Unparalleled in the world

Volume 2: Entering Witchcraft with Martial Arts Chapter 1,002: Powerful Crush (Subscribe to Subscrib

Di Zishang stood high on the top of the World Tree, looking down at Ye Xu. His whole body was filled with the aura of doomsday, gloomy and terrifying.

Behind him, huge sea eyes emerged, densely packed, all over the void, eerie and terrifying, as if they were opening their mouths to swallow everything. .

Under his feet, this withered World Tree was still huge and peerless. Its trunks and branches were so thick that a heaven could be placed on it!

"Yuxu, you never thought? I would actually live an extremely nourishing life in the Miluo Heaven and Earth Tower. I would have many adventures. Not only did I find my father's body, I even got two thirty-three-day treasures!"

Di Zishang suppressed the anger in his heart and laughed loudly: "Moreover, I have also been appreciated by the Yuanshi Heavenly Demon. With his help, I will definitely be able to overcome all odds and prove the Dao Heavenly Lord and Dao Lord. I will not only devour you, but even the Great Dao Lord." The World Honored One, the Queen of Heaven, and the Demon God Emperor will all be devoured!"

His expression was strange, as if he was crazy: "Even the Yuanshi Demon, the fleshly body of the ancestor gods, the Miluo Heaven and Earth Tower, and the three realms of heaven, earth, and man, will all be swallowed up by me and become my nourishment! If all things in the world are immortal, I am the only one who is immortal. , If there is eternal life, I am the only one who will live forever!”

"Di Zishang, you have lost your mind and gone crazy. You are no match for me when you are not crazy, and even less so after you become crazy."

Ye Xu shook his head and smiled, ignoring him and looking at the World Tree. His heart was shaken. This World Tree has exhausted all the immortal ways, and its size will inevitably shrink countless times, but it is still so huge today. In its heyday, it could have penetrated countless time and space in the entire fairy world!

He looked around, trying to find any trace of Emperor Nanhua, but this place was really vast. It was difficult to find the body of Emperor Nanhua for a while.

"The body of Emperor Nanhua should be here. He came with a jade tower. He hid the taboo soul in the jade tower. After entering here, he will definitely try to reorganize the six paths of reincarnation and use the six reincarnations to reincarnate the taboo."

Ye Xu's heart moved slightly, and the Jade Tower emerged from his body, sensing the location of Emperor Nanhua: "If this Jade Tower is really the one refined by Emperor Nanhua, it will definitely have a strange resonance with his body."


A breath of doomsday tribulation swept towards the jade tower, interrupting Ye Xu's induction. Emperor Zishang stood high above him, full of ambition, and sneered:

"Yuxu. The enemy is at hand. You still have time to be distracted. I really don't know whether you are too confident or too arrogant!"

Ye Xu's face darkened, and he suddenly smiled, waved his sleeves and took back the Jade Tower, and said with a smile: "Di Zishang, where do you get the confidence that makes you think you can beat me?"

"My confidence. Right in front of you! This world tree once took root in the ancient times. It penetrated the three realms of heaven, earth, and man, connected to the underworld, and reached to the heavens. Its branches and leaves supported countless universes. But in the end of the world In the face of calamity, it will eventually turn into ashes."

Di Zishang laughed. Looking down at Ye Xu: "Your soul is also a world tree. Facing this dead world tree is also your fate. This world tree was buried in the doomsday catastrophe, so you are destined to die in my hands!"

Ye Xu shook his head and laughed. Walking slowly, rising step by step, he walked directly to the top of the World Tree, confronted Di Zishang, and said with a smile: "Di Zishang, you still don't understand what happened now? The gap between you and me is getting bigger and bigger, even though you are now You are the emperor, and you have collected another thirty-three-day treasure, but in front of me, you still have only one way to die. From the beginning to the end, you have not been my opponent, not in the past, and not now."

He showed extremely strong confidence in his words, talking about the past and present, but did not mention the future. The implication was that Di Zishang had no future, and he would die in this battle!

Di Zishang's face turned cold and he said solemnly: "This world tree..."

"Don't always talk about World Tree!"

Ye Xu rolled his sleeves and had an ominous premonition about the death of this world tree. The death of the world tree in the fairy world really made him feel extremely uncomfortable, as if he saw that his soul would one day be like this one. The World Tree also withered and withered, and said coldly: "The World Tree created the world and is the foundation of the universe. Even in the doomsday tribulation, it cannot be damaged at all! There must be another reason for the death of this World Tree!"

"Yuxu, you are afraid! You are afraid that you will end up in the same fate in my hands!"

Di Zishang's eyes showed a crazy look, he laughed, and his body suddenly shook. He saw two thirty-three-day treasures flying out of his body and falling directly on the branches of the World Tree. Then there was another great emperor's body. It flew up and fell down as well. It was the corpse of Cangtian Emperor!

"In this battle, I will not use any witchcraft treasures. I will rely on my true strength to have a hearty battle with you to verify whether your Panwang Kaitian Sutra and my Doomsday Tribulation Destruction Sutra are better!"

A rare heroic spirit burst out of his body, and his heroic appearance was immediately covered by the all-destroying aura of the Doomsday Tribulation Sutra. He was extremely violent, and his whole person was like a black hole, swallowing everything. He strode towards Ye Xu, with a The hair stood up and fluttered endlessly!

"Yuxu, you are the emperor, and I am also the emperor. If you are not sure that you can defeat me and my Doomsday Tribulation Sutra, you can use your witch treasure!"

"Di Zishang, you are very smart. You know that I have collected much more of the thirty-three treasures than you, and there are many treasures of enlightenment, so you deliberately provoked me and asked me to give up these treasures and have a fair fight with you. "

Ye Xu frowned slightly, then suddenly smiled and said, "I'll help you."

His body shook slightly, and he saw the Jade Tower flying up, and then the Infinite Altar flew out, and said with a smile: "I have collected a total of fourteen thirty-three-day treasures, and they are all in my reincarnation gate at the moment. You can rest assured , I have absolutely no treasures on me.”

"Yuxu, you can actually get fourteen thirty-three-day treasures, it's really amazing!"

Di Zishang's eyes lit up and he strode towards Ye Xu and said with a smile: "The thirty-three treasures, the Qing Emperor gets five, I get two, the Yuanshi Demon gets two, and the three great celestial monarchs, including the Queen of Heaven, also But I only got nine. As long as I kill you, half of the Thirty-three Heavenly Treasures will fall into my hands! Then I will calmly collect the Yuxu Palace, kill the Queen of Heaven, the Great World Honor, the Demon God Emperor, and then kill Yuanshi! The demon can completely control the Miluo Heaven and Earth Tower!"

"Great destruction of heaven and earth!"

As soon as his body moved, the boundless void was annihilated and disappeared, turning into chaos. He punched Ye Xu. Visions arose one after another. Thirty-three days, the universe and the eighteen levels of hell suddenly appeared in mid-air. The boundless The doomsday tribulation will appear and all the heavens will collapse and disintegrate, the heaven and the earth will overturn, crushing the heavens one by one, destroying the whole world, and crushing the eighteen levels of hell!

The five declines of heaven and man filled all space, confusing time and space, causing ancient immortals with endless lifespans to fall and die miserably. Even in the Great Luo Heaven, those enlightened beings cannot escape!

The Sutra of Doomsday Destruction destroys all witchcraft and destroys all the avenues of heaven and earth!

Although his cultivation level is only at the level of an emperor, his strength exceeds that of any emperor. He can directly catch up with the Heavenly Emperor without resorting to any witchcraft treasures!

As soon as Di Zishang came up, he used his strongest means to hit Ye Xu with a killing blow, without any reservation!

Ye Xu's body remained motionless, allowing Di Zishang's strongest blow to fall. The ground, water, wind and fire surged everywhere around him, and the visions formed by the Doomsday Tribulation Destruction Sutra surged out. The heaven and earth came crashing down, but they could not shake him at all. Billions of voids Annihilated and returned to nothingness, only he remains forever.

He stands in the center of the doomsday calamity, like a god, like a demon, like the only existence in the world, eternal and immobile, eternal and immortal!

Emperor Zishang's doomsday calamity became more and more massive, destroying the world and destroying the world. Various magical powers from the Doomsday Calamity Destruction Sutra came one after another, showing the vision of the world being shattered, swallowing up everything and destroying everything. This method is not amazing, but Still couldn't let Ye Xu's body waver even one bit.

"Di Zishang, my King Pan's Kaitian Jing has long been beyond the scope of Doomsday Tribulation restraint."

Ye Xu moved his body and walked towards Di Zishang. Countless charms surged for a moment, turning into thirty-three days, three thousand worlds and eighteen layers of hell behind him. Then the Hongmeng Avenue emerged, and the charms built into a magnificent portal, connecting the heaven and the earth. The three realms of human beings are all surrounded by it, and there is a canopy of heaven sitting on top of the three realms. A huge six-path samsara cuts through the three realms and circulates endlessly.

Another great Luotian emerged, with clouds and mist making it difficult to see clearly.

"I demonstrate the Tao with my body, I demonstrate the Tao with my spirit, and I demonstrate the Tao with my treasure. My body, soul, and witch treasure are all immortal!"

Wherever he walked, the Doomsday Tribulation suddenly died down and calmed down without any waves, without any power at all: "My Hongmeng Avenue is refined with three flowers on the top and three lives. My six paths of reincarnation, let me not Destroy. If I attain enlightenment, I will be the only eternal existence in the world!"

"The King of Heaven cannot be immortal, nor can the ancestors be immortal. Only I can live forever!"

He opened his eyebrows, and in the space of Zifu, a jade tree rose slowly, falling in the doomsday calamity. The calm wind calmed the water, the fire did not surge, and the ground remained motionless, calming everything down.


Ye Xu punched out, simply and without any change. From the great to the simple, he has integrated countless great ways into the simplest punch, which can accommodate countless Tao and principles.

Di Zishang roared angrily, his body shook, and another Great Shattering of Heaven and Earth emerged, meeting Ye Xu's punch. Immediately, the most powerful and powerful witchcraft, such as Great Shattering of Heaven and Earth, made a pop sound, and was struck by Ye Xu's punch. The punch penetrated and hit him directly!

His body exploded with a bang, and even Ye Xu couldn't resist a punch, and was directly punched to pieces!

The doomsday calamity surged, and Di Zishang's body squirmed again, trying to condense his physical body.


Ye Xu's Yushu Soul swept across, and wherever it passed, the doomsday calamities subsided one after another.

"Yuxu, I want you to die!"

The roar of Emperor Zishang was heard in the doomsday catastrophe, and the two thirty-three-day treasures on the World Tree suddenly flew up with overwhelming power. A great emperor rose into the sky, and it was the corpse of the Cangtian Emperor. It fell on the two On top of the treasure, Xiang Ye Xu's physical body and soul were pressed down at the same time!

"Right now you don't have the Thirty-three Heavenly Treasures, but only a Jade Tower and an Infinite Altar. I can kill you easily!" Di Zishang laughed wildly.

Ye Xu retreated and snorted coldly: "The Cangtian Emperor relied on trickery to defeat the Emperor Ku and win the throne. Emperor and son Shang, you are worthy of being father and son. You promised a fair fight, but you still went back on your word and used the treasure!" ( To be continued.)

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