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After 3 hours.

Du Yuesheng woke up in a coma, but he opened his eyes and saw himself lying on the fox girl.

Lying in the trough!

What is this situation?

Do I put the fox girl?

Du Yuesheng only remembered that the system suggested that the side effects of’Indian God Oil’ broke out, and then he was burned up by an evil fire.

The next thing, he did not have much memory.

Oh shit!

What am I doing?

‘ding! ‘

‘Congratulations to the player Du Yuesheng for completing the mission and rewarding the Hulk with a card attached. ‘

Special Card: Hulk Transfiguration Card

Level: Basic Level card

From: Super Hero

Grade: Jiebao Rank 9

Description: Use this card to incarnation to become the Hulk one minute, and increase your strength to Tribulation Emperor level.

It is indestructible that is beyond the Tribulation Saint realm powerhouse, and an indestructible existence that is not a soldier of Spirit God.


Du Yuesheng heard the system reward in his mind, and his mother’s foxes were still rewarded.

system, I serve you!

Du Yuesheng said while taking a piece of clothing from the system space and putting it on, his eyes could not help but squint at the fox girl on the bed.

Not bad!

Pretty big…

Du Yuesheng looked at the exposed fox girl, and looked at the white flowers.

When Du Yuesheng was watching the fox girl, the sleeping fox girl also woke up.

No roar!

No anger…

The fox girl had a pair of eyes on Du Yuesheng who was dressed well, but the only difference was that there was a touch of tenderness in her eyes.

‘This Emperor has slept with you, then you are the woman of this Emperor, rest assured that this Emperor will not treat you badly. ‘

Du Yuesheng looked at the fox girl who woke up. He took out a set of clothes from the system and gave it to the fox girl.

‘Ok! ‘The fox girl replied softly, then quickly put on the clothes Du Yuesheng handed her.

‘hong long long ! ‘

‘bang! ‘

However, just when Du Yuesheng and Fox Girl got dressed, there was one after another fluctuation from all around mountain range.

‘what’s the situation? ‘Du Yuesheng lifts the head moved towards all around Looking around, feeling that several forces are constantly coming from the mountain range.

not good!

The fox girl lifts the head looked towards all around Aura, she’s eyebrows slightly frowned.

Then, the fox girl walked quickly to Du Yuesheng and said, “We are going fast, and it must be the wolf race who is catching up.”

“Wolf tribe?” Du Yuesheng heard what the fox girl said and couldn’t help but reveal a trace of doubt looked towards the fox girl.


“Actually, I came out of Fox Race quietly, but I accidentally met the wolf race.”

“Then they were hunted down to meet you here.”

The fox girl quickly explained to Du Yuesheng, but she saw that Du Yuesheng didn’t mean to run away at all.

She couldn’t help getting nervous, knowing that the wolf clan who chased her at this time is a’Sovereign level’Demonic beast.

That is comparable to the existence of Human Race’Tribulation Sovereign’Martial Artist.

Not at all the powerhouse she can contend with, not to mention Du Yuesheng, a 5 difficult ants.

‘run? ‘

Du Yuesheng shook his head and ran away? When did Du Yuesheng escape?

What’s more?

Now is a great opportunity for him to show his power in front of Fox Girl.

I’m not the only one who works in bed…

“Let’s run, wolf tribe this time, but sent’Sovereign level’ Demonic beast to hunt me down, you are definitely not his opponent.”

“‘Sovereign level’Demonic beast?” Du Yuesheng was puzzled when he heard the level of the fox girl.

What level is this?

Unexpectedly, Du Yuesheng asked, “Demon Beast’s level is not divided into one to eight levels?”

“What level is this’Sovereign level’ Demonic beast?”


“Don’t you know the division above the 5 difficulty?” The fox girl looked at Du Yuesheng with a puzzled look, and she was also surprised.

After all, the super power Du Dusheng just showed is definitely not a normal character.

However, he did not know what level the’Sovereign level’ Demonic beast is, which is incredible?

However, the Fox Girl was surprised, she still patiently explained to Du Yuesheng:

Whether it is Human Race, Demon Beast, or Demonic beast in the blood moon continent, once their cultivation base breakthrough 5 is difficult to Peak Realm.

They will face the test of Heavenly Tribulation.

After going through Heavenly Tribulation, you can become a powerhouse of’Heavenly Tribulation Realm’.

Heavenly Tribulation has a total of 9 Layer Heaven Level, a total of 9 Heavenly Tribulation, and 3rd, 6th, 9th, is the most difficult of them.

Among them, 3 9, 6 9, 9 9 are all Thunder Tribulation, so it is the most difficult, and each stage is divided into 9 stages.

Therefore, above the 5 difficulty, there is a 9 9 80 Rank 1 saying!

However, 9 9 80 Rank 1 is reduced to 5 levels:

1-30 robbery title’Tribulation King’, 30-60 robbery title’Tribulation Sovereign’, 60-70 robbery title’Tribulation Emperor’, 70-80 robbery title’Tribulation Saint’, 81 robbery title’Tribulation God’.

Demon Beast, Demonic beast Heavenly Tribulation The realm is refined into: King Level, Sovereign Level, Emperor Level, Saint Level, Divine Level.

“Now you know the horror of’Sovereign level’ Demonic beast, it is comparable to the existence of your Human Race’Tribulation Sovereign’.”

“Let’s run away, there is not much distance from Fox Race here, just enter the Fox Race area.”

“The wolf family dare not treat us.”

The fox girl said that she walked on Du Yuesheng’s body. One hand had already pulled Du Yuesheng’s arm, ready to pull him to run.


‘Unexpectedly, there are so many levels above 5 difficulty? ‘

Du Yuesheng looked at the fox girl holding his arm. He didn’t worry about it, because he now has an invincible trump card.

Now this Emperor wants to see how terrifying this’Sovereign level’ Demonic beast is?


‘Sovereign level’Demonic beast how many Laozi come to kill how many!

PS: 3rd is even more. Today, I will temporarily return to 3rd, because this month the book has a big recommendation, so the turtle has to save the manuscript, and there is a super explosion.

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