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‘what! ‘

‘Thank you Du big brother! ‘

100 Flower Princess heard Du Yuesheng’s mouth saying that he can’t kill the unbeaten queen.

She couldn’t help but stand on tiptoe.

Then 100 Flower Princess directly kissed Du Yuesheng’s face.

After the kiss, the 100-flower Princess quickly retreated to the original position.

However, there was a blush on her face.

‘It’s over! ‘

‘Goddess is soaked! ‘

‘My heart is bleeding…’

Standing in the distance, Leng Yan saw the 100-flower Princess kiss Du Yuesheng’s face, his heart was bleeding.

‘There is no hope! ‘Leng Yan knew that the 100 Flower Princess must have no part of her own.


Du Yuesheng hadn’t even reacted yet, looking at the 100 flower Princess kissing his face.

‘ding! ‘

‘Congratulations to players for completing the 100 Flower Princess mission. ‘

‘Reward the cross-border communicator! ‘

When Du Yuesheng was still in shock, the system prompt sounded in his mind.

‘what? ‘

‘Completed the task…’

Du Yuesheng heard the system’s prompt, and he actually completed the task of accepting 100 Princess.

‘hong long long ! ‘

‘roar! ‘


Du Yuesheng was about to see what the rewarded’cross-border communicator’ was.

There was a roar of beasts from the mountain range, the trees were destroyed, and endless dust appeared in the sky.

‘what’s the situation? ‘Du Yuesheng lifts the head Look at the place where the beast roars in the distance.

‘roar! ‘

Another beast roar emerged from Heaven and Earth, and a white tiger rushed out of the mountain range.

‘That is? ‘

‘Shi Tian…’

Du Yuesheng looked at the tiger rushing out of the mountain range, it was the Shi Tian he had fought before.

But shouldn’t Shi Tian be in Stone Village?

How would it appear here?

Is it?

A faint feeling appeared in Du Yuesheng’s heart, I hope it will not be the same as he thought!

… ..

‘haha! ‘

‘kill! ‘

‘Hurry up and catch up…’

After the snow-white tiger rushed out of the mountain range, behind the tiger there was a resounding one after another shout.

‘bang! ‘

In an instant, a silhouette of a monstrous imposing manner rushed out of the mountain range.

‘roar! ‘

The tigers rushing out of the mountain range kept roaring and roaring, watching the several people around.

Shi Heavenly Eye was full of anger, and his mouth kept roaring Vault of Heaven Heaven and Earth.

It’s a pity that it’s useless how he roars…

These people are too strong!

Shi Tian remembers when they were repairing Stone Village.

Suddenly a group of terrifying Martial Artists appeared.

They rushed into Stone Village and killed countless villagers.

Even his father Shi Wu was punched and killed by the Martial Artist who rushed into Stone Village by this fist.

In less than a few seconds, all the villagers in Stone Village were killed.

All of them were blocked by countless Stone Village Martial Artists with their lives before they managed to escape.

However, Shi Tian who escaped still encountered their pursuit.

Shi Tian fled all the way towards the direction of Mengyou Village, because he had a glimmer of hope there.

‘White Tiger shock! ‘

Shi Tian’s heart was filled with endless anger, 4 limbs and feet moved quickly on the ground, and a pair of tiger claw moved towards a silhouette.

‘courting death! ‘

A horrifying rays of light emerged from the sky, and then the stone sky from the fight was directly bombarded to the ground.

‘haha …’

‘little bastard has a try! ‘

A young man in a snow-white jacket descended from the sky. He looked indifferently at the White Tiger below.

‘Come here! ‘The man’s mouth is facing Space-Time coldly snorted.

‘bang! ‘

‘pay respects to Young Master! ‘A middle age person appeared in the void and knelt beside the young man.

‘go with! ‘

‘Pull the tiger skin off him…’

The man touched the clothes on his body and felt that there was one less tiger skin around his neck.

And the skin of the White Tiger below is very good, suitable for noble people like him.

‘Yes, Young Master! ‘

‘kill! ‘

The middle age person stood up looking towards the White Tiger below, a long spear appeared in his hand, facing the White Tiger a spear thrust.

‘roar! ‘

Shi Tian looked at the long spear from the assassination, and his mouth continued to roar with shock.

However, his entire body was no longer fighting, and even Blood Soul was almost time.

‘what! ‘

‘I can not be reconciled…’

Shi Tian looked at the spear glow that was approaching, he was really unwilling to die like this.

He has escaped the hope of countless villagers…

He was unwilling to be angry with countless villagers…

‘boom! ‘


A burst of heaven shaking earth shattering sound exploded from Heaven and Earth, and rays of light emerged from the sky.

‘Ok! ‘

‘I am not dead? ‘

Shi Tian closed his eyes and waited for death, but after a while, he found that he was not dead.

‘Brother Du! ‘Shi Tianyi opened his eyes and saw Du Yuesheng directly in front.

‘dead! ‘

Du Yuesheng didn’t answer Shi Tian’s words, he held the spear glow from Shi Tian’s assassination in one hand.

‘Off! ‘

Du Yuesheng pulled both hands hard, and the man holding the long spear was pulled directly over.

‘what! ‘

There was a scream in the man’s mouth, and a palm was slapped on his head.

Under a palm, the man’s head fiercely was smashed, and the brain inside sprayed the sky.

‘ding! ‘

‘Congratulations to the player’ Du Yuesheng’slash”Pure Yang’monster and get Spirit Points 100,000,000. ‘

‘Rubbish! ‘

When Du Yuesheng saw Martial Artist who was shot dead with a palm, he wiped his palm and turned to look towards Shi Tian who had quit Blood Soul.

Du Yuesheng looked towards Shi Tian battered and exhausted, he asked lightly: “Shi Tian you are not in Stone Village, how come here?”

“Brother Du!”

“Not good…”

“Stone Village is gone, they all…”

Shi Tian said with a choked voice in his mouth, and even when it came to the end, tears dripped from his eyes.

‘what’s the situation? ‘

‘Stone Village is gone…’ Du Yuesheng was surprised when he heard what Shi Tian said.

‘correct! ‘

‘Brother Du, Shi Hao was also taken away by them…’ Shi Tian extended a finger to the silhouette in the sky.

‘what? ‘

‘Shi Hao was taken away? ‘

Du Yuesheng’s eyes glowed with red light. He lifts the head and looked at the silhouette in the Vault of Heaven.

Oh shit!

It doesn’t matter if you kill Stone Village daddy…

However, you dare to move Shi Hao…


Go to hell.

Du Yuesheng doesn’t have much affection for Stone Village, but Shi Hao is related to his death.

The task issued by the system is at the kill level.

‘boom! ‘

Du Yuesheng’s feet crossed the earth next and appeared directly in the sky the next second.

A young man standing in the sky, watching Du Yuesheng silhouette suddenly appearing on the opposite side.

With a disdainful look in his eyes, he said to Du Yuesheng: “Who are you waiting for, dare to stop me and Cang Yan to help kill people? I don’t think you want to live anymore.”

‘the person who wants your life! ‘

‘dead! ‘

Du Yuesheng was not in the mood to talk nonsense about such a small character, and he stretched out his hands to tear the teaching void.

‘haha! ‘

‘It’s such a big joke…’

‘My life! ‘

Standing in the sky The young man heard Du Yuesheng’s words and he burst into laughter.

For Du Yuesheng who came under attack, he did not put him in the eye.

A little Spirit Transformation Martial Artist.

It is easier to crush him than to crush a chicken…

PS: No. 2

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