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Human Race !

What are you doing

The fox girl looked at step by step moved towards Du Yuesheng she was approaching, she stepped back and forth under her feet.

‘haha! ‘

‘What am I going to do? ‘

‘I want you! ‘

Du Yuesheng straddled the ground with his feet in one step, and his 5 fingers stretched out towards the fox girl’s clothes.

‘What, Human Race, your courting death…’ The fox girl looked at Du Yuesheng’s movements, and there was a hint of blush in her face.

How could she not know what Du Yuesheng is doing now?

‘bang! ‘

‘Nine Tailed Monster Fox …’

In an instant, 9 tails appeared behind the fox girl, and a monstrous battle strength was passed from the 9 tails.

The fox girl is a demon fox in a’Heavenly Tribulation Realm’, plus she is the fox Race Imperial Family bloodline.

‘go die for me, Human Race…’ The fox girl looked at Du Yuesheng who was coming in, and her 9 tails quickly attacked.

“hong long long !”


Each tail turned into Heavenly God force, and one tail swept directly on Du Yuesheng.

Du Yuesheng was also swept to the ground by this foxtail, but this is just the beginning.

The remaining tails also quickly descended, and the tails were drawn quickly on Du Yuesheng.



A continuous crackling sound resounded through the sky, and Du Yuesheng showed signs of one after another being drawn by his tail.


not dead…

The fox girl looked at Du Yuesheng who was attacked by her 9 tails and didn’t die, which surprised her completely.

She stared at the Du Yuesheng step by step moved towards her, she was afraid.

Although she has the power of’Heavenly Tribulation Realm’, she has never fought against people.

So it is impossible to exert any powerful force.

However, the moment the Fox Girl was still thinking, Du Yuesheng rushing from a distance did not give her any chance.

‘berserk, open! ‘

Du Yuesheng loudly shouted, his clothes exploded in an instant, revealing a chest with a carved dragon head.

‘pa! ‘

Later, Du Yuesheng appeared next to the fox girl, slap her hand against the fox girl who was still thinking.

‘what! ‘

A scream came out of the fox girl’s mouth, and she was directly fanned by this slap a few meters away.

‘hehe! ‘

‘It tastes pretty good…’

Du Yuesheng smelled aura that appeared from the fox girl in her nose, and the taste was pretty good.

‘Dare you beat me…’

‘I want you to die, Human Race…’

The fox girl who stood up from the ground was filled with anger. She was Princess of Race Race.

Never encountered such a situation, was slapped on the face of the face.

‘dead! ‘

A trace of red light appeared in the eyes of the fox girl, looking towards moved towards Du Yuesheng, who was punched out in an instant.

“Broken Moon!”

Hong long long ……

The fox girl’s feet crossed the earth next, and behind them 9 baring fangs and brandishing claws emerged as Heaven and Earth, erupting into monstrous battle strength and covering all directions.

‘roll! ‘

‘Emperor 3 steps, one step Heaven and Earth! ‘

In an instant, Emperor 3 at Du Yuesheng’s feet burst into the earth with his steps, and his entire silhouette turned into wind and disappeared into the earth.

The next second Du Yuesheng appeared next to the fox girl, and then a super power broke out from both of his hands, punched out to the fox girl.


“Bang …”

The fox girl made a scream in her mouth, and then her whole body flew out at once.

“Human Race, I was wrong…” The fox girl’s dishevelled hair was lying on the ground, and there was a trace of fear in her eyes. She looked at Du Yuesheng and she begged for mercy.



The fox girl’s voice just fell, and a palm slammed directly on her small face, crackling.

“System, give me the power to block her.” Du Yuesheng gave orders directly to the system.

‘ding! ‘

‘Consumption 1000 Unparalleled Points can be sealed, whether to seal! ‘

‘Yes! ‘

Following Du Yuesheng’s determination, a terror energy appeared from his finger towards the fox girl.

‘What did you do to me? ‘The fox girl lying on the ground only saw Du Yuesheng facing her waist a little.

The strength of her whole body was actually disappeared, and the whole person had no strength at all.

“Pa !”

“Pa !”

“Pa !”

Du Yuesheng stretched out a palm to the fox girl and slapped for three consecutive times.

Haha !

What do you want me to do?

What else can we do in the wild countryside?

Du Yuesheng looked at the silhouette of the fox girl lying on the ground, his eyes glowing red continuously shot at him.

“Recognize me as your Lord, otherwise!!!” Du Yuesheng said coldly as she watched the fox girl on the ground.

“hmph! ”

“Human Race, don’t be delusional!!!”

The fox girl looked at Du Yuesheng, although there was fear on her face, but the dignity of the Imperial Family Race still exists. How can he recognize Du Yuesheng as the main.

So even if he killed himself, he could not agree.

Du Yuesheng’s eyes were cold and he looked at the silhouette of the fox girl on the ground. He laughed on his mouth and said, “I think you are still hard-mouthed, but you don’t know who is the last to laugh!!!”

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