Unparalleled Concubine

Vol 2 Chapter 859: Blackmail?

   Chapter 859 Blackmail?

It is impossible to admit it. Once it is admitted that Shang Shutai intends to control the forbidden army, then it means that the center of the court has a different opinion. At that time, it is not only him Shen Kuan, but all the chiefs of Shangshutai, I am afraid they will face prison. disaster.

   So on this issue, no matter what.

   Shen Kuan held the chao wat in his hand and bowed his head deeply to the emperor.

   "Your Majesty, the ministers and others have received the grace of the late emperor to become the ministers of the auxiliary government, and they wholeheartedly assist the government.

He lowered his head, pondered for a while, then gritted his teeth and said: "This time, the matter of the banning army transfer order was recommended by the Grand Governor's Office. After I read it as usual, I found that there was a seal of the Grand Governor's Office and the inspection and verification seal of the Ministry of War. , that's the seal."

   "It's about military attachés, usually the Ministry of War has the final say. There is an inspection, verification and seal of the Ministry of War. There is no reason why the Shangshutai should not print it."

   The transfer order in Li Xin's hand was indeed recommended by the Grand Governor, the Ministry of War checked and verified, and then the Shangshutai was stamped to take effect. The Shangshutai was the last process.

Shen Kuan bowed his head deeply to the Son of Heaven: "Even as Mr. Li said, it was Qian Sheng, the right servant of the Ministry of War, who had privately inspected and checked the printing, and I didn't know about it in advance, and there was no collusion, this matter was originally a matter of fact. A trivial matter, at most there is a problem within the Ministry of War, as the Minister of the Ministry of War, Mrs. Li does not think about the crime of oversight, but instead slaps it down and bites the Grand Governor's Mansion and the Shangshutai, and his heart can be punished."

What he meant was that Shang Shutai didn't know about it at all. In just a few words, he took Shang Shutai out of this matter gently and skillfully, and shied all the responsibilities to the governor's office and the military minister Qian Sheng. on the head.

   In other words, not only Zhou Qingyang and Qian Sheng were betrayed by him, but even his "ally" Ji Lin was pushed out by him in a hurry and blocked in front of him.

  Shen Xiang bowed his head respectfully: "Please, Your Majesty."

   Li Xin smiled coldly: "If I hadn't found out, Shen Xiang could indeed ask me for a crime of oversight, but the mistake of the Ministry of War was brought up by me. Where did this oversight in Shen Xiang's mouth come from?"

   "Shen Xiang gently and cleverly said a few words, and just wanted to take himself out of this matter, I'm afraid he can't do it!"

Li Xin was expressionless, and said solemnly: "This officer asked Qian Sheng at the Ministry of War three days ago, and Qian Sheng himself admitted that this matter was ordered by Shang Shutai. Before this matter, I have also been to Shangshutai, and Shangshutai is inextricably linked with this matter, how can it be that Shen Xiang can clear it up in a few words?"

  The Marquis of Jingan also surrendered to the emperor.

"Your Majesty, this matter is very easy to investigate, as long as you check whether Qian Sheng, Zhou Qingyang and others have any connection with Shangshutai, the minister is not in the Three Judicial Division, and it is not easy to investigate the case. In two days, the minister can send the iron evidence to the Weiyang Palace!"

At this time, his face was already torn, and Shen Kuan couldn't care about the gentleness anymore. He snorted at Li Xin: "Zhou Qingyang is a military officer, and Qian Sheng has been with Li Taifu for many years. If these two people are handed over to Li Taifu. The trial, indeed, can easily give a biting confession."

   Li Xin turned to look at Shen Kuan.

   "How can anyone give a confession that will put him to death?"

   "Shen Xiang is the head of the civil service, so he is naturally a wise man, but don't take others as fools."

   Li Xin took a deep breath, no longer looking at Shen Kuan, but turned to look at the Son of Heaven.

"Your Majesty, whether it is Prime Minister Shen, Zhongshuling, or the Zuodududu of the Grand Duchy's Office, they are all assistant ministers ordered by the late emperor, and this minister is just a minister of war who temporarily helps His Majesty to look after the right battalion of the forbidden army. Said that the minister could not, and did not dare to offend a few auxiliary ministers.”

   "However, these auxiliary ministers have bad intentions and are harmful to the imperial society. Since the ministers have seen them, they have to say it."

  Li Xin sorted out his court clothes and knelt on the ground again.

   "The minister invites your majesty, Xu Chen investigates this matter, and when the matter comes to light, your majesty will know that a few auxiliary ministers are not suitable, and your majesty can take charge of the government ahead of time."

   Emperor Yuan Zhao was a little stunned.

He is still a fourteen-year-old child. Today, he is the same as before. He came to the main hall of Weiyang Palace to walk through the scene. He was going to go to Shangshutai to be an apprentice after going down to court, but who would have thought that his teacher suddenly asked Sue several ministers!

   He didn't have any preparations in advance, and his mind was blank at the moment, and he didn't know what to say.

   "Old...Teacher, I can't decide on this matter, or...let it go for a while and discuss it later?"

   Li Xin knelt on the ground, expressionless.

   "The minister took the odd risk to write a letter. If Your Majesty does not allow it, the minister has offended several auxiliary ministers, and will not be able to stay in the court in the future.

   As soon as he said these words, the eyes of everyone in the courtroom jumped.

At the beginning of the ninth year of Taikang, Li Xin was imprisoned in Dali Temple by the Emperor Taikang. Although this matter was kept secret, most of the senior officials in the capital knew about it. Then Li Xin returned to Beijing, and the late emperor was furious.

   They even knew a little about the feud between the late emperor and Li Xin.

   Some well-informed people even noticed that Li Xin had already ruled the Southwest!

   It’s just that these things are hidden in the dark, and no one mentions them on the bright side.

   Now, Li Xin is going back to his hometown to "retire", and each of them trembled in their hearts.

  You must know that Yongzhou...is too close to the southwest!

   Emperor Yuan Zhao also trembled in his heart, he smiled wryly and looked at Li Xin.

   "Teacher, why are you forcing me here..."

  Li Xin bowed his head slightly: "The minister does not dare to force His Majesty to do anything, but the auxiliary minister is in chaos, and someone always has to speak up. Several auxiliary ministers are of high power. If Your Majesty is not willing to commit crimes, the minister can understand."

   "If there is no room for the minister in the court, the minister should go back to his hometown."

  The Marquis of Jing An took a deep breath.

   "To be honest with Your Majesty, I have been away from my hometown for ten years, and I also entrusted someone to build a house in my hometown. The older I get, the more homesick I get. I always wanted to quit my job and return to Qishan to retire."

   After saying this, he closed his eyes and stopped talking.

  Shen Kuan, Gong Yangshu, and the censor Yan Shouzhuo all changed slightly.

  Shen Kuan even stood up directly, pointed at Li Xin, and said angrily, "Li Changan, you are blackmailing the emperor!"

   "We are all the assistant ministers ordered by the late emperor. Now that the late emperor's funeral is only a few months away, you are going to make a big fuss about this trivial matter and use your official duties to threaten His Majesty to abolish the assistant ministers. What is your intention?"

  Li Xin raised his head indifferently.

   "Shen Xiang, I'm not a threat, I just offended a few ministers today, so naturally the capital can't stay any longer."

   "Li has some credit for Dajin. Even if he loses in the court, he should be respectable no matter what. Prime Minister Shen will not let Li not even get out of the capital?"

   Shen Kuan stared at Li Xin fiercely.

In the end, it was the emperor on the throne who walked down the royal steps. He walked up to Li Xin, stretched out his hand to help his teacher up, and said with a wry smile: "Teacher, I am still young and dare not make a decision for a while. Day, can we talk about it tomorrow?"

   He spoke almost imploringly.

   Li Xin was silent for a while, then with the help of the emperor, he slowly stood up and said.

   "In that case, we will discuss it tomorrow."

   (end of this chapter)

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