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Volume 2: Entering Witchcraft with Martial Arts Chapter 834: The End of the Ancient Road (First upda

Chapter 834: The End of the Ancient Road (First update, please subscribe for monthly tickets~)

Prince Lingxiao was picked up by Master Ye Xu's neck and couldn't even scream. The twenty-story jade tower was like twenty heavens. The energy was suppressing him, suppressing him so much that he couldn't move!

He had just made a breakthrough, escaped from the Taoism gate, entered the Taoism as a witch, and turned his own Taoist pattern and Tao marks into Tao Yun. Although he was practicing emperor-level mental skills, after all, he had just become the witch ancestor. Although his strength had improved rapidly, he had gained a hundred times more power. Improvement, but compared with witch ancestors like beast slaves, there is still a big gap. \u0026*. "". com fastest update **

He broke through and became the Witch Ancestor, and could barely be regarded as a God King. What a glory, what glory, and high spirits it was to become a god and join the ranks of God Kings in the world!

However, in front of Ye Xu's Yulou, he could only be suppressed to death.

At this moment, he really felt like a little chicken being held in the mouth of a big bad wolf and might be eaten by the hungry wolf at any time.


Prince Lingxiao's energy and blood flowed out of his body rapidly, pouring crazily into Demon Ancestor Chitian's body.

Ye Xu felt that the qi and blood in this external incarnation were getting stronger and stronger. In Chitian Demon Ancestor's body, the rhymes were stimulated and revived by the strong qi and blood, exuding heart-stopping fluctuations!

The Dao Yun of this witch ancestor is extremely thick, and the Dao Yun alone gives Ye Xu the feeling that it is much more powerful than the witch ancestors like Beast Slave!

"After the Demon God became the Witch Ancestor, he turned out to be so powerful. He has an innate advantage over humans, monsters, and demons!"

Prince Lingxiao was weakening rapidly, and the energy in his body was flowing away faster and faster, turning into the energy and blood of Demon Ancestor Chi Tian, ​​stimulating more Tao Yun.

"A huge disaster... We have caused a huge disaster this time!"

Feng Suiyun's face was uncertain, and he murmured: "So many sons of gods have died, and the gods and kings in the heavens are angry, and the sky is falling..."

Fu Xilai sneered and said: "Brother Feng, these people want to kill us, but they are killed by Brother Ye instead. They deserve to die, so what if the God King of the Heavens is angry? Those who deserve to be killed will naturally still be killed!"

Feng Suiyun murmured: "Killing is natural, but too many sons of gods died this time, so many that my heart trembles... Moreover, it is estimated that Prince Lingxiao will also die in the hands of Brother Ye, his father is not ordinary A god king, but an emperor, an emperor who hopes to ascend the throne of the next emperor of heaven..."

Fu Xilai fought several cold wars and murmured: "The Emperor of the Sun, the emperor's son... Brother Ye's murderous intention is too serious, but even if Prince Ling Xiao is let go, it is difficult to let this matter go..."

Ye Xu chuckled and said: "Brother Fu is right, killing one person means death, killing a hundred people means death, why not just kill Prince Lingxiao too!"

"Too strong, too perverted..."

Ye Xu felt that Chitian Demon Ancestor's physical strength was getting stronger and more domineering, beyond the scope of what he could understand, and he couldn't help being surprised and happy. \u0026*. "". com fastest update **

What I am happy about is that the physical body of Demon Ancestor Chitian is so strong that if activated, it will definitely crush all the witch ancestors. But what is surprising is that the more powerful Demon Ancestor Chitian recovers, the more mana is needed to activate this incarnation. , beyond his ability to bear!

Suddenly, Ye Xu felt a strong sense of danger rushing into his heart. He hurriedly looked up and saw a big golden hand suddenly tearing apart the sky, protruding from the void, and slapping him hard!

"Long Zuyang?"

Ye Xu was shocked when he saw that this big-hand Dao Yun Tiancheng was many times more terrifying than the beast slave's full-strength attack. It distorted time and space and controlled the world's avenues. It was extremely powerful!

Before this palm fell, he felt as if countless time and space were crushing him, nailing him to the ancient road in the void, unable to move!

The witch ancestor Long Zuyang, who was under the Emperor of the Sun, finally arrived at the bottom of Tianjue Valley. Seeing the critical situation of Prince Lingxiao, he took action against Ye Xu brazenly!

At the same time, a sword light suddenly flashed in the void, instantly piercing through the distorted time and space formed by the condensation of Long Zuyang's big hand, and stabbed straight towards Ye Xu, imminently, it was also a natural Taoist charm, leaving people with nowhere to hide!

The two witch ancestors attacked Ye Xu at the same time, with unparalleled power, many times more powerful than witch ancestors like Beast Slave!

"Jade Tower enters the body!"

Ye Xu suddenly shouted, Yulou no longer suppressed Prince Lingxiao, and merged into the body. The power of the twenty worlds exploded, shattering the distorted time and space of Long Zuyang's big hand. He finally had the power to move, and immediately retreated quickly. !

The sword light flashed, following Ye Xu. Before the sword light arrived, it broke through the blessing of the power of the twenty worlds with a scoff, pierced his skin, and a pinhole-sized hole appeared between Ye Xu's eyebrows. There was a break, and a drop of blood flowed out.

"Crush it for me!"

Demon Ancestor Chi Tian moved his body, and more than a dozen thick Dao rhymes behind him were brushed down, and the sword light suddenly shattered!

Ye Xu urged the Chitian Demon Ancestor, and saw the external incarnation suddenly flipping its palms and meeting Long Zuyang's big hand. A dull voice sounded. The ancient road in the void shook violently, and was hit by the aftermath of the two great witch ancestors. It seemed that at any time It may break and exile them all into unknown time and space!

Fortunately, this ancient road in the void was refined by Emperor Xuantian himself. Even though the Witch Ancestor is extremely tyrannical, it cannot be destroyed by them!

Long Zuyang groaned, and was knocked out of the void by Demon Ancestor Chitian, appearing on the ancient road in the void.

Ye Xu activated the body of Chitian Demon Ancestor to resist the sword light and Long Zuyang's big hand, and felt his cultivation plummet. This external incarnation was indeed as he expected, and it consumed a lot of mana to activate.

The more Chitian Demon Ancestor's energy and blood are restored, the stronger he will be, and the greater the consumption of his cultivation will be when he activates it!

Even if Ye Xu becomes the Holy Emperor and has made great progress in his cultivation, he still cannot bear such consumption. A few simple actions of Demon Ancestor Chi Tian can drain his cultivation dry, leaving not a drop left, and he can only let it go. People slaughter!

Long Zuyang's eyes were stern as he glanced at Prince Lingxiao and Demon Ancestor Chitian, then landed on Ye Xu. He strode forward and said calmly: "Put the prince down, I'll leave you a complete corpse!"

"Whole corpse?"

I heard a voice laughing loudly, and a majestic figure appeared on the ancient road in the void, striding over, and the voice rumbled: "Long Zuyang, it is not up to you whether to leave him a whole body or not. But I, Marquis Xie Ting! The Divine Ancestor has ordered that this boy must die, and he must die horribly, in order to relieve the Divine Ancestor’s anger and pain of losing his son!”

"Xie Tinghou, if you kill him, be sure not to chop his head into pieces. I will keep his head and take it to Juntian God's Mansion to receive the reward." Another witch ancestor appeared on the ancient road of the void. The disease is not slow.

Another witch ancestor floated over and said calmly: "It is still unknown whether the head of the most evil man in the world will fall into the hands of you, Ding Huaishan."

"So many witch ancestors..."

Feng Suiyun and Fu Xilai's calves were trembling, and their faces were pale: "It's terrible this time..."

Ye Xu's face was solemn. Many witch ancestors came together to take his life. Every witch ancestor was beyond his ability to deal with. These people were not crazy witch ancestors like beast slaves. They were immersed in witchcraft. Year old monster.

In front of such an old antique, Ye Xu's age is just the time they spend in seclusion, which is insignificant!

An ancestor of the witches chuckled and said: "Tsk, tsk, a kid who came out of nowhere actually killed so many sons of gods in a row. The son of the king of gods in the sky was almost killed by you. This is the first time I have seen such a fierce and bold person. Si people!”

"If this kid kills Prince Lingxiao, then even the emperor will die in his hands."

Another witch ancestor smiled and said: "I am not in a hurry to kill him first. After he kills the emperor's son, the price of the reward will definitely be higher, and his head will be more valuable!"

"This ancient corpse of the demon god is really exciting." Another witch ancestor appeared, stared at the demon ancestor Chitian, and said with a smile.

Long Zuyang looked gloomy, strode forward, pressed towards Ye Xu, and said solemnly: "Put down the prince!"

Ye Xu put away Chitian Demon Ancestor, picked up Prince Lingxiao, retreated quickly, rolled up his sleeves, rolled up Feng Suiyun and Fu Xilai, and shouted: "Quickly, enter the Xuantian Demon Gate!"

"In front of me, do you still want to leave?"

Long Zuyang was furious and chased after him quickly. The other witch ancestors also set off one after another, roaring towards him even faster than Ye Xu!

"Streaming Seal!"

Ye Xu displayed a seal, and his speed suddenly increased greatly. He passed by on the ancient road in the void, faster than those witch ancestors!

Marquis Xie Ting laughed loudly: "It's interesting that you can master such a wonderful witchcraft. But if you are allowed to escape, where will the face of us witch ancestors be? Isn't it true that age is like a dog?"

"Who called me? Who wants to live on me?" A big black-haired dog suddenly jumped out of nowhere and looked around.

This broken dog was like a round ball with a dog's head. It was horribly fat. Ye Xu's face darkened: "How many bones of the witch ancestors did Roaring Sky Dog swallow to make its belly so round? With its size, With my cultivation strength, I’m afraid I won’t be able to refine these bones…”

When Xie Tinghou saw this broken dog, his face turned dark. Ye Xu rolled up his sleeves, rolled up the dog, and roared towards the end of the ancient road in the void.


A demon sculpture was touched by his breath, suddenly revived, opened its eyes, the Tao Yun divine patterns around its body were rotating endlessly, and its fist was as huge as a planet, and it hit Ye Xu hard!

"Chitian Demon Ancestor!"

Ye Xu suddenly sacrificed his external incarnation and faced off against the demon sculpture. Demon Ancestor Chi Tian roared with three heads, stretched out his eight arms, and faced the big hand!

Chitian Demon Ancestor's Dao Yun shattered all over his body, and he finally knocked back the big hand, and Ye Xu whizzed past. Long Zuyang and other witch ancestors roared towards him, only to see the demon statue abandoning Ye Xu and not chasing him. Instead, he raised his big foot and stepped on it hard!

This foot covers the sky, and when it falls, even Long Zuyang and other old antiques have to deal with it with all their strength, otherwise they will be crushed by this demon sculpture!

Fortunately, Samsara Dharma King, Burning Eyebrow Buddha and other divine kings broke through the ban all the way. This sculpture is already broken, and its power is no longer as powerful as it was in its heyday. With their strength, it is only a matter of time before this sculpture is broken!

Along the way, Ye Xu encountered crises one after another. At least three of the demon god sculptures were still intact, and they attacked him one after another. Ye Xu used his cultivation to resist these attacks with Demon Ancestor Chi Tian, ​​and finally rushed into the void before his cultivation was exhausted. At the end of the ancient road, we came to the magic gate!

Ye Xu stumbled to the ground. Feng Suiyun and Fu Xilai immediately stepped forward and pushed hard towards the magic door. The magic door did not move at all, and the two of them were anxious.

Ye Xu raised his magic power and tried to activate Demon Ancestor Chi Tian, ​​but he felt that he was completely empty and could no longer activate a finger of this incarnation, and his heart suddenly became cold.

"Do you still want to leave?" Long Zuyang came from the Void Ancient Road in tatters and with murderous intent. It was obvious that he was not having an easy time on this ancient road. After many battles, he finally found a way out and left the other witch ancestors behind. The back of the head.

————The first update today, calling for monthly subscription~

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