Unparalleled Concubine

Vol 2 Chapter 803: Xie Jiafeng Lord

   Chapter 803 Xie Jiafeng Lord

  The Queen's face was also a little pale. She closed her eyes, and the eyelashes on her eyes were shaking slowly.

   "Your Majesty, there seems to be some problems with his body..."

After making up her mind, Queen Xie gritted her teeth and said it.

   "As early as when Taikang was five years old, His Majesty felt that his energy was low, and he often had headaches. He has been taking medicine for the past few years, but it has not been very effective. In the past two years, the headache has become more serious."

   She opened her eyes and looked at her brother.

   "Sometimes I can't sleep for days."

  Xie Jing's face was also a little pale, he looked at his elder sister, his voice trembled: "How could..."

   "Your Majesty, he is in his prime..."

Queen Xie was married into the Wei Palace when she was a teenager. It has been more than ten years now. She has been with the emperor even longer than in the Xie family. After arriving at her brother's words, she let out a long sigh.

   "I also don't understand, Your Majesty, he is only in his thirties, how he became like this."

  The Queen Mother looked at her younger brother with a sad expression on her face.

   "A few days ago, His Majesty's condition worsened. He told me that he was not destined to be an emperor at first, but someone pushed him into this position abruptly, so it won't last long..."

   Having said this, the Queen's voice trembled a little.

   "I originally didn't believe this, but Your Majesty he..."

   Having said this, her eyes were red and she could not speak any longer.

  Xie Jing lowered his head and fell silent.

   After an unknown amount of time, he raised his head and looked at his sister, his voice a little hoarse.

   "Sister, Your Majesty he..."

  The Queen Mother shook her head, her voice bitter.

"I do not know either."

   "Your Majesty is in his prime, I hope he can make it through..."

   Xie Jing's voice was hoarse.

   "If Your Majesty's situation is really at a critical time, then what you should think about now, Sister, is not Your Majesty..."

Although what he said was a bit obscure, the meaning was still very obvious. It meant that if Emperor Taikang was in danger, the most important thing for the empress to consider at this time was how to make her son, the eldest son of the emperor, succeed smoothly. bit.

Although her son is already His Royal Highness, it is reasonable to say that as long as the emperor has an accident, he can justly pass the throne, but in the field of power, there has never been a 100% certainty, just take ten years ago. In the case of the emperor Taikang's succession to the throne, the prince at that time was not the emperor today!

   Besides, there are also Concubine De, who was born in the Ye family, and Concubine Shu, who came from a family. These two imperial concubines have children. When it comes to the power of the mother family, the Xie family is much inferior to these two families!

  The Queen Mother looked at her brother, her face turning pale.

"what do you mean?"

  Xie Jing gritted his teeth and said, "In any case, you should be prepared."

   "I was originally in charge of Qianniuwei, but I was sent to the southwest a few days ago and lost my job as Qianniuwei. Sister, help me get Qianniuwei back!"

Xie Jing took a deep breath and continued: "Furthermore, there is Yulinwei, Yulinwei is in charge of Xie Dai. Although he is not in the capital, he is also on the errand of Yulinwei. After I leave the palace, I will send someone to give it to him. He sent a letter and told him to rush back to the capital as soon as possible no matter what."

   Having said that, Xie Jing looked up at his elder sister.

   "And then there is, Eunuch Xiao in the palace."

After a pause, he opened his mouth and said: "The affairs in the palace, including the inner guard, are all taken care of by Eunuch Xiao. When the Renchen Palace changed ten years ago, there was an error in the palace. No matter what, try your best to win Eunuch Xiao, at least…”

   "At least get the inner guard!"

   "The Three Imperial Guards are the most important forces in the capital. As long as the elder sister can grasp the Three Imperial Guards, no matter what happens in the capital, we can handle it calmly."

  The Empress frowned deeply.

   "Your Majesty is just ill, we just want to take power like this. If your Majesty suddenly recovers one day, won't we have to suffer?"

   "Don't be afraid of 10,000, just in case!"

Xie Jing muttered: "If Your Majesty can get better, then it will be the best, then all the sins, my sister can be pushed on my head, or Xie Dai's head, no matter what sins the Xie family has suffered, even if I am with you. It doesn't matter if Xie Dai cuts the weave for the people, as long as His Royal Highness the crown prince can successfully ascend the throne, everything will not be a problem."

Having said that, Xie Jing looked up at his sister and said solemnly: "In case the capital changes, our family is not the opponent of the Chong family or any of the Ye family's forces, only by firmly grasping the three imperial guards. , in order to ensure the smooth succession of His Royal Highness the Crown Prince!"

   He gritted his teeth and said, "Sister think about it, what is the purpose of Your Majesty's efforts to place our Xie family in the Imperial Army's Imperial Army?"

   "Don't you just let me wait to protect His Royal Highness?"

  The Empress frowned slightly.

She hesitated for a while, then said: "The matter has not reached this point, His Majesty just can't sleep now, and I slept rarely today, maybe it will get better in a few days, we can't do anything at this time. Stupid thing."

   She looked at Xie Jing and said, "When you come back to the palace tomorrow, see Your Majesty, explain the situation in the southwest to His Majesty, and then wait and see in the capital."

   Having said this, the Empress paused and continued: "As for Xie Dai's side, you can find a way to get him back to the capital as soon as possible. He is the commander of Yulin Wei, who was personally appointed by His Majesty.

   The master of the harem of the mother world lowered his head and thought for a while, then looked at Xie Jing.

   "You went to the southwest, did you see Lord Li?"

  Xie Jing bowed his head and said, "I see."

   He gritted his teeth and said, "I'll see Your Majesty tomorrow, and I'm about to tell His Majesty about this. Li Xin is clearly colluding with Mu Ying in the southwest, in order to hold the imperial court hostage and support his troops!"

   "My little brother even suspected that Li Changan was the one who pushed the matter in the southwest. He even humiliated me in Jincheng, and he didn't take you seriously, Sister!"

   When Uncle Guo mentioned Li Xin, he was furious.

   "Little brother thinks that this fellow is no different from his father Li Shen!"

   The Empress frowned and spoke slowly to Xie Jing.

   "The Xie family should not stand against the Marquis of Jing'an."

   She was silent for a while, and then said, "He is Yan'er's uncle and Yan'er's master. If Yan'er is not the prince, he may even be Yan'er's adoptive father."

The Queen    looked at Xie Jing.

   "You and Xie Dai entered the Imperial Guard, it was just one of His Majesty's arrangements. The biggest supporter behind the Crown Prince is the Marquis of Jing'an."

   "If the capital changes, as long as the Marquis of Jing'an comes back, the crown prince's succession will be as stable as Mount Tai, and no one will be able to challenge Yan'er's idea."

  Xie Jing raised his head in amazement and looked at his serious sister.

   "But sister, Li Xinhe..."

  The Empress frowned.

   "Do you think ten Xie families are worth the amount of Jing'an Marquis in the army?"

  The ten Xie families together, their weight in the court is naturally far more than that of the Jing'an Houfu, but their influence in the army is much less than Li Xin's.

   If the emperor dies and the new emperor succeeds, the most important thing is not the support in the court, but the support in the army.

  The Marquis of Jing'an, which can already be compared with the Ye family's family, is the strong support of His Royal Highness the Prince in the army.

  Xie Jing was silent for a while, and finally bowed his head deeply to Queen Xie,

   (end of this chapter)

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