Unparalleled Concubine

Vol 2 Chapter 858: make a fuss

   Chapter 858

  Originally, things don’t need to be so big.

For example, the transfer order of Fangshan Zhechong Mansion, if another person is in Li Xin's position, or swallows his anger, or the matter gets into the Grand Governor's Mansion, the transfer order will be abolished. In front of the emperor without pro-government.

   Even if it really gets in front of the emperor, you can still go to the Shangshutai to do things that are not in line with the rules, go to the Grand Governor's Office for overreaching, and go to Qian Sheng's private use inspection and verification seal.

   These three crimes are not very big when considered separately.

   Even if they were put together, it was nothing more than mobilizing a small Fangshan Zhechong House, which was not a big deal.

   But Li Xin counted all these crimes together, not only that, he also "sublimated" a bit and directly participated in their desire to control the forbidden army!

   This is the great sin of Heaven. The Imperial Army is the sword of the emperor. The emperors of all dynasties have regarded the Imperial Army as their banishment. Even if Emperor Yuan Zhao was young and not yet in power, he might feel a little nervous when he heard this.

The Marquis of Jing'an was still expressionless, he held up the document again, bowed his head to the emperor and said, "Your Majesty, three days ago, the minister went to the right camp of the forbidden army to handle military affairs, and found that Fangshan of the right camp of the forbidden army, Zhechongfu Chengji, was arrested for no reason. He was demoted, but the former Qianniu Weilang sent Zhou Qingyang into the Zhechong House in Fangshan without the minister's knowledge, and became the Zhechong commander."

   "The minister is the general of the right camp of the forbidden army. The replacement of the commander of Zhechong in the right camp is not to mention that the minister is nominated and recommended, but the court must at least inform the minister in advance."

   Having said that, he raised his head to look at the emperor.

"It is true that the imperial court has the power to directly appoint the commander of Zhechong, and it is not necessary to know who will ban the army general, but at this time, the minister is still the Minister of War, a fourth-rank banned military attache. Ye Lin, the waiter, knows nothing, and even the ministers of the Military Selection Division of the Ministry of War and the foreign ministers don't know anything about it!"

  Jing'an Houye's voice was heavy.

   "This transfer order is from the Grand Governor's Office, and it has the seal of the Shangshutai, and even the inspection seal of the Military Selection Division of our Ministry of War."

Speaking, Li Xin said solemnly: "I traced the source all the way in the Ministry of War, and only found out that the right servant of the Ministry of War colluded with the two principals, and privately inspected and printed. At this time, the right servant Qian Sheng and the two principals had been suspended by the minister and rushed to the office. Back home, waiting for court arraignment."

   "However, this document contains more than the inspection and seal of the Ministry of War."

Li Xin was expressionless, and said slowly: "There are also the seals of the Shangshutai and the seal of the Grand Governor's Office. Qian Sheng is just a small military servant, this matter can't be his ambassador, it must be What the Dadudufu or Shangshutai did, the Dadudufu and Shangshutai respectively command the military generals and civil servants of our Great Jin Dynasty, but they are in unison, intending to bypass the imperial court, bypass the military department, and replace the commander Zhechong of the forbidden army!"

"There are only eight Zhechong houses in the right camp of the forbidden army, of which there are more than 11,000 people in Fangshan Zhechong House. If Shangshutai and the Grand Governor's House can exchange Fangshan Zhechong House silently, then the other seven houses can be exchanged. It is even possible to replace all the sixteen commanders of the Zhechong House of the Gyeonggi Imperial Army with their own."

   Lord Jing'an slowly turned around and looked at Ji Lin and the servants of the Shangshutai.

"The dukes of Shangshutai and the Grand Duchess are all ministers, and they are all auxiliary ministers appointed by the previous emperor. In terms of power, the civil and military affairs have been divided, and even the military is under the control of the Grand Governor's Office. The price is to get the power of the forbidden army."

   "After thinking about it for the past few days, I finally only came up with four words."

   "Doubts about the Lord and the State."

In recent years, although Li Xin has been "invisible" in the court hall, giving people a feeling of being very cold and not talking much, but he Li Changan was a "lobbyist" in his early years. Or Hou Jingde, who was the one who won the Wei Wangfu camp.

   In terms of speaking, there are not many people who can surpass him.

   said something eloquently, making Great Governor Ji Lin and several Zaifu look ugly.

Li Xin only paused, and then continued to the emperor: "Although Your Majesty is not yet in charge of the government, why can't these auxiliary ministers, but the rules of the Great Jin can not be messed up by these auxiliary ministers, and the state of the Great Jin can't be broken. in the hands of these people."

  Jing An Hou Ye fluttered his sleeves and bowed deeply to the emperor.

   "This minister has been ordered by the late emperor to take charge of the Imperial Army to protect His Majesty. We must not sit back and watch thieves, peep at artifacts, and plot evil!"

   "The prime minister has no prime minister, and the ministers are not ministers. The minister asks your majesty... to take charge of the government!"

   After saying that, Li Xin slowly knelt on the ground, closing his eyes and saying nothing.

His words didn't make it clear, but the underlying meaning is still very clear. For example, today the Son has no pro-government. Although he has a high status, his actual power is not as good as those of these auxiliary ministers. The auras of the ministers were all taken away, and at that time they were just ordinary ministers.

   If they lose this layer of aura, they will all go to prison for this one charge of disorderly power!

   Emperor Yuanzhao was only fourteen years old at the moment, and he had never seen such a big scene. Hearing this, he was stunned and stared at Li Xin blankly.


   Li Xin bowed his head and said, "No matter what decision Your Majesty makes, this minister will definitely support His Majesty. Outside the city, there are 130,000 people in the right battalion of the Imperial Guard, all with sharp swords in the hands of the Son of Heaven. Listen to His Majesty's orders."

  The emperor smiled bitterly: "Teacher, you get up and talk first, things don't seem to be so serious, and I haven't figured out the situation yet..."

   Li Xin was still kneeling on the ground with his head lowered.

The emperor was helpless, turned his head to look at the several assistant ministers in Shangshutai, then turned to look at Ji Lin, and said with some embarrassment: "Zhuqing, the Grand Master sued you for violating your power, and you are also present, and you will be with the Grand Master. ...discriminate?"

Ji Lin was frightened to death by Li Xin's words for a long time, he was the first to kneel in front of the emperor, bowing his head and said, "Your Majesty, the Grand Master has already communicated with the minister at the Grand Governor's Mansion two days ago. There is dereliction of duty, but it is definitely not as serious as what the Taifu said, and the minister and Qianniu Weilang general Zhou Qingyang do not know each other, and have never met each other, let alone use him to control the forbidden army!"

   He bowed his head and said, "Your Majesty, Taifu uses the topic to make a big fuss..."

   Li Xin was still kneeling on the ground at this time, his face expressionless.

   "Whether the chief inspector recognizes this Zhou Qingyang or not, this kind of promotion is heavier than a mountain."

   Having said that, Li Xin turned his head to look at a few Saisukes at the Shangshutai.

   "Furthermore, the governor does not recognize Zhou Qingyang, and most of the chief ministers do."

   Shen Kuan's face was extremely ugly, he walked slowly and walked out of the queue of civil servants.

  He is a civil official, so he naturally thinks more than Ji Lin.

   This Mrs. Li is too cruel...

A mere commander of Zhechong may be a big deal in the right battalion of the forbidden army, but it is not worth mentioning in the court. No matter how fussy Li Xin is, he can’t make a big deal, and it is even less likely to shake the status of several of them. .

  To the point of death, Li Xin said the word "pro-government".

   The Zuo Pushe raised his head and glanced at the fourteen-year-old Emperor with some unease.

   He was not sure whether the emperor wanted to be in power or not!

   No matter how old you are, as long as you come into contact with power, you always want to hold it in your hands as soon as possible.

   If Emperor Yuan Zhao also took this opportunity to take the lead, then Li Xin really succeeded in "making a fuss"!

  Shen Kuan left work, holding the chao wat in his hand, and bowed his head deeply to the emperor.

   "Your Majesty, this is absolutely false..."

   (end of this chapter)

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