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What to pay?

If Du Yuesheng knew what Haoyue Ling thought at this time, what kind of idea would she be?

You know, the medicine pill she devoured just now can launch a super 1st Rate Influence.

“Disciple, Haoyue Ling, pay respects to Master, willing to serve the Master for life.”


Haoyue Ling came down from the sky and knelt down directly in front of Du Yuesheng, knocking hard with 9 loud heads.

Du Yuesheng didn’t stop Haoyue Ling’s movements, after all, this was the proper understanding.

“All right!”

“Get up, then the lack of the Yue Family clan will be destroyed for you as a teacher! You should consolidate your cultivation base and master your strength.”

“Thank Master!”

Haoyue Ling’s face is indifferent, and I don’t know if it is because of the ancient Saintess bloodline!

She was filled with aura of indifference like a god, as if falling on the Spirit God.

Don’t dare to get close to half a point!


“Congratulations to the player Du Yuesheng, success in recruiting!”


“System prompts, congratulations to the player for charging the ancient Saintess bloodline Haoyue Ling, and automatically extracting the energy of the ancient Saintess bloodline!”

“Ding, congratulations to the player Du Yuesheng, the Malay bloodline has been promoted.”

“Ding, congratulations to the player Du Yuesheng, level up to Level 3!”

“Ding, player Du Yuesheng, current Level: Tribulation Saint, 7 12 Tribulations!”

“Ding, player Du Yuesheng, current Level: Tribulation Saint, 73 robbery!”

“Ding, player Du Yuesheng, current Level: Tribulation Saint, 70 4 robbery!”



bloodline improved! !

The series of rewards in the system made Du Yuesheng slightly happy, in fact, at first he not at all expected this result!

After all, the admission system of this time does not suggest that there is a reward.

Give away Level 3 freely, improve bloodline, this trade should not lose!

But that’Mao’ bloodline is really, until now unknown, Du Yuesheng didn’t even find any way to improve.

And the most important thing is that until now he doesn’t know what the use of this “Mao” bloodline is?

Of course, Du Yuesheng knows that the bloodline of the’Witch Race’ is definitely not simple!

After all, the highest state is “Pangu”.

Is it easy to use the two words “Pangu”?

Du Yuesheng looked at Haoyueling who stood up with a smile on his mouth, and then asked: “Good-bye, I don’t know what weapon you like?”


When Haoyueling heard Du Yuesheng asking this question, she couldn’t help being slow, and a flush of flush appeared on her face.

what’s the situation?

Isn’t it just because of what weapon you like, what do you blush for? ?

Du Yuesheng looked at Haoyueling, who was flushed, and there was a trace of confusion on his face, not understanding what was going on.

“Master, I, I… I like to use iron rods.” Haoyue Ling said a few words hesitantly.

Accompanied, after she finished speaking a few words, her face became more flushed.



Du Yuesheng was also shocked by the weapon Haoyueling said, and his eyes scanned Haoyueling’s body.

In an instant, Du Yuesheng couldn’t help but think of a pair of Goddess sweeping Heaven and Earth Vault of Heaven with iron rods in their hands.

How harmonious is this picture?

It’s the rhythm of beauty and wild beast!

However, Du Yuesheng would like to see how beautiful this picture is.

“You actually like iron rods. It just so happens that you have a treasure for your teacher that fits your liking.”

Du Yuesheng thought for a while and thought of the “Gold-banded Ruyi Stick” he had kept in the system space and had not used it.

He is used to swords and weapons, and he can’t fully use the’Gold-banded Ruyi Stick’.

The most important thing is that he uses all the power of the appearance of the “Gold-banded Ruyi Stick”.

Du Yuesheng suddenly moved towards the void with a wave of his hands. In an instant, a golden light Vault of Heaven, a huge rod suspended in the air.

this is?

Haoyue Ling was also attracted by Du Yuesheng summon’s “Gold-banded Ruyi Stick” in the void.

Haoyueling was not the only one who caught his eyes!

The onlookers around were also attracted by the’Gold-banded Ruyi Stick’, and they knew it must be out of the ordinary.

After all, that person’s casual shot is an endless mysterious medicine pill. Could the iron rod now be a mortal thing?

But no one dared to step forward.

They don’t want to die yet.

Du Yuesheng looked at the Gold-banded Ruyi Stick that appeared in the sky. He stretched out a hand and inhaled, and the’Gold-banded Ruyi Stick’ fell into his hand.


Still so heavy!

Du Yuesheng looked at the weight of the’Gold-banded Ruyi Stick’ in his hand as before. You must know the strength of Tribulation Saint now.

But I still feel extremely heavy, and I can think of how terrifying the “Gold-banded Ruyi Stick” is.

I wonder if Haoyue Ling can be used?

“Disciple, this treasure is the weapon of the ancient Spirit God’Great Sage Equal of Heaven’, although it is a counterfeit weapon.”

“But its power is still immeasurable!”

“The weight of this object is as high as 10,000 3000 500 jin, Rank 9 Zhoubao!”


“The weapon of the ancient Spirit God, 10,000 3000 500 jin, Rank 9 Zhoubao.”

When Haoyueling heard Du Yuesheng explaining the origin of the iron rod, she was also shocked by fiercely.

After all, the weight of ‘10,000 3000 500 jin’ can ignore many Martial Artists.

“System, release the control of the Gold-banded Ruyi Stick!”


“Successfully lifted!”

Du Yuesheng heard the system’s prompt that he was in contact with the’Gold-banded Ruyi Stick’, and it was completely successfully cancelled.

“It’s up to you to use it!” Du Yuesheng handed it to Haoyueling’s hand directly.


Good weight…

The moment Haoyueling had just touched the’Gold-banded Ruyi Stick’, she felt a terrifying gravity pressing her whole body.


Haoyueling’s mouth loudly shouted, and then a red force appeared from her body covering the’Gold-banded Ruyi Stick’.


‘Gold-banded Ruyi Stick’ was also invaded by this red force and burst out one after another golden rays of light.

In an instant, the two colors, one red and one gold, were intertwined with each other and slowly transformed into a brand new force.


Haoyueling squeezed the’Gold-banded Ruyi Stick’ and suddenly moved towards the earth with a stick, and a force burst out.

Hong long long !


In an instant, a pit with a width of one foot appeared directly across the street under a stick, and a berserk force emerged in the pit.

Lying in the trough!

No, right?

Du Yuesheng looked at Hao Yueling holding the’Gold-banded Ruyi Stick’ at this time, she actually was less than one minute.

It has completely subdued the’Gold-banded Ruyi Stick’.


Isn’t this’Gold-banded Ruyi Stick’ like beauty?

“Thank you Master, this’Gold-banded Ruyi Stick’ is really strong!” Haoyueling reached out and stroked the’Gold-banded Ruyi Stick’.

She was very happy, just the moment she subdued the’Gold-banded Ruyi Stick’, a powerful stick cultivation technique appeared automatically in her mind.

‘Fighting sticks! ‘

There is no superfluous introduction, only a sentence “Fighting Heaven and Earth, only me Qitian”, and a horrifying back that defies All Heavens and Myriad Realms.

‘All right! ‘

‘Let’s go to an Inn for a break and wait for the arrival of auction. ‘

‘As for the lack of Yue Family clan, what kind of shit is waiting for auction to take you to destroy them in the past. ‘

It is not at all 2 days from the auction time. Du Yuesheng is not ready to start now, but finds an Inn to live temporarily.

Let that lack Yue Family, live 2 more days!


“Master, I have a good Inn, and I will take you there.”

Haoyue Ling heard that Du Yuesheng was going to Inn, she quickly collected the’Gold-banded Ruyi Stick’, and then took Du Yuesheng entire group, moved towards Haoyue Town, and left.

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