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Du Yuesheng didn’t expect the silver-winged Dapeng was described by Wang Kaixuan so that he couldn’t help but laugh.

“Even if Silver Wing Dapeng Race wants to chase us down, do you want to eat it?”

“Of course, I can feel that I have eaten the meat of these silver-winged rocs, and the cultivation progress is very fast!”

Wang Kaixuan has been nodded in a hurry, and now he glows all over, with red clouds light shining in his mouth and white light blooming in his eyes, all of which are signs of taking too many heavenly materials earthly treasures.

Du Yuesheng is nodded, since the silver-winged Dapeng’s meat is very good for 2 people, then you can’t eat it!

But soon, Wang Kaixuan also stopped and touched his stomach and said, “I can’t eat it anymore, and I will be struck to death again. Let’s take away the meat of Silverwing Dapeng!”

With that said, Wang Kaixuan wanted to load the leftover meat of Silver Wing Dapeng into the storage bag, but he couldn’t put it in. He asked the unable to bear: “Why is this?”

“These Demonic beast groups have survived for 100,000 years and will certainly prevent this.”

Du Yuesheng shook his head. Now that neither he nor Wang Kaixuan can eat the meat, nor take it away, he can only hunt the new silver-winged Dapeng.

Thinking of this, he said, “Go, go and hunt other silver-winged Dapeng!”

Can’t take away the silver-winged Dapeng’s flesh, and can’t eat it anymore. Guarding here is equal to courting death. Wang Kaixuan can only helplessly nodded. The two people continue to move towards Earth Dragon.

2 People haven’t left for a long time, but Du Yuesheng suddenly heard a system prompt:

“Ding, the system reminds that Rank 4 Area’s advanced ranking battle is about to start. Will the player teleport in?”

Hearing this, Du Yuesheng hurriedly stopped his body and turned to Wang Kaixuan, saying: “Find a place to hide, I am going to do something, and I will be back in at most 3 days!”


“Boss, are you leaving?”


“You remember not to cause trouble for 3 days!!”


After Du Yuesheng saw Wang Kaixuan’s nodded, he next stepped across the earth to soar into the sky, and then turned into a stream of disappeared disappeared.

“System transfer!”

“Ding, system prompt: transmission is on!”

“Transmission complete!”

As the cue sounds, the foreground and foreground objects change 10000 1000 until the scene stabilizes.

Du Yuesheng looked up again and found himself at the moment under a long ladder.

Around him, there are 10000 indifferent but aura cultivators.

These cultivators are not too old, and they look like they are in their 20s, but the cultivation base of these cultivators is the highest that Du Yuesheng has seen so far.

One Yuan Loose Immortal is everywhere, 2 instruments Loose Immortal is not surprising, only 3 only Loose Immortal, only a little advantage exists.

Du Yuesheng’s eyes narrowed. These cultivators should be called reincarnated geniuses!

A reincarnated genius, that is the power level cultivator of the previous life, with his EXP and memory, and even a part of cultivation base reincarnate and recultivate.

These geniuses are naturally more tyrannical than ordinary cultivators.

Du Yuesheng was the Crossing Tribulation Peak’s cultivation base, and he has not yet spent the one-day Heavenly Tribulation, so it doesn’t seem to be a bit weak.

Just when Du Yuesheng lamented that Cultivation World was really a strong man, a arrogant voice suddenly came from behind him: “Boy, this position is this Venerable!”

Du Yuesheng’s eyes narrowed slightly, and he turned his head to look back. It turned out to be a reincarnation of the one-dollar Loose Immortal level standing behind him and wanted to occupy his place.

Du Yuesheng sneered and said, “This Heavenly Emperor is standing here when he comes. Why do you say this is yours?”

“Because this Venerable cultivation base is higher than you and stronger than you, killing you is like killing a dog!”

The reincarnation genius at the Loose Immortal level was arrogant to the limit. When speaking, it was killing intent awe-inspiring, as if Du Yuesheng wouldn’t live long if he didn’t let the position give him!

Reincarnation geniuses also saw this scene around them, but they just lost their interest when they just took a cold look.

Some reincarnated geniuses talk a lot, but they laughed and said: “That blue maple is bullying the newcomer!”

“Too much to watch, it’s boring, every newcomer will be bullied by Lan Feng.”

“I heard that Lan Feng’s previous life was a big cultivator who likes to bully the weak, and now it seems so!”

But what didn’t expect is that in the disdainful voice, the smile on Du Yuesheng’s lips became brighter: “Oh, Blue Maple, Ben Heavenly Emperor gives you a chance to kneel and apologize, maybe you can stay Half a life…”

“Huh?” Many reincarnated geniuses who hadn’t had much interest in bullying the newcomers of Lan Feng had heard Du Yuesheng’s sentence, and suddenly it was complexion changed, unable to bear turned his head, moved towards Du Yuesheng and looked at it.

“This kid is crazy, isn’t it?” someone said doubtfully.

Some people smashed their mouths and said, “Even if you’re not crazy, you’re a fool. This person should have broken his soul while reincarnate and recultivate, so he has a brain problem!”

“Lan Feng is only inferior among our reincarnated geniuses, but…it is also a reincarnate and recultivate unitary Loose Immortal. Where can he get a little Crossing Tribulation Peak?”

Many reincarnated geniuses discuss spiritedly, making Lan Feng’s complexion extremely ugly, until now he is looked down upon by others, so he frantically bullied the newcomer to find a sense of existence.

I never thought that Du Yuesheng would dare to be so rude to him. If he did not kill Du Yuesheng directly today, how would he mix up in the future?

Thinking of this, he simply reached out and said to Du Yuesheng gnashing teeth: “Good boy, he has a lot of guts. Today, this Venerable is going to fight you… endlessly!”

Hearing the four words of endless fighting, many geniuses showed the expression they deserved, and their looks towards Du Yuesheng’s eyes looked like a towards towards a dead person.

Endless battles are a rule of Rank 4 Area advanced ranking battles.

As long as one side proposes to fight endlessly, the other side must fight to the end, irreconcilable!

A reincarnated genius of Loose Immortal made such a request to an expert in the Crossing Tribulation period. That must be a bully. Most people disdain to ask, and only Lan Feng would do so.

Although everyone despised Lan Feng, there was no way but to secretly said in one’s heart Du Yuesheng.

But… to everyone’s surprise, the smile on Du Yuesheng’s face hasn’t diminished in any way, only to see him look up at Lan Feng, then slowly spoke, and asked, “When and where did it start?”

Everyone was stunned, and looked towards Du Yuesheng’s eyes had only 2 words: idiot!

A one-dollar Loose Immortal made an endless demand for death. Not only did you not delay the time, but you also got on the pole to make up. This is not courting death?

The corner of Lan Feng’s mouth also wiped a cruel smile. Originally, he was worried that Du Yuesheng would delay the time and place. He didn’t expect Du Yuesheng to let him decide the time and place.

Why do you hesitate?

Lan Feng spoke directly, saying word by word: “At this moment, here, there is endless battle!”

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