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“Congratulations to the players for drawing 36 Heavenly Stars seventy two red packets.”


“Players please be prepared.”


36 Heavenly Stars seventy two

Du Yuesheng heard the name of the red envelope he extracted this time, don’t know what?

He felt as if he had heard it there.

‘ka ka! ‘

After the red envelope was successfully drawn, a golden giant dragon appeared on the 3D screen.


The golden giant dragon roared Heaven and Earth, then turned into a ray of light and penetrated into the door. The door of the red packet group was directly opened quietly.


“System reminds that Tianji Star Lu Chang will issue red envelopes.”

When Du Yuesheng saw that he entered the red envelope group, the system prompts someone to send a red envelope.

Tianji star Lu Chang?

Who is this guy? How do you feel familiar?

‘crap! ‘

‘Isn’t this the character in Water Margin? ‘

Suddenly, Du Yuesheng remembered who Lu Chang, the heavenly secret star, was. Isn’t this the character in “Water Margin”.

No matter what, just grab the red envelope.

Du Yuesheng no longer thinks about anything, after all, red envelopes are not and the others.

He shot quickly, but there were still a few people who shot at the same time.

The earth star Gu Zong, earth star Fang Ji, earth lone star Wu 4 Yu and earth crazy star Huo Zhiyuan!

“Haha, Lu Chang is willing to give out red envelopes for cheapskate?”

“Usually this guy only knows how to snatch red envelopes in silence, but I haven’t seen him send red envelopes!”

“This cheapskate is probably impossible to send out a big red envelope, everyone still don’t care.”

“Isn’t it, this cheapskate, stingy, can he give you a big red envelope?”

“I don’t believe in killing me. Whoever loves to snatch it, go snatch it. I’m not interested.”

“Forget it, I won’t grab it, it’s boring!”

Suddenly, a hand was taken back, it was the earth mad star Huo Zhiyuan!

Later, the other 3 hands were also retracted at the same time, these guys.

Actually I think it’s boring to grab a cheapskate red envelope.

Actually all gave up.

Du Yuesheng Dark music, you guys find it boring, but I find it interesting.

Don’t grab it, it just happens to be cheaper this Uncle!

Seeing that Du Yuesheng was about to grab a hand, suddenly, the other hand rushed over.

“Crap, actually rob this Uncle? Huh, no, this name actually calls me Zhao Ritian?”

“I fuck!”

“Who is this?”

Du Yuesheng saw the character’s name suddenly appeared. This is definitely not the character in’Water Margin’?

Could it be other players grabbing red envelopes?

After all, a “Long Fei” carrying a system appeared earlier, and he believed in 10000 1000 World.

There are definitely not a few people who have the chance of Supreme. Does this person have a’golden finger’ that can grab a red envelope?

“I’m paralyzed, I actually grabbed Laozi, have you grabbed Laozi!”

Du Yuesheng used it suddenly, and the guy who called me Zhao Ritian knew he was late.

But he finally got a chance to grab a red envelope, how could he just give up like this?

The giant hand he turned into directly moved towards Du Yuesheng’s hand and slapped it, as if he wanted to slap Du Yuesheng’s hand.

Du Yuesheng was shot flying wherever it was so easy, and regardless of the actual situation, he was firmly steady when he caught the red envelope.


The huge power came and passed directly to Du Yuesheng’s body through the giant hand, making Du Yuesheng’s body startled fiercely!

However, Du Yuesheng still did not let go, but quickly took it back.

“Damn it, I’m Zhao Ritian, right? You wait for me, don’t let Laozi meet you in reality.”

“Otherwise, Laozi must beat your father and mother to recognize it!”


And in a distant red planet.

A man wrapped in red, he looked at the red envelope in the screen in his hand and was robbed.

Even when he was brought up together, he couldn’t get inside to grab the red envelope.

The man’s face was also full of anger, looking at the figure who snatched his red envelope.

‘Heavenly Emperor! ‘


Don’t let me meet you, dare to snatch Laozi’s red envelope, or I must kill you.

…… ..

After Du Yuesheng put away the red envelope, he didn’t go to see it at all, but waited for the second red envelope to appear.

However, after waiting for a long time, no one was posting.

“Heavenly Emperor, you grabbed my red envelope, why didn’t you send it, we are all waiting!”

Suddenly, the words of Tiankui Star Gao Yan appeared on the screen.


Du Yuesheng was stunned, he wanted to give out a red envelope?

After thinking about it, it seems that I am qualified to issue red envelopes.

Those poisonous mushrooms, omnipotent glue, Indian oil and so on.

For him, it is of no use, then, it is better to post this.

Maybe these guys, if they haven’t seen these things, they might like it or not.

After thinking about it, Du Yuesheng said directly to the system.

“System, I want to send out a red envelope. Put poisonous mushrooms, omnipotent glue, and golden toilet paper all into a red envelope for me, and then send it out.”


“The player chooses to send the red envelope, the contents of the red envelope, poisonous mushrooms, omnipotent glue, golden toilet paper. Are you sure?”

“Confirm, confirm, these things, it is useless to keep farts, just look at those guys.”

“Ding, players send red envelopes!”

From Du Yuesheng’s side, a red envelope with a pair of lovely wings flew directly out.

“Fuck, this silly girl, the red envelopes are not shielded, and they can be seen directly!”

“That’s right, this is a newcomer, I don’t know how to block.”

“Fuck, don’t snatch me, this red envelope belongs to me, poisonous mushroom.”

“It’s actually a poisonous mushroom, and it’s a rare super poisonous mushroom in the world. It’s just too useful for me to refine poison.”

“No, this red envelope is mine, sister, it’s omnipotent glue, Supreme treasure!”

“I haven’t found my treasure for a long time. It’s broken. I’m worried that I can’t find the omnipotent glue.”

“You all get out of Laozi. Who will grab this red envelope? Who am I in a hurry? Golden Toilet Paper?”

“Sister, who gets the name, it’s clearly Purple Gold, a good material for artifact refining. With such a large pile of Purple Gold, I can refine several treasures.”


What makes Du Yuesheng different is that the red envelopes he sent out turned into fragrant steamed buns.

For a while, other characters that could not be hidden in the entire 36 Heavenly Stars seventy two red envelope group.

In this brief moment were attracted by the red envelopes issued by Du Yuesheng, and each and everyone began to scramble.

‘hong long long ! ‘

‘boom! ‘

In an instant, countless big hands on the screen scrambled, stupefied neither giving way to the other.

‘I go! ‘

‘No, is there anything wrong with the red envelope I sent? ‘

Du Yuesheng watched the battle erupting in the 36 Heavenly Stars seventy two red envelope group.

36 Heavenly Stars seventy two basically all the evil spirits were dispatched, each and everyone turned into monstrous giant hands fighting each other.

For Du Yuesheng’s offensive red envelope, the battle was shocking.

PS: Even more, today I accidentally drank some wine, which made the update of Chapter 5 late. Finally, I wish you all a happy 5th.

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