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“The clansman who is difficult to go to the cultivation base from the top and bottom of the house, enshrine and protect the law, within 3 days, I will all gather in the deliberate hall.”

“I want to take revenge for my son myself. If there is no one to win after 3 days, I will kill him with my own hands. I will understand if it is!”

“Yes, Patriarch!”

Leaving home and getting busy frantically, each and everyone clansman performing family tasks outside.

No matter what they are doing, they moved away towards the family after receiving the summons and dare not delay for a moment.

Because they know very well that they are Patriarch, stand by one’s word, once he says to kill someone, then no one can survive.

No one feels at this time to remove Patriarch’s mold, whoever goes, is the dead end.

On the 2nd day, Emperor Nanming Zong came to Elder, and the father-in-law who had left the enemy came to leave home.

He brought only 5 people, 5 of whom were all the Southern Ming school disciplines of 5 Difficult Peaks.

This time, he also came to Lijia to avenge the Li hero.

Many powerhouses returned quickly and left home. A total of ten or eight were away from home. 8 It is difficult to worship the cultivation base, and more than 3 100 clansman and protector are difficult to use.

In addition, other small sects, small sects, small sects, small sects and small sects who rushed to help were sent to the news.

Three days later, 3 powerhouses gathered directly away from home.

Among them, there are 5 people in the 3 difficult peaks alone, and there are 2 Supreme powerhouses in the Crossing Tribulation environment, Li Qiu and Tai Shang Elder.

So many powerhouses come together for one person!

‘Du Yuesheng! ‘

“Everyone, listen to me, whoever can kill Du Yuesheng, I will be paid a lot if I leave home.”

“The people around Du Yuesheng, give me one not to keep, I want him Du Yuesheng to regret coming to this World.”

“I want to use Du Yuesheng’s flesh and blood and head to pay homage to my son’s head 7! Kill!”




each and everyone silhouette quickly flew away from home, their goal is only one place.

That is the underground palace, that is Du Yuesheng.

At this time, Du Yuesheng is watching Shi Hao lead the discipline cultivation and go through Shi Hao’s competition.

In the entire dungeon, only ten or eight people can cultivation Divine Sword.

The number of people is indeed a little lower, but Du Yuesheng is even more depressed.

At any rate, he is a person with a system. At any rate, he is the protagonist, but now it’s better.

The powerful Divine Sword Yu Lei Jue, actually he can’t cultivation, can only watch Shi Hao and their cultivation by the side.

This taste is really not very pleasant.

“Shi Hao, this kid doesn’t have any importance in starting, now it’s all right, the entire square is in ruins.”

“Hey, by the way, I seem to have a martial arts stage that I haven’t used yet.”

“Well, this place can be regarded as his home in the blood moon continent, and the square is such a rotten mother-in-law, what is it.

The square shouldn’t just be so bad. “

system, I want to use martial arts stage, just build it here, you can build it quickly.


“The player uses the building card, martial arts stage, are you sure?”



“The system prompts that the martial arts stage will be automatically attached to the prefecture after the construction of the martial arts stage is completed.”

Repairing in martial arts stage can double the speed of cultivation.

It can be said that this is a very powerful attribute.

Seeing Du Yuesheng as if just waving his hands, there was a huge arena in the original officialdom.

Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay, Master. This is too tough. With a wave, you can build a huge arena.

This is really incredible. It can be said that even if these people want to break their heads, they can’t explain it at all.

This is simply incredible.

“Report, Heavenly Emperor, Nanmingzong Taishang Elder, and his family members are moving towards us.”

“About an hour or so, the enemy has reached our boundary.”

‘what? ‘

‘Leaving home, Nan Mingzong…’

Du Yuesheng heard the report from the terracotta warriors and horses, and a flame flashed in his eyes.

Away from home, there is also the Supreme Elder of Nanmingzong, these guys, how dare they come to trouble themselves?

It’s just courting death, don’t look at whose site is here!

‘BOSS! ‘

Du Yuesheng seemed to see another super BOSS appearing in front of him, and then one by one bleeding.

Of course, Du Yueshi must have the necessary preparations.

The Elf Archer team was summoned by him. These handsome and ruthless long-haired Elf Archers directly occupied all the favorable terrain of the entire underworld in a moment.

Waiting for the arrival of this enemy.

Du Yuesheng thought for a while, it seems that these common disciples have no ability to defend against enemies at all!

“Slightly turning the wind, you go, gather all the disciplines, you protect them, go out and hide together, this kind of battle is not something common disciple like them can fight against.”

“Yes, Heavenly Emperor, the little demon promises to protect them all.”

Xiao Zhuanfeng is very proud, look, every time the Heavenly Emperor has something, he is informed, what is this called, this is called favor, this is called fire!

Otherwise, why don’t others look for the Heavenly Emperor, every time they look for themselves.

Xiao Zhuanfeng proudly escorted the disciplines away.

But Du Yuesheng is here waiting for the arrival of those people.


“The system prompts that the player’s subordinate soldiers were killed and disappeared forever.”

The sudden beep made Du Yuesheng understand that the enemy was already very close.

Sure enough, Li Xinnan, who was dispatched by Du Yuesheng in advance, had also returned.

With the rumbling sound of the light and shadow horse, Li Xinnan came directly to Du Yuesheng: “reporting to Heavenly Emperor, the enemy is less than one hour away from us. At this moment, we are fighting with our terracotta soldiers.”

“Okay, I understood, you step back and get ready to fight.”

“Yes, Heavenly Emperor.”

Watching Li Xinnan leave, Du Yuesheng thought for a while, it seems that he doesn’t have any reliable battle strength now.

No, you have to get something out.

“System, system, I want to grab a red envelope. I remember that I still have a few chances to grab a red envelope.”


“The system reminds that the player still has 4 chances to grab red envelopes and 4 chances to send red envelopes.”

“Four times, that’s okay, grab it together.”

Du Yuesheng the past few days, but I was addicted to smoking continuously, and wanted to continue smoking at every turn.

But this time, system returned to say:


“The system reminds that the red envelope function cannot be grabbed at the same time. Players can only grab each and everyone.”

grab each and everyone?


Du Yuesheng also cares about the details, one by one grabs one by one.

Red envelopes are good things, and every time you grab something, it’s very useful.

Even if the Daxiong downed killer was grabbed last time in the school scum group, didn’t it have a great effect?

“System, I want to grab red envelopes, turn on red envelope grabbing.”


“The player turns on the red envelope grabbing function and confirms the order.”

After Du Yuesheng issued the order to grab the red envelope.

Slowly a huge 3D screen appeared in front of him, as big as 20 inches.

However, this 3D screen was only seen by Du Yuesheng.

‘Come on, that’s the rhythm! ‘

Du Yuesheng looked at the each and everyone red envelope group that appeared on the 3D screen and began to get excited.

‘Tathagata Buddha Red Packet Group’ God Red Packet Group’ Jade Emperor Red Packet Group’………

‘Zhetian Red Packets’ Stars Change Red Packets’ Three Kingdoms Red Packets’ Xitian Red Packets. ‘

‘Wang Mazi Red Packet Group’ Zhang 3 Li 4 Red Packet Group’ Next Door Old Wang Red Packet Group’….

‘ding! ‘

‘Random lottery red envelope group! ‘


‘ding! ‘


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