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‘Long Fei! ‘

‘Keep your eyes open for this Emperor…’

‘Do I have any strength! ‘

Du Yuesheng jumped into the sky with his feet next, and a Gold-banded Ruyi Stick emerged with both hands.

‘big brother! ‘

‘I’m wrong…’

‘I shouldn’t act in front of you! ‘

Long Fei lifts the head looking at Du Yuesheng who is jumping into the void, his mouth makes a pleading sound.

Oh shit!

I knew it was so terrifying!

I shouldn’t provoke myself…

‘hmph! ‘

‘late! ‘

After Du Yuesheng glanced at Long Fei, both of his hands clenched the golden cudgel in his hands and exploded with endless energy.

‘dead! ‘


There are no magnificent moves, only the simplest killing moves, which strike straight down.

Long Fei looked at the golden hoop that was knocked down, he wanted to struggle, but he was unable to move.

‘White! ‘

‘Come and save me…’ Long Fei couldn’t help shouting loudly, watching the killing god who was still fighting in vain.

‘Your Majesty! ‘


Bai Qi heard Long Fei’s shout, he was also very anxious, but he couldn’t Avatar a bit.

‘good chance! ‘

‘The gun broke! ‘

Bai Qi, who had been looking for opportunities, looked at the silhouette on the opposite side and was distracted, knowing that the opportunity was coming.

In an instant, he stabbed shatter void with a long spear in his hand, and a shot directly hit his neck.

‘what! ‘


A spear thrust was killed, and the Bai Qi from Long Fei summon was directly killed by a spear thrust, and the whole person died.

‘roar! ‘

As Long Fei summon’s Bai Qi was bombarded and killed, one after another rays of light rushed into Bai Qi’s body.

‘ding! ‘

“Congratulations to the player summon character “Bai Qi” kills his own character and gets the ultimate improvement. ‘

‘White from the level up! ‘

‘Current Level: 3 Disaster Rank 9’

‘Upgrade! ‘

Du Yuesheng watched Bai Qi behead Long Fei summon after he emerged Bai Qi, he could actually upgrade.

‘what! ‘

‘Undefeated old man, come out! ‘

Long Fei watched the death of Bai Qi, his eyes glowed with red rays of light, and a beast roar resounded through Heaven and Earth.


‘hong long long ! ‘

With the roar of Longfei, Heaven and Earth rising winds, scudding clouds, mountains and rivers change in an instant.


Moved towards Long Fei’s attacking stick mang also shattered instantly, disappearing between Heaven and Earth.

‘what happened? ‘Du Yuesheng felt the sudden changes in Heaven and Earth. He couldn’t help but hold the gold hoop.

‘not good! ‘

‘thorn! ‘

Bai Qi on the ground suddenly yelled, and his entire silhouette quickly appeared beside Du Yuesheng.


When Du Yuesheng hadn’t figured out how Bai Qi appeared next to him, Bai Qi kicked his chest directly with one foot.

‘For nothing…’

‘puff! ‘

Du Yuesheng was kicked directly from the sky to the ground by Bai Qi, and a big footprint appeared on his chest.

The throat is even more a mouthful of blood rising, spit out from the mouth.

‘roar! ‘

‘Slaughter is here! ‘

Bai Qi roared at Heaven and Earth, and a terrifying rays of light erupted all over his body, and an illusory shadow instantly appeared behind him.


A sentence resounded like Heaven and Earth Ruler, and then he saw Heaven and Earth emerge from the palm of his hand.

‘boom! ‘

The palm facing Baiqi is fiercely shot with a palm.

‘war! ‘

Bai Qi looked towards the palm that was photographed, he held a long spear a spear thrust, and the illusory shadow behind him moved like a shadow.

However, the result was extremely miserable.

‘bang! ‘

Bai Qi was photographed on the ground by the giant palm, and his entire body was photographed 100 meters underground.

‘Suck! ‘

Du Yuesheng, who stood up from the ground, just wanted to ask Bai Qi why he kicked directly.

It happened to see that Bai Qi was photographed by the giant palm in the sky.

‘Uncle! ‘

‘The Emperor Aotian…’

At the moment when the giant palm appeared, the 100-flower Princess and the two undefeated men shouted in unison.

Especially the Undefeated Xiong directly kneeled on the ground, trembling all over.

At this moment, Heaven and Earth seemed to be quiet.

Everyone’s eyes were attracted by the silhouette that tore through a huge crack in the sky.

This is about 20 years old, wearing a black robe, bursting with endless imperial power.

This Diwei is more powerful than Du Yuesheng’s imposing manner.

If Du Yuesheng is the imperial prestige of the world, then the emperor of this person is the Emperor above Nine Heavens.

A Supreme Emperor overlooking All Heavens and Myriad Realms.

This person is exactly the Emperor characters of the undefeated empire, the name is’Undefeated Aotian’

He is the most terrifying person who controls the existence of the giants of Supreme.

‘bang! ‘

As the undefeated Aotian walked out of the crack, everyone on the entire earth was oppressed and bowed down.

Everyone else was oppressed on the ground, even the 10000 terracotta army is no exception.

‘Damn, why is this the case every time? ‘

‘Someone will come out to stop at a critical moment? ‘

‘hateful! ‘

‘Can’t kneel…’

Du Yuesheng lifts the head looked at the man who walked out of the crack and felt the terrifying pressure on his body.

It was as if a mountain was pressed against his shoulders, making him kneel down involuntarily.

‘Can’t kneel down! ‘

Du Yuesheng clenched his teeth, cold sweat ran down his body, and an unyielding faith burned away in his heart.

‘berserk! ‘

‘open! ‘

Du Yuesheng directly opened the power of berserk, but he was still suppressed by death.

The knees start to bend slightly!

The undefeated arrogance that came out of the crack, he had no mood to control other people.

The whole person came directly to Long Fei.

‘Scatter! ‘

Undefeated Aotian is a little bit of dragonfly who becomes incarnation and becomes a magic ape, and dragonfly directly changes into a person.

Undefeated Aotian looked at Long Fei standing beside him with cold eyes.

He said indifferently, “Long Fei, don’t forget to agree to the conditions of this Emperor?”

‘know! ‘

‘Undefeated old man, can you solve that man for me? ‘Long Fei extended a finger in the direction of Du Yuesheng.

‘As long as you kill him, I will immediately give you the Treasure Concealing Map, what do you think? ‘

‘Oh! ‘

Undefeated Aotian looked in the direction of Long Fei’s fingers and saw that it was just a Spirit Transformation ants.

“A ants, this Emperor promised you, but if you don’t give me a map.”

“I let you go to hell too, I don’t have much patience.”

Unbeaten Aotian made a few indifferent voices, and then moved towards Du Yuesheng where he was.

‘Good to say! ‘

‘Don’t worry, as long as you solve this person, I will definitely send a treasure map! ‘Long Fei answered with a smile on his face.

‘hmph! ‘

‘Old Guy, I will kill you sooner or later! ‘

Long Fei looked at the undefeated Aotian who turned away towards Du Yuesheng, and the smile on his face also stiffened.

‘not good! ‘

‘Du big brother is in danger…’

100 Flower Princess looked at the undefeated Aotian moved towards Du Yuesheng, she knew that Long Fei must kill Du Yuesheng.

‘Damn it, what exactly does Long Fei have to attract uncle? ‘100 Flower Princess does not like Long Fei very much.

I don’t know what method he used to make Da Bo Li keep him in the undefeated Empire City.

Moreover, I don’t know that Long Fei actually needs his uncle to let his father Sovereign arrange for him to marry him.

‘Du big brother! ‘

100 Flower Princess is very anxious in her heart, but she is suppressed by the imposing manner of the undefeated and proud.

Basically impossible to move half a minute.

He didn’t even have the power to speak.

I can only watch the undefeated Aotian moved towards Du Yuesheng.

Nothing can stop it.

PS: 3rd more

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