Unparalleled Concubine

Vol 2 Chapter 817: Interest affects

  Chapter 817 Interests

The position of the Minister of War was always held by Li Xin. Even when he went to Jimen Pass to serve as the general of Zhenbei, he never lost this position. It was almost ten years ago.

In the second year of Taikang, Li Xin, as the general of the right battalion of the forbidden army, led the right camp of the forbidden army to the west, and made a great contribution to the southwest. The battalion errand, he has not touched the forbidden army for seven years now.

The total number of the Imperial Guards in Great Jin exceeded 500,000, but not all of them were near the capital. Some Zhechong prefectures were either at the border or in local areas. There were actually around 300,000 Imperial Guards in Gyeonggi. There are 145,000 people in each camp.

Originally, after Li Xin left his post in the right battalion of the forbidden army, it was Pei Jin who took over the right camp. Later, this general Pei became the general of the forbidden army again. , became the most powerful person in the Dajin military.

   But because of the fiasco in the southwest, the emperor was furious, and Pei Jin was completely defeated in the imperial court. The emperor didn't even give him a decent retirement, and directly demoted him to a commoner and drove him out of the capital.

   Therefore, the current Gyeonggi Imperial Army is now in charge of Hou Jingde. Now, after seven years, the emperor once again handed over the right camp of the Imperial Army to Li Xin.

   This measure is still very good.

Looking at the current situation, most of the emperor is really seriously ill, so if he wants to pass the throne smoothly, he must give some support to His Royal Highness the prince. At this time, Li Xin, who is the crown prince, must have enough strength in his hand. , to be able to hold the scene.

   And this power should not be too large, so Li Xin could only lead half of the Gyeonggi Imperial Army, and the other half was held by Hou Jingde to control Li Xin.

   Originally, Li Xin's credit for these years, even if he is not in the circle of generals, his qualifications are strong enough, and now he is leading the forbidden army, he will become the strongest backing behind the prince.

  Li Xin held the imperial decree in his hand, and after a long silence, he turned to look at the prince next to him.

   "His Royal Highness will stay in my mansion first. If there is nothing to do, don't go out recently. If there is something, I will let someone call you."

  The prince has been in the Jing'an Marquis since he was a child, and he still knows Li Xin's temper very well. When Li Xin laughs, it doesn't matter how he jokes with him, but when he gets serious, there is no room for negotiation.

  The prince nodded immediately and said, "Teacher, don't worry, I will stay in the mansion obediently and not go anywhere."

   After he finished speaking, he left the front hall and hopped toward the backyard of the Marquis of Jing'an.

   On the other hand, Li Xin continued to sit in the front hall, holding the scroll of the imperial decree on the jade scroll in his hand, silently fascinated.

   After an unknown amount of time, Chen Shiliu, who had brought a meal, approached the front hall and placed the meal in front of Li Xin, only to awaken Li Xin from his daze.

  Chen Shiliu lowered his head and said, "Master Hou hasn't eaten today, let's eat some pads."

  Li Xin nodded, looked at the imperial decree in his hand in silence, put it on the table beside him, and picked up the rice bowl on the table.

   He asked, "Are there any guests outside?"

  Chen Shiliu shook his head.

"not yet."

   Li Xin's face was calm, and while eating, he said, "Not now, but there will be in a while."

The news that Li Xin has been re-official and that His Royal Highness the Prince is staying in the Marquis of Jing'an Mansion will soon spread throughout the capital. At this time, those civil and military officials may still not be able to see the meaning behind the emperor's move, but there is a family who will definitely see it. understand.

   And… after they heard the news. Will definitely come to see Li Xin.

   After eating, Li Xin returned to his room and lay down for a while as usual. When he woke up, it was already close to Shen Shi. After pushing the door open, Chen Shiliu was waiting respectfully at the door.

  The Marquis of Jing An stretched and asked indifferently, "Is someone here?"

  Chen Shiliu nodded and said, "Someone wants to see Lord Hou, because Lord Hou was asleep, so he didn't disturb Lord Hou, and let that person wait in the living room."

  Li Xin washed his face in the basin, sobered himself up a bit, and then smiled.

   "In terms of well-informed, or these royal relatives are well-informed, I changed my clothes and went to see them."

   After he finished speaking, he went back to the house and changed into a purple robe, put it on, and walked towards the living room in the front yard of his house.

   When he walked into the living room, the young man sitting in the living room immediately stood up and bowed his head deeply to Li Xin.

  Li Xin was a little surprised when he saw it.

   "I thought it would be the uncle from the country, why did you come?"

The person who came    was Xie Dai from the Xie family.

The body of the emperor, others don't know, Queen Xie, the pillow person, will definitely know. If Queen Xie knows, then the Xie family will know more or less. In this way, the Xie family will naturally be able to see clearly that the prince lives in What does Jing'an Houfu mean?

   means that the Marquis of Jing'an will be the assistant behind the prince.

   This assistant is not just the assistant of the crown prince.

   As the eldest son of His Majesty, as long as there are no major problems, there should be no major problems in successfully succeeding to the throne, but the prince is still young, and how he can sit firmly in this position is the biggest problem.

  With the support of the Marquis of Jing'an, you can let the prince sit on the throne safely.

   Naturally, it goes without saying that the Xie family is the mother family of the prince, a relative of the royal family, and the prince ascends the throne. The power of the Xie family will definitely rise again. Their family is a natural "princeling" and must be extremely loyal.

   Therefore, the Xie family will definitely send someone to see Li Xin, firstly to express friendship, and secondly to communicate.

  Xie Dai bowed to Li Xin, then got up and said, "My brother is a little uncomfortable after he came back from the southwest. He is still recovering at home, so the lower official came to see Lord Hou instead of his brother."

  Li Xin walked to the main seat and did it, looking at Xie Dai with a half-smile.

   "Isn't it because Uncle Guo can't save face and refuses to give up his face to come to me?"

  Xie Dai was silent.

Jing'an Houfu smiled lightly: "I'm still saying that, go back and say a word to the person in charge of your Xie family, or go directly to say a word to the empress, it doesn't matter if you say it directly, you Xie family are best It's better for you, Xie Dai, to preside over the situation, otherwise everything might go wrong."

   Having said that, Li Xin glanced at Xie Dai.

   "It may not be convenient for you to say this yourself. If you can't say it, I can say it for you."

Li Xin just woke up, and was still a little tired at the moment, he stretched his waist and said lazily: "A person like Uncle Guo is suitable for concubine at home and enjoying happiness, not suitable for going out to work, Since luck is so good, and reincarnation is also very important, it is better to hide behind people and live happily and unrestrainedly for a lifetime, there is no need to come out and work hard."

   "Not good for anyone."

  Xie Dai lowered his head and said, "There seems to be some misunderstanding between Lord Hou and brother..."

   "You say yes."

  Li Xin took a sip of strong tea, and his sleepiness finally dissipated. He looked up at Xie Dai and asked lightly.

   "General Xie Lang also came back from the southwest, and why did he come to me without resting at home for a few days?"

   (end of this chapter)

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