Unparalleled in the world

Volume 2: Using force to become a witch, Chapter 828: Washing the ground into white (please subscrib

Chapter 828: Washed to a white ground (please subscribe for monthly tickets in the middle of the month~)

The roaring dog drooled, staring at the big bone hammer in Ye Xu's hand and wagging its tail. Ye Xu smiled slightly, put away the other half of the leg bone of the Witch Ancestor, and threw it to it. //《》.com《》Novel Network//

This big bone hammer was broken by him with Miluo Heaven and Earth Tower, and the smaller piece was broken. Roaring Sky Dog was extremely happy. He hurriedly caught it and bit down hard. Two of his teeth suddenly broke. He cried in pain and whined. He reluctantly took two licks and muttered: "I'll use it to grind my teeth first..."

Ye Xu swung the larger leg bone of the Witch Ancestor with all his strength, and there was a loud bang, and a large area of ​​the void was collapsed by him!

"Good thing! It's a pity that this big bone hammer is used to feed dogs. But I can't use this thing. After all, its power is not as powerful as Miluo Heaven and Earth Tower."

He took off the golden wire, threw the big bone hammer to Feng Suiyun, and said with a smile: "Brother Feng, this witch ancestor's leg bone is very hard, it is the leg bone of the demon god. With this big bone hammer, Brother Feng's The strength will also be greatly improved. Brother Fu, I don’t know what kind of divine object this golden thread is made of. It is extremely tough and suitable for you to use to set up a ban. If you use it to set up a ban, the power of your ban will be several times or even ten times terrifying! "

The two of them were overjoyed and hurriedly accepted it. Fu Xilai was a little surprised and said: "Brother Ye, we didn't do anything to accept your treasure, but you didn't lose any benefits. I'm really ashamed."

"We are all in the same boat, why bother to live apart?"

Ye Xu smiled and said: "Besides, these two treasures are not in my eyes yet, but if they fall into your hands, they can improve your strength. Let's go!"

"Below the Tianjue Valley is the core of the eighteen levels of hell in ancient times. The luck automatically condenses to form Dao patterns, Dao marks, Dao Yun divine patterns and even Shen Yun! These Dao patterns, Dao Yun divine patterns are distributed into the Tian Jue Valley , it is easy to become a demon!"

Behind Ye Xu, a reincarnation gate hangs high. Without using any hands, he can crush countless demons and restore them into Dao lines and Dao marks. He absorbs the entrance, and his understanding of the eighteen levels of hell becomes deeper and deeper, and he thinks in his heart: "I When he was in the land of Emperor Xing, he had received the fortune of the Three Thousand Worlds, which laid the foundation for the Holy Emperor Wu Zu. The fortune of the Three Thousand Worlds was also composed of Dao patterns, Dao marks, Tao and principles, but it was inferior to the Eighteen Levels of Hell. I don’t know how much. If you can get the luck of the Eighteenth Level of Hell, although you won’t be able to raise your cultivation level to the level of the Witch Ancestor God King, it can lay the foundation for breaking through the Eighteenth Level Hell to the level of the Witch Ancestor, God King, and even the Emperor!”

The deeper you go into Tianjue Valley, the more demons appear, and even the demons generated in Dao Yun appear frequently, which is extremely dangerous.

Encountering such a tyrannical demon, Ye Xu took action with all his strength and forced the opponent back. With his strength, he could indeed kill this kind of demon. However, during the battle, the movement would definitely alarm other demons in Tianjue Valley. , surrounded by demons, it was hard for him to please him, so he just forced the opponent back instead of pursuing him fiercely. ("", watch the latest update of this book)

In this case, Tian Jue Gu and his party have also benefited him a lot. Although his cultivation level has not increased much, the Tao Sect has become more stable and indestructible.

"Even the Witch Ancestor can't easily break my Dao Sect!" Ye Xu's confidence increased and he thought to himself.

Suddenly, an unusually powerful aura came from the front. He hurriedly focused his eyes and swept away. His eyes penetrated the heavy demonic aura and saw a demonic head born from the Taoist Yun wandering around. In addition, there was something deeper. There is also a devil born from the divine pattern, who is unparalleled in tyranny!

These demons are almost everywhere in the Tianjue Valley, and from time to time their spiritual thoughts sweep away. Anyone who forces his way through here will definitely alert them!

With the strength of Ye Xu and the others, if they fall into the siege of these demons, they may not be able to hold on for long before they will be beaten into a pulp!

"Brother Feng, Brother Fu, let's force our way over!"

Ye Xu suddenly rolled up his sleeves and rolled up Feng Suiyun, Fu Xilai and Howling Sky Dog, and landed them under the Samsara Heavenly Gate. Then a stream of light seal unfolded, and the Samsara Heavenly Gate turned into a stream of light, roaring towards the Tianjue Valley. deep.

Those demons only had time to see a flash of light, and before they could make any move, they lost sight of Ye Xu and others!


A demon king with divine patterns suddenly opened his one eye, stretched out his big hand, and tremblingly grabbed the stream of light. Under his palm, the void twisted, but it was a pity that he failed to catch the stream of light.

The Tianjue Valley is immeasurably deep, and even at the speed of Flowing Light Seal, it took Ye Xu less than half an hour to reach the ground.

Suddenly, all the demonic energy and atmosphere in front of them were swept away. Strange trees stood at the bottom of the valley, lush and green. The dark trees were extremely strong and covered with Dao lines and Dao marks. Some trees were covered with Dao rhymes, Dao rhymes. Circulation is almost natural for treasures such as ancestral weapons!

There are even some exotic trees, with strange textures covered with divine patterns all over their bodies, and their power is even more terrifying than that of the witch ancestors!

These trees have lived for who knows how long, at least tens of thousands of years. Some trees may even live longer than the Emperor of Heaven!

Ye Xu looked up and saw that there were no demons wandering at the bottom of the valley. These demons in the evil wind seemed to be very afraid of this place, and he couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

"These trees are all magic trees formed by absorbing magic energy and Dao patterns, Dao Yun and Shen patterns. They are naturally the materials for refining treasures, and they are the best materials!" Feng Suiyun's eyes lit up and he lost his voice.

Fu Xilai sighed and said reluctantly: "These demonic trees are good, but they are only made into treasures, and they are also extremely demonic. If the demonic nature is not exorcised, I am afraid that over time, the holder will be demonized, wipe out the Taoist heart, and turn into a demon." head."

"It doesn't matter."

Ye Xu suddenly cast a Qingming Seal, which immediately expelled the demonic nature of the forest, making every tree look like jade, crystal clear and attractive. Some trees had dragon scales on them, as if the ancient trees might turn into real dragons and take flight at any time. , some bear phoenix feathers, or they may suddenly become demons and fly away into Qingluan.

"Good witchcraft, really good witchcraft!"

Fu Xilai was full of praise and said with a smile: "Brother Ye, your witchcraft and magical powers have reached the level of heaven and earth. It is easy to resolve these demonic properties. I am afraid that even my father will not be able to match your methods!"

Feng Suiyun and Fu Xilai were overjoyed. They hurried forward, uprooted the big trees and put them away. In just a moment, the two of them uprooted hundreds of ancient trees, most of which were ancient trees that absorbed Taoist charm!

Uprooting these ancient trees made them panting from exhaustion. Each ancient tree was uprooted, bringing up not the soil of Tianjue Valley, but pieces of emptiness!

The roots of these ancient trees that absorb Tao Yun are rooted in the void. They must have the means to break the void in order to pull their roots out of the void!

If Feng Suiyun and Fu Xilai hadn't greatly improved their cultivation and strength, reached the peak of Holy Emperor status, and already had the means to break the void in the heavens, they might not even be able to uproot an ancient tree.

As for the ancient trees that absorbed the divine patterns, their roots penetrated into the void of the sky tomb and penetrated countless worlds. Even if the witch ancestors came, they could not shake them, let alone them!

"Brother Ye, don't you collect some ancient trees to refine treasures?"

Feng Suiyun saw that Ye Xu had never made a move and said with a smile: "Is it possible that Brother Ye doesn't like these heavenly and earthly treasures?"

Ye Xu smiled slightly and said, "I'm waiting for you to collect enough materials before I plan to take action."

Feng Suiyun and Fu Xilai looked at each other and said with a smile: "Could it be that Brother Ye wants to move all the ancient trees in Tianjue Valley? Brother Ye, if you had such a method, I'm afraid you would have become the God King!"

Ye Xu smiled and said: "Although I am not a god king, collecting these trees is not a problem for me."

The two of them couldn't believe it, not to mention other things, just those ancient trees that absorbed the divine patterns, their roots penetrated the sky tomb for countless worlds and time and space, and their roots were so deep that even the witch ancestors could not pull them up.

"Since the two brothers no longer collect these ancient trees, I will take action."

Suddenly, a jade tree flew out from between Ye Xu's eyebrows and merged into the jade tower. The jade tower suddenly shook, and then the void in the deep valley shook endlessly, as if an extremely huge behemoth was about to emerge from the void!

Feng Suiyun and Fu Xilai were shocked. Suddenly they heard a loud bang bang bang bang, and the void in Tianjue Valley suddenly exploded. They saw extremely thick roots emerging from the depths of the void, like dragons and pythons. Flying down, in the blink of an eye, billions of roots emerged from the void, fell from the sky, and entangled those ancient trees tightly!

These roots are naturally the roots of the jade tree in the Jade Tower. These roots had already taken root deep into the heaven and stole the spiritual energy of the heaven when Ye Xu was cultivating to become an emperor.

At this moment, Ye Xu absorbed the branches of the World Tree and cultivated into the Holy Emperor. The power of the Yushu doubled, and its roots took root in billions of voids. There were even the roots of the Yushu in the sky tomb, and its absorption ability was many times stronger than before!

Feng Suiyun and Fu Xilai looked up and saw these thick roots, which were as strong as mountains and dragons. The roots were covered with strange textures, which were extremely mysterious, like a book from heaven!

The roots covered the sky above this valley, making it airtight. Only a few of them were not touched by the roots, so they were considered safe!

But in other places, the ancient trees in Tianjue Valley were not so lucky. These roots extracted the Dao marks and Dao Yun divine patterns on their bodies!

I saw that those Dao lines, Dao marks, Dao Yun Shen patterns were absorbed by these roots, and immediately appeared on the surface of the roots, flowing rapidly, driving into the void, into the vast and unpredictable place!

Obviously, the one that pokes out these roots must be a divine tree. It penetrates the void and is much stronger than those ancient trees that absorb divine patterns!

"Brother Ye, could it be that you are some kind of monster who has cultivated human form?" Feng Suiyun said in a trembling voice, his calves trembling.

This scene was so terrifying and weird that they couldn't help but suspect that Ye Xu was not a human being, but an ancient tree that had become a great demon.

Ye Xu's face darkened, and he smiled and cursed. He saw that all the spiritual energy of those ancient trees were quickly sucked away by the roots of the jade tree, and the Dao Wen Dao Yun divine patterns were also taken away. They quickly withered and turned into dead trees!


Ye Xu's jade tower suddenly grew one layer, and he couldn't help but feel happy. Suddenly there was a loud roar, and the jade tower grew one layer again!

In just a moment, his jade tower rose up to two levels, which shows how amazing the energy contained in the ancient trees in Tianjue Valley is!

When the number of jade floors no longer increased, Ye Xu thought and saw roots flying all over the sky, automatically retracting into the void, thinking: "Twenty floors, my jade floor has reached the twentieth floor! Even if I don't get anything this time Treasure, it can be said that this trip is worthwhile!”

Feng Suiyun, Fu Xilai and Roaring Sky Dog stared blankly at the bottom of Tianjue Valley. They saw that the lush virgin forest had now turned into a white land, with not even a hair left!

"My Lord, are you sure you are not a monster?" Roaring Sky Dog shuddered and murmured.

————It’s the middle of the month. It’s a critical period to hit the monthly ticket list. I beg everyone to support the pig more and support the world. Monthly ticket subscription is recommended. No one can be missing~~

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