Unparalleled Concubine

Vol 2 Chapter 891: fight for reason

   Chapter 891 Arguing

The court meeting is a rule that the Dajin court has always had. The court meeting once every ten days is mainly to report some important events to the emperor, but when it comes to things that even the emperor can't decide, the emperor will call the ministers in the Xuanzheng Hall. , began court proceedings.

  The so-called court meeting is a meeting that can only be attended by important officials in the court. Unless the emperor specifically approves someone to attend the meeting, only officials above the third rank are eligible to participate.

  If the son is not in charge of the government today, the court meeting is presided over by Shangshutai. On the third day after the minister’s left servant She Shenkuan and the censor’s doctor Yan Shouzhuo sued Li Xin unsuccessfully, Shangshutai called the important ministers court meeting in Xuanzheng Hall.

   In this court meeting, the issue to be discussed is also very simple, that is, whether the court should deploy troops to the southwest now.

Early in the morning, all the dignitaries in the Xuanzheng Hall were almost all there. The nine ministers in the court, as well as the six ministers’ servants, plus the Grand Governor’s Office and various yamen, there were about twenty officials of the third rank and above, and they all served The edict went to Xuanzheng Hall to discuss matters.

   In the past, court meetings were mostly convened by the emperor to discuss and decide some difficult matters together, but this time it was initiated by Shang Shutai, and it was also the first court meeting since the Yuan Zhao Dynasty changed to the Yuan Dynasty.

I knew earlier that even an 8th or 9th rank petty official would be a **** to the common people. These 3rd rank court bosses, every one of them stomping their feet, can shock a group of Li Shuo to death. .

Moreover, there is also a saying that among these officials above the third rank, except for the Minister of Rites, any other person can add a title of "government and political affairs", pay respects to the ministers of the eight classics, enter the center, and become Saisuke.

   That's why these top-level officials discuss and resolve major national affairs together.

Ye Lin, the newly appointed Minister of War, was also included. After this Ye Shangshu arrived at the Xuanzheng Hall, he looked around and found that all the nine ministers, including the Dali Siqing, had arrived, and the five ministers of the Shangshutai were also All have arrived, and Yan Sikong of the Censor Station stood at the front with his hands down, his eyes closed.

   The most surprising thing is that there was a black-faced big man standing in the Xuanzheng Hall, which was actually Hou Jingde, the general of the left camp of the forbidden army!

   Ye Lin frowned slightly, holding the chao wat in his hand, walked to Hou Jingde's side, and asked in a low voice, "Why is Brother Hou here?"

  Although Hou Jingde is of the third rank or above, he is a serious military attache, and he is also a military attache. It is reasonable to say that he should not participate in the court debate.

   Ye Lin and Hou Jingde have known each other for a long time. In the seventeenth year of Chengde, Hou Jingde served as the left general in Yulinwei, and Ye Lin at that time was already the general in Yulinwei, and was Hou Jingde's old boss.

And even though Hou Jingde is doing well now and holds the real power of the banned army, Ye Lin is not only Ye Lin, the current Chen Guogong Ye Shaobao, and the branches and leaves of the Ye family over the years are not a loyal and brave Hou family. The government can compare.

   Frankly speaking, when the Renchen Palace changed, the Ye family was the one who contributed the most. The reason why Ye Lin did not have military power was because the Ye family itself was too large.

  Hou Jingde heard Ye Lin's voice, his tall body lowered his head slightly, and said in a low voice, "Ye Shangshu, it was His Majesty who called me to discuss matters. I don't know exactly why."

   Ye Lin nodded, then stood back to his position and stopped talking.

   Soon, surrounded by eunuchs, the emperor Yuanzhao entered the Xuanzheng Hall. The emperor sat on the throne of the Xuanzheng Hall, looked around, and his voice was clear.

   "All the ministers have arrived."

   All ministers, respectfully bow to the Son of Heaven.

   "My ministers, see Your Majesty."

   Emperor Yuan Zhao waved his hand familiarly and said indifferently: "It's not a big court meeting, so there's no need for so many courtesies, all the ministers will sit down and talk and start discussing things."

  The big court meeting is in the Weiyang Palace, no matter what level you have to stand honestly, but the court meeting is a small meeting, and all the people present are well-identified people, so they usually sit and talk about things.

  The eunuchs who served in the inner guard brought more than 20 chairs and placed them behind the ministers. After the ministers thanked the emperor, they sat down.

   Emperor Yuanzhao took a deep breath and said solemnly: "This court meeting was initiated by Shangshutai, and it will be chaired by Shen Xiang, and I will be watching."

   said, he closed his eyes and stopped talking.

Shen Kuan, who was sitting first on the left, stood up from his chair, bowed his hands to the crowd, and said in a deep voice, "Masters, today the Shangshutai called the masters to discuss matters because the southwestern prefectures are out of town. For some problems, because there are too many books, it is difficult to read them one by one, and this official will repeat them on their behalf."

"A few days ago, the thirty-one prefectures in the southwest wrote a letter saying that the southwest was hit by a drought, and that the imperial court should be exempted from the payment for three years. Since the emperor of the former emperor enfeoffed the king of Shu, the southwest has not been bound by the imperial court. With ulterior motives, the Shang Shutai cannot make a decision, and can only convene the public court to discuss."

   "What do you think the court should be like?"

   After saying this, he sat down again.

   As soon as these words were uttered, these court officials whispered to each other, and for a while, the Xuanzheng Hall was quite noisy, like a market.

   Ye Lin, Minister of War, frowned slightly, but did not speak.

  About a stick of incense passed, Shen Kuan saw that it was almost time, so he was about to get up to ask questions. He just stood up before he had time to speak.

   He looked at Ye Lin, Minister of War.

   "Ye Shangshu is in charge of the Ministry of War, what do you think this should be?"

  Since the emperor has questioned, Shen Kuan is no longer good at questioning, and can only sit back a little embarrassedly.

Ye Lin stood up and bowed his head respectfully: "Go back to Your Majesty, the tax collection seems to be the responsibility of the Ministry of Household, Your Majesty should ask Lu Shangshu of the Ministry of Household, if the imperial court wants to deploy troops to the southwest, it is the job of the Ministry of War. ."

  The emperor asked quietly: "Then Ye Shangshu thinks, should the imperial court deploy troops to the southwest?"

Ye Lin was silent for a while, then bowed his head again: "Returning to your majesty, the important matter of the soldiers and the country should not be acted rashly. The minister thought that he wanted to find out whether the drought in the southwest was true, and if it was not true, he should also order to punish the officials of the governments in the southwest, rather than act rashly on the southwest. Swordsmen, the southwest is the territory of our Great Jin Dynasty, if the officials in the southwest lie about the disaster, the imperial court should issue a decree to judge the crime, rather than act rashly with swords."

   He looked up at the Son of Heaven and bowed his head respectfully: "Your Majesty, there is no reason to beat yourself up."

   Indeed, although the Southwest is no longer actually under the jurisdiction of the imperial court, it still belongs to the imperial court in name.

  Shen Kuan stood up, glanced at Ye Lin, and said in a sullen voice: "Dare to ask Ye Shangshu, if the imperial court decrees a decree and criticizes it, and the prefectures in the southwest refuse to obey, what will happen?"

Ye Lin glanced at Shen Kuan neither humble nor arrogant, and said lightly: "Shen Xiang, it is still unknown whether the southwestern prefectures have lied about the disaster. Just insisting, Southwest will openly rebel against the imperial court?"

The six departments are under the jurisdiction of the Shangshutai, which means that Shen Kuan is actually Ye Lin's Shangguan, but the Ye family has a great business and luxuriant roots and leaves. Left phase.

   Shen Kuan sneered.

"In the autumn of the eighth year of Taikang, when Mrs. Li was ordered to go north, the imperial court sent Pei Jin, then the general of the forbidden army, to expedition the Han state in the southwest. "

   "At that time, the Southwest blatantly rebelled against the imperial army and killed tens of thousands of soldiers in the imperial court. All the princes here should understand this."

   "What is the attitude of the southwest? It was very clear at that time. Why does Ye Shangshu still think that the southwest is a place of law-abiding?"

   Pei Jin was defeated in the southwest, and later the court was forced to appoint a king of Shu to the southwest. This was a scandal in the Taikang Dynasty. No one dared to mention it afterwards, so it was assumed that it never happened. If Shen Kuan's words were mentioned in the Taikang Dynasty, he would have to be pulled down by the embarrassed Taikang emperor and beat him with a 20-court staff.

  It was only when he arrived in the Yuan Zhao Dynasty that he dared to say it outright.

   Emperor Yuan Zhao, who was sitting on the main seat, also looked a little unsightly.

   This matter is openly mentioned, which is to slap his father in the face. As a son, he is naturally a little uncomfortable.

  Shen Kuan bowed his hands to the emperor, bowed his head and said: "Your Majesty, what is the southwest like now? Most of the princes in the Xuanzheng Hall today are well aware that if they want to gain an inch, the court must show their attitude."

   "My minister means that even if we don't move troops to the southwest, we must increase our troops to Hanzhong to deter the southwest!"

   (end of this chapter)

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