Unparalleled in the world

Volume 2 Entering Witchcraft with Martial Arts Chapter 865 Lord Yuxu (Second update, please subscrib

Chapter 865: Lord Yuxu (Second update, please subscribe with a monthly ticket!)

Proving the Tao with one's own body, and proving the Tao with gods is definitely a path that no one has ever taken before. Even the Yuanshi Heavenly King needed to use foreign objects to refine the Miluo Heaven and Earth Tower to prove the Tao. Ye Xu has just touched the edge. , it is just a rudiment of the treasure of enlightenment that has been refined into the soul of one’s physical body.

After that, he still needs to walk on a very long road. On this road, there is no one who can give him directions, so he can only explore and move forward alone.

After realizing this, Ye Xu felt that he had a feeling of enlightenment. He got twice the result with half the effort while practicing. He continuously refined his spiritual veins and spiritual energy, turned it into his own cultivation, consolidated his physical body and soul, and perfected the heavenly gate of reincarnation.

His cultivation has advanced by leaps and bounds. In the past, he had to use Qingming Seal, Xuanming Seal and other seals to bless himself in order to understand the Taoist rhyme. Now he can clearly see it in his mind, and he can see the fire clearly. All the truths are self-evident!

After understanding the method of realizing the Tao with one's own body and the Tao with gods, he is the heavens and the earth, the six paths are the way of heaven, his understanding is so amazing, no blessing is needed, and his qualifications become unimaginably good!

Many Taiqing spiritual veins were refined by him in an instant. The Taiqing spiritual veins collected in his jade tower were quickly squandered by him, leaving only the upper pure spiritual veins.

In the secret realm of Emperor Xuantian, Ye Xu has collected countless superior spiritual veins. The superior spiritual veins contain Taoist charm, occasionally mixed with a divine pattern. Only the witch ancestors and divine kings can refine this. Plant spiritual energy.

However, in Ye Xu's eyes, these Tao rhymes were clear and distinct. All the principles were clear to him, but only the divine patterns were still too profound for him to understand.

The quality of the Shangqing spiritual vein is extremely high. A complete Dao Yun is almost equivalent to an entire Taiqing spiritual vein. It not only contains higher-level spiritual energy, but also contains a wealth of heaven and earth avenues of unimaginable value. wealth.

Ye Xu comprehended all the Tao rhymes, turned them into Tao patterns and marks, and continuously integrated them into the perfect Pan Wang Kai Tian Jing, and then ran the Pan Wang Kai Tian Jing to temper the physical body and soul, and stabilize the reincarnation gate.

He could feel that an unparalleled power was gathering behind the Samsara Gate. When he opened the Tao Gate, this power would surely shake the world!

Ye Xu had been practicing in seclusion for an unknown amount of time. After he had consumed more than a dozen of his spiritual veins, he suddenly heard a loud bang and the Heavenly Gate of Samsara suddenly opened a portal, revealing the boundless space inside.

Behind the door, the Taoist rhyme is natural, exuding heart-stopping fluctuations, and various Taoist sounds are heard, resounding throughout the world!

The door was half open, but Ye Xu also felt that he was one step closer to the realm of shamanism, and he couldn't help but feel very comfortable!

Ye Xu's thoughts moved slightly, and the opened gate of heaven suddenly closed, covering up the throbbing.

During this period, he has cultivated to the eighth level of the Holy Emperor. His cultivation has increased dramatically, and his strength has improved even more terrifyingly. He feels that he is like an extremely huge treasure house. The treasure house contains the power of the heavens. If it moves, the heaven and the earth will split, and the world will be shattered. Collapse!

His breath control is far superior to that of the Holy Emperor. Even the witch ancestors like Zhen Tiangong are inferior to him. His cultivation is so profound that he can catch up with old giants like Patriarch Wu Sheng!

Suddenly there was a loud banging sound in Ye Xu's body, and his breath became weaker and weaker, just like an ordinary person's. However, it was a small magical power he realized when he first experienced Taoism. He closed countless pores in his body and made his breath Don't leak anything.

When he walked out of Yuxu Palace, he couldn't help but be slightly startled. He saw that many of the spiritual mountains in Yuxu Palace were now overcrowded. There were people living on each of the spiritual mountains. The originally deserted spiritual mountains now became filled with demonic aura, and everything in the good-looking Yuxu Palace was full of people. The smoky atmosphere has turned into a holy land of evil.

"What happened?"

Ye Xu blinked his eyes and was extremely puzzled. He suddenly caught a glimpse of demonic energy billowing on one of the spiritual mountains. A Holy Emperor with a bull's head and a human body was fighting fiercely with another female Holy Emperor. He shouted: "Old Witch of Lishan, this Spiritual Mountain , I discovered it first, and if you insist on fighting with me, I will break all your old bones!"

This Holy Emperor is none other than the Black Sky Demon Lord, and the person fighting him is a white-haired old woman who is very vicious and cruel. She is a female heroine on the wanted list named Grandma Lishan. In the formation, Ye Xu had met him once before and had some impressions.

"Shit Niu, you are a man and grandma is a woman, why can't you give it to me?"

And at the edge of the battlefield, there were many powerful people watching, and they were all demons on the most wanted list in the world. They were all looking excited, gesticulating, and making comments. Even Demon Lord Beidi and others among the Eight Demons were also on the list. , looking gloating.

"Grandma's trick of monkey picking peaches was really good, but it almost cut off the lifeblood of Hei Niu!"

"Tsk, tsk, the trick of the monkey fishing for the moon is also wonderful, it just missed crushing the old cow's eggs!"

"Grandma, this cow doesn't have enough defense in its upper body. Go put it in the eye!"

"Fuck him! Fuck him to death!"

Demon Lord Black Sky in the field roared again and again, roaring angrily, glaring at Demon Lord Beidi, and said angrily: "Am I your brother, or is this old woman your concubine? Don't you feel pain when your elbows are turned outward?"

Seeing the advantage, Grandma Lishan suddenly grabbed the cow's tail, threw Black Sky Demon Lord up, and smashed it down hard. She hit it dozens of times until the cow repeatedly begged for mercy, and then she stopped.

Ye Xu was stunned. Looking around, the people living on these spiritual mountains were all villains and demons on the wanted list, as if they were trying to capture Yuxu Palace.

"I haven't been in seclusion for long, a year at most. Why did so many things happen?"

Ye Xu was wondering when he suddenly saw a magnificent palace flying from the sky. Su Qiaoqiao's voice came from the palace and spread throughout the mountains: "Okay, don't make trouble. There are many spiritual mountains in Yuxu Palace." , let you choose, why bother to fight for a mere spiritual mountain and hurt the harmony of your fellow disciples? "

Black Sky Demon Lord got up and said with a smile: "Mother, I originally liked this spiritual mountain, but the old witch wanted to fight with me, so we decided the outcome in a battle. I didn't mean to disturb your mother. Now that I have lost, this mountain Just leave Lingshan to the old witch."


Ye Xu laughed dumbly and thought to himself: "How did Qiao Qiao become an empress? Could it be that I have been in seclusion for too long, and the world has changed greatly? How come guys like Black Sky Demon Lord have become disciples of Yuxu Palace, and how can they become disciples of Yuxu Palace? Other demons have become fellow disciples?”

He just felt dizzy. These guys were all villains on the wanted list. At this moment, they all came under the door of Yuxu Palace, creating a mess everywhere. The most outrageous thing was that Qiao Qiao actually became the empress in the mouth of these villains, and These lawless guys actually obeyed Qiao Qiao's words, which was beyond Ye Xu's expectation.

"Something interesting must have happened during my retreat."

Ye Xu walked lightly, and the next moment he came to the palace in mid-air. He looked around and was quite surprised. This palace was an ancestral weapon, which was extremely powerful. It was much more powerful than ordinary ancestral weapons. Many times more, he immediately smiled and said: "My dear, young student Ye Xu has come to see you."

There was silence in the palace for a moment, and only the sound of Su Qiaoqiao and Feng Yanrou laughing could be heard, teasing and joking with each other. Su Qiaoqiao coughed and said, "It turns out to be Dr. Guangzheng, come in."

Ye Xu was puzzled and strode into the palace, only to see two girls, Su Qiaoqiao and Feng Yanrou, dressed in extremely gorgeous clothes and jewels, arriving gracefully. What surprised him was that the cultivation of Su Qiaoqiao and Feng Yanrou had improved by leaps and bounds in this short period of time. They had already entered the realm of the Holy Emperor and condensed into the Taoist Sect!

"What happened?" Ye Xu was even more curious.

Feng Yanrou joked: "Doctor Guangzheng is now willing to leave prison?"

"Doctor Guangzheng?"

Ye Xu was puzzled and said with a smile: "What happened? How did I become Doctor Guangzheng?"

Su Qiaoqiao and Feng Yanrou rushed forward and said with a smile: "When Mr. Guangzheng was in retreat, the Queen of Heaven came once. She saw that the master was in seclusion and was cultivating, so she was not alarmed. The Queen of Heaven gave him a decree and named him the Master of Guangzheng. , became the official of the Celestial Dynasty, ranked third, in charge of the Yuxu Palace, and commanded the Yuxu Mansion, second only to the official position of the God King of the Heavens. Guangzheng meant that the master was bright and righteous. It can be seen that the Queen of Heaven did have a favor for the husband. Add. This is the decree of the Queen of Heaven, and there are also gold seals, purple ribbons, gold robes, jade belts, crowns, and precious chariots."

Su Qiaoqiao brought many things and placed them in front of Ye Xu. She pursed her lips and said with a smile: "The Queen of Heaven said that Yanrou and I were born in a rough place, and she was afraid that you would abandon your wife who was a wretched man when you became an official of the Celestial Dynasty, so she decreed that we should be honored as jadeites." The Empress of the East Palace and the Empress of the West Palace in the Xu Mansion want me to stop flirting with women outside. Sister Yanrou also has a West Palace, which was given to her by the Empress, but she thought it was deserted, so she moved to the East Palace to live with me."

"Light, justice? Why do I feel that the official position of Doctor Guangzheng is somewhat ironic to me..."

Ye Xu gave a bitter smile and took a quick glance, only to see that the golden seal, purple ribbon, treasure chariot and other items were all ancestral weapon level treasures, with infinite power, and he had to admire the Queen's generosity.

"Now that I am also a member of the imperial court, I will no longer bear the name of a devil when I go out. I will be yelled at and killed everywhere. I will be able to do bad things more easily!"

Ye Xu was very satisfied and said with a smile: "Qiaoqiao, what's going on with those guys outside?"

"Senior brother, are you talking about Demon Lord Beidi and others?"

Feng Yanrou smiled and said: "These people are said to be senior brother's disciples. They are being hunted and killed outside. They are miserable and can't survive, so they come here to avoid trouble, so we take them in. If senior brother doesn't like it, I will chase them away." Walk."

"Let them stay."

Ye Xu smiled and said: "After all, they are indeed my disciples."

In the Tianji Formation, Beidi Demon Lord and others were taken under the Samsara Heaven Gate by Ye Xu to protect them. Therefore, it is not unreasonable to say that they are Ye Xu's disciples.

"The Queen of Heaven has appointed me as Doctor Guangzheng to command the Yuxu Mansion. Is it because she wants me to rise up Guangweizheng and lead these demons on the road to justice?"

Ye Xu shook his head. He really couldn't figure out the thoughts of the Queen of Heaven. Every move of this woman was unpredictable.

"Where is Ancestor Bliss?" Ye Xu suddenly remembered that one person was missing and asked hurriedly.

————A soulful call, please come quickly with monthly tickets and subscriptions to bless me~~~~

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