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Volume 2: Using Martial Arts to Enter Witchcraft, Chapter 835: The Door to Wonders (Second update, p

Chapter 835: The Door to Wonders (Second update, please subscribe for a monthly ticket~)

Feng Suiyun and Fu Xilai felt a chill in their hearts. Now that Ye Xiu's cultivation was exhausted, they did not have enough strength to push open the door. Facing a senior witch ancestor like Long Zuyang, they could only wait and die!

Long Zuyang approached with big strides, Dao Yun turned into a golden dragon, opened his mouth wide, and a curtain of golden light flowed down from his mouth. It was densely covered with bird, seal, and insect inscriptions, which was extremely profound and looked like a big seal. //《》.com《》Novel Network//

If you look closely at those bird seals and insect inscriptions, you will see that they are made up of countless dragon patterns, including Chilong, Panlong, Jiaolong, Tianlong, Yinglong, Zhulong, Black Dragon, Golden Dragon, and countless others. The words seem to contain extremely profound meanings!

"General Long, save me quickly..." Prince Ling Xiao shouted in a weak voice.

"Prince, there is no need to panic. In front of Long, no one can even think of hurting you at all!"

Long Zuyang was full of murderous intent, the giant dragon opened its golden mouth, and the big seal on that side became brighter and brighter, suppressing the heavens, and approaching Ye Xu and others without any hurry!


Countless bird seals and insect inscriptions flowed out from the seal, turning into flying dragons, flying up and down in various poses, dragon chants, as if hundreds of millions of real dragons were praising Ye Xu and others in unison, suppressing them!

"Long Zuyang, do you think I have no means to deal with you?"

Ye Xu retreated quickly and suddenly leaned on the magic door. There was no way out. Under the dragon seal, Ye Xu groaned and suddenly raised a command rune in the jade tower and went towards the dragon seal.

This command rune should have been refined by Emperor Xuantian to seal the jade box and the map in the box. Although it has been through the hands of countless masters who tried to erase the power of the rune and open the jade box, this command rune It still possesses a power that cannot be underestimated!

Fu Xilai peeled off this rune from the jade box without damaging any power of the rune. This rune can still severely damage the witch ancestor, even a master like Long Zuyang!

This is Ye Xu's last resort, his last hope. Now that his cultivation is almost exhausted, not to mention activating the external incarnation of Demon Ancestor Chi Tian, ​​even the witchcraft such as the big hand seal of heaven and earth can't be used. It's hard to make any move!

"Long Zuyang, today I will kill you, the strongest witch ancestor under the Emperor of the Sun!"

Ye Xu shouted, and then he was stunned. He saw the rune being lifted up by him. Instead of heading towards the dragon seal, it flew out like a piece of tissue paper and stuck to the magic door with a swish. !

"What are you doing?" Ye Xu lost his voice.

"Death!" Long Zuyang laughed, the dragon's mouth opened wide, and he bombarded down with the dragon seal in his mouth.

"General Long, wait a minute, I have something to say!" Ye Xu said loudly, holding up Prince Lingxiao high and ready to use Prince Lingxiao to greet Longyin at any time. \\\\First release\\\\

Long Zuyang stopped in a hurry, and Prince Lingxiao fell into Ye Xu's hands, which also made him throw a rat weapon.

"Actually, you don't know that I am your long-lost brother..." Ye Xu said sincerely.

Feng Suiyun and Fu Xilai's faces darkened, and their hearts were filled with despair. They originally thought that Ye Xu had some tricks to suppress the situation, but they didn't expect that Ye Xu would actually come up with such a bad idea!

"General Long, I can vouch for the personality of my father, Master Qingxuan, Brother Ye is definitely your biological brother!" Fu Xilai shouted hurriedly.

Feng Suiyun nodded quickly and said seriously: "I assure you in the name of the Creation Sect that this matter is absolutely true!"


Roaring Sky Dog's tail waggled like a rattle, and said with a cheerful smile: "My lord is actually not called Ye Shaobao, but Ye Shaolong. To read it upside down, he is Master Long, or the Great Lord King. I was also given the surname Long by my lord, and I am called Long. Xiaotian!"

"Three scumbags and one scumbag, how dare you deceive me like a child? They will all die!"

Long Zuyang smiled ferociously, and the power of the dragon seal was unleashed. Suddenly, he saw a golden dragon reaching out to grab Prince Lingxiao. Billions of dragon patterns were flying, and it stretched out its claws one after another, and grabbed three people and a dog fiercely!

Suddenly, the magic door rumbled and shook, and the decree rune was pasted on the door. The light shone brightly, shaking the magic door. Thousands of grand and old voices could be heard.

"Xuan! Xuan! Xuan!"

"Wonderful! Wonderful! Wonderful!"

"Mysterious and mysterious! The door to all mysteries!"

There seemed to be endless vicissitudes in the voice. The door to the wonders refined by Emperor Xuantian was finally opened by this decree. Demonic energy spurted out crazily, revealing Emperor Xuantian's secret realm, the Yellow Sand Desert. , coming towards you!


Ye Xu jumped on the back of the roaring dog, and saw the broken dog immediately rushing towards the gate of the wonders. Feng Suiyun and Fu Xilai hurriedly followed, jumped on the dog's back, and roared into the gate of the wonders. Door!

"Want to leave? You underestimate me, Long Zuyang!"

Long Zuyang shouted angrily. Under the Golden Light Seal Town, thousands of Dao Yun surged and poured into the door crazily. He couldn't help but be shocked. Their Golden Light Seal was infinitely powerful. They were the ancestral weapons he had refined with his own hands. Even Having been instructed by the Emperor of the Sun, the power was many times more powerful than ordinary ancestor soldiers. Unexpectedly, such a powerful power blasted into the door, but it was like a mud cow entering the sea, and there was no sound. It was obviously caused by the Huang behind this wonderful door. The desert is swallowed by sand!

"No one Long wanted to kill has been able to escape yet!"

Long Zuyang was furious and was about to enter the Gate of Wonders when he suddenly saw the decree of command on the door. His eyes were filled with greed and he raised his hand to grab the rune, intending to uncover it. Next, he thought: "The secret realm in this door is obviously not trivial. It is probably related to Emperor Xuantian, the ancient emperor. If this command rune was made by Emperor Xuantian, it must be extraordinary. The cultivation of Ding Huaishan and others Although they are slightly weaker than me, their strength is not trivial. These witch ancestors will soon open up the ancient road in the void and come here. It is better to take off the runes and close the door to all wonders..."

Before his hand touched the command rune, he suddenly felt an extremely tyrannical force brewing in the rune, which could even seriously injure him and damage the origin of the witch ancestor. He was startled and hurriedly withdrew his hand, his head shaking. No turning back rushes into the wonderful door.

Behind the Gate of Wonders, the wind roared, sweeping yellow sand in all directions, covering the sky and the earth, but it was a desolate desert. There were tornadoes blowing in the distance, rolling up hundreds of millions of yellow sand, like evil dragons sweeping across the desert!

Long Zuyang looked up and saw Ye Xu, three people and one dog walking cautiously in the desert, walking with difficulty. It seemed that every step he took took a lot of effort, for fear of taking the wrong step!

"A bunch of losers, I said you couldn't escape from my grasp, and you absolutely can't escape!"

Long Zuyang snorted coldly and stepped into the desert. Hearing a crackling sound, he immediately stopped moving forward and cold sweat rolled down his forehead.

His big feet were submerged in the yellow sand, as if there were thousands of planets pressing on them!

Long Zuyang pulled back his left foot with difficulty, looked down, and couldn't help but gasped. The yellow sand actually crushed his left foot until it was bloody and bloody, crushing his witch ancestor's body!

"These yellow sands are not yellow sand at all, but planets, which have been refined into the appearance of yellow sand..."

He recovered his physical body, lowered his head and carefully picked up a piece of yellow sand. He looked carefully and saw that this piece of yellow sand was actually a planet, with continents, mountains, rivers, oceans, and even clouds on it!

He raised his head again and looked at the desert in front of him. He didn't feel any contempt at all. Instead, he took a breath of air.

In his eyes, the strong winds that rolled up the yellow sand were not ordinary, but terrifying. Such strong winds could actually roll up countless planets, and their power was unbelievable!

And those tornadoes are even more terrifying, they can definitely easily crush a witch ancestor like him, and even the God King has to deal with them carefully!

"The methods of Emperor Xuantian are indeed extraordinary! I'm afraid he had to refine a whole universe to form this yellow sand desert, right?"

Long Zuyang gasped and murmured: "Ye Shaobao and the others can never be stronger than me. How did they survive in this desert?"

He looked carefully and saw that every time Ye Xu and others stepped on it, a golden bridge automatically appeared under their feet, floating just above the yellow sand desert.

The Golden Bridge was looming, with no end in sight and no legs behind. As Ye Xu and others walked by, it automatically disappeared into the desert!

As soon as Long Zuyang left, Ding Huaishan, Xie Tinghou and others arrived immediately. A witch ancestor was the first to find the command rune on the magic door. He couldn't help but be overjoyed and immediately reached out to grab the rune!


The violent power in the runes exploded, and the witch ancestor groaned, and his palms suddenly decomposed, quickly spreading to the whole body. All the flesh and blood were melted by the energy in the runes, and even the bones had a faint tendency to melt!

"One Qi and three flowers, three flowers incarnate, and the body is reborn!"

The witch ancestor was frightened and angry, and he hurriedly shouted loudly. Suddenly, a cloud of purple energy surged out of his head, turning into three white, red, and green lotus bones. The buds swayed slightly, and the roots penetrated deeply into his forehead. middle. Among them, a white lotus bloomed, and a new body appeared in the flower, exactly as he described it!


The witch ancestor shouted loudly, and the Tao Yun turned into a sword. He slashed out with one sword, cutting off the white lotus, and separated from his original body. All his original flesh and bones were melted away, and all his energy was swallowed up by the decree rune!

He couldn't help but break out in a cold sweat: "Fortunately, I have practiced the One Qi and Three Flowers in the Hongmeng Green Lotus Sutra and have three lives, otherwise I would have been killed by this strange rune!"

When Ding Huaishan and others saw this scene, they did not dare to touch the order rune and immediately poured into the door.

"Long Zuyang, a mere desert scares you?" A witch ancestor laughed loudly and rushed into the yellow sand desert.


A strong wind blew, and the witch ancestor was rolled up like a piece of paper by the strong wind and blown to the depths of the desert. Then the yellow sand in the strong wind beat his body and Dao Yun all over, like rags. , fell in the depths of the desert, buried by the yellow sand, and was quickly eroded until only the white bones were left, and then the white bones were also eroded by the yellow sand and turned into ashes!

"Tao Qianqiu is dead!" Ding Huaishan lost his voice, with cold sweat rolling down his body. Just now he almost rushed into the desert to kill Ye Xu.

This desert was like an insurmountable chasm, lying in front of them, making them afraid to continue chasing Ye Xu.

Ye Xu stood on the Golden Bridge. What he saw with his eyes was completely different from that of Long Zuyang and others. In their eyes, the outside of the bridge was not a desert of yellow sand at all, but a primitive universe. It was as if it was boiling and countless planets were destroyed. The cosmic monsoon blows, rolling and colliding in all directions. And outside the bridge, are there thick spiritual veins floating in the air, mixed in the cosmic monsoon, making it difficult to catch!

————There are so few monthly tickets today. I’m asking for monthly tickets~

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