Unparalleled Concubine

Vol 2 Chapter 836: death of the emperor

   Chapter 836 The death of the late emperor

The change of imperial power at this time is far less tense than the situation in the Renjin Palace change ten years ago. You must know that when the palace changed ten years ago, almost all the inner guards in the palace were killed and injured, and Yulinwei was also killed and injured more than half. In the city, there is only one color left.

Even when the Emperor Taikang knelt in front of the Emperor's Spirit in Chengde, Li Xin and the others did not stop. At that time, Li Xin didn't close his eyes for two or three days. He was busy in and out of the capital, and with the presence of Yejiazhen, he was barely able to control it. the situation.

But it is very different now. Now most of the three imperial guards in the capital are in the hands of the Xie family, and the inner guard in the palace is in charge of Xiao Zheng, Xiao Zheng has no reason to betray His Royal Highness, and the prince and Li Xin, the teacher, are in charge of Gyeonggi Forbidden army, nothing can go wrong.

  Because there is no other power, it can threaten the prince.

Therefore, after the death of Emperor Taikang, although the atmosphere in the capital was still tense, all the links were proceeding in an orderly manner. After three days of kneeling in the Weiyang Palace, the crown prince successfully became the emperor in front of the emperor and became the unification of the Jin Dynasty. The fourth emperor after the world.

   After taking the throne, he is even the emperor of the Great Jin Dynasty. As for the official enthronement ceremony, it is the icing on the cake and does not affect the overall situation.

   After all, the purpose of the enthronement ceremony is to make sacrifices to the heavens, but in fact, who the emperor is in the world, whether God knows it or not, does not have much influence.

After the new emperor takes the throne, there are still a few days before the New Year. Of course, at this time, no one in the capital will have a New Year's mind. From Yonglefang to the capital's various squares, everything is plain white. Cries can be heard from nearby houses.

Many of these ordinary people are really mourning the emperor, because the etiquette and rules of this era are here, and many people really regard the emperor as a father, and the emperor Taikang has been in control for ten years, not only did he not No matter what evil you do, the life of the people in the capital is much better than in the Chengde years. Such a good emperor is naturally missed by everyone.

   It can be expected that if there is some kind of scumbag in Dajin in the future, the people of the time will not be able to say "I still remember the sages of Zhaojing in the past".

The funeral of Emperor Taikang is proceeding in an orderly manner. The officials of the Ministry of Industry put the last handful of the emperor's mausoleum into the ground and completed the "Tai Mausoleum" that was already under construction. People from the Ministry of Rites also proposed the emperor Taikang. The temple name and posthumous title, the temple name Xuanzong, the posthumous title is a "Jing" character, that is, Emperor Xuanzong Jing of the Jin Dynasty.

   But the Chinese New Year is coming soon, and the new emperor will change the Yuan after the new year. At this time, the people of the Ministry of Rites are still discussing the "era name" after the Yuan change, and there is no result yet.

   These things have nothing to do with Li Xin. He is currently in the Kunde Palace in the palace, and he is meeting with Queen Xie, who has been "upgraded" to become the Queen Mother.

This Kunde Palace has always been the residence of the empress dowager. The original empress dowager is also the current empress dowager. She is a very well-behaved person. After the new emperor ascended the throne, she immediately moved out and gave up the palace. Thank you queen.

Li Xin stood in front of the fairly young Empress Dowager, and said solemnly: "The Empress Dowager, the late emperor has passed away, there are many doubts, not to mention, the Zhang family of Longhu Mountain must give the court an explanation, Otherwise, this matter cannot pass!"

When Emperor Taikang passed away, he was only in his thirties. It was the time when a man was most energetic. Li Xin didn't really believe in the destiny. In this matter, the Longhushan Zhang family was involved from the beginning to the end. tracked down.

   Empress Dowager Xie was only in her thirties, and she lost her husband. Naturally, she couldn't feel better. She first glanced at Li Xin, and then asked, "What should the Taibao do?"

   "I ask the court to order a thorough investigation of this matter. I will lead Yu Linwei out of Beijing and go to Longhu Mountain in person. Even if this Taoist holy place is turned upside down, the truth must be found out!"

The reason for Li Xin's investigation of this matter is that there are indeed a lot of doubts in it, and it is impossible not to ask, and secondly, the former His Royal Highness King Wei is his friend. Friends, you have to ask the question.

   Queen Mother Xie frowned.

   "Master Li is not suitable to leave the capital at this time?"

It has not been a few days since the new emperor ascended the throne, and even the enthronement ceremony was not held. It is far from the time when he is firmly seated on the throne. At this time, anyone can leave the capital, but only Li Xin, the general of the forbidden army, cannot leave the capital. This is what the Queen Mother sees in her heart. very clear.

   She said slowly: "The matter of Longhu Mountain naturally needs to be investigated, but you can't rush it for a while, and you can't go out to Beijing to investigate in person, Lord Li Hou."

Li Xin had long known that this would be the outcome, he bowed his head slightly and cupped his hands: "The Empress Dowager, the matter that the minister does not leave the capital can also be investigated. Now Yulinwei is in charge of Xie Dai of the Xie family, and the minister asks the court to issue an decree, Let Xie Dai take the five hundred feathers of Lin Wei to Longhu Mountain, and bring all the people from the Zhang family in Longhu Mountain to the capital."

   "When the time comes, the minister can personally interrogate these people."

  The Queen Mother still frowned slightly.

   "The Zhang family in Longhu Mountain has always been named a Celestial Master..."

   "The Celestial Master can't do anything wrong."

  Li Xin bowed his head deeply.

   "If you don't find out a result, how can the first emperor be at ease?"

Now, the empress dowager, or the little emperor who has just ascended the throne for two days, needs a backer like Li Xin to rely on, so the empress dowager is not very good against Li Xin. After she sighed, she opened the mouth and said: "That's good, Ben...sorry Let Xie Dai go to Longhu Mountain to get people..."

  She has always called herself "Ben Gong", but now she suddenly wants to change her name, and she is not used to it.

  Li Xin bowed his head slightly: "The empress dowager is wise."

Any yamen in the imperial court has its own functions. For example, Li Xin's right battalion of the forbidden army, whose occupation is to guard the capital, and other things are not done by the forbidden army. Judicial power, so he can only take over this matter through the Queen Mother.

   The death of Emperor Taikang is unclear, and he has to find an answer no matter what, even if he really offends the so-called land immortal sect of Longhu Mountain, it is great that Li Xin will bear it alone.

   Land Immortal Sect can't resist swords, guns, bows and crossbows.

After    and the Queen Mother finished talking about this matter, Li Xin returned to his home in the Marquis of Jing'an Mansion. At this time, the eldest princess had already returned from the palace, but she was still in a bad mood and often sat in a chair in a daze.

   After Li Xin returned to the Hou residence, he sat with her for a while, and just as he was about to say something about himself, Chen Shiliu's voice rang outside the door.

   "Master Hou, someone wants to see you outside."

   Li Xin frowned and looked towards the door of the room.

   "I didn't tell you, the late emperor passed away, and the Hou Mansion closed the door to thank guests, no matter who it was."

  Chen Shiliu was at the door and did not leave, but continued to speak.

   "Master Hou, that person said her surname was Yuwen and she came from the north."

   "She said that when Lord Hou heard her surname, he would definitely meet her."

   Lord Jing An frowned slightly, and finally stood up from the bed of the eldest princess and patted the eldest princess on the back.

   "It's from the north. I'll go out and see you."

   The eldest princess nodded lightly: "Be careful yourself."

   Li Xin pushed open the door, looked at Chen Shiliu at the door, and said solemnly, "Where is the person here?"

   "Wait in the vestibule now."

  Chen Shiliu lowered his head and whispered, "It's a girl, His Highness is here just now, I didn't dare to say..."

  The Marquis of Jing An gave this guy a blank look.

   "I'll go see her right now."

   (end of this chapter)

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