Unparalleled in the world

Volume 2: Using force to become a witch, Chapter 801: People are unpredictable (first update, please

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Piao Tian Literature\u003c/a\u003e The rankings of the Demon Emperor, Ying Zongdao and Xiang Ji on the wanted list are only below the Eight Demons such as Black Sky Demon Lord and Beidi Demon Lord. The three of them are lined up together, and they should be in the same place at the same time. Do evil.

However, there is no explanation on the wanted list about the outrageous things they did.

The five large ships were fully loaded with cargo and sailed towards the depths of the sky and sea. The speed was very slow, almost the same as the speed of the Holy Emperor.

"Senior Sister Wen, I wonder what these three people have done to be wanted by Juntian God Palace?" Ye Xu asked, pointing to the names of the three Demon Emperors.

Wen Xiuzhu glanced at it and said with a smile: "These three people are the Witch Kings of the lower realm. After hearing that they ascended to the heaven, they saw wealth everywhere, so they became greedy and looted Silver Moon City, Canghuang City, and Daqian. City and other cities, more than eighty cities were robbed in a row, alarming the Juntian God's palace. "

Ye Xu looked strange. Almost every city in the heaven had a holy emperor, and even a peak holy emperor. When Ying Zongdao and others came to the world, almost all the forbidden treasures were destroyed in the hands of the supervisor angel Teng Hou. Their strength was not due to In its heyday, it was difficult to deal with the peak Witch King. How could they rob eighty cities in a row?

"Senior Brother Ying and the others ascended to the heaven a few years before me. Could it be that they had some adventure and made great progress in their cultivation?" Ye Xu wondered in his heart.

"These three people are so daring. The man named Ying Zongdao among them created some kind of fictitious treasure house to lure the masters in these cities to hunt for treasures. They took advantage of it and broke in to loot the empty cities."

Wen Xiuzhu looked ashamed and said: "It's shameful to say that among them, one of our Ji Dao Alliance's properties was also looted by these three villains. These three people are very cunning. After looting a place, they... They immediately changed places and did the same thing. The world was so big that it was difficult for the news to spread all over the world, so they succeeded in robbing more than 80 cities in a row, sweeping away all the treasures, spiritual veins, and resources in the city, and even caused trouble. At Juntianshen Palace! These three villains have been hunted by Wu Sheng for more than a year and have not yet been brought to justice."

"Making a false treasure house to lure people in? What a good idea!" Fu Xilai's eyes lit up and he hurriedly wrote it down carefully.

Ye Xu was filled with envy and thought: "These scum. They did such fun things and didn't call me. It's really outrageous! Strange, why is there no Star Emperor here?"

He flipped through the wanted list several times, but there was no trace of the Star Emperor. He was surprised: "Did the Star Emperor part ways with them after he came to the heaven? With the character of the Star Emperor, he may not share wealth, but he will definitely share the same destiny. There may be another reason for the suffering..."

Heaven has its own rules. The rules of the heaven are that all resources fall into the hands of the God Kings, Witch Ancestors and other high-ranking nobles. The hierarchy is strict. If you do not become a member of these high-ranking nobles, you will not be able to survive in the heaven.

Strong people can be born in the heaven, but the strong people born are usually under the control of these big forces, and accidents rarely happen. Powerful men like God King Tanzu are special cases.

The Nether has rules for the Nether. Ying Zongdao Demon Emperor and others are talented people from the lower world and have always been unruly. I am the biggest, God is the second.

After they came to heaven. They will inevitably be dissatisfied with the strict hierarchy of heaven. Talented people like this will not succumb to the rules of heaven, and there will inevitably be a collision!

"Since they are still on the list, they must still be alive."

Ye Xu closed the list and handed it back to Wen Xiuzhu, silently saying in his heart: "I just don't know where they are now..."

"Senior Sister Wen, I heard that there are distinguished guests on your ship. Why don't you introduce me to my little brother?" Suddenly, a loud laugh was heard. A young man in Chinese attire led more than ten masters from other ships and landed on the ship. on board.


His momentum suddenly exploded, overwhelming Ye Xu and the others at the same time. He was extremely fierce and laughed loudly: "I heard that you met three young talents, Senior Sister Wen. Zhong Mou came to meet you for a while!"

He is obviously also a Holy Emperor, and he has cultivated to an extremely high level, and his momentum is extremely strong. He plans to give Ye Xu and others a blow when he comes up!

However, although his momentum was strong, in Ye Xu's eyes, it was not as good as Feng Suiyun, Fu Xilai and other gods, so he didn't take it to heart at all.

Fu Xilai and Feng Suiyun didn't care, they just thought his breath was the spring breeze.

Wen Xiuzhu looked slightly embarrassed and hurriedly introduced: "Brother Ye, Brother Feng, Brother Fu, please don't mind. This is Zhong Liangyu, the second son of our Ji Dao Alliance. He is born to be extremely reckless."

"I don't mind, Senior Sister Wen, don't blame yourself." Ye Xu said with a toothy smile.

Wen Xiuzhu felt a sudden shock in her heart and felt a little uneasy. She knew about Ye Xu's deeds. He seemed to be an innocent young man, but he dared to kill even the Son of God, and like cutting rice, he killed a large number of people at once. He was definitely not a kind person. If you are not careful, this person may go on a killing spree.

"Are you Ye Xu, Ye Shaobao?"

Zhong Liangyu, the elegantly dressed young man, suddenly noticed Ye Xu, his eyes lit up, he suddenly took a step forward, and laughed loudly: "You can't find anything even if you break through iron shoes, it takes no effort to get here! Senior sister Wen, you did a good job! This guy is now He is such a hot mess that even the kings of the gods, including Juntian God’s Mansion, are looking for him. I didn’t expect him to fall into my hands now! Come on, get him right away!”

The more than ten masters behind him moved and surrounded Ye Xu and the other three.


Wen Xiuzhu's face suddenly became extremely cold, and he said sternly: "Zhong Liangyu, are you in charge here or am I in charge? How can I allow you to give orders? Get out of here!"

Zhong Liangyu was slightly startled and said hurriedly: "Senior Sister Wen, do you know how valuable this kid is? It's enough to quadruple the wealth of our Jidao Alliance..."

"Shut up! Get out of here! Now we're in the deep sea, and there are a lot of sea beasts. Zhong Liangyu, you'd better guard your ship peacefully and do your duty!"

Zhong Liangyu's expression was gloomy. He glanced at Ye Xu fiercely, led everyone away, and sneered: "Senior Sister Wen, if you protect this kid, you are going against the world, and sooner or later you will be ruined!"

Wen Xiuzhu rubbed his temples, feeling a severe headache, and apologized to Ye Xu and the others: "Zhong Liangyu doesn't know the heights of the world. He made the three of them laugh. When he goes back, the little sister will scold him severely and let him board the ship to serve the three of them." I’m not going to accompany you.”

Ye Xu laughed dumbly: "Senior Sister Wen, you are too careful. Ye is not a man-eating demon. Why would you care about such a trivial matter? Let's continue drinking tea."

Wen Xiuzhu breathed a sigh of relief and thought to himself: "Although you are not a man-eating demon, you are more terrifying than a man-eating demon. Even the son of the God King will kill you at will..."

"Senior Sister Wen. What kind of goods are you escorting this time?" Feng Suiyun asked curiously.

Wen Xiuzhu hesitated for a moment, and Ye Xu smiled and said, "If it's inconvenient, Senior Sister Wen doesn't have to say anything."

"It's not that Xiuzhu doesn't want to say it, but this treasure is really very relevant. Xiuzhu is worried that if the three of them see it, they will be tempted to kill." Wen Xiuzhu said with a bitter smile.

Fu Xilai's ears twitched, his eyes lit up, and he smiled and said, "When you say that, I feel murderous."

Ye Xu couldn't help but be curious. Wen Xiuzhu gave them a blank look and said with a smile: "If I really don't take it out, there is no guarantee that you will really have bad ideas. It would be better for you to see it."

A pagoda appeared above her head, and a piece of metal the size of a fist flew out from it, and divine patterns filled the air. It exudes a heavy aura like the great avenue of heaven and earth, and even suppresses Ye Xu and the others to the point where they can hardly move their cultivation!

"This piece of divine gold is a treasure that my father obtained unintentionally. It is the material for forging the imperial weapons. My father plans to let me escort it to Yantian and present it to the eternal emperor as a birthday gift."

Wen Xiuzhu said with a smile: "Now that the sky is dead, the Eternal Emperor is the most promising emperor in the world to ascend to the throne of God. We, the Jidao Alliance, want to do business in the heavens. We must stand in advance."

"Imperial soldiers?"

Ye Xu's heart moved slightly, and the jade tower appeared. A palm-sized fragment of the Imperial Armament flew out, and he said with a smile: "I also have a fragment of the Imperial Armament here. I don't know what mineral it was made of, but it's a pity that it doesn't have any power."

"The Emperor's remaining soldiers?"

Wen Xiuzhu glanced at it, showing a look of shock, then showed a look of regret, and sighed: "Brother Ye, the minerals used by your emperor's remnant soldiers are infinitely higher than my little sister's piece of divine gold. It's a pity that it was... The charm of the divine pattern has been wiped out, and the spirituality has been lost. It will be extremely difficult to restore it. It requires a master of the divine king and emperor level to nourish it with the divine pattern and imprint a new divine pattern on it. "

"I see."

Ye Xu was overjoyed when he saw the fragment of the imperial weapon automatically flying behind him and falling into the many divine patterns. As soon as the fragment of the imperial weapon entered it, it immediately absorbed the divine pattern ribbons surrounding Ye Xu's body. On top of the fragment, Divine patterns gradually emerged!

Wen Xiuzhu was dumbfounded when he saw it, and secretly said to himself: "I forgot that he also has divine tattoos to protect him."

On the building boat clearing the way ahead, Zhong Liangyu was angry and sneered: "This little bitch dares to scold me in public and damage my face. It must be this bitch who has taken a liking to those three pretty boys!"

A follower behind him quickly advised: "Young master, calm down. The people beside Ye Shaobao are Feng Suiyun from the Creation Sect and Fu Xilai from the Qingxuan Divine Palace. They are both sons of gods. A mere Ye Shaobao is nothing to be afraid of. If Offending the Creation Sect and Qingxuan Divine Mansion is something we, the Jidao Alliance, can’t bear.”

"What about Feng Suiyun and Fu Xilai? This time I want these people to die without a burial place!"

Zhong Liangyu sneered and said: "Chaos Konghai is where these people die. Not only do I want to take all the protection of this transportation as my own, and I want to take Ye Shaobao's head to receive the reward, I also want to hear about this little bitch Xiuzhu. Please enjoy yourself in my crotch and be my sex slave!”

His eyes were shining brightly and he laughed softly: "This time our Ji Dao Alliance transported a lot of treasures, five whole ships worth of divine materials, but the most precious ones were hidden by that little bitch Wen Xiuzhu in her pagoda. Among them is a piece of divine gold! This piece of divine gold is the material for forging the imperial weapon. Although it is only a small piece, the divine pattern in it is a birthday gift from the alliance leader to the eternal emperor. But it is your fault for giving this gift. It’s so valuable that even my father couldn’t help but be tempted…”

"Coupled with the ancestral soldiers of the leader of the Jidao Alliance and the heads of Ye Shaobao, our Zhong family can completely get rid of the Jidao Alliance and become the overlord of the party!"

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