Unparalleled Concubine

Vol 2 Chapter 892: two letters

   Chapter 892 Two Letters

   The little emperor would undoubtedly not be able to accept the deployment of troops to the southwest. Once a few Zaifu forced him to do so, he would have to stop the blind date government, but he could still accept the increase of troops in Hanzhong.

  According to the current situation, if the imperial court does not go to the southwest, it is unlikely that the southwest will take the initiative to attack the imperial court through Jianmen Pass. Therefore, the increase of troops from the imperial court in Hanzhong can not only stabilize the southwest gate, but also will not cause too much shock.

   Emperor Yuanzhao sat on the throne and was silent for a while, then looked up at the ministers in the hall.

   "What are the opinions of the ministers?"

Compared to Shen Kuan, the censor at the Censor Terrace was not so tough, so he took a step forward and said to the emperor, "Your Majesty, I thought I would send someone to the southwest to find out if there is any drought, but it's just that. On the one hand, on the other hand, no matter whether there is a drought in the southwest, even one of these thirty or so papers cannot be approved.”

   He said solemnly: "The court will not exempt the southwest from the fu. In a few months, the court will collect the autumn grain. If the southwest refuses to accept the fu, the court will do whatever it takes."

   "The meaning of the minister is that you can now increase troops to Hanzhong, and be prepared. If the southwest refuses to accept the fu in a few months, the court should be able to raise a king's division from Hanzhong to attack the non-official ministers."

  The plan of being strict and humble is relatively mild. It also returns the ball to the southwest. If the southwest side wants to force a tax strike, there will be a real fight.

   Emperor Yuan Zhao took a deep breath and looked around the ministers in the hall.

   "Do you have other ideas?"

   Xuanzheng Hall was silent.

After all, in the current court, several auxiliary ministers are in charge. Now that two of the three auxiliary ministers have spoken, the rest of the people naturally dare not say anything more. Governor Ji Lin opened his mouth but did not speak.

   The emperor, sitting on the throne, frowned slightly.

   He waved.

   "That's the case, according to the method of Shen Xiang and Yan Sikong, I will hand it over to the Ministry of War to draw up the regulations. After the specific regulations are released, they will be sent to the Weiyang Palace. I want to take a look first."

   After saying that, the emperor got up, turned his head to Xiao Zheng and said, "Go back to Weiyang Palace."

  The big **** Xiao Zheng immediately bowed his head, took a group of eunuchs, surrounded the emperor and left the Xuanzheng Hall, leaving a group of ministers looking at each other in dismay.

   What surprised them was not that the emperor wanted to intervene in this matter, but that the emperor... was already participating in politics in advance.

   In the officialdom, any disturbance will trigger a series of chain reactions. For example, with a short sentence from Emperor Yuan Zhao, the ministers below will wonder... Is the emperor going to take charge of the government ahead of schedule?

  These people in Xuanzheng Hall are at least third-rank officials. It is not an exaggeration to say that they are dragons and phoenixes among people. Just this sentence, some of them have already made plans in secret.

  There are assistant ministers in the courtroom.

  The emperor participated in politics ahead of schedule. Was he dissatisfied with a few auxiliary ministers...?

  In an instant, they looked at the three assistant ministers, and something was not quite right.

Shen Kuan lowered his head slightly, his face was a little unsightly, he took a deep breath, and said to Ye Lin, Minister of the Ministry of War: "Ye Shangshu, Your Majesty wants your Ministry of War to bring out the regulations. Before sunset tomorrow, the specific regulations will be sent to you. Reviewed by the Shangshu Desk.”

   Ye Lin frowned, but he still bowed his head and bowed his hands: "Xiaguan obeys."

  Shen Xiang waved his sleeves.

   "This is the end of today's court discussion. All the princes will return to their posts and disperse."

   With his words, the ministers in the Xuanzheng Hall began to slowly leave the venue. It didn't take long for all the officials to disperse. In the Xuanzheng Hall, there were only three auxiliary ministers, including Ji Lin.

   They can achieve the position of auxiliary ministers, and they naturally have their own advantages. Others can hear the meaning, and they will not fail to hear it.

   Shen Kuan's face was a little unsightly, he took a deep breath and looked at Yan Shouzhuo and Ji Lin.

   "Two, Your Majesty has already participated in politics."

Originally, it should be his left minister to "host" the court meeting, and his left minister should also do the questioning and so on, but just now, the fourteen-year-old Emperor Yuan Zhao basically controlled the audience. , and presided over this court meeting completely.

   Ji Lin's face was calm.

   "Your Majesty is the Son of Heaven. If Your Majesty wants to govern, I will return the power to His Majesty."

   He looked at Shen Kuan and smiled: "Why, Shen Xiang can't bear it?"

Shen Kuan frowned slightly: "This old man is originally Shang Shusheng Zuo Pushe, with an additional title of auxiliary minister, the authority may not necessarily increase, but the responsibilities will increase a lot. "

   said, he glanced at Ji Lin.

   "But now, the big things are undecided. Your Majesty is young, and he may be emotional and emotional, and not focus on the overall situation of the society."

   Ji Lin smiled coldly.

   "Shen Xiang's overall situation is not necessarily higher than His Majesty."

   He bowed his hands to the two assistant ministers and said goodbye.

   "The opinion of the Grand Governor's Office is very simple. Follow the will of the Holy Spirit. If the two ministers want to toss, they can do it as much as possible. The Governor still has military affairs to do, so I won't accompany you."

   After saying that, Ji Lin walked away.

Yan Sikong, who stayed behind, also sighed slightly, and said to Shen Kuan: "Shen Xiang, seeing that it is autumn, even if Your Majesty has no intention of participating in politics, my assistant ministers will not be able to do it for too long. Think about it."

   After saying that, he sighed and also left the Xuanzheng Hall.

   At the same time, Emperor Yuan Zhao, who had returned to the Weiyang Palace, asked people to invite the two uncles of his mother's family to the Weiyang Palace for a secret conversation.

  The capital city is surging.


   Time flies, a month has passed in a blink of an eye.

   During this month, the imperial court dispatched a full three Zhechong Houses from the Zuoying of the Forbidden Army to increase troops in Hanzhong and guard the southwest gate.

   At the same time, the imperial court rejected the document for exemption from the fu in the southwest, and it was sent from the capital to the southwest long ago. After the document was in Zhao Jia’s hands, he was quickly sent to Yongzhou, which is two thousand miles away.

   The letter was sent to Yongzhou together with a letter from Ningling.

  In the Li Mansion in Qiyang County, the Marquis of Jingan, who accompanied his wife and children, held these two letters in his hand. He did not rush to open the one from the court, but opened the letter from Ningling first.

  This letter was written by Chen Guogong Ye Ming himself.

The content of the letter is also very simple. The general idea is that when Chen Guogong was guarding the spirit in Ningling, he heard about the incident in the Southwest, and advised Li Xin not to make it a big issue. .

At the end of the    letter, Chen Guogong added the last sentence.

   "Southwest has become a country of its own, and it will save some face for the court."

   Li Xin glanced at the letter a few times, and then found a fire book and set it on fire, burning it to ashes.

   He is now both an enemy and a friend of the imperial court, and it is not easy to get involved with the Ye family, let alone leave a letter to implicate Ye Ming.

   Jing'an Hou's mansion was sitting at the desk and sent Ye Ming a letter greeting his body before opening the second letter sent by Zhao Jia.

  The content of the letter was that the imperial court refused to exempt the southwest from the burial, and that the imperial court wanted to increase troops in Hanzhong.

   After scanning it for a while, a sneer appeared on Lord Jing'an's face, and he casually threw the letter into the torch.

   "At this time, I was thinking of trying not to offend both sides, but both sides couldn't please."

   "The late emperor can do this, but you are too young..."

   (end of this chapter)

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