Unparalleled Concubine

Vol 2 Chapter 816: heavy decree

   Chapter 816 Heavy Decree

Li Xin went to Ningling Hou's mansion because he went there in an open and honest way. From entering the mansion to leaving the mansion, he will be seen by those who are interested, but Li Xin doesn't care much about these little things. Now he only cares about the general situation of the capital, as long as he grasps the situation. Staying strong, no one can move him.

  The Son of Heaven is not.

He came out of Ningling Hou's mansion at noon, and when he walked back to his home, it was already noon, but when he reached the door of Jing'an Hou's mansion, he found Chen who had a sleeve empty. Sixteen, has been waiting at the door for a long time.

   Seeing Li Xin coming back, Chen Shiliu immediately stepped forward, walked in front of Li Xin, and said in a low voice, "Master Hou, His Royal Highness the Crown Prince and Eunuch Xiao are coming to our house."

Li Xin was not surprised by the arrival of the prince. After all, at this special time, the prince should have come to look for his teacher, but Xiao Zheng's arrival was beyond Li Xin's expectations. The housekeeper should be very busy, and there is no reason to go to Jing'an Hou's mansion to wait for him.

  Li Xin nodded to Chen Shiliu, indicating that he already knew, he said, "Where are they?"

   "In the front yard living room."

   Li Xin carried his hands behind his back, stepped into the gate of Jing'an Marquis Mansion again, and walked towards the living room.

In the living room, Xiao Zheng, a big **** dressed in red, was sitting in the guest seat in a formal and proper manner, while His Royal Highness, the crown prince of the dynasty, was sitting on the right side of the main seat in the living room, but he was still a child after all, not very honest. , look left and right in the living room.

This child loves to come to Li Xin's Hou's Mansion since he was a child. He lives in Hou's Mansion for three months a year. It can even be said that he grew up in Hou's Mansion. He is more familiar with this house than his own East Palace. .

   Li Xin stepped in, first glanced at Xiao Zheng, then at the Crown Prince, then lowered his head slightly and clasped his fists.

   "I have seen His Royal Highness the Prince."

   "Eunuch Xiao."

   Xiao Zheng hurriedly stood up from his chair, waved his hands again and again and said, "Slave servants are a crippled person, but I don't dare to be a lord."

As for His Royal Highness, there are not so many taboos. He first got up and paid Li Xin a courtesy, and then asked, "Teacher, why didn't you see Aunt and Ahan at your house? I asked Uncle Sixteen just now. , he refused to tell me."

He has been close to his aunt, the eldest princess, since he was a child. He often lived in Jing'an Hou's mansion for half a month. Over time, he became acquainted with the servants of the Hou's mansion. Take Chen Shiliu as an example, the prince often When he saw him, he called him Uncle Sixteen.

   Of course, Chen Shiliu dared not bear this title, and every time he heard it, he was terrified.

Li Xin walked to the main seat in the living room, sat down with a smile, and said to the prince: "Last time in the palace, I forgot to tell you, your aunt and Ahan, go back to my hometown in Yongzhou, go to give My mother went to the grave, and it will take some time to get back."

   His Royal Highness scratched his head, and after saying "oh", he continued to ask, "What about the little aunt, why didn't you see her there?"

  Zhong Xiaoxiao, as Li Xin's young girl, naturally went out to Beijing with the eldest princess. Li Xin drank a sip of tea and said, "I also followed."

   "Where are Aunt Hui and the others?"

Aunt Hui in his mouth is the daughter-in-law of Chen Shiliu, the first batch of maids in Jing'an Hou's mansion, in the past ten years, Jing'an Hou's mansion is basically the two of them doing housekeeping. The mother is mainly in charge of the house, while Chen Shiliu runs in front of Li Xin, and occasionally helps Hui Niang with housework.

  Li Xin shook his head helplessly.

   "Your aunt hasn't traveled far, so naturally someone will take care of her. Madam Hui has gone to take care of your aunt."

   His Royal Highness sat down in his seat with disappointment on his face.

   "It's over, the royal father asked me to live with you, teacher, for a few days. Originally, I came here full of joy, but I didn't expect no one in the teacher's house, so I'm going to die boringly?"

   Li Xin put down the teacup in his hand and looked at His Royal Highness.

   "Did Your Majesty ask you to come, or did the Empress ask you to come?"

   At this time, if Queen Xie asked the prince to live in Jing'an Hou's mansion, then Xie's family was sending a signal to Li Xin. If the emperor put the prince in Li Xin's house, then... it would be somewhat intriguing.

   "My father asked me to come."

   His Royal Highness still respected Li Xin, his uncle, and he immediately replied, "My father said, "Teacher, you rarely have the time recently. If you can teach me well, let me live with you for a while."

  Li Xin nodded and said in a muffled voice, "Then you will stay at my house for a few days."

   At this time, the Crown Prince was not in the East Palace, but in the Jing'an Hou Mansion. The news would soon spread throughout the capital, at least in Yonglefang.

   This means that once the news of the emperor's serious illness spreads, the Marquis of Jing'an will be standing behind the prince by default.

   Li Xin didn't care much about this, it was this forced arrangement that made him feel a little uncomfortable.

  Thinking of this, Li Xin turned his head to look at Xiao Zheng, and asked, "Eunuch Xiao is not in the inner court, so where is he in the evil mansion?"

Xiao Zheng was standing beside the prince's chair at the moment, and when he heard that he took out a jade scroll from his sleeve, held both hands in his hands, and said to Li Xin in a deep voice, "I'm here to give it to Lord Hou. Holy decree."

Li Xin took a deep breath and was about to stand up and kneel to meet the imperial decree, but just as he was about to kneel down, he was supported by Xiao Zheng. The **** handed the imperial decree into Li Xin's hands and whispered, "Master Hou No need to be more polite, His Majesty specifically explained that the Lord Hou does not need to kneel, and the imperial decree does not need to be read out by slaves and servants, the Lord Hou can see for himself."

  Li Xin took the imperial edict in his hand, and did not rush to open it, but looked at Xiao Zheng and said silently: "Eunuch Xiao, Your Majesty, is he... in better shape?"

   Xiao Zheng's face darkened.

   "Since I met Lord Hou yesterday, His Majesty has been unable to sleep, and it has been almost two or three days since I closed my eyes."

   If there is a row of Taikang emperor dead, who is the most sad, then Xiao Zheng, the inner court eunuch's sadness, will definitely be in the top three.

   You must know that the rule of one emperor and one courtier may not be easy to use in the court, but it is an absolute iron rule. Every new emperor ascends the throne, a new inner servant will be born.

   After all, no one can worry that the people around them are not their own.

   Xiao Zheng relied on this superior position to squeeze out his predecessor Chen Ju and become the **** of the inner court.

  No accident, he, the big eunuch, can keep doing it.

   But now an accident has happened. Once Emperor Taikang is buried in heaven, he will be a big eunuch. He will probably be like Chen Ju and guard the imperial mausoleum.

   Xiao Zheng let out a long sigh.

   "Your Majesty he..."

   He only said three words and did not go on.

Then the big **** turned to look at Li Xin and said in a low voice, "The slave servant was ordered by His Majesty to come to deliver the imperial decree to the Marquis, and at the same time leave His Royal Highness in the Houye's mansion for the time being. Now that the matter is over, the servant will leave. already."

   After he finished speaking, he bowed his head respectfully to Li Xin and slowly backed out.

   Li Xin personally delivered him to the gate of the mansion, and then returned to the living room to open the scroll of imperial edict.

The    imperial decree is still composed of a series of parallel prose, with gorgeous rhetoric and foggy.

   But the meaning is still very clear.

   "Prince Taibao Li Xin is no longer the general of the Zhenbei Army, but still serves as the Minister of War, leading the right battalion of the forbidden army."

   After reading the letter, Li Xin frowned.

   The emperor who had been stingy with him for ten years suddenly delegated power to such a large extent...

  Then explain…

  Thinking of this, Li Xin turned to look in the direction of Miyagi, his heart a little heavy.

   (end of this chapter)

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