Panwang Kaitian Sutra with himself. Qiao Qiao and Yan Rou sit beside him, which is equivalent to being enveloped and blessed by the Qingming Seal, Xuanming Seal, Guanming Duanjing Seal and other seals all the time. Next, we will improve their qualifications and bless their understanding, so that they can understand everything and realize everything.

Coupled with the futon made possible by Emperor Xuantian's enlightenment and the fairy tea brewed from the immortal treasure's Taiqing spiritual veins, it would be difficult for Feng Yanrou and Su Qiaoqiao not to advance by leaps and bounds.

"Madam, I will leave Yuxu Palace for a few days recently. These things can help you practice and protect yourself. They are more useful than the ancestral weapons given by the Queen of Heaven."

Ye Xu left the futon, jade cup, copper stove, jade bottle and other items behind, and said with a smile: "These small items were all made by Emperor Xuantian himself. Although they are inconspicuous, as long as they are sacrificed, ordinary witch ancestors will not It’s your opponent.”

Feng Yanrou looked at these things and saw that there was another wall. The wall was imprinted with various strange textures, which were profound and difficult to understand. It should be that Emperor Xuantian graffitied his own thoughts on the wall when he was enlightened, imprinting the Tao Yun Shen pattern. He couldn't help but laugh and said: "Senior brother, you looted Emperor Xuantian's residence?"

"What is looting? My husband just went to admire the grace of my predecessors and brought back some things."

Ye Xu laughed loudly and walked out of the East Palace. He thought about it in his mind and said, "I don't know the way to Haiyan, but Lord Black Sky and the others should know it."

————The first update today, eager to subscribe, monthly ticket~~

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