Unparalleled in the world

Volume 2: Entering Witchcraft with Martial Arts Chapter 101: Five Flags to Suppress Demons (Second u

The Yuanshi Demon was caught off guard, and was hit by the Great Emperor on top of the Qinglian. His head exploded with a bang, and then the Qinglian crashed into him, crushing his body to pieces and turning into countless demonic thoughts. gushing.

The Great World Honored One, the Empress of Heaven, the Demon God Emperor and others finally took this opportunity to escape from the Zhuxian Sword Sect. Looking around, they couldn't help but be horrified in their hearts. They didn't care to stay here anymore, but took the opportunity to escape far away, wishing they could fly away with wings. Fly, leave this place of right and wrong as soon as possible! .

"Now it involves the battle between the Yuanshi Heavenly King, the Yuanshi Heavenly Demon and the Qing Emperor. Although we are the enlightened Heavenly Lords, we may not be able to stand in front of these most powerful perverts in history!"

The Great World-Honored One recited the name of the Buddha, and the Buddha's light emanated greatly. He rushed out of the earth and stopped trying to collect the Miluo Heaven and Earth Pagoda. It’s not a loss…”

The Queen of Heaven and the Demon God Emperor rushed out of the ground one after another, and each of them roared away, rushing towards the outside of Miluo Heaven and Earth Tower.

"Most of the treasures at the place where King Yuanshi was enthroned have been looted. This time I also got a few thirty-three-day treasures. After I go back, I can go to the tomb of the ancestor gods to see if I can have a chance to conquer the flesh of the ancestor gods. Get the inheritance of proving the Tao with your own body!”

"Emperor Yuxu is still there. Two Tao Lord-level warriors are fighting against each other. I'm afraid it will be difficult for him to escape!"

The Empress of Heaven looked back and said to herself: "That's good. After I return this time, I can kill Di Hui, aspire for the throne, and let the battle between the gods and kings to seize the emperor come to an end!"

Under the ground of Qingweitian in Yuqing Realm, among the rolling death energy, the voice of the Yuanshi Demon came, neither soft nor indifferent: "Qinglian, I am formless and without substance. I have no birth or death. If you are still alive, I will naturally I’ll give you three points, but now you are dead and your Taoism has disappeared, but you can’t hurt me even with your treasure of enlightenment!”

Death rolls. Boundless, the Qingwei Tian of Yuqing Realm is composed of pure avenues. At this moment, it is actually eroded by the death energy, and the avenues disintegrate!

This demonic and deadly energy can even contaminate the emperor's innocent body, causing powerful men like the emperor to have inner demons and degenerate their bodies to death!

Above the green lotus, green light filled the air, and the great emperor sat upright. He was like a god, but his face could not be seen clearly, and he said in a low voice: "Yuanshi Demon, I once made an appointment with you, and we agreed that within a million years, you would not be allowed to step out of the dark side of the heaven. Why are you breaking your promise now?"

The demonic energy of death rolled and gradually condensed into shape, revealing a huge face. He laughed and said: "It has been a million years now. The agreement of that day is naturally invalid."

"Has it been a million years?" The great emperor murmured.

Ye Xu was shocked. From the conversation between the two beings, he learned a secret. There was definitely a fierce battle between the Yuanshi Demon and the Qing Emperor in his later years. This fierce battle must have ended with the defeat of the Yuanshi Demon. It ended, and he finally made a vow not to leave the dark side of heaven for a million years!

The Qing Emperor’s style is evident!

"Yuanshi Heavenly Demon, I was able to suppress you during my lifetime, and I will naturally be able to suppress you after my death with the help of Yuanshi Heavenly King's thirty-three-day treasure!"

The great emperor sitting on the green lotus is also a phantom. It is not that the green emperor really lives until now, but that he left his treasure of enlightenment here and guarded the Yuqing Palace. He smiled and said: "I I have long expected that you will come here to seize the Miluo Heaven and Earth Tower and turn the entire world into chaos. I also know that I am indeed unable to kill you, but it is not troublesome to trap you for a while, Qingming He Tongqi!"

I saw a big flag rising from behind the great emperor on the green lotus, shooting down with a bang, and falling into the billowing demonic energy of death.

The flag is swaying, the hunt is ringing, and the boundless clear light is spreading everywhere, eroding the demonic and dead energy. This scene is like Ye Xu using the Qingming Seal to suppress the inner demons, exorcise the inner demons, and calm the heart, but it is not powerful in terms of power. Same thing!

Qingming He Tongqi is the nemesis of the Yuanshi Demon, but the Yuanshi Demon is too strong. This thirty-three-day treasure alone cannot completely suppress him, let alone refine it.

"Chiming and Yangqi!"

"Xumingtang Yaoqi!"

"Observe the bright Duanjing flag!"

"Xuanming Gongqing Banner!"

Behind the phantom of the emperor on the green lotus, one after another the big flags flew up and shot down fiercely, one after another falling into the billowing demonic energy. The big flags were tumbling endlessly, and then the green lotus fell, pressing down on the five big flags. In the sky above the flag, the demonic and dead energy was completely suppressed. No matter how the demonic and deathly energy rolled, it could never be completely condensed.

"It seems that the Qing Emperor has received not just one incarnation of the Yuanshi Heavenly King, but five in total!"

Ye Xu was shocked and deeply admired the Emperor of Heaven who lived a million years ago. Emperor Qing must have expected that sooner or later, the Demon of Yuanshi would be unable to restrain himself and attempt to seize the Miluo Heaven and Earth Tower and cause trouble to the world, so he made arrangements in advance. Collected the five big flags among the thirty-three days of treasures that are specially designed to restrain the demonic energy and death energy, and left behind to suppress the Yuanshi Demon!

This method is almost as magical as entrusting his soul in the fruit of the World Tree, making it impossible to fathom!

"Qinglian, how long can you suppress me?"

The voice of Yuanshi Demon is still heard, and his voice is heard from all directions: "Now that you are dead, you only have a few magic powers left behind, which cannot stop me at all. When I get out of trouble, all five flags will fall." If it comes into my hands, even your treasure of enlightenment will belong to me!"

On top of the green lotus, the figure of the great emperor turned a deaf ear and sat motionless, reciting the Hongmeng Green Lotus Sutra. Various visions appeared one after another and fell one after another, suppressing the evil energy and death energy. The boundless evil energy and death energy were still vibrating. , constantly eroding the five big flags and the Hongmeng Qinglian.

The voice of the Yuanshi Demon continued to be heard, and he laughed loudly: "Qing Emperor, you never expected that I would have helpers! Emperor Zishang has entered the Yuxu Palace to collect the fragments of the Six Paths of Reincarnation there!"

Ye Xu glanced away and saw that Di Zishang, who had been accompanying Yuanshi Tianmo, had indeed disappeared and should have entered the Yuxu Palace.

"The Hongmeng Qinglian Sutra recited by Qingdi, his Hongmeng Dao has been cultivated to the extreme, and is much more sophisticated than my Hongmeng Dao. They can be mutually confirmed and filled in my Panwang Kaitian Sutra."

Ye Xu's heart moved. The Qing Emperor's chanting seemed to be to suppress the Yuanshi Demon, but for him, it was a rare opportunity. With mutual confirmation, Panwang Kaitian Sutra can be perfected.

"It's just that Emperor Zishang has entered the Yuxu Palace. Now I have no time to listen to lectures and enlightenment here, and personally listen to the emperor's words..."

In the samsara gate, one incarnation of the great emperor walked down. Sitting outside the Yuqing Palace. While listening to the Qing Emperor's preaching, Ye Xu himself pushed open the door of the Yuqing Palace.

The portal opened, and an ancient and distant aura suddenly came. The huge aura of the Six Paths of Reincarnation that twists the heavens and envelopes the three worlds of heaven, earth, and man can no longer be concealed!

He took a long breath and strode into the Yuqing Palace.

"Emperor Nanhua, I'm here to see you..."

His heart was heavy and he could hear his own footsteps and heartbeat. And above the gate of reincarnation. Princess Creation's beautiful eyes also showed excitement, with tears flashing. Her father, Emperor Nanhua, went through all kinds of hardships and sent the soul of the broken taboo to this place in order to revive the taboo, so he set up his own life.

"what is that?"

On top of the Samsara Gate, a god-king emperor suddenly stood up and looked straight into the depths of the Yuqing Palace. He saw that the space in the Yuqing Palace was infinitely vast, with stars flying in it. Gather into a vast galaxy!

However, everyone's eyesight was amazing, and they soon discovered that these stars were not real stars at all, but huge witch treasures, emitting a shocking vibration!

"So many imperial weapons and divine weapons!" Even someone as powerful as the Divine Lord Qiangong couldn't help but lose color and cried out.

Countless divine and imperial soldiers gathered here to form a huge galaxy. How spectacular would this be?

With so many divine weapons and imperial weapons, all the powerful warriors above the witch ancestors in the Heavenly Tomb of the Buddha Realm were armed, and even one percent of these witch treasures could not be consumed!

The Yuanshi Heavenly King actually hid a huge treasure house here!

God Lord Qiangong, Emperor Duanjing and others could no longer bear it any longer. They all stretched out their hands and used their magical powers to catch these divine weapons and emperor soldiers floating in mid-air. Even Emperor Taixu, a good old man who had nothing to do with the world, He couldn't help but take action and conquer one or two imperial soldiers.

"Could it be that King Yuanshi left so many treasures to prepare for the future war between witches and immortals?"

Ye Xu looked around. Even in the era when strong men emerged in large numbers, there were not so many gods, kings and emperors. Only when the strong men of the past and present were resurrected one by one could it be possible to use so many witch treasures.

When the Six Paths were restored, ancient immortals were reborn one after another, but the rules of heaven and earth have not changed. They are still witches, so they still need witch treasures. Only by eradicating the tyrannical existences such as the ancestor gods and remaking the world can the prosperous age of the fairy court be restored!

There were so many treasures that even Ye Xu couldn't help but be tempted.

His body suddenly shook, and the Samsara Heavenly Gate flew up and down. The two gates opened with a bang, and a huge gravitational force suddenly came, sucking up the divine soldiers and imperial soldiers one after another, and they fell towards the door one after another.

On top of the Samsara Gate, the gods, kings and emperors were overjoyed and stood up one after another, staring intently at the swarming imperial weapons and divine weapons, constantly reaching out to grab the treasures they wanted.

In just a few moments, everyone had gained a lot, but the treasures they collected were insignificant compared to the many imperial weapons and divine weapons devoured by the Samsara Heavenly Gate. The Samsara Heavenly Gate wiped out a large area of ​​the star field in just a few breaths.

Ye Xu left the Heavenly Gate of Reincarnation here and walked straight to the center of the galaxy. There, countless huge fragments of the Six Paths of Reincarnation floated quietly and scattered all over the ground. Among the fragments, there was a big tree that towered up to the sky, very similar to the World Tree. resemblance.

When he walked in, he saw that the sacred tree had withered, its leaves were withered, its branches were dry, and the avenue in it had long been lost, but Ye Xu could still feel the unusual aura of the avenue flowing on this world tree.

That's the fairy's rule.

"Is this the world tree that supports the three realms of heaven, earth and man in the Immortal Court era?"

Ye Xu's heart was moved, and doubts abounded in his heart: "Why did this World Tree wither? Could it be the five declines of heaven and man caused by the Doomsday Tribulation... No, if the Doomsday Tribulation caused the World Tree to wither, this sacred tree would have been wiped out long ago and would no longer exist. existence, Yuanshi Heavenly King has no way to find the seeds of the World Tree..."

He was eager to step forward to find out what was going on, and suddenly he heard the voice of Emperor Zishang: "Emperor Yuxu, it's time to settle the grudge between you and me!"

Ye Xu looked at the sound and said with a dumb smile: "Di Zishang, stop making trouble. By the way, have you found your father's body?"

————Second update today, please subscribe and vote monthly! ! (To be continued...)

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