Unparalleled Concubine

Vol 2 Chapter 837: "Little Three" delivered to the door

   Chapter 837 "Little Three" delivered to the door

More than 40 years ago, when the huge Northern Zhou Dynasty was still in existence, the surname Yuwen was not uncommon, because the Yuwen family was the royal family of the Northern Zhou Dynasty at that time, and there were hundreds of thousands of children of the Guangyuwen family. Nobles with the surname Yuwen were everywhere in the Northern Zhou Kingdom.

Not only that, because the national power of the Northern Zhou Dynasty was the best in the world at that time, and many Han people also changed their surname Yuwen on their own initiative. Naturally, the Han people in the Northern Zhou Dynasty did not dare to change their surname arbitrarily, but at that time, in the southern part of Dajin, there were Many Han people changed their surnames to Yuwen, claiming to be the royal family of the Northern Zhou Dynasty, and spoofing in the Dajin territory.

   Although this may sound absurd, it actually happened. Because the Northern Zhou Dynasty was powerful at that time, these "two barbarians" were still very popular in Dajin, and they were even better than others.

However, this situation changed completely when Ye Sheng broke the capital of the Northern Zhou Dynasty more than 40 years ago. Later, in order to prevent the Qingquan of the Dajin court, not only the "two barbarians" in Dajin, but even those who did not have time to escape The real Northern Zhou royal family outside the customs also changed the surname of Yuwen to the Han surname.

   And he claimed his surname Yuwen, and he came from the north again, and his identity was already obvious.

   As the New Year is approaching, and it is quite cold in the capital, Li Xin wore a padded jacket and walked slowly to the front hall of his house.

  In the front hall, a woman wearing a moon white jacket was sitting quietly on a chair waiting for Li Xin to arrive. After seeing Li Xin walk in, the woman slowly got up and gave Li Xin a blessing.

   "The little girl has seen Li Houye."

   Only then did Li Xin see her appearance clearly.

This is a woman who looks slightly different from the Central Plains woman. In comparison, her skeleton is slightly larger, and her facial features are also a bit more grand, but her hair is black, and at first glance, it is almost indistinguishable from Han people. respectively.

After all, when the Northern Zhou Dynasty entered the customs, he also served as the emperor for more than a hundred years in the customs. During these more than 100 years, the Xianbei people and the Han people intermarryed a lot, so that even the Yuwen royal family like Yuwenzhao has more or less Han people in the body. blood.

   Their appearance, although there is still a difference with the Han Chinese, but the difference is not obvious.

  Li Xin just glanced at the woman briefly, then sat directly on his own throne, and said lightly, "Did Yu Wenzhao ask you to come?"

   The woman nodded with a smile, then took out a delicate document from her sleeve and handed it to the table in front of Li Xin: "The little girl's name is Yuwenque, my father Yuwenzhao, I came here to meet the Marquis as ordered by my father."

   Her official language is very standard, even more standard than that of her father Yu Wenzhao. In this official language, it exceeds 60-70% of the officials in the court.

   In this era, there was also a mandarin language similar to Mandarin, but it was far from popular. Every time Li Xin went to the yamen of the Ministry of War, he heard the strange dialects of the Ministry of War.

  Xianbei people don’t have as many rules as Han people, and they don’t shy away from their father’s name, so she said it directly.

  Li Xin sat on the main seat and glanced at the woman lightly.

   "The girl doesn't look like she is from Xianbei."

   Yu Wenque smiled slightly: "In the heart of Lord Hou, we Xianbei people must wear animal skins, right?"

"My father liked Chinese learning and Chinese clothing since he was a child. Even the little girls grew up wearing these. Moreover, my Yuwen clan once entered the Central Plains. At that time, I am afraid that the clothes of the royal family in Jin Kingdom are more exquisite. "

  Having had a good life and never having a good life are two different things. The Yuwen family once enjoyed the blessings of more than 100 years in Guannei, and their vision has come up. So far, the upper classes of the Yuwen family rarely wear Xianbei clothes.

  Li Xin lowered his head and took a sip of tea,

   "If I remember correctly, the last era of the Northern Zhou Dynasty was called Baique." (This is the era of Hou Qin in history.)

   "It seems that King Yuwen has been thinking about his country all these years."

  Yuwenque hurriedly lowered his head: "Master Hou misunderstood, my father asked the little girl to come to the capital of Jin to pay homage to the emperor of Jin and to pay homage to the emperor of Jin."

A few days ago, after repeated attacks by Ye Mao and the Chong's army, the Yuwen divisions in the north suffered serious setbacks. Now there is only one Yuwen Zhao division, and another Yuwen Helan division. The whole Yuwen division was severely damaged, but Yuwen The Zhaobu annexed the Buddha and most of the Beggars, and as long as this period of time is passed, it will grow rapidly.

   Of course, it takes time.

   Therefore, it was normal for him to send someone to the capital to seek peace with the Great Jin. After all, he wanted to buy time for his tribe to digest the Buddha.

  Jing'an Houye was expressionless.

   "According to the rules of the imperial court, even if the Yuwen clan wants to be a minister, they should send a man."

   Li Xin's words did not mean to discriminate against women in the slightest. It means that women are somewhat despised in this era, and there are almost no women who do such errands as envoys.

   "Master Hou misunderstood, the little girl is not an envoy."

   She stood in front of Li Xin and saluted Li Xin generously: "Father meant to give me to Jin State as a gift for this pilgrimage."

  The Marquis of Jing An was a little stunned.

   He can understand the "harmony" negotiated by the two sides, but how can there be such a "gift" that he has grown two legs and brought himself here?

   However, in the eyes of Xianbei people, this is a very normal thing. The weak dedicate the most beautiful girl in their tribe to the strong to please the strong and achieve the purpose of "reconciliation".

   This is another sense of harmony.

  The Marquis of Jing An was silent for a while, put down the tea cup in his hand, and said slowly: "In this case, the girl should go to the palace, or go to the yamen of the Ministry of Rites. How did you come to me?"

   Yuwenque lowered his head.

   "According to my father's meaning, as a pilgrimage gift, I gave you the emperor of Jin to be a woman, but when we first arrived in the capital, we heard that your emperor died."

   Having said that, she looked up at Li Xin,

   "Therefore, I remembered Mr. Li Hou who my father mentioned, and brought my servants to visit Mr. Li."

   said, she pointed to the gift list: "This is a gift prepared by my father for Li Houye, which must satisfy Houye."

  Li Xin looked at the envelope with a calm expression.

"Girl, you've got the wrong person. I'm no longer serving in Jimen Pass in the northern border, nor in the central Shangshutai. At this time, I can neither influence the northern border nor the imperial court. I will interfere with the affairs of the Yuwen clan. Don't get in."

   said, he pushed the gift list back.

   "Li has no luck."

   "You don't need Li Houye to do anything."

Yuwenque stood up, gritted her teeth embarrassedly, and lowered her head: "As long as Li Houye asks the Jin Dynasty to stop attacking our Yuwen clan, then the gifts will not only be those on the gift list, but I will also I will stay with Li Houye as a gift, and be the Houye's daughter...concubine."

   She originally wanted to say women, but she knew the etiquette of some Han people, so she changed her mind to "concubine's room".

   Having said that, this Xianbei girl who looked only eighteen or nineteen years old lowered her head a little embarrassedly, pinched the corner of her clothes with her hands, and her face turned red.

   "Also please Mr. Li..."

  The Marquis of Jing An was sitting on the chair, feeling a little dazed for a while.

   What is this girl saying, she is going to be herself a mistress?

   Isn't he a generation shorter than Yuwenzhao?

   (end of this chapter)

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