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‘Not for being a fairy…’

‘Just to wait till you get back in this red dust…’

A woman’s voice seemed to come from the Nine Heavens, making everyone kneeling on the ground unable to bear trembling.

This voice is full of invincible imposing manner, above heaven under earth, she is the only one who respects.

After the sound resounded, a woman appeared from the opened stone gate.

The woman stepped forward, like the ancient Spirit God came to the world, the divine might be mighty, and the entire Heaven and Earth is turbulent for her.

‘What a nice view! ‘

Standing on the ground, Du Yuesheng lifts the head, staring at the woman emerging from the stone gate.

Although Du Yuesheng couldn’t see her face clearly, he could only see her unparalleled body, standing proudly on the earth, with a unique temperament.

This is the most amazing emperor in the history of human race in Zhetian, the most talented woman since ancient times.

It is also the number one Great Empress Ferocity in history.

She has no innate talent and can’t cultivation, but she has broken Heaven and Earth and became the Supreme Heavenly Emperor, shining 10000 ancient All Heavens!

She killed all the ten places of Nine Heavens, making the Paragon of the All Heavens 10000 domain tremble, and worshipping the 10000 spirits, shocked the ancient and modern.

She swept Six Directions and Eight Desolates, independent of Nine Heavens, standing on the top of humanity, overlooking the 10000 ancient reincarnation.

The Great Empress Ferocity stands on the sky, a pair of eyes moved towards the blood moon continue, looking across the Heaven and Earth Vault of Heaven in an imposing manner.

She didn’t seem to see everything about the blood moon continent in her eyes. .

Great Empress Ferocity releases monstrous battle strength to cover the entire blood moon continent, and even endless energy crossed over the vast Star Domain.

Pushing the endless universe Vault of Heaven all the way, it finally stopped to a region that shone endless Primordial Chaos aura.

There was a block of powerful forces, unable to take a step forward.

‘interesting! ‘

‘Interesting World…’

Great Empress Ferocity feels the release of battle strength to see the results.

Let her, the emperor who has not been immersed in countless years.

The fierce person couldn’t help but ignited a trace of fighting intent to this unknown World, and wanted to try whether he could step into the final realm.

‘Big sister, can you stop being cool? ‘Du Yuesheng watched that appear in the sky Great Empress Ferocity.

She was actually immersed, which made Du Yuesheng extremely anxious!

He watched the time pass by one minute and one second, as long as it was only one minute, you are still immersed.

Great Empress Ferocity thought for a while, then looked at Du Yuesheng standing on the ground.

Great Empress Ferocity moved towards Du Yuesheng With a wave, Du Yuesheng appeared beside her instantly.

‘call! ‘

‘What a nice view…’

Du Yuesheng stood by the Great Empress Ferocity, and he really knew how beautiful the fierce person was.

The rhythm of people who are completely beautiful makes people want to commit crimes, and the Great Desolate Power within the body is also aroused.

‘Are you the summon master? ‘Great Empress Ferocity looked at Du Yuesheng standing beside him, and spoke softly.

‘Correct! ‘

‘Great Empress Ferocity, to make a long story short, you quickly solve that person! ‘Du Yuesheng has no nonsense.

Sister, time is important!

He directly stretched out a finger to point to the silhouette of the village chief of the sleepwalking village who was kneeling on the ground.

‘Oh! ‘


Great Empress Ferocity moved towards Du Yuesheng Looking in the direction of her finger, she didn’t have any extra movement.

It’s just a word “die” spit out.

‘what! ‘



Great Empress Ferocity A’death’ exit, the old man kneeling on the ground died directly.

The whole body turned into a trace of dust and disappeared into the air.

‘Slot, how did you kill him! ‘Du Yuesheng looked at the old man who had disappeared into dust.

His face was helpless, but this is a big BOSS!

‘how? ‘

‘Don’t you let me kill? ‘

Great Empress Ferocity saw Du Yuesheng’s expression of helplessness. She couldn’t figure out what was going on.

‘Forget it! ‘

‘Since they are all killed, then I will pay you one as a gift for you and me! ‘

‘open! ‘

Great Empress Ferocity broke a monstrous battle strength with both hands, and a divine power Divine Power directly enveloped the undefeated mountain range.

‘found it! ‘Great Empress Ferocity smiled, then stretched out his hands towards the void and grabbed.

With a claw, Space-Time shattered, and Heaven and Earth were shaking.

‘bang! ‘


Suddenly Demon Beast roared through Heaven and Earth, and a huge monster appeared in the sky.

‘Super boss? ‘

‘Sent! ‘

Du Yuesheng looked at the Demon Ape caught by a hand stretched out by Great Empress Ferocity, and he saw the Demon Ape shining endless rays of light.

This rays of light is more than 100 times stronger than the dead sleepwalking village head.

If the head of the sleepwalking village is a boss, then this monster is a super boss!

‘This is to compensate you, you go and kill him. ‘

Great Empress Ferocity looked at the demon ape caught by her, and her indifferent voice appeared in the sky.

‘kill! ‘

‘Dragon Dragon…’

Du Yuesheng didn’t wait, the whole silhouette stepped across the void in one step, and the Dragon Sword appeared in the right hand.

‘dead! ‘

‘Tulong Blade Art …’

Du Yuesheng held up the Dragon Sword, and a terrible blade glow cut across the sky, killing the demon ape.

‘roar! ‘

The Demon Ape looked at Du Yuesheng, who was attacked, and his mouth kept roaring.

But no matter how the demon roared so much, how to struggle, to no avail.

‘boom! ‘

The whole body of the Devil Ape was directly slashed into two and a half, and died instantly.

‘ding! ‘

‘Congratulations to the player’ Du Yuesheng’ beheaded the’invincible demon ape’, obtained Spirit Points 300 100,000,000 and Unparalleled Value 2000 points. ‘

‘ding! ‘

‘Congratulations to the player’s’Dragon Dragon Sword’ which absorbed the blood essence of the ape and successfully upgraded to Rank 9 Jiebao. ‘

‘ding! ‘

‘Since the player is beheaded with the help of a summon beyond 10000, he can’t explode things. ‘

‘Also invite players not to let summon beyond their 100th level! ‘

‘ding! ‘

‘Congratulations to players, EXP is full, upgrade reminder! ‘

‘Congratulations to the player’s level upgrade, current level: Guixu Rank 4’

‘Congratulations to the player’s level upgrade, current level: Guixu Rank 5’

‘Congratulations to the player’s level upgrade, current level: Guixu Rank 6’


‘Congratulations to the player level upgrade, the current level: Pure Yang Rank 1’

‘Congratulations to the player level upgrade, the current level: Pure Yang Rank 2’

‘Congratulations to the player level upgrade, the current level: Pure Yang Rank 3’

‘ding! ‘

‘Congratulations to the player for beating the mutant BOSS, and the reward level has been raised to Level 1, the current Level: Pure Yang Rank 4. ‘

‘haha! ‘

‘This is the correct way to open the upgrade! ‘

Du Yuesheng felt the horrible imposing manner that broke out all over the body, if at this moment in the battle with the village head of Mengyou Village

He believes that a knife is enough to kill this person.

But the only shortcoming is that there is no thing that broke out, after all, this is’Divine Level variation BOSS’.

‘ding! ‘

”Great Empress Ferocity’summon Time has arrived! ‘

While Du Yuesheng was still pleased to upgrade, the one minute summon time of Great Empress Ferocity was exactly as scheduled.

‘summon Lord, I hope you can summon this Venerable next time! ‘

‘haha! ‘

‘An interesting World, I think the old guys also want to come to this World…’

Great Empress Ferocity looked at Du Yuesheng, she said loudly with a smile, and then the whole person turned into rays of light and disappeared Heaven and Earth.

With the disappearance of Great Empress Ferocity.

The whole Heaven and Earth recovered like this, and the sky changed into a white and flawless cloud again.

The terror that oppressed the entire undefeated mountain range was instantly disappeared.

Come fast, go fast!

It seems that the scene just didn’t happen at all, but it actually happened.

Ps: The fifth more.

Tortoises prefer Great Empress Ferocity.

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