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‘Come here! ‘

‘Stop him for me! ‘

Standing in the sky, the man touched his robes and glanced at Du Yuesheng coming from him.

“Anyi, break his legs for me and take him back to feed the dog.”


“Yes, Young Master!”

There was a wave of turbulence in the sky, and a 5 big 3 thick middle aged big man appeared on the back of the old man to answer.

The middle aged big man stepped across the void, his eyes full of icy eyes and looked towards Du Yuesheng.

‘kill! ‘

‘Man Shan Boxing! ‘

‘boom! ‘

The middle aged big man clenched his hands into fists, his whole body burst out into the sky, and he directly moved towards Du Yuesheng and punched out.

‘hong long long ! ‘

‘boom! ‘

Fist Art thunders and shakes the vast sky, especially the Martial Artist who is still a disaster.

‘hmph! ‘

‘Cut me to feed the dog…’

‘I wonder if you have that ability? ‘

‘die for me! ‘

Hearing what the young man said, Du Yuesheng’s anger grew stronger.

When has he been so despised?

When has he been so despised…

‘die for me! ‘


‘horse! ‘

‘flow! ‘

‘star! ‘

‘fist! ‘

Du Yuesheng had loudly shouted in his mouth, his feet stepped across the void next, and his hands were punched like a dream.

Under this fist, the entire void is shattered, and Space-Time seems to be upstream.

‘what! ‘

‘not good…’

‘Young Master, fast…’

Only when the middle aged big man touched the attacking fist, he shouted a scream.

Then the middle aged big man moved towards the young man behind him roared, but it was a pity that he had not spoken yet.

‘dead! ‘

Du Yuesheng has appeared in front of the middle aged big man, and strikes directly in his heart with both hands.

‘Pu chi!’

Du Yuesheng grabbed the heart of the middle aged big man and glanced at the heart in his hand.

‘Rubbish! ‘Du Yuesheng threw away his heart and raised the blood-red rays of light to look at the void.

‘ding! ‘

‘Congratulations to the player’ Du Yuesheng’ beheaded the’One Disaster’ monster and received Spirit Points 1,000,000,000. ‘

‘ding! ‘

‘Congratulations to players full EXP! ‘

‘Current Level: Spirit Transformation Rank 4’

‘Level 1 upgrade EXP at a distance requires: 100 100,000,000 Spirit Points!

‘Upgrade! ‘

Du Yuesheng heard the system reminder suddenly sounded in his mind, unconsciously upgraded again.

‘you! ‘


At the moment of death of the middle aged big man, the youngster who has not put Du Yuesheng in his eyes.

At this moment, he looked at Du Yuesheng with a horrified face, and his whole body was shaking.

‘An Yi is dead? ‘youngster couldn’t believe that he saw this scene with his eyes.

Anyi is the strongest guard his father has arranged by his side, and his strength is Peak.

But that’s the strength!

He was actually killed by a punch…

‘on! ‘

‘You guys…’

The young man was not arrogant and domineering like he was just now, but was shaking all over.

‘kill! ‘

‘Young Master, go away, 3 Sect Leader, they should be coming! ‘

In an instant, with the young man shouting loudly, 7 or 8 Martial Artists quickly ran from behind him.

‘kill! ‘

‘Blood Soul! ‘

‘Change! ‘

7 8 Martial Artists also knew the horror of Du Yuesheng, after all, even powerhouses like Anyi were killed.

All of them also know what the result is?

So as soon as they came up, they quickly and quickly’Blood Soul’ skills, and each and everyone broke out the strongest power.

‘courting death! ‘

‘mantis trying to stop a chariot, overestimate one’s capabilities …’

‘dead! ‘

Du Yuesheng looked at the crowd against him, and both of his hands pawed towards the void.

In a flash, the Tu Longbao sword appeared on the Du Yuesheng right hand, shining the endless terrifying blade glow.

‘Yin! ‘

With a sound of dragon roar, the roar appeared from the dragon sword, as if a Divine Dragon was blocked.

‘Dragon Dragon! ‘

‘cut! ‘


Du Yuesheng looked at the attacking people with his eyes, he leaped a few steps under his feet, loudly shouted in his mouth.

‘bang! ‘

A terrible blade glow burst out of Space-Time from the dragon sword that he lifted high.

‘cut! ‘

Du Yuesheng clenched fiercely’s moved towards the dragon’s sword and attacked fiercely.

‘boom! ‘

‘hong long long …’

Cut out with a stab, a hideous Divine Dragon roared out of the cut dragon sword.

‘Yin! ‘

Divine Dragon flying out of the Tulong sword turned into a violent wind sweeping Heaven and Earth, and Long Xiao swept across the sky.

‘what! ‘


A scream resounded through the void, and each and everyone Martial Artists who were still in’Blood Soul’ stopped in midair.

Each and everyone maintained the appearance of condensing the’Blood Soul’ moments.

But the only difference is that the vitality of all of them disappeared.

‘ding! ‘

‘Congratulations to the player’ Du Yuesheng’ beheaded the little monster to get Spirit Points 100,000,000! ‘

‘ding! ‘

‘Congratulations to the player’ Du Yuesheng’ beheaded the little monster to get Spirit Points 100,000,000! ‘

‘ding! ‘

‘Congratulations to the player’ Du Yuesheng’ beheaded the little monster to get Spirit Points 100,000,000! ‘

… ..

A series of EXP kept ringing.

‘not enough! ‘

‘There is still 8 1,000,000,000 EXP left. ‘

Du Yuesheng heard the prompt sound from the system, and the head was still not enough to upgrade the distance.


Shi Tian, ​​who had been standing on the ground watching the sky and fighting, was surprised.

He wondered if he had read it wrong?

You know, these people just destroyed the entire Stone Village immediately.

Their power can be imagined.

But now Shi Tian looked at Du Yuesheng’s fierceness, and directly smashed Martial Artist with a single blow.

Is this the’Du Yuesheng’ that Shi Tian knew?

Too tough as his sister!

‘hong long long ! ‘

‘boom! ‘

On the ground, while Du Yuesheng was still shaking his head, an explosion sound rang through his head.

A man wearing black armor holding a long halberd appeared in the void.

The man quickly moved towards Du Yuesheng.

And above the long halberd in the man’s hand is a youngster, who is the young man who just ran away.

‘boom! ‘

The ground shook and the young man was picked up by long halberd and fell directly to the ground by fiercely.

‘what! ‘

The young man was smashed hard and a painful howl appeared in Space-Time.

After the young man was dropped to the ground, the man holding long halberd one-knee kneels bowed to the ground.

‘pay respects to Heavenly Emperor! ‘

‘Get up! ‘

‘White! ‘

Du Yuesheng saw that the silhouette that came down was the murderous Baiqi, and he whispered to Baiqi.

Then Du Yuesheng moved his body and moved towards the young man who was thrown to the ground in white.

‘cough cough! ‘

Cang Yanxue was lying on the ground, lifts the head and watched it constantly moved towards Du Yuesheng.

After taking a few mouthfuls of spit blood in his mouth, he vomited and said to Du Yuesheng in a threatening tone: “Don’t come here, I am the Young Gang Lord of the Cangyan Gang, and my father is an expert in 5 difficulties. “


“Your father is an expert in 5 difficulties?”

Du Yuesheng heard what the man said, and he stopped moving forward.

PS: 3rd more

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