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‘bang! ‘

‘hong long long …’

Every step that Undefeated Aotian takes, the imposing manner he oppresses Du Yuesheng’s body increases a little.

‘boom! ‘

Under the suppression of this terrifying imposing manner, the surrounding earth collapsed one after another.

‘what! ‘

‘berserk, open! ‘

Du Yuesheng roared up to the sky, his hands raised up, bloodline veins bulging all over his arms.

‘boom! ‘


An explosion roar constantly resounded through Heaven and Earth from Du Yuesheng’s feet, only to see Du Yuesheng sinking.

An invisible mountain emerged from Heaven and Earth, fiercely moved towards Du Yuesheng and pressed down.

‘interesting! ‘

‘A Spirit Transformation ant can actually block the pressure of this Emperor. ‘

Undefeated Aotian looked at Du Yuesheng who resisted his imposing manner.

A smile appeared at the corner of his mouth, and he was interested in this person.

‘Undefeated Shan Yin! ‘

‘Out! ‘

Undefeated Aotian shouted loudly, and then stretched out a palm to move towards the void where Du Yuesheng was.

In an instant, a vast and simple big seal engraved with the word’undefeated’ appeared Heaven and Earth.

‘Press! ‘

Undefeated Aotian looked at the simple big seal that appeared in the void, and he stretched out a finger and moved towards Du Yuesheng.

‘hong long long ! ‘

‘bang! ‘

In an instant, the vast and simple Great Seal carried a terrifying imposing manner that ruled Heaven and Earth and pressed down.

Wherever the oppressive simplicity of the Great Seal, the void burst, the clouds dissipated, and the red clouds light rippled.

‘Emperor 3 steps! ‘

‘berserk! ‘

‘Diwei! ‘

‘All open for me! ‘


Du Yuesheng lifts the head looked at the oppressive “undefeated” seal, teeth clenched tightly, and quickly mobilized his strongest skills.


In an instant, the strength of Du Yuesheng’s body once again increased several times, breaking a disaster situation in one fell swoop, breakthrough did not stop blasting.

A disaster Middle-Stage, a disaster Peak ….

‘boom! ‘

A blast exploded from his body, and Du Yuesheng’s entire force asked ‘2 Disaster’ to stop.

‘Get out of here! ‘

‘roar! ‘

Du Yuesheng roared upward in the sky and suddenly moved towards the earth as he stepped up to the sky.

‘roll! ‘

Du Yuesheng clenched his hands into fists, and broke out Heavenly Emperor. He punched the oppressed “Undefeated” big seal.

‘bang! ‘

This fist resembles Heaven and Earth 8 like the thundering thunder, one punch strikes on the big seal.

‘boom! ‘

With one punch, the entire “Undefeated” Dayin was ruthlessly flew and fell into the earth, heaven shaking earth shattering.

‘what? ‘

This moment, accompanied by the moment when the “Undefeated” Dayin was blasted.

A trace of surprise also appeared on the face of the undefeated Aotian standing in the distance.

‘how is this possible? ‘

Undefeated Aotian looked at the flying “Undefeated” seal, could not believe it at all?

You should know that the “Undefeated” big seal is an attack that condenses his 8 points of strength.

Undefeated Aotian is a terrifying giant in the “3 Dilemma”, and his 8-point strength is how powerful he is.

It is possible to bombard a Martial Artist of ‘3 Disaster’ Peak.

‘This child can’t stay! ‘Undefeated proud Heavenly Eye God appeared a bit cold, he had moved the murderous intention.

Because Du Yuesheng’s potential has greatly exceeded his cognition, so he had to move murderous intention.

Even the “ink marks” that broke into the undefeated empire were not as ferocious as Du Yuesheng.

Because at that time, some people let them Martial Artists on top of Spirit Transformation not allow hands-on.

Otherwise, the ink marks of a Spirit Transformation environment have long been suppressed.

It also allows him to take people away from the undefeated empire.

‘Di Yin! ‘

‘Now! ‘

Undefeated Aotian’s hands burst into monstrous rays of light, and a beam of horror rays of light that suppressed Vault of Heaven Heaven and Earth emerged from the sky.

In the rays of light that emerged from the sky, it gradually condensed into a huge seal.

This second imprint of the faucet’s big seal exudes a super strong imposing manner from the big seal.

As if this is an imperial jade seal, people can’t help but want to acknowledge allegiance.

‘hmph! ‘

‘bring it on…’

Du Yuesheng roar towards the sky Heaven and Earth, and his purple hair fluttered into the wind, Heaven and Earth, and the endless Emperor imposing manner broke out Heaven and Earth.

‘Subjects from China, let your faith break out! ‘

‘You Emperor need your faith…’

‘Emperor jade seal, open! ‘

‘hong long long ! ‘

In an instant, a jade seal that agreed to engrave the dragon head leapt from Heaven and Earth in Du Yuesheng’s arms.

An inexhaustible emperor of the ten emperors who suppressed the Nine Heavens burst out of the jade seal and emerged as Vault of Heaven Heaven and Earth.

‘what? ‘

‘This is the belief of Supreme Treasure…’

Undefeated Aotian looked at the’Heavenly Emperor jade seal’ flying over from Du Yuesheng’s arms at the moment, and he was surprised.

His eyes are even a vague expression of greed,’Faith Supreme Treasure’ This is the Supreme Supreme Treasure of the founding state.

If you can get something!

Undefeated Aotian believes that he can create an imperial dynasty without having to look at the color of his Imperial Brother.

‘hateful! ‘

‘What secrets does this person possess, so powerful? ‘Long Fei looked at in the sky Du Yuesheng.

His eyes were filled with jealous expression.

The two of them are also’crossed over’ but their destiny is very different.

Not willing! Helpless…

Long Fei’s heart was unwilling to be reconciled, and what made him even more angry was the 100 Flower Princess’s extremely nervous Du Yuesheng’s expression.

This even made Long Fei’s heart full of anger, to know that 100 Flower Princess is his fiancee.

This is simply wearing a big’green hat’ on his head, and still completely ignoring him.

‘Bitch woman! ‘

‘Wait for undefeated Aotian to clean up Du Yuesheng, daddy wants fiercely ****…’

Long Fei squeezed his fists and his face became red with anger.

‘haha! ‘

‘die for me…’

Undefeated Aotian is determined to win the’Heavenly Emperor Jade Seal’, and a burst of energy appeared on the big seal from both of his hands.

‘Press! ‘

Undefeated Aotian shouted loudly in his mouth, and Du Yuesheng, who moved towards in the sky with both hands, moved towards in the sky and pressed down.

‘bring it on! ‘

‘Endless faith melts into my body…’

Du Yuesheng looked at the quaint big seal coming from the oppression, instead of a trace of fear, he stood in the void against the wind.

‘hong long long ! ‘

In an instant, a wave of white belief power continued to erupt from the Heavenly Emperor Jade Seal suspended in midair.

Constantly turning into a trace of endless energy into Du Yuesheng’s body, torrents of Heavenly Emperor might burst into the sky.

‘die for me! ‘

‘Emperor oppresses…’

‘Off! ‘

Undefeated Aotian stood on the ground, lifts the head up to the sky and roared, his hands exploded with endless imperial prestige and entered that simple seal.

In an instant, with this endless imperial prestige input into the ancient seal, the entire ancient seal directly became a huge mountain range.

‘dead! ‘

‘hong long long ! ‘

In the next second, the huge quaint seal oppresses Heaven and Earth, shaking Space-Time 8 wasteland, and even the earth is shaking continuously under the fall of the quaint seal.


‘big brother ..! ‘

‘Du big brother! ‘

For a moment, the two people of 100 Flower Princess and Leng Yan who were pressed on the ground by the endless emperor made whining sounds.

However, being suppressed by the endless imperial prestige, they didn’t shout at all.

They can only watch the simple and simple big seal fiercely moved towards Du Yuesheng and press down.

‘hong long long ! ‘

‘boom! ‘

A burst of explosions roared through the void, and the quaint Dayin fiercely fell on Du Yuesheng standing void.

Pieces of void were smashed by the simple big seal, each and everyone huge holes appeared in the void.

‘died? ‘

Undefeated Aotian looked at the sky struck by the simple and simple, and pieces of nothingness appeared in his eyes.

He believed that Du Yuesheng had definitely been bombarded and smashed by Dayin. You must know the blow just now.

He exploded with a lot of power, which was enough to kill Martial Artist in a second.

What’s more, Du Yuesheng is just a Martial Artist of ‘2 Calamity’, absolutely smashed.

PS: First

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