Unparalleled in the world

Volume 2: Using Martial Arts to Enter Witchcraft, Chapter 829: Do you know how to write the word

"The twenty-story jade tower is several floors more than my Miluo Heaven and Earth Tower. I wonder how powerful this jade tower is now?"

Ye Xu recalled the Jade Tower and carefully sensed the power of this Jade Tower. Although his Jade Tower was only a forbidden treasure, its power had already surpassed the level of the forbidden treasure. This time it had grown to the 20th floor, and its power almost surpassed the Miluo Heaven and Earth Tower!

The Miluo Heaven and Earth Tower has been re-forged by him, and its power has been increased by an unknown amount. However, Yulou Ye Xu has never refined it. He only has a forbidden magic clone. With just a forbidden treasure, its power is comparable to that of the Miluo Heaven and Earth Tower. Approach the ancestor soldiers.

If Ye Xu breaks into other divine gold and divine materials, integrates Dao patterns and Dao marks, and elevates the Jade Tower to the level of a holy treasure, it will definitely be comparable to or even surpass the ancestral soldiers!

"How many floors can this jade tower grow to?"

Ye Xu was quite curious. His jade tower was born with him and was not given by heaven. It had always been with him and had never been broken. It grew with him.

For other sorcerers, even if they are ninth-grade jade towers and pagodas, after the owner becomes the Witch King, the jade tower will cease to exist and will be easily shattered by the Witch King's aura. This is because the aura of the Witch King is too strong, and the God-given treasure cannot withstand the pressure of the Witch King, and by that time, the Jade Tower will have little effect on the Witch King.

However, his Jade Tower continues to grow and expand, and now it even has a power close to that of the ancestral weapons, becoming one of Ye Xu's most powerful witchcraft treasures!

"Why do I always feel that there is a huge connection between Yuxu Palace and my Jade Tower..." Ye Xu's face was gloomy and he put away the Jade Tower.

The Yuxu Palace he joined was very unpredictable and mysterious, and there should be many secrets buried in it.

All the ancient trees in Tianjue Valley were swallowed up by his jade trees, and the space suddenly became much wider. However, the ancient void road, the many demon sculptures on the ancient road, and the magic gate at the end of the ancient road were not seen.

"That magic gate should be covered by a restriction. Only by finding the beginning of the restriction and touching the restriction can this ancient road and the magic door be revealed."

Fu Xilai looked around, and suddenly shook his hands to create a piece of restriction. Countless lines and marks filled the void and collided with the void. After a moment, the marks all over the sky suddenly seemed to have been hit hard and shattered with a crash!

Fu Xilai groaned, with blood at the corner of his mouth, and saw an ancient road in the void being touched by him, and it suddenly appeared!

This road is arranged in the void. At the end of the road, you can vaguely see a magic gate. The wisps of Dao lines, Dao marks, and Dao Yun divine patterns are coming from that magic gate and blending into Tianjue. valley.

It is this demon gate that creates the demonic energy and atmosphere in Tianjue Valley, as well as the billions of demons!

In other words, Tianjue Valley may have been formed naturally, but this Demon Gate was definitely carefully arranged by someone!

Many demon sculptures stand on both sides of this ancient road in the void, majestic and solemn, seeming to welcome the arrival of the emperor. This kind of pomp is jaw-dropping.

Ye Xu noticed that many sculptures were damaged, with heads and hands missing, showing their vicissitudes of life.

"The person who arranged this magic gate is extremely powerful. He must be a great master in the restriction. He is terrifyingly tyrannical, even many times more powerful than my father!"

Fu Xilai looked solemn, wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, stared at the road that suddenly appeared, and the demon sculptures on both sides of the road, and said in a deep voice: "This place is full of murderous intentions, and he turned the world around. Only this road can lead to it." If you fly through the Demon Gate from other places, you will fall into an unknown space! And these roads are not safe, but there are many restrictions. If you are not careful, the restrictions will be triggered and these demon sculptures will be revived. Kill the opponent!"

Ye Xu looked intently and saw that these relatively complete demon god sculptures flashed haloes from time to time, automatically capturing the Dao marks, Dao Yun divine patterns overflowing from the Demon Gate and absorbing them into the body. He couldn't help but feel a little creepy. He thought: "If these demon sculptures are stimulated by others, the combat power that bursts out in an instant may be a hundred times more terrifying than those demons in Tianjue Valley! Fortunately, most of these demon sculptures have been smashed... "

Most of the demon sculptures on this ancient road in the void have been damaged. There are broken limbs and arms everywhere, and they are in tatters, and the demonic nature in them has been lost.

"Someone has been here, forced to break the ban, swept all the way, and smashed these demon sculptures!"

Ye Xu reached out and grabbed the severed hand of a demon sculpture. He saw that the broken part was very fresh. It must have been broken by someone not long ago. He wondered: "Besides us, there are other people who came here in advance." here?"

Suddenly he had a flash of inspiration and thought to himself: "The King of Samsara is preparing to open the secret realm of Emperor Xuantian. Could it be that this is a secret realm left by Emperor Xuantian in the tomb of heaven? Were these sculptures destroyed at the hands of King of Samsara?" "

He opened his eyes and looked towards the ancient road in the void. He saw that there were many lying corpses on the ancient road. Some of them had been corroded by the demonic energy and turned into skeletons. They should be the strong men who came to explore Tianjue Valley in the past and were killed by the demon god. The sculpture killed him on this ancient road.

Some of the corpses were of the powerful ones at the level of the witch ancestors. Although only their skeletons were left, their arrogance was still there, rising into the sky. It was amazing!

"The corpse of the guardian demon!"

Ye Xu's eyes narrowed and he saw the corpses of several demon guardians of the Burning Eyebrow Buddha abandoned on the ancient road. They must have been beaten to death by the demon sculptures and abandoned by the Burning Eyebrow Buddha.

"Good guys, the two god kings are here. I wonder who gets here first?"

Ye Xu calculated the time and found that Samsara Dharma King and Burning Eyebrow Buddha entered this secret realm at about the same time, but they were both a month ago. With the God King's earth-shattering magical power, he must have opened the magic door and entered the secret realm. middle!

"However, they don't have a map, and there are many dangers along the way. They may not have entered the depths of the secret realm and obtained the inheritance of Emperor Xuantian!"

Ye Xu felt quite uneasy. After all, Samsara Dharma King and Burning Eyebrow Buddha were both giants at the level of god kings. They had access to heaven and earth, and their supernatural powers were extremely amazing. There was no guarantee that they would break through the restrictions left by Emperor Xuantian and remove the secrets in the secret realm. The hide was wiped out!

"Let's go quickly!"

Ye Xu immediately flew up and landed on the ancient road in the void. Feng Suiyun and Fu Xilai landed beside him one on the left and one on the right. The Roaring Sky Dog followed behind him, looking around.

The moment they set foot on the ancient road in the void, the scene in front of them suddenly changed, turning into a sky of billions of stars, as if they were suddenly moved out of Tianjue Valley by an extremely powerful magic power and came to the outside of the sky.

And those demon sculptures became extremely huge, and their faces were hidden among the many planets. They were eerie and terrifying. Those planets flew silently past the faces of the sculptures, only covering half of their faces.

Those broken limbs and arms, floating among the planets, are incredibly big!

Feng Suiyun shuddered for several times and murmured: "If these demon sculptures still have power, with one blow, the palm of their hand is bigger than the planet, and they hit people, who can withstand it?"

Ye Xu smiled and said: "Fortunately, the King of Samsara and the others have broken these demon sculptures, otherwise this ancient road would have stumped us all. However, everyone should be careful. I just discovered that there are still several demon sculptures that have not been It’s completely broken, and it’s still absorbing the energy coming from the magic gate, so it probably still has some power!”

Fu Xilai and the other two nodded repeatedly. The few remaining demon god sculptures were less than half damaged, but the whole was still intact. They could still burst out with powerful power, which was no less than that of the Witch Ancestor!


The roaring dog's eyes suddenly lit up, he cheered, rushed out from behind Ye Xu like an arrow, jumped forward, and shouted happily: "So many bones!"

Ye Xu couldn't stop him, so he could only watch the broken dog rushing out, and said with evil intentions: "It's okay, let Xiaotian, this stupid dog, explore the road first, and when it triggers danger, we can prepare in advance, be careful response……"

"Finally rushed out!"

Suddenly a cheer came, and Ye Xu looked back and saw Prince Lingxiao and others rushing out of Tianjue Valley and descending to the bottom of the valley.

"Ye Xu, Young Master Ye, you are indeed here! Let's see where you go this time!"

The demon god's eyes shone, and he noticed Ye Xu on the ancient Void Road. He laughed loudly, flew up, approached the ancient Void Road, and said sternly: "Beast slave, come out!"

He shook his hands and raised the cage in his hand. He saw that the beast cage was getting bigger and bigger, with iron pillars reaching into the sky, and crashing towards Ye Xu and others.

In the cage, the old man of the beast race smiled strangely, with a ferocious face. The cage expanded, and the body of the old beast race witch ancestor also expanded like air. Muscles exploded from under the skin, like hills.

His face was ferocious, countless animal hairs emerged from under the skin, and the roots stood up like iron thorns. The bones on his forehead were raised like pimples. His mouth was getting longer and longer, and his teeth were growing rapidly. His mouth was full of fangs, like a A dog head!

Immediately, there was a clicking sound from his neck, and three heads grew out of his neck, including an elephant head, a bird head, and a tiger head. Together with the dog head, there were four heads in total!

This is a statue that has been cultivated to the level of the witch ancestor. It has the head of a beast and the human body. It is extremely tyrannical. Suddenly, the four heads opened their mouths and shouted loudly. The cage exploded with a bang. The iron pillars flew in the air, clanking, and combined into pieces of ancestral weapons. He was grabbed by his eight arms.

The four-faced head had an iron chain tied around its neck. With a clattering sound, it suddenly landed on the ancient road in the void. It roared and heavy air waves crashed towards Ye Xu and the others, shattering the void!

Ye Xu stood still, the Samsara Heavenly Gate appeared behind him, distorting time and space. He saw this sound wave crashing in, making loud bang bang bang bangs, shattering the voids one by one, but did not completely destroy the power of the Samsara Heavenly Gate. defense.

"Ye Shaobao, it seems that your cultivation has made great progress, but this time, we, the Son of God, have exhausted all our knowledge, and you have no choice but to die!" The Demon God Son, with flying black hair, flew over with an iron chain in hand, and landed on the ancient road in the void. Taking a step forward, he sneered.

He suddenly noticed that the scenery in front of him had changed. From Tianjue Valley to the starry sky outside the territory, he couldn't help but reveal a strange color.

Immediately, more than ten tyrannical auras rose into the sky, and other sons of gods descended one after another, sacrificing pieces of ancestral weapons above their heads, with great power, and pressed hard on Ye Xu and others!


The huge planets were oppressed by the power of many ancestral soldiers and exploded one after another!

However, before the power of these ancestral soldiers came to Ye Xu, they were swallowed up by the distorted time and space formed by the Samsara Heaven Gate, making no waves.

"Xiaotian, your relatives are here..."

Ye Xu glanced at the many gods, smiled slightly, and said lightly: "A bunch of dogs are chasing after them all the way here. Could it be that you don't know how to write the word "death"?

——Second update, please subscribe!

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