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Snow sword song started, Du Yuesheng’s Executing Immortal Sword sword edge turned and landed on the back of the silver-winged Dapeng.

With a snort, Executing Immortal Sword directly penetrated the silver-winged Dapeng’s immense feathers and directly penetrated the silver-winged Dapeng!

“Break it for this Heavenly Emperor!”

shouted in a low voice from Du Yuesheng’s throat, a bunch of sword glow **** came out, in an instant, which penetrated the entire body of the silver-winged roc, even directly into the ground!

The sharpness of Executing Immortal Sword cannot be stopped by a small silver-winged roc!

The silver-winged roc was hit with such a heavy blow, and immediately it was a wailing, falling from the sky, hitting the ground with a loud boom, and suddenly the mountain shook and the sand fell and flew like an earthquake. .

Wang Kaixuan saw this scene as “unable to bear” and cried, “Crap, Boss, you are too powerful. The silver-winged Dapeng are all turned over by you!”

Du Yuesheng smiled slightly and got off the silver-winged Dapeng. Then he asked: “Now I want to eat your meat, do you think this Heavenly Emperor can’t eat it?”

The silver-winged Dapeng almost stayed in place, his Life Strength was extremely powerful, even if a sword penetrated his entire chest, he was still alive.

But if Du Yuesheng really wants to eat him, he might not live long.

But the deepest pride in his bones told him that the human race cultivator is a generation of bullies and fear.

If he reveals his identity, this human race cultivator will definitely be scared witless. When the time comes, apart from kneeling and begging for forgiveness, this human race cultivator will never dare to do anything else.

Thinking of this, the silver-winged Dapeng forcefully endured the pain in his chest, lifts the head, looked towards Du Yuesheng, and then said one word at a time: “A ridiculous human cultivator, do you know that this king is the big silver-winged cultivator? Peng Race In the younger generation, bloodline is the most dense silver-winged Dapeng, and my silver-winged Dapeng has been arrogant.

Even if your Nine Heavens, ten places, 3 mountains, 5 gates, dare not hurt me, you dare to hurt me this time, give you a chance, kneel down and beg for mercy, I…”


The Silver-winged Roc hadn’t finished speaking yet. The Executing Immortal Sword in Du Yuesheng’s hand was swiped down with another muffled sound. The Silver-winged Roc suddenly closed his mouth, and at the same time, his head fell directly to the ground. .

“Ding, the system prompts, congratulations to the player for killing 2 silver-winged Dapengs of Loose Immortal level to get EXP 27 100,000,000 6730 20,000!”

“Ding, the system reminded that because the player’s EXP has overflowed, EXP is temporarily stored. After the player spends Heavenly Tribulation, it will be upgraded to one yuan Loose Immortal and issued again!”

“Ding, system prompts, congratulations to the player for killing a Loose Immortal Silver-winged Roc, and triggering a side quest: Nine Heavens, Ten Grounds, 2 Mountains and 3 Doors!

While the system prompt sounded, Wang Kaixuan looked at Du Yuesheng, dumbfounded: “Boss, did you hear what he said just now? The ten places of Nine Heavens are similar to their Silver-winged Dapeng Race.

This kid seems to be a very important offspring of Silver-winged Dapeng Race, so let’s kill him like this, isn’t it a bit reckless? “

After Du Yuesheng listened to the system prompt, he was unable to bear secretly thought that his luck was really bad. Killing a big bird at random could trigger a side mission, and the name seemed to be very difficult to deal with.

However, there is no requirement for the task at present, it is only necessary to take one step at a time, not too difficult.

So he turned his head and said to Wang Kaixuan: “This silver-winged Dapeng meat also belongs to the ranks of heavenly materials earthly treasures. After you eat it, you will have a great glance at the improvement of strength!”

Speaking of this, Du Yuesheng simply lifted the sword in his hand and cut off the two wings of the silver-winged roc. With a big wave, the spirit strength rushed away and directly removed all the feathers on the silver-winged roc. A large bald chicken wing appeared in Du Yuesheng’s hands.

Wang Kaixuan saw that it was also impossible to bear. He took the Heaven Opening shovel and drove over a forest. Then he rushed over and carried 2 large trees to light it, saying aloud: “Boss, eat grilled chicken wings ……Oh no, roasted Dapeng wings is the best!”

Du Yuesheng laughed, and immediately threw the silver-winged roc, depilated and washed it, and set it on the fire for a while.

I don’t know what kind of fire Wang Kaixuan used. The meat of this silver-winged roc was cooked very quickly. The two people picked it up and ate it for a while, the mouth was full of oil, and the body was full of rays of light. light.

This is because the silver-winged rocs are originally bloodline demonic beasts, and their meat is not much different from ordinary heavenly materials and earthly treasures.

If the strength of these silver-winged Dapeng is not too strong, I am afraid that they have been eaten clean by the human race cultivator.

And as the pieces of meat were eaten, Du Yuesheng’s mind also echoed a system prompt:

“Ding, congratulations to the player Du Yuesheng for eating bloodline with 70% concentration, and cultivation base 2 Loose Immortal’s silver-winged Roc’s left wing for a catty, and get Spirit Points 1000 100-150,000!”

“Ding, congratulations to the player Du Yuesheng for consuming bloodline with a concentration of 70%, and a base of silver winged Dapeng left wing meat from the cultivation base 2 instrument Loose Immortal to get Spirit Points 1000 2 100 30 30,000 points!”

“Ding, congratulations to player Du Yuesheng for consuming bloodline with a concentration of 70%, and a base of silver-winged Dapeng cultivating base 2 instrument Loose Immortal for a pound, and get Spirit Points 1000 120 70,000 points!”

“Ding, the system reminded that because the player’s EXP has overflowed, EXP is temporarily stored. After the player spends Heavenly Tribulation, it will be upgraded to one yuan Loose Immortal and issued again!”

Du Yuesheng clicked the corner of his mouth. He guessed that the meat of this silver-winged roc could increase his cultivation base slightly.

But didn’t expect the effect to be so good, one pound of meat is almost a pound of meat, and this pound of meat actually has more than 1000 10000 EXP, much faster than killing!

The best thing is that after he eats the silver-winged Dapeng’s meat, it seems that Du Yuesheng doesn’t even feel the fullness because the system converts it into EXP, which proves that he can continue to eat!

But as Du Yuesheng ate more silver-winged Dapeng meat, he didn’t get the prompt from the system.

“System, why is there no EXP?” Du Yuesheng unable to bear asked.

“Ding, the system prompts that players consume too much meat in the same silver-winged Dapeng and get EXP more than 1,000,000,000, they will not continue to issue EXP!”

Hearing Du Yuesheng unable to bear frown for a while, this silver-winged Dapeng also has at least a few 10000 pounds of meat. If you eat it all, it is a few 100 100,000,000 EXP. It’s easy to get it, but didn’t expect the system to allow such a big fan EXP.

“It seems that we need to find more silver-winged rocs to eat.” Du Yuesheng pursed his lips, looking still unfinished.

Wang Kaixuan stood up with a puff and said: “Boss, you are not kidding, the silver-winged Dapeng Race is so strong, we eat them like pheasants, they haven’t swallowed us yet. ?”

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