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Great hall inside.

Originally prepared for the competition, the guards are tightly guarded, even if there is a large-scale chaos outside.

But for the great hall, there is still no spread. Of course, some people worry about their little genius and ran out.

It can be said that all the bosses that Du Yuesheng originally liked have gathered here.

“Bold, great hall is heavy, idlers are not allowed to enter!”

Seeing Du Yuesheng coming over, the two gatekeepers of Yaoluobao were enshrined and stopped immediately.

These two people are a difficult cultivation base, used to keep the gate, no wonder no one dares to get close easily.

But is this useful for Du Yuesheng?

‘roll! ‘

‘die for me …’

Du Yuesheng even lazily looked at these two guys, rushed up, and immediately cut off with two knives.


“Congratulations to the player Du Yuesheng, killing the Yaoluobao consecration, get Spirit Points 2 100,000,000, and get one Fire Dragon Fruit.”


“Congratulations to the player Du Yuesheng, killing Yaoluobao to consecrate, get Spirit Points 2 100,000,000 and get one kiwi.”


“Fire Dragon Fruit, Fire Dragon Fruit?”

“What are these things…”


Don’t tell me, this place is special for fruits!

Du Yuesheng heard the system’s prompt, a little depressed, Fire Dragon Fruit, kiwi? Why didn’t he burst a durian out?

“pèng! ”

Kick away!

Many powerhouses sitting in the great hall looked at Du Yuesheng who walked in with a big swing.

He has some differences. In their hearts, no matter how chaotic the outside is, no one should come here to find their trouble.

However, now, there is this bold man who rushed in.

“Boy, make trouble, go out and make trouble, this is not where you can come in.”

The person closest to Du Yuesheng said to Du Yuesheng with disdain.

Because Du Yuesheng came in at the moment, the cultivation base of the trifling 2 disaster was naturally taken lightly by this person.

“I’m making trouble? I’m making trouble with your sister! Fuck, the uncle is here to take the head, it’s you, come first and let the uncle cut it.”

“courting death !”

The man was angry, he originally looked at Du Yuesheng cultivation base only 2 disaster realm, but also thought to put Du Yuesheng a horse and let him leave.

But I didn’t expect that the kid in front of him was so arrogant, anyway, he was also a powerhouse with 3 difficulties. This kid is too brave!

“Since you want courting death, the old man fulfills you, Tian Luopu, cover me!”

A large net moved towards Du Yuesheng’s head covered it.

This Tian Luo spectrum is an excellent Magic Treasure for bundling people. Although this thing itself only counts as Domain Treasure, when it comes to the ability of bundling people, it is definitely a treasure.

“Actually breaking the fishing net is like tying me, you are really naive.”

Du Yuesheng said disdainfully.

The old man smiled slightly, and his Tian Luo spectrum was really called fishing net by many people.

However, those who dare to say so, without exception, are now dead.

But Du Yuesheng’s next move terrified the old man.

Because I saw Du Yuesheng was just a knife, he cut his Tian Luo score in half.

How is it possible?

That was Tian Luopu, but he purposely found 1000 years of snow spider silk, fusion of extraterrestrial meteorite, 9 mysterious real wood and other precious materials, and then begged for the super treasure made by Holy Mountain powerhouse for him.

But now, it was actually cut in half by such a knife!

“No, no, my Tian Luopu!”

The old man was very distressed. He looked at Tian Luopu scattered on the ground for two and a half years, and his heart was bleeding.

“A broken fishing net, but also a treasure, stupid.”

Suddenly, a discordant voice appeared.

Of course, Du Yuesheng said this.

“You, your courting death, courting death, I will kill you, I will kill you!!!”

The old man’s face is so distorted that it is extremely angry.

Unfortunately, do you want to threaten Du Yuesheng?

It’s useless, Du Yuesheng looked at the old man dismissively, lightly saying: “Just now you said you would kill me. I’m here. If you have the ability, come and kill me. I don’t mind.”

“Not good, Old Lin wants to use that trick, quickly retreat!”

Suddenly, the people around the old man quickly retreated, as if understood something amazing.

But at this time, the old man smiled, and he laughed crazy: “Boy, you forced me, this move, I haven’t used it for a long time.

But this time, I will kill you at any cost, are you ready, are you ready to experience the journey of death!

Haha, haha, boy, you should be honored to be able to die in my hands! “

Du Yuesheng looked at the old man disdainfully. What broke the name?

Why don’t you call Liujin years!

However, when the old man broke out his attack, Du Yuesheng still gave some secret praise. This attack is indeed powerful enough.

It turned out that this old man was good at hidden weapon. The hidden weapon he used was different from others. If someone else threw it out, they would throw it out.

However, the hidden weapon he used was some very small special boomerangs. One thrown was 1000, densely packed throughout the sky.

Moreover, once these boomerangs have locked their targets, they will automatically swing back and attack, and the energy contained above makes it impossible to force them to force open.

As long as it is cut by any piece, the toxins on these boomers will quickly paralyze the enemy, and then it will be a more terrifying attack than chopped up ten-thousand times by a thousand blades.

These boomerangs will slowly remove every piece of flesh from the opponent’s body, and even the back will shred even the bones!

This Old Lin is also relying on this hand to make many people who are stronger than him fear 30%.

After all, that many hidden weapons were thrown out at the same time, and each one contained highly toxic substances, which was really scary.

“Huh, this is good, it’s pretty good.”

Du Yuesheng looked at the boomers that completely surrounded him, and said so.

Many people around looked at Du Yuesheng with strange eyes.

“This kid, really is ignorance is a bliss, alas, pity this kid, I’m afraid I will know what is called, life is better than death, what is called chopped up ten-thousand times by a thousand blades!”

A group of people looked at Du Yuesheng who was completely surrounded by Old Lin’s boomerang.

They are waiting, waiting for Du Yuesheng to scream, waiting for Du Yuesheng’s pitiful begging.

However, as time passed, their screams did not appear.

Instead, I heard that Du Yuesheng, who was completely wrapped in a boomerang, was curiously saying, “Well, this little thing is quite subtle, but it also has a blood slot. Well, it’s not bad, the workmanship is good.”

“This, what’s going on.”

Everyone you look at me, I look at you, all the differences and shocking expressions are revealed in the eyes!

You know, Old Lin’s this move has been cut in years, but it has been a super trick to kill 5 powerhouses.

The Sect’s Exclusive on the tiny boomerang can’t be solved!

And these boomerangs made of some unknown materials are also sharp with no stronghold one cannot overcome.

But why does it seem that there is no impact on the kid who is trapped?

“You listen carefully.”

Someone said again, everyone quickly gathered their attention and only heard it, which was very slight, but it was very dense and the jingle continued.

“Ding ding dong dong.”

This proves that the kid is under attack, but why can he ignore it so calmly?

Do you have time to study those boomers?

If Du Yuesheng knows the thoughts of these people, he will definitely disdain and say: “A bunch of ignorant stupid, you are silver Saint Clothes ignore 5 difficult Peak cultivation base attack is said to play?”

“What do you do when the Malay bloodline blows out? No words are really terrifying.”

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