Unparalleled Concubine

Chapter 390: old man in the moonlight

  Chapter 390 The old friend under the moonlight

   Originally, Li Xin was not in a hurry to attack Pei Jin, but now he can't.

  The Marquis of Pingnan is different from the villain in the TV series. He didn't give the Emperor Taikang a chance to become strong, but took advantage of the fact that the Emperor Taikang was at his weakest and started to do it directly.

   No matter how selfish Li Xin is, but at least at this juncture, he and the Emperor Taikang are both prosperous and damaged. Therefore, Li Xin must act as quickly as possible.

  The Emperor's face was very ugly.

   He was silent for a while, then asked, "Chang'an, this Xingyang Zheng family..."

   "Just send someone to watch."

Li Xin hesitated for a moment, then said, "If Your Majesty trusts the minister, I will hand over to Yu Linwei and Tianmu Supervisor to deal with the Pingnan Marquis Mansion. The government will turn its face, but the people of the Zheng family in Xingyang cannot be allowed to leave the capital."

  The Emperor sighed.

   "If I don't believe in Chang'an, there will be no credible people in the capital."

   Emperor Taikang lowered his eyebrows and said, "The most important thing now is how to replace Pei Jin."

   This is a very annoying thing.

   After all, in the past ten years or so of the banned army, under Pei Jin's hands, the overall situation is positive.

More than 30 years ago, when Ye Sheng led his troops to break through the Northern Zhou Dynasty, he brought the forbidden army in the capital. However, after Ye Sheng handed over the military power, the combat effectiveness of the forbidden army plummeted. It was not until Pei Jin took over the forbidden army ten years ago that the combat effectiveness of the forbidden army only increased. rebounded.

   And Pei Jin, who has made no mistakes and is upright, really can't think of any reason to hold him.

   Li Xin was silent for a while, then said slowly: "Your Majesty, if we can't think of what to do with Pei Jin for a while, then we can only promote him first."

   The position of the General of the Forbidden Army is a military commander of the second rank. From the perspective of leading troops, he is already the pinnacle of military commanders. If you go up, you can only go to the class room and become an official master.

   The emperor's eyes lit up.

   "Chang'an, you mean, the Grand Governor's Mansion?"

   The Grand Governor's Office is divided into the left and right governors, who are in charge of the military affairs of the world, which is equivalent to the existence of the Privy Council, and the two left and right governors are at least from the first rank, and even the existence of the first rank can be mentioned.

  Li Xin nodded and said, "We can only make Pei Jin the Right Governor of the Grand Governor's Mansion, so that if the Left Governor is pressing him, he won't make too many waves, and the forbidden army can also be vacated."

   said, Li Xin said meaningfully: "Pei Jin has no weaknesses, but it is not difficult to find out the reasons for those two governors."

  The emperor was overjoyed, nodded and said: "This matter will be done according to your wishes, Chang'an. After taking the position of the right governor, I will immediately start to bring Pei Jin up."

   Li Xin squinted his eyes and smiled: "I just want to be wronged and wronged Your Majesty, be this wicked person."

   The Grand Governor's Mansion is in charge of the most crucial power of deploying troops in the imperial court. Therefore, the two governors on the left and right of the Grand Governor's Mansion are either noble or clansmen. Now the two governors of the Grand Governor's Mansion are both surnamed Ji.

   In terms of seniority, one is the uncle of Emperor Taikang and the other is his grandfather.

  The Emperor Taikang was a little stunned at first, and then he reacted and said with a smile: "It's not in the way, I will bear this infamy."

   Li Xin continued: "I heard that there is still a rule in the Grand Governor's Mansion. You can't be a Governor without a title, and General Pei still needs a title."

   This is actually a bit difficult to do.

   You cannot be awarded a title without martial arts. Although Pei Jin has the ability, he has never been on the battlefield in a serious manner, and it is impossible to find an excuse to give him a title.

  The Emperor hesitated for a while, then gritted his teeth.

   "I don't care about these rules. As long as I can hold the Imperial Army in my hands, I will press Pei Jin to the position of the Grand Governor's Mansion."

  The emperor said, patted Li Xin on the shoulder, and said solemnly: "Changan, this time, it is not much smaller than the incident in the twelfth lunar month last year. The only one I can rely on now is you."

   "Rest assured, Your Majesty, this minister shares weal and woe with His Majesty, and we must do our best to share our worries for His Majesty."

"it is good…"

  Li Xin bent over and exited the Weiyang Palace.

After leaving the palace gate, it was already evening. He didn't have time to go home. Instead, he went to the Yulinwei camp, and deployed a school captain's camp around the Pingnanhou mansion, staring at the Pingnanhou. corner of the house.

   Then he began to discuss with Dong Cheng and others, and let the people from Tianmu Jian start to investigate the two governors in the Dadudufu.

   After everything was done, it was already dark, Li Xin came out of the Yulinwei camp and walked alone on the street.

  Chen Shiliu followed behind him and led the horse, preparing to let Li Xin mount the horse, but the Marquis of Jing An shook his head and chose to continue walking.

   He bypassed Datongfang and came to the Qinhuai River.

   Today, on the banks of the Qinhuai River, the business of Deyi Building is still booming, even more prosperous than before.

   The owner of the Deyi Building has long since been replaced by Li Xin.

   After all, his former boss had already taken a high position, and he could no longer be associated with these pickled pickles. This business was given to Li Xin by the emperor.

   said it was a gift, but it was exchanged for 20% of Zhurongjiu's dry shares in Li Xin's hand.

  Li Xin passed by the Deyi Building, without even looking at it, he just passed by, entered an alley in Qinhuaifang, turned around, and arrived at the gate of a small courtyard.

  Li Xin slowly knocked on the door.

   After a while, a sixteen- or seventeen-year-old girl answered the door timidly inside.

   "Who is it?"

  Li Xin laughed: "Li Xin."

  The girl hurriedly opened the door and saluted Li Xin: "Master Li Hou."

   Her name is Ping'er, and she is Cui Jiuniang's maid.

   Li Xin smiled and said, "Is Sister Cui asleep?"

   "Not yet, the maid will call for you."

"it is good."

  Li Xin stood at the door and did not go in.

   After a while, Cui Jiuniang, who was wearing a cyan cloth, took off her heavy makeup and walked over. After seeing Li Xin, she looked a little complicated and saluted, "Master Li Hou."

  Li Xin said respectfully, "Sister Cui."

  Cui Jiuniang covered her mouth and smiled: "It's rare that Lord Hou called me sister, come in and sit."

  Li Xin shook his head: "It's getting late, so my little brother won't go in. This time I'm just here to see if Sister Cui is doing well."

   "Okay, why not?"

   Jiuniang smiled calmly: "There is no need to greet people with a smiling face. I live my own life every day, writing and playing the piano, which is much more comfortable than before."

   Li Xin said with a smile, "Sister Cui's habit is enough."

  Because a certain person's identity has changed, so Cui Jiuniang's identity has also changed. Now she can't show her face anymore, but she can't enter the palace, so she can only live in this small courtyard awkwardly.

  Li Xin smiled and said, "Sister Cui, is there anything missing here? If there is anything missing, my brother will send it to you."

   Jiuniang smiled inexplicably: "Not to mention there is no shortage, even if it is missing, I can't take it from you."

   "Why not?"

   Li Xin's face was calm: "If Your Majesty's side is unhappy, I will carry it."

   "How many times can you carry it?"

   Jiuniang let out a long sigh, then felt that it was rare to see Li Xin once, and she should not be frowning, so she smiled again.

   "How is your time, Lord Hou?"

   "It's all good."

   Jiuniang smiled and said, "What about Xiaoxiao, is that child doing well?"

   "She has a playmate now, and she's not as withdrawn as she used to be, which is good."

   Li Xin also sighed.

   "When this time passes, I can take her to see Sister Cui."

   Jiuniang smiled and nodded.

   "Okay, I'll be waiting for Lord Hou."

   The moonlight spread down, showing the two people standing at the door.

   (end of this chapter)

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