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Isn’t it!

In the eyes of others, the formidable power is incomparable.

But in front of Du Yuesheng, besides being good-looking, it was useless.

After studying these little boomerangs for a while, Du Yuesheng directly moved towards the old man and walked over.

“Hey, old man, where did you get this boomerang.”

“You, you, are you okay? How is it possible, how is it possible.”

Fortunately, Old Lin does not have high blood pressure, heart disease and so on. Otherwise, he was frightened by Du Yuesheng today. It is estimated that he would be scared to death.

“Oh, I’m okay. Tell me, where did you get this thing, it’s pretty good?”

“I’m also going to make a set of the Heavenly Emperor for fun, it’s fine to cut the apples.”

“Don’t worry, as long as you say it, I will let you go. Alas, just treat me as a loss. If you say it, I won’t kill you.”

Lying in the trough!

This is so arrogant, you don’t kill people with feelings, or do you suffer?

The onlookers around felt as if countless heads were rushing forward, but no one dared to stand up and take care of things in the current situation.

It can be said that there is each one present, and there is no one who is not afraid of Old Lin’s years of knife cutting.

But the kid in front of you can actually ignore it. Doesn’t this mean that this person is definitely not waiting?

And he took an arrogant attitude, and he said no more, he was not an ordinary person.

Old Lin doesn’t dare to be arrogant this time, even his most powerful tricks have been cracked, what capital does he have to arrogant.

You know, the use of this move is costly. Every time it is used, it can be said that the Life Strength of Old Lin will lose a lot.

However, even with such a powerful attack, he couldn’t help Du Yuesheng, what qualifications did he have to make noise.

“I, I, this, this is made of extraterrestrial meteorite iron, and I don’t know what material it is.”

After thinking about it, Old Lin was finally softened.

He is a human being. As a Loose Cultivator, he can go to this day and be able to cultivation to the current realm.

I don’t know if I have experienced excessive wind and rain, I can’t be able to bend and stretch. I am afraid that he, a Loose Cultivator, has long been wiped out.

“Is it precious?” Du Yuesheng looked at it suspiciously.

But I quickly understood that what this guy meant was a meteorite.

It may have come from the High Rank continent, which is not something that Rank 2 continent can have.

Such speaking of which, this thing is really precious enough, maybe, the whole blood moon continent, that’s it.

Forget it, if you don’t have it, there’s no chanting. I don’t plan to buy this set of Du Yuesheng. It’s too stingy. According to Du Yuesheng’s personality, I have to make it and make it bigger, although this kind of boomerang with a big fingernail is indeed No 2 preferred for sneak attack.

However, did Du Yuesheng use a sneak attack? See who is not pleasing to the eye and slap to death.

“If you don’t have it, you can go, all right, you can go, I’m going to start killing people. Wow ha ha, so many experts, this time, it will definitely kill you.”

In Du Yuesheng’s words, let everyone look at each other in blank dismay. What does this kid mean? Is he planning to kill so many experts here alone?

Is he brain disabled?

Trifling a kid with a 2 disaster cultivation base, even if it is a little trick, can they kill nearly 100 powerhouses here?

You know, in this great hall, there is the powerhouse at the core of the castle, the discipline dispatched by 4 Great Sect, and the powerhouse from the Lose Cultivator or other forces!

Those of them, who are not stomp in their own territory, can make people trembling for the earth, want to kill them? Just relying on such a kid with 2 realm?

How can it be.

However, Du Yuesheng’s expressions and movements seem to be explaining, his words are not a joke, nor are they talking about other people!

He just wants to single out the top 100 powerhouse here!

Old Lin didn’t dare to speak, Tian Luo Pu was destroyed, and the years of knife cutting could not cause any harm. Old Lin had no means in front of Du Yuesheng.

So, at this time, he obediently moved towards the outside.

Du Yuesheng didn’t feel distressed either. More than 100 bosses were waiting for him to explode. After one left, he left. What’s so good about this is worth regretting.

“Hey, you, say you, it’s you, come here and let me hack.”

Du Yuesheng pointed to a person with a halo of blood red on his body. The auras with colors are all elite bosses!

There is not even a person around the person Du Yuesheng is referring to.

When Du Yuesheng chose this person, the others showed an extremely weird expression.


When everyone saw the Martial Artist pointed by Du Yuesheng, each and everyone couldn’t help but suck a cold air.

Then, everyone seemed to see the monster, each and everyone stepped back.

In the blood moon continent spread a legend.

There was once a young boy, starting from 15 years old, he traveled over 1000 mountains and 10000 rivers, challenging countless powerhouses.

Nan Mingzong, Beihaozong, Xilingzong, Dongmengzong, and Four Great Sects all tried to accept him as a disciple, but were rejected by him.

He has a Master, an extremely powerful Master. It is said that he is already a peerless powerhouse that has surpassed 5 difficult realm.

The master and disciple 2’s path is called a bloody battle!

Because of their cultivation, it is a constant challenge. Several hundred years ago, a man imitated the same routine.

Through continent, countless challenges, and finally, the achievement of the current peerless powerhouse.

And today, a few hundred years later, another person has started such a journey.

This one is the character pointed by Du Yuesheng.

People used to call him a madman.

Because this crazy demon is not only crazy, but also bloody and brutal.

Usually he seems to be not at all special, and even a little dumb.

However, once he fights, he is irreconcilable, and the opponents he fights with him are often abolished without death.

Is this person easy to kill? No one knows, because at ordinary times, even the ordinary person will be polite, but when fighting, even if this person has a good relationship with him, he will kill without hesitation.

It seems that in his World, there are no 4 words show mercy at all!

he! He, a kid with a 2 calamity cultivation base, actually challenged the madness?

What rhythm is this, do you want heaven defying?

The madman looked at Du Yuesheng, then pointed at himself: “Are you going to challenge me?”

“Challenge you?”

“Not interested in…”

Du Yuesheng couldn’t help but shook his head. This Emperor has no interest in challenging you, and said with disdain, “I asked you to come over and let me kill you.”

“Oh, that means fighting me, okay, here I come!”

After that, this guy suddenly single fist smashed out.


Du Yuesheng was smashed by a punch and smashed through several sides before stopping.

“Fuck it, just say it, it’s more direct than me!”

Du Yuesheng looked at the hands-on Martial Artist, it was even crazier than Du Yuesheng!


With a punch, the madman didn’t speak at all. Once he started fighting, he seemed to have lost all his humanity, so his consciousness was general.

“Give me a roll!”

“bang! !”

Two people’s double fists directly collided in midair, huge formidable power, throwing up a powerful hood!

“really strong !”

Someone whispered that this is not only saying that the devil is powerful, but also that Du Yuesheng is powerful.

The value of trifling 2 disaster cultivation base, even being able to fight against mad demon fist without falling down, this value is too surprising.

“You are good, a good opponent.”

Crazy Demon looked at Du Yuesheng faintly, and his tone was also so plain.

“You’re not bad, you have such a personality, it seems that you can burst out good things, haha, uncle must be crazy once today!”

“Basic Fist Art!”

Du Yuesheng moved towards the crazy demon again.

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