Unparalleled in the world

Volume 2: Using Martial Arts to Enter Witchcraft, Chapter 800: The Greatest Evil (First update, plea

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Piaotian Literature\u003c/a\u003e    The demon god's mind moved slightly, and the huge cage suddenly shrank, and the dishevelled old man fell into his hands.

Prince Lingxiao looked cautious, glanced at the old man, and was awed in his heart: "The demon god palace is indeed amazing. The demon god actually trapped a demon witch ancestor in a cage and used him as a beast slave for people to enslave. It seems that during the days when I was practicing, other gods were not idle either, and most of them have received a lot of support from the forces behind them!"

There were more people who wanted to kill Ye Xu. The moment Ye Xu set off, countless auras swept outside the Yuxu Palace, cutting through the sky and chasing him!

However, the speed of the Liuguang Seal was so amazing that when Ye Xu just stepped into the heaven, he relied on this seal to fly thousands of miles across the sky and left Caoxi Sect without a trace.

At this moment, his cultivation base has greatly improved, and the Flowing Light Seal has been unfolded, and his speed has increased by more than a thousand times compared to before. Even Wu Zu can't stop him. At most, he can catch up with the flowing light, and then the distance is getting farther and farther! Feng Suiyun and Fu Xilai were deeply shocked by Ye Xu's speed. They saw Ye Xu leading them away in the light, and even Wu Zu was far away. This speed is not unparalleled in the world, but it is more than enough to avoid Wu Zu's pursuit! Two days later, Ye Xu and the other two crossed hundreds of millions of miles and finally arrived at the sea of ​​the heaven. "Brother Ye, the entrance to Tianxu is in this sea of ​​heaven." Feng Suiyun suddenly said. Ye Xu dispersed the Flowing Light Seal. He used the Flowing Light Seal to travel for two consecutive days, and even with his cultivation base, he couldn't bear it. He looked at the distance of the sea and saw that the sea of ​​the heaven was even more vast than the sea of ​​the Wuhuang world. The spiritual energy in the sea was extremely abundant, enough to breed and nourish some extremely powerful demons in the heaven. The sea water here. It is not ordinary salt water, but extremely high-grade heavy water. In the Three Thousand Worlds, it is an extremely good refining material. It can allow the great witches in the Three God Realms to refine the treasure of the Yuanshen.

However, such treasures are everywhere in the heavens, and no one cares about them.

Ye Xu's eyes penetrated the heavy sea water and looked into the depths of the sea. He saw that there were also sacred mountains and caves on the seabed. It should be the place where the demons in the sea practiced.

From time to time, a huge monster swam across the seabed, and there were strong winds sweeping above the sea, raising huge waves. The waves were probably comparable to the blow of the human emperor.

And in the distance, there were thunderstorms and thunder rolling in the sky. It was like the witch emperor offering a forbidden treasure to bombard the sea, with a terrifying momentum.

This kind of scene is hard to see in the witch world, but it is commonplace in the heavens.


A building ship passed over their heads and sailed into the depths of the sea.

After this building ship passed, four more building ships came. Suddenly, one of the building ships stopped and a huge abacus was seen floating on the building ship. The abacus beads were jumping and clacking, and every time they hit, a wisp of Taoism flowed. It protected several building ships.

A clear voice came from the bow, and said with a smile: "Brother Fu, how come you are here?"

Fu Xilai looked up at the ship and saw a heroic woman standing on the bow. His eyes lit up and he said with a smile: "It turned out to be Senior Sister Xiuzhu. Senior Sister Xiuzhu is going overseas with such a big show?"

Feng Suiyun whispered to Ye Xu: "Brother Ye. These five ships are merchant ships of the Jidao League. The leader of the Jidao League, Wen, is the famous Wu Zu. The abacus on the ship is his ancestral weapon. The 105 abacus beads are made by him collecting the stars in the heaven and refining them. Very powerful!"

Ye Xu was moved and said with a smile: "Refining 105 stars in the heaven to create an ancestral weapon. This Jidao leader is indeed powerful. Harm. But compared to the God of Creation who refined billions of stars into a sacred mountain, it is still much inferior! "

"Of course."

Feng Suiyun's bad habit of talking suddenly came back, and he said with a smile: "The leader of Jidao can't be compared with the God of Creation. One is the witch ancestor and the other is the god king. There is a world of difference in their status. But the leader of Jidao can't be underestimated. Even among the witch ancestors, there are not many who can refine the stars in the heavens. "

Fu Xilai nodded and said with a smile: "Wen Xiuzhu is the eldest daughter of the leader of Jidao. She is in charge of overseas business and has business dealings with my Qingxuan Divine Mansion."

Ye Xu looked at Wen Xiuzhu and saw that the girl had bangs and her hair was shaking slightly on her eyes. Her eyes were very bright and she looked vigorous. He couldn't help but admire her for being unworldly.

"Brother Fu, are you going overseas for training?"

Wen Xiuzhu's eyes swept from Feng Suiyun's face, and then fell on Ye Xu's face, showing surprise, and smiled: "So Master Feng of the Creation Sect is here too. Xiuzhu has prepared some fragrant tea, and invites the three distinguished guests to come aboard for a chat."

Fu Xilai looked at Ye Xu and smiled: "Brother Ye, the wind and waves are strong overseas, it is better to go with the merchant ship of the Jidao League, and you can save some strength."

Ye Xu nodded and said: "Okay."

The three of them flew into the air, and saw that the abacus on the building ship suddenly missed a beat, missing a Dao rhyme, revealing a gap, allowing the three of them to enter the building ship.

Wen Xiuzhu's eyes flashed, and she looked at the three people, only to see Feng Suiyun dressed in luxurious clothes, with a good appearance, and a harmless smile on his face. Fu Xilai was young, with clear eyebrows and eyes, like a 28-year-old boy, and also seemed harmless.

She looked at Ye Xu again and was shocked to see that the young man in blue shirt had a warm smile on his face and looked around. He seemed to be even kinder than Feng Suiyun and Fu Xilai.

However, there are various divine patterns and charms behind him, like streamers washing away and wrapping around him, like a divine king.

"Brother Feng, Brother Fu, this must be Brother Ye Xu, right?"

Wen Xiuzhu pursed his lips and smiled, asked the three of them to sit down, clapped his hands, and then someone offered him some tea, and said with a smile: "Brother Ye is quite bold. He dared to leave Yuxu Palace after causing such a big mess. He is really a skilled man. Xiuzhu admires his boldness."

Ye Xu's expression changed and he said with a smile: "Senior Sister Wen, do you recognize Ye?"

"This is the first time Xiuzhu has seen Brother Ye in person, but Brother Ye has been famous for nine days now, and there are wanted lists everywhere. It's hard for Xiuzhu not to know about it."

Wen Xiuzhu smiled slightly, poured tea and said: "Today, a total of fifty-three major forces have ordered Brother Ye to be wanted. In the wanted list of evildoers in the heaven, Brother Ye is at the top of the list."

Ye Xu's expression did not change, and he laughed and said: "False fame, it's just a false name. It's not worth mentioning."

Hearing this, Feng Suiyun couldn't help but become nervous. He looked around and pretended to be relaxed: "Senior Sister Xiuzhu. Your Majesty heard that the leader of the alliance is not on board?"

"My father is not here." Wen Xiuzhu said with a faint smile.

"Senior Sister Xiuzhu, the layout of this building is really good and quite elegant." Fu Xilai stood up and walked around the deck of the building. Lines of traces emerged from under his feet, and he secretly set up a ban just in case. smiled.

"Brother Feng, Brother Fu, you are a little too careful."

Wen Xiuzhu chuckled and said: "Xiuzhu is just a businessman, and the Jidao Alliance is also a business alliance. We will definitely not participate in the affairs between other god kings. Please rest assured. And Xiuzhu also wants to borrow money. How can the three people attack the three people through the chaotic sea?"

Ye Xu smiled and said: "Brother Feng, Brother Fu, I just heard that Senior Sister did not have murderous intentions. You can rest assured."

Wen Xiuzhu looked at him deeply and asked curiously: "Brother Ye, aren't you afraid that Xiuzhu will suddenly turn against you and sacrifice his ancestral soldiers to kill you?"

"Probably not?"

With a harmless smile on his face, Ye Xu said with a smile: "Senior Sister Wen should not be this kind of person. Even if you are, it doesn't matter, because you will be dead before this abacus is settled."

Wen Xiuzhu's face froze. Ye Xu glared at him angrily and said with a smile: "Who are on the wanted list of evildoers in heaven?"

"The number one ranking is naturally the Queen of Heaven. But although everyone wants to be the Queen of Heaven, no one dares to kill her, no one can kill her, and no one dares to rank her first, so this number one is natural It’s Brother Ye.”

Wen Xiuzhu smiled like a flower and looked very happy. He smiled and said: "You killed fifty-three sons of gods. The fifty-three major forces were furious. The gods and kings of the heavens ordered that if they could kill Brother Ye, they would be rewarded with a set of god-king-level skills. Plus a set of ancestral weapons, and even There is a Yuqing spiritual vein. In addition, the god king declares that the person who surrenders your head will be empowered to transfer his skills and improve his cultivation. This is the most basic thing! Rewards, other large and small forces have also announced some rewards, various spiritual vein materials, countless, together, it is enough to make the country rich, even the wealth of our Ji Dao Alliance is far less!"

Feng Suiyun's eyes shone brightly, Fu Xilai chuckled and said: "Brother Ye, if not, you will feel aggrieved..."

"Brother Ye, there are so many treasures, don't you think about it?" Feng Suiyun also asked in confusion.

Ye Xu's heart moved and he said with a smile: "Of course you can. For the happiness of the two of you, what's the harm in me sacrificing something? Brothers, if I cut off my head, at worst it will grow another one, and you will pick up my head. Rewards, get all the bounties, and the three of us can live happily!"

"If those God King Witch Ancestors find out that we two lied to them, we will be dead!" Feng Suiyun and Fu Xilai looked pale and shook their heads quickly.

Wen Xiuzhu smiled and said: "The second person on the wanted list is much more powerful than Brother Ye. He is a god king, Tanzu God King. This person has been wanted since the time of the Holy Emperor. Tens of thousands of years have passed. Not only is he not dead, he has become a god king and is extremely powerful. As for the others, there are too many. Look, this is the wanted list issued by Juntian God Palace."

She took out a list, and when Ye Xu took it and looked at it, he saw that he was indeed ranked first and topped the list.

This list is also a strange witch treasure. On the list, there is even his own voice and smile, which is vivid and can tear a person apart with his bare hands. It should be the scene when Ye Xu killed someone in the Chunyang Palace of the Great Sun in the Xiaoyuan Realm. Ingested into the witch treasure by a caring person.

The second God King Tanzu has no appearance. It should be that this person has great magical powers, and his appearance will be perceived by him if he is painted on it.

The third one is the ancestor of Wusheng, who has a great reputation for murder. He once massacred the city and killed without any calculation. He is a peak witch ancestor.

The fourth one is the Patriarch of Bliss, who once broke into the harem of a god king and drank all the hundreds of princesses in the harem to death.

All kinds of evil people appear on the list in dense numbers, and each one is extremely vicious. Ye Xu can't help but feel depressed: "I killed more than a dozen sons of gods and ranked first. It's really a reward for me. Compared to these guys, I'm far inferior." ...Eh? The Demon Emperor is also on the list? And Senior Brother Ying, and Old Man Xiang! What the hell did these guys do?"

————The first update, please give me monthly tickets and VIP subscription for the first chapter~~

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