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Haoyue Inn!

The famous ancient Inn in Haoyue Town.

It is said that this Inn has existed in Haoyue Town for 1000 years, and the entire Haoyue Town was slowly formed because of this Inn.

It can be said that Haoyue Inn is the biggest symbol of Haoyue Town.

Du Yuesheng and the others came to Haoyue Inn.

Du Yuesheng and the others walked into an Inn, and Haoyue Ling was quickly moved towards the position where he was in charge.

“Yi! ”

As soon as Du Yuesheng stepped into Haoyue Inn, he found something strange. According to Haoyueling, Haoyue Town has a large floating population.

Therefore, there are actually many Inns, but the most famous one is only one.

It stands to reason that the people in Inn should be people coming, people going?

But now Du Yuesheng has discovered that there are more than a dozen Martial Artists who are eating normally in Inn, and the shopkeeper who is digging into accounts.

Haoyue Ling looked at the shopkeeper who was still calculating. She loudly said: “Qin shopkeeper, prepare some good rooms for me.”

“Big Young Lady, why are you here?”

“It stands to reason that Big Young Lady wants a room, and we should prepare it for you, but sorry.”

“Big Young Lady, our store is full today. Big Young Lady should go to other Inn!”

The shopkeeper was originally burying his head in the accounts, and only lifts the head when he heard the voice. At first sight, Haoyue Ling was asking questions.

Haoyue Ling is frowned, in fact, Haoyue Inn was originally the asset of their Hao Yue Family.

In other words, she is the master of Haoyue Inn.

When she came before, the room was not ready for him that time.

But at this time, the performance of this shopkeeper is somewhat intriguing!

“Qin shopkeeper, what do you mean by this?”

“Hehe, Young Lady, how can I be interesting to you, but you have seen it too.”

“Our business is so good today, so it’s full, so please come back!”

Qin shopkeeper still said disdainfully.

However, Du Yuesheng still noticed that his hand was quietly moving towards Hao Yueling.

Seems to signal Haoyue Ling to leave.

Sure enough, there are problems!

Du Yuesheng looked at Qin shopkeeper’s small movements, and it was exactly the same as he guessed.

This is something wrong with Inn!

“You, you, Qin shopkeeper, I Hao Yue Family How do you usually treat you, you, you are so kind to me?”

Hao Yueling was a little angry, Hao Yue Family was in trouble, didn’t even the former servant recognize him?

“Haha, Big Young Lady can really laugh and laugh, Big Young Lady can pay attention to it. Now, this Inn is called Que Yue Inn, I think you should hurry up!”

Qin shopkeeper’s tone is very heavy, especially on the missing month 2, he bites heavily.

Haoyue Ling still wanted to say something, but I saw 3 people have come over.

“Hey, that girl, haha ​​of Hao Yue Family, is simply travel far and wide looking for something only to return and find it easily! Go, grab her, go back and enjoy the reward!”

These 3 people are really people who lack Yue Family!

“No, you can’t do this, Big Young Lady, go!”

Suddenly, the Qin shopkeeper who was still yelling at Haoyue Ling suddenly rushed out and blocked it in front of the three people.

“Big Young Lady, go away. People who lack Yue Family are going to kill you, go!”

“Courting death, old bastard!”


One of them, who lacked Yue Family, kicked the shopkeeper directly.

Although this shopkeeper is also a bit of a cultivation base, it can almost be said to be negligible, and the 3 people in front of him all have 4 difficult cultivation bases.

At least, in front of this shopkeeper, those people are the existence of invincible.

It turned out that this shopkeeper, in fact at first, just wanted to stimulate Haoyue Ling and let Haoyue Ling leave…

He is the old servant of Hao Yue Family, but because of his low strength, he simply struggles with Yue Family.

Therefore, without Yue Family to annex Haoyue Inn, he can only submit.

However, his heart is towards Hao Yue Family.

“Qin shopkeeper!”

Even if it is naive, Haoyue Ling is at this time, there is no reason to understand!

Qin shopkeeper was kicked by Hao Yueling’s side by the person who lacked Yue Family.

Seeing that there is no way to live.

But still insisting on vomiting:

“Small, Young Lady, fast, fast, fast go… yes, someone reports, fast…”

Speaking of which, Qin shopkeeper has no voice.

Du Yuesheng has watched all this happen from beginning to end. This time, it is not that Du Yuesheng does not want to save people.

But his medicine pill has been used up by Haoyue Ling just now…

“courting death !”

Looking at this faithful old servant just like this one’s last, Du Yuesheng was also angry!

With his voice, the three people who lacked Yue Family suddenly felt a huge imposing manner moved towards them, and they suddenly fell to the ground!

“You guys, damn, but I will give you a chance to knock this shopkeeper with 1000 loud heads, and I can let you go!”

Du Yuesheng’s cold voice came.

He didn’t shoot directly to kill people, because he wanted these forbearers to be filled with 1000 loud heads!

“Boy, you, you dare! We are missing Yue Family…”

“Laozi lacks your sister!”

Boom, Du Yuesheng suddenly silhouetted, directly pressed the head of a missing Yue Family guard moved towards the ground!

This fist, instant white red liquid splashed in 4 places!

That guy’s head, like a watermelon, cracked open!

The powerful imposing manner directly envelopes the entire Haoyue Inn, even those Martial Artists who eat, pu tong pu tong mostly kneel down!

Under Tribulation Saint, no one can withstand Du Yuesheng’s horrible imposing manner under fury!

Even some people whose cultivation base is too low are directly scared to death because of the sudden explosion of Du Yuesheng imposing manner!

Du Yuesheng silhouette flashed again. Two other people who lacked Yue Family came to the body of the shopkeeper. When the strength of the hands moved, the two people kept shaking their heads!

“100, 500, 1000…”

Du Yuesheng, controlling the bodies of these two people, forcibly knocked the Qin shopkeeper into 1000 loud heads…

it is good!

This group of guys should learn this way.

There was someone in the Inn who could not bear to bear in the heart, even if they were kneeling on the ground now.

However, there is no slight complaint to Du Yuesheng. In fact, as long as the native Haoyue Township is born, Hao Yue Family has never been half disrespectful!

However, the enemies at this time are too powerful, and even powerful enough to obliterate the entire Haoyue Town is nothing more than no difficulty.

Therefore, they did not stand up to help Hao Yue Family…


At this time, Du Yuesheng didn’t make a shot, but Haoyue Ling shot suddenly, his hands squeezed against the heads of two people.


2 The head of the person was directly forcibly pinched by Haoyue Ling, and a drop of blood dyed reddish her whole body.

it is good!


Du Yuesheng looked at the hands-on Haoyue Ling, did this little girl finally take the last step?

PS: Second more.

Seeking recommended votes to the list! ! !

Is everyone okay?

Let’s rush!

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