Unparalleled Concubine

Vol 2 Chapter 804: Ambition does not die

   Chapter 804 Ambition is immortal

   In the Weiyang Palace, the emperor sat on the throne and quietly looked at Xie Jing who would be in front of him.

The emperor, who had not slept much for several days, finally got a good night's sleep yesterday. At this time, the emperor's face was a little better, and he seemed to be no different from a normal person. He slowly said: "You said, Li Xin What did you do in the Southwest?"

Before the Emperor Taikang ascended the throne, the Shanyin Xie clan was just an ordinary scholarly family in Jiangnan. It would be hard to say that it was a small family, but it was definitely not a powerful family. After Emperor Taikang ascended the throne, he has been deliberately expanding the mountain. The Yin Xie Clan, the power of the descendants, in the first few years, he even took Xie Jing, his brother-in-law by his side, to personally instruct him what he should do in the courtroom.

   The two are still very familiar.

  Xie Jing knelt on the ground, bowed his head and said, "Go back to your majesty, after I entered the southwest, I have been taken by Hanzhou..."

He held back the two "rebels", lowered his head and said, "Hanzhou Mu Ying has been under house arrest in a clubhouse in Jincheng, and I have only seen Mu Ying once from beginning to end. Rumor has it that the matter in the southwest has been settled, and the minister can go back to the capital. If the minister wants to write, it is useless to spend it in the southwest, so he came back."

  The emperor was expressionless.

   "What I'm asking is, have you seen Li Xin in the southwest, what is he doing?"

  Xie Jing knelt on the ground and bowed his head deeply.

   "Go back to Your Majesty, I have seen Lord Li."

   "When I came back from Jincheng, I heard that Li Houye was also in Jincheng, so I went to see Li Houye."

Having said this, he paused for a while, thinking of what Queen Xie said yesterday, so he gritted his teeth and continued: "Master Li was in a garden at the time, and there were seven or eight Hanzhou troops guarding the gate of the garden. , Li Houye was alone in the garden, and he didn't see Mu Ying of the Hanzhou Army."

  The emperor frowned and said, "What is he doing?"


"drinking tea."

  Xie Jing said slowly: "Li Houye also invited the minister to drink a cup of tea, and told the minister that he still has some things to do in the southwest, which will be delayed for a while."

   Xie Jing's remarks can be said to be true, but the same thing is said in different contexts, and the results are very different. Xie Jing said this, it can be said that he is speaking for Li Xin.

  The Emperor grunted.

   "Yeah, he does have something to do in the southwest."

He casually threw a memorial in front of Xie Jing, and said coldly, "Li Xin's memorial has already returned to the capital one step before you, and he said in the memorial that something has happened in the southwest, and he needs a paragraph. time processing."

  Xie Jing took the memorial book carefully, opened it and read it briefly.

The content of the memorial is very simple. The Hanzhou Army in the southwest has clearly agreed to surrender to Dajin, but the remnants of the original Pingnan Army are still haunted, and there are signs of resurgence. In the southwest, Li Xin needs to stay in the southwest for a while. , After the remnants of the Pingnan Army were completely quelled, they set off back to Beijing.

   This statement is reasonable and well-founded. After all, the Pingnan Army has indeed been active in the southwest in recent months, and the imperial court has already received this news.

  The emperor sat on the throne and sneered: "Where is he doing business in the southwest, he is clearly hiding from me, and dare not come back to the capital!"

A few months ago, when Li Xin was in the capital, he told the emperor that he would go to the southwest to quell the unrest in the southwest. disappear into the invisible.

   From this point of view, he did not deceive the emperor.

   However, it is true that he is unwilling to return to the capital.

The emperor has lost a lot of energy in the past two years. After talking with Xie Jing, he felt a little tired, he waved his hand, and said indifferently: "I know what you said, you go down first. "

  Xie Jing got up slowly and was about to leave when he heard the voice of the emperor again.

   "You haven't traveled far, and I haven't heard much about your sister thinking about you these days. Now that you're back, go to her place to take a look."

  Xie Jing hurriedly lowered his head: "I'll go now."

   After taking a few steps back, he opened his mouth to say something, but in the end he didn't say anything.

  The emperor seemed to see his mind, and the corner of his mouth pulled an arc.

   "You want to go back to Qianniuwei's errand?"

  Xie Jing was stunned for a moment, then lowered his head quickly: "Go back to Your Majesty, Qianniuwei and His Majesty will lead the army.

  The Emperor waved his hand impatiently.

   "Go, after seeing your sister, go home and rest for a few days, then go to Qianniuwei to report."

  Xie Jing was overjoyed, and immediately lowered his head and said, "I... Thank you, Your Majesty."

   said, he slowly bowed his head and left.

  The emperor watched his leaving figure, reached out and rubbed his aching temple, muttering to himself.

   "The Xie family's foundation is too thin, to the point where I can't help it even if I want to."

   After saying this, Emperor Taikang lay on the dragon couch half-slanted and slowly closed his eyes to rest.

A scholarly family has no foundation in both the court and the opposition. Even if the emperor wants to help them to a high place soon, it will not be possible. If the emperor of Taikang has ten or twenty years left, Xie Jing Xie Dai Under his care, this group of people can become the second- and third-rank court bosses without any accident, but it is not possible now.

   Even if the emperor forcibly seals them up, they may not be able to do what they should do in that position.

   And the people below will not recognize it.

  The most precious thing in the world is time.

  In the tall palace wall, the 95th Supreme Being of the Great Jin Dynasty, under the dual pressure of body and mind, was already a little haggard.

   On the other side, Li Xin, who was thousands of miles away, received a letter from Suzhou.

The    letter was sent by a child, and the fee to hire him was ten copper coins.

   In the end, the letter went to Chen Shiliu, and Chen Shiliu sent it to Li Xin.

   At this time, Li Xin was playing chess with Zhao Jia in the garden. After taking the letter, opened it and glanced at it, a playful smile appeared on the face of the Marquis of Jing'an.

   He waved the letter in his hand to Zhao Jia in front of him, and said with a smile, "Brother You An, guess, who sent this letter?"

   Zhao Jia unhurriedly captured one of Li Xin's chess pieces and asked, "Where did you send it?"

   Li Xin put the unsigned envelope in front of Zhao Jia with a few words written on it.

   "Jing'an Hou personally opened."

The inscription below    is not the name, but the word "Gusu".

   Zhao Jia stretched out his hand, took the envelope in his hand, looked back and forth, and said suspiciously, "Isn't it... that person?"

   "It's really that person."

  Jing An Hou Ye laughed.

   "It's been the ninth year of Taikang now. Nearly ten years have passed, and the former King of Qi has not been able to let go of his ambitions."

   Zhao Jia frowned slightly, took the letter from Li Xin, looked at the contents of the letter back and forth, then folded it back into the envelope, and let out a slow breath.

   "His Royal Highness King Qi wants to be a white wolf with empty gloves."

   Ji Huan, the King of Qi, is the fourth prince who was driven out of the capital by the Emperor Taikang when he failed to win the heirloom, and the former owner of the Marquis of Jing'an Mansion where Li Xin lived.

  The content of his letter to Li Xin is very simple.

   He was willing to help Li Xin rebel.

   Of course, His Royal Highness King Qi, who has been in the vassal for nearly ten years, has no power or power now. What he can give now is a little money and food, and…

   His identity as a clan.

   A real empty-glove white wolf.

   Zhao Jiasai looked up at Li Xin after the good letter.

   "What does Lord Hou mean?"

   (end of this chapter)

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