Unparalleled Concubine

Chapter 391: Ye Shichen'an

   Chapter 391 Ye Shichen An

   Actually, Li Xin knew that Cui Jiuniang lived here early in the morning, but it was not convenient for the two to meet each other now, so he kept delaying seeing each other.

  The reason why I came to see her this evening is because Emperor Taikang is too busy to take care of himself at the moment, and it is unlikely that he will pay attention to Cui Jiuniang anymore. Li Xincai took this opportunity to come and see the first noble person he met in the capital.

Li Xinneng has changed from a penniless farmer to the current high-ranking Marquis of Jing'an. It is definitely not enough to rely on his own efforts. In fact, he has met many nobles. Among these nobles are the current emperor Taikang and the emperor Chengde. There are also Chen Guogong Ye Sheng, Ningling Hou Ye Lin countless, but without exception, these people are all utilitarian.

   alone, Cui Jiuniang, when she first met Li Xin, it was only because she felt compassion.

   No matter what your original intention is, as long as you help Li Xin, Li Xin will always remember it in his heart. After all, the argument does not matter his heart, but in comparison, Cui Jiuniang's affection is much more sincere than others.

After    simply said a few words to Cui Jiuniang, Li Xin left the alley.

   Knowing that she was doing well, Li Xin was relieved. As for other things, Li Xin was not able to ask more questions.

In fact, at this juncture, if Li Xin ran to the palace and asked the Emperor Taikang to take Cui Jiuniang into the palace, the Emperor Taikang would probably agree with Li Xin happily, but after all, this was For the emperor's family affairs, Li Xin did not need to, nor should he consume his affection to do this thing that he should not do.

  Being a person and doing things, you must be careful.

   After returning home and resting for a night, Li Xin went directly to Chen Guogong's mansion the next day.

   This day is an auspicious day calculated by Qin Tianjian, and he will officially apprentice to Chen Guogong Ye Sheng.

   Actually, there was no need to be so anxious at first, and the original date was not today, but things changed. The emperor issued a notice overnight to ask Qin Tianjian to change the date and make this apprenticeship earlier.

  Because the incident happened in a hurry, it was too late to inform, and not many people came to watch the ceremony in the early morning.

  Li Xin met the Great Jin God of War in Old Man Ye's courtyard.

  Jing'an Marquis respectfully saluted.

   "Good morning Ye Shichen."

   It was actually autumn now, but Ye Sheng was still wearing a single shirt. He glanced at Li Xin lightly, and sighed slightly: "What happened?"

  The day of apprenticeship suddenly moved forward. With old man Ye's sensitivity to politics, he could naturally guess what happened.

Li Xin knew that he couldn't hide it from him, smiled and said, "Ye Shihuiyan, in fact, nothing major happened, but the disciple saw the people from the Zheng family in Xingyang entering and leaving the Pingnanhou mansion yesterday. It has changed, so His Majesty decided to take control of the Imperial Army as soon as possible."

   "Therefore, the disciple's apprenticeship ceremony should be held in advance."

   Ye Sheng glanced at Li Xin lightly: "What did you guess?"

Li Xin lowered his head and said, "Master Ye doesn't know anything. Recently, various places have reported disasters, whether it's drought or floods, or hurricanes, a doomsday scene. Originally, His Majesty didn't think it was strange, but in the past few days His Majesty has found that someone may have lied. disaster."

"They lied about the disaster, just to give the civil servants in the court a slander, and let them use their offensive power to lose their virtue, and at this time, the Pingnan Army in the southern border can take the opportunity to rebel in the name of the abolished prince. !"

   After hearing this, Ye Sheng closed his eyes and thought for a while, then slowly opened his mouth and said, "What do you mean by lying about the disaster situation in various places, what kind of **** family colluded with the Li family?"

The Ye family of the Great Jin Dynasty is different from other aristocratic families. For example, the family and the country have a history of more than 100 years. Even the Marquis of Pingnan was born out of the Li family in Zhao County. Chen Guogong's mansion was different. Ye Sheng was a gangster in the army when he was young, and he was the first generation of the Ye family to get to where he is today.

   In other words, although the Ye family is considered an aristocratic family now, compared to other aristocratic families, it can only be regarded as a nouveau riche. The ancient family looked down on the Ye family very much.

   So Ye Sheng also looked down on them.

   Old man Ye naturally had reasons to look down on them. Back when Ye Sheng led his troops into the capital of the Northern Zhou Dynasty, those aristocratic families were trembling and wagging their tails to come to the capital to seek peace. With such an old thing going on, Old Man Ye naturally looked down on those big heads.

   "Eight and nine are inseparable from ten."

  Li Xin lowered his eyebrows and said, "Except for those aristocratic families who can have this kind of influence in the local area, it is very difficult for other people to make the local officials work like this. The sky is high and the capital is far away, and even a few Saisukes can't do it to this extent."

   Ye Sheng chuckled: "That kid Li Shen really has two brushes, both of them are trapped in the capital waiting to die. He can still manage the situation to this point."

   "Mainly the waste prince."

  Li Xin bowed his head and said, "The abolished prince should not have escaped from the capital at the beginning. Without the abolished prince, Nanjiang would have to wait to die. Those noble families would not be able to support the Pingnanhou mansion like this."

Ye Sheng nodded slowly, smiled and said, "Don't be too nervous, it's not a big deal, this world is not so chaotic, your majesty is orthodox, as long as you don't make a fool of yourself, those sneaky villains in the back have no chance. "

  Old man Ye poured himself a glass of wine and said slowly, "As you said, if the Zheng Clan of Xingyang and the Li Clan of Zhao Jun end, then most of the old Northern Zhou clans will also end."

   Having said this, Ye Sheng sneered: "When the old man entered the Northern Zhou capital, he was exhausted and unable to clean up these moths. Now is the time to take this opportunity to cleanse the world."

   Li Xin smiled and said, "I'm afraid Master Ye won't be able to leave the capital."

   Having said this, Li Xin paused and continued to smile: "The disciple's senior brother can't move."

   The brother Li Xin said was the general of the Zhenbei Army, Ye Ming and Ye Shaobao.

   Ye Sheng chuckled: "Isn't there another Ye Mao?"

   "With your uncle taking him with him, the old man is also assured to let him participate. As long as he can get a little military merit, Ye Mao will not be stupid, and he will be safe in this life."

   The master and apprentice talked again, seeing that the number of guests gradually increased, and the two of them were about to go out to meet the guests. After getting up, Ye Sheng glanced at Li Xin.

   "I heard that you have been working in the Ministry of War all this time. You went to the Imperial Army, where is the Ministry of War?"

   "Man is not as good as God."

   Li Xin said with a wry smile: "Originally, the disciple planned to gain a firm foothold in the Ministry of War and become a Xia Guan Shangshu in the future, but now that there are priorities, the Ministry of War can only temporarily put it aside."

   Ye Sheng nodded thoughtfully.

   "Working in the Ministry of War is indeed more secure than going out to lead troops. It's not surprising that you have this idea, but everything is beyond your control, so you have to lead troops."

   "Leading troops is very dangerous."

   Ye Sheng chuckled: "You can't escape the crime if you lose, but if you win in this kind of national war, it will be even more troublesome."

   said, old man Ye pointed to himself.

   "The best end is to grow grass and flowers at home like the old man."

  Li Xin blinked and said with a smile, "If you don't have to worry about food and clothing, and you can grow grass and flowers at home, that's not bad."

   Ye Sheng shook his head and turned to leave.

   In fact, after winning the national war, there is another way to survive.

   is like Pingnan Hou Li Zhijie.

   (end of this chapter)

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